516 research outputs found

    The cancellation norm and the geometry of bi-invariant word metrics

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    Some digital literature questions for the digital humanities

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    In examining the rise of new forms of digital literature which take advantage of contemporary ubiquitous technologies, the ambient literature project raises questions regarding how digital and interactive literature can be studied and understood as a form of practice based research contained within the idea of the digital humanities. Building on existing approaches in locative and interactive narrative, ambient literature provides an umbrella term for works which incorporate the situation and context of the reader within the work itself. Through the commissioning of three literary works which target the specific formal and generic claims put forward by the concept of ambient literature, the research project makes use of design-based research techniques developed in the area of human-computer interaction in order to understand these new forms of variable and interactive works of literature. In this, the ambient literature project provides a model for how the field of the digital humanities might take advantage of an expanded set of computational methods in order to study novel forms of contemporary literature

    Privacy Paradox(es): In Search of a Transatlantic Data Protection Standard

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    Constant-Factor FPT Approximation for Capacitated k-Median

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    Capacitated k-median is one of the few outstanding optimization problems for which the existence of a polynomial time constant factor approximation algorithm remains an open problem. In a series of recent papers algorithms producing solutions violating either the number of facilities or the capacity by a multiplicative factor were obtained. However, to produce solutions without violations appears to be hard and potentially requires different algorithmic techniques. Notably, if parameterized by the number of facilities k, the problem is also W[2] hard, making the existence of an exact FPT algorithm unlikely. In this work we provide an FPT-time constant factor approximation algorithm preserving both cardinality and capacity of the facilities. The algorithm runs in time 2^O(k log k) n^O(1) and achieves an approximation ratio of 7+epsilon

    On the k-Boundedness for Existential Rules

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    The chase is a fundamental tool for existential rules. Several chase variants are known, which differ on how they handle redundancies possibly caused by the introduction of nulls. Given a chase variant, the halting problem takes as input a set of existential rules and asks if this set of rules ensures the termination of the chase for any factbase. It is well-known that this problem is undecidable for all known chase variants. The related problem of boundedness asks if a given set of existential rules is bounded, i.e., whether there is a predefined upper bound on the number of (breadth-first) steps of the chase, independently from any factbase. This problem is already undecidable in the specific case of datalog rules. However, knowing that a set of rules is bounded for some chase variant does not help much in practice if the bound is unknown. Hence, in this paper, we investigate the decidability of the k-boundedness problem, which asks whether a given set of rules is bounded by an integer k. We prove that k-boundedness is decidable for three chase variants, namely the oblivious, semi-oblivious and restricted chase.Comment: 20 pages, revised version of the paper published at RuleML+RR 201
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