904 research outputs found

    Spectral universality of strong shocks accelerating charged particles

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    As a rule, the shock compression controls the spectrum of diffusively accelerated particles. We argue that this is not so if the backreaction of these particles on the shock structure is significant. We present a self-similar solution in which the accelerated particles change the flow structure near the shock so strongly that the total shock compression may become arbitrarily large. Despite this, the energy spectrum behind the shock is close to E^{-3/2} independently of anything at all.Comment: Submitted to ApJL, 4 pages, 1 figure, uses revtex and boxedep

    Probing Nearby CR Accelerators and ISM Turbulence with Milagro Hot Spots

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    Both the acceleration of cosmic rays (CR) in supernova remnant shocks and their subsequent propagation through the random magnetic field of the Galaxy deem to result in an almost isotropic CR spectrum. Yet the MILAGRO TeV observatory discovered a sharp (∼10∘)\sim10^{\circ}) arrival anisotropy of CR nuclei. We suggest a mechanism for producing a weak and narrow CR beam which operates en route to the observer. The key assumption is that CRs are scattered by a strongly anisotropic Alfven wave spectrum formed by the turbulent cascade across the local field direction. The strongest pitch-angle scattering occurs for particles moving almost precisely along the field line. Partly because this direction is also the direction of minimum of the large scale CR angular distribution, the enhanced scattering results in a weak but narrow particle excess. The width, the fractional excess and the maximum momentum of the beam are calculated from a systematic transport theory depending on a single scale ll which can be associated with the longest Alfven wave, efficiently scattering the beam. The best match to all the three characteristics of the beam is achieved at l∼1l\sim1pc. The distance to a possible source of the beam is estimated to be within a few 100pc. Possible approaches to determination of the scale ll from the characteristics of the source are discussed. Alternative scenarios of drawing the beam from the galactic CR background are considered. The beam related large scale anisotropic CR component is found to be energy independent which is also consistent with the observations.Comment: 2 figures, ApJ accepted version2 minor changes and correction

    Ion-acoustic shocks with reflected ions: modeling and PIC simulations

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    Non-relativistic collisionless shock waves are widespread in space and astrophysical plasmas and are known as efficient particle accelerators. However, our understanding of collisionless shocks, including their structure and the mechanisms whereby they accelerate particles remains incomplete. We present here the results of numerical modeling of an ion-acoustic collisionless shock based on one-dimensional (1D) kinetic approximation both for electrons and ions with a real mass ratio. Special emphasis is made on the shock-reflected ions as the main driver of shock dissipation. The reflection efficiency, velocity distribution of reflected particles and the shock electrostatic structure are studied in terms of the shock parameters. Applications to particle acceleration in geophysical and astrophysical shocks are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, International Workshop "Complex Plasma Phenomena in the Laboratory and in the Universe", January 19-20, 2015, Rome, Ital

    Plus Charge Prevalence in Cosmic Rays: Room for Dark Matter in the Positron Spectrum

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    The unexpected energy spectrum of the positron/electron ratio is interpreted astrophysically, with a possible exception of the 100-300 GeV range. The data indicate that this ratio, after a decline between 0.5−80.5-8 GeV, rises steadily with a trend towards saturation at 200-400GeV. These observations (except for the trend) appear to be in conflict with the diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) mechanism, operating in a \emph{single} supernova remnant (SNR) shock. We argue that e+/e−e^{+}/e^{-} ratio can still be explained by the DSA if positrons are accelerated in a \emph{subset} of SNR shocks which: (i) propagate in clumpy gas media, and (ii) are modified by accelerated CR \emph{protons}. The protons penetrate into the dense gas clumps upstream to produce positrons and, \emph{charge the clumps positively}. The induced electric field expels positrons into the upstream plasma where they are shock-accelerated. Since the shock is modified, these positrons develop a harder spectrum than that of the CR electrons accelerated in other SNRs. Mixing these populations explains the increase in the e+/e−e^{+}/e^{-} ratio at E>8E>8 GeV. It decreases at E<8E<8 GeV because of a subshock weakening which also results from the shock modification. Contrary to the expelled positrons, most of the antiprotons, electrons, and heavier nuclei, are left unaccelerated inside the clumps. Scenarios for the 100-300 GeV AMS-02 fraction exceeding the model prediction, including, but not limited to, possible dark matter contribution, are also discussed.Comment: 36 pages, 6 figure

    Modern theory of Fermi acceleration: a new challenge to plasma physics

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    One of the main features of astrophysical shocks is their ability to accelerate particles to extremely high energies. The leading acceleration mechanism, the diffusive shock acceleration is reviewed. It is demonstrated that its efficiency critically depends on the injection of thermal plasma into acceleration which takes place at the subshock of the collisionless shock structure that, in turn, can be significantly smoothed by energetic particles. Furthermore, their inhomogeneous distribution provides free energy for MHD turbulence regulating the subshock strength and injection rate. Moreover, the MHD turbulence confines particles to the shock front controlling their maximum energy and bootstrapping acceleration. Therefore, the study of the MHD turbulence in a compressive plasma flow near a shock is a key to understanding of the entire process. The calculation of the injection rate became part of the collisionless shock theory. It is argued that the further progress in diffusive shock acceleration theory is impossible without a significant advance in these two areas of plasma physics.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, invited talk at APS/ICPP, Quebec 2000, to appear in Phys. of Plasma
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