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    In this paper we searched for the most important determinants of reserve holdings inUkraineusing quarterly data from 2000 to 2013 years. We evaluated their importance using two econometric techniques: autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) approach and Vector Error Correction model (VECM) approach. We find that the ratio of imports to GDP, the ratio of broad money to GDP, ratio of net foreign direct investment to GDP, the ratio of short term debt to GDP and GDP determine Ukraine’s long-run reserves demand function. Our empirical results show that shocks associated with the financial account is more dangerous for the Ukrainian economy than current account shocks. The low speed of adjustment coefficient of error correction model suggests that National Bank ofUkrainehas to carry out more active reserve management policy. Results denied the precautionary motive of reserves accumulation over the long term.В статье с помощью двух эконометрических техник (построение векторной модели коррекции ошибок и построение авторегрессионной модели с распределенным лагом) выявлено наличие долгосрочной и краткосрочной связи и их направление между международными резервами и факторами, определяющими их динамику. К основным факторам, которые уменьшают резервы в долгосрочном периоде относятся рост склонности к импорту, рост спроса на деньги и размера краткосрочного долга по остаточному сроку погашения, тогда как рост объемов ВВП и чистого притока прямых иностранных инвестиций увеличивают резервы. Доказано, что шоки, связанные с финансовым счетом платежного баланса, являются более опасными для украинской экономики, чем шоки текущего счета платежного баланса.У даній статті за допомогою двох економетричних технік (побудова векторної моделі коригування помилки та побудова авторегресійної моделі з розподіленим лагом) виявлено наявність довгострокового та короткострокового зв’язку та його напрямок між міжнародними резервами та факторами, що визначають їх динаміку. Основними факторами, що зменшують резерви у довгостроковому періоді визначено зростання схильності до імпорту, зростання попиту на гроші та розміру короткострокового боргу за залишковим терміном погашення, тоді як збільшують резерви зростання обсягів ВВП та чистого припливу прямих іноземних інвестицій. Доведено, що шоки, пов’язані з фінансовим рахунком платіжного балансу, є більш загрозливими для української економіки, ніж шоки поточного рахунку

    Some Insights in Superdiffusive Transport

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    In this paper we deal with high-order corrections for the Fractional Derivative approach to anomalous diffusion, in super-diffusive regime, which become relevand whenever one attempts to describe the behavior of particles close to normal diffusion.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Frobenius groups of automorphisms and their fixed points

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    Suppose that a finite group GG admits a Frobenius group of automorphisms FHFH with kernel FF and complement HH such that the fixed-point subgroup of FF is trivial: CG(F)=1C_G(F)=1. In this situation various properties of GG are shown to be close to the corresponding properties of CG(H)C_G(H). By using Clifford's theorem it is proved that the order G|G| is bounded in terms of H|H| and CG(H)|C_G(H)|, the rank of GG is bounded in terms of H|H| and the rank of CG(H)C_G(H), and that GG is nilpotent if CG(H)C_G(H) is nilpotent. Lie ring methods are used for bounding the exponent and the nilpotency class of GG in the case of metacyclic FHFH. The exponent of GG is bounded in terms of FH|FH| and the exponent of CG(H)C_G(H) by using Lazard's Lie algebra associated with the Jennings--Zassenhaus filtration and its connection with powerful subgroups. The nilpotency class of GG is bounded in terms of H|H| and the nilpotency class of CG(H)C_G(H) by considering Lie rings with a finite cyclic grading satisfying a certain `selective nilpotency' condition. The latter technique also yields similar results bounding the nilpotency class of Lie rings and algebras with a metacyclic Frobenius group of automorphisms, with corollaries for connected Lie groups and torsion-free locally nilpotent groups with such groups of automorphisms. Examples show that such nilpotency results are no longer true for non-metacyclic Frobenius groups of automorphisms.Comment: 31 page

    Online and Offline Protest Discourse in Modern Russia

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    ntroduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of the formation and spread of protest discourse in new practices of protest behavior. Online rallies, which appeared in 2020 in the public space of Russia, remained an unobtrusive practice, despite their potential applicability within the framework of a single logic of “competitive politics”. Methods and materials. The research methodology is based on the theory of “relative deprivation” (T. Garr), “competitive politics” (C. Tilly) and the theory of “network society” (M. Castells). As specific research methods, the author used a selective analysis of cases of protests in the period 2018–2021 (42 actions in 26 regions of the Russian Federation), as well as discourse analysis, which made it possible to determine the topic of protest actions. Analysis. The political discourse of protest is a communicative space for the construction of common symbols and identity of the movement. The formation of discourse takes place in the online space, which is due to the development and simplicity of communication between individuals. Results. On the basis of the analysis, some conclusions were drawn about the specifics of the formation of protest discourse in the online environment: 1. Discourse is formed in open online platforms, such as groups in VKontakte, Telegram chats or Internet forums; 2. Protest communities are engaged in information and mobilization functions regardless of the number of participants (at the same time, the effectiveness of audience engagement and, as a result, feedback will differ significantly); 3. The main topic of protest actions is represented by opportunistic problems of a civil nature, where there is an immanent opportunity for the transformation of discourse into a political (anti-political) one; 4. The most popular (the number of likes and comments) are posts in groups on social networks containing a direct call to participate in rallies, as well as short emotional slogans and memes

    Human Stem Cells for Ophthalmology: Recent Advances in Diagnostic Image Analysis and Computational Modelling

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    \ua9 2023, The Author(s).Purpose of Review: To explore the advances and future research directions in image analysis and computational modelling of human stem cells (hSCs) for ophthalmological applications. Recent Findings: hSCs hold great potential in ocular regenerative medicine due to their application in cell-based therapies and in disease modelling and drug discovery using state-of-the-art 2D and 3D organoid models. However, a deeper characterisation of their complex, multi-scale properties is required to optimise their translation to clinical practice. Image analysis combined with computational modelling is a powerful tool to explore mechanisms of hSC behaviour and aid clinical diagnosis and therapy. Summary: Many computational models draw on a variety of techniques, often blending continuum and discrete approaches, and have been used to describe cell differentiation and self-organisation. Machine learning tools are having a significant impact in model development and improving image classification processes for clinical diagnosis and treatment and will be the focus of much future research

    Комп'ютерне проектування відсіків технічних поверхонь у навчальному процесі дизайнерів

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    Educational geometrical methods of automated designing of kinematic surfaces of the moldboards, realised in the form of computing programs that allow you to change the initial parameters of the pas, and explore the varied form of working surfaces of shelves, as well as getting in numerical or graphical form necessary to find solutions of variant information are considered.Рассматриваются учебные геометрические алгоритмы автоматизированного проектирования кинематических поверхностей полок, реализованые в виде вычислительных программ, которые позволяют изменять исходные параметры, варьировать и исследовать форму рабочих поверхностей полок, а также получать в численном или графическом виде необходимую для поиска вариантных решений информацию.Розглядаються навчальні геометричні алгоритми автоматизованого проектування кінематичних поверхонь полиць, реалізовані у вигляді обчислюваних програм, які дозволяють змінювати вихідні параметри, варіювати та досліджувати форму робочих поверхонь полиць, а також отримувати в чисельному чи графічному вигляді необхідну для пошуку варіантних рішень інформацію

    Contribution of glia cells specifically astrocytes in the pathology of depression: immunohistochemical study in different brain areas

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    Background: The contribution of glial cells to the pathophysiology of depression is an emerging research purpose. This study investigated the deficits in glial cells, specifically astrocytes in various brain regions, after the development of depression and then after voluntary running in depressed rats. Materials and methods: Forty-five adult male Wistar rats aged 8–10 weeks were used in the study. A depression model was generated through a forced swimming programme; voluntary running was allowed on rat running wheels; and brain sections were taken from the hippocampus, dentate gyrus (DG), medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and cerebellar cortex. After immunostaining with specific antibodies immuno-stain, the astrocytes, oligodendroglia and microglial cells were counted, and certain indices relating astrocytes to other glial cells were calculated. Astrocytic morphology was studied, and the optical density (OD) of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immuno-expression was measured in different groups. Results: Compared to the control group, animals in the depression group exhibited significant decreases in the mean astrocyte count in all studied brain areas, significant decreases in GFAP OD values in all areas and significantly reduced values for all glial astrocyte indices in the hippocampus, DG and mPFC. Compared to the rats in the depression group, those in the depression/exercise group exhibited significantly elevated mean astrocyte and oligodendroglia counts in all studied areas, significantly elevated GFAP OD values in all studied areas, and non-significant differences in glial astrocyte indices in the hippocampus, mPFC and cerebellar cortex. Conclusion: Astrocytes, rather than other glia, constitute a basis for the development and/or relief of depression