140 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think-Pairs-Share dalam Pembelajaran Matematika terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis dan Pengembangan Karakter Siswa SMA Kota Sungai Penuh

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    Guru matematika dituntut tidak hanya dapat menstransfer ilmu pengetahuan saja kepada peserta didik, namun juga dapat membentuk dan mengembangkan karakter siswa dalam proses pembelajaran matematika. Untuk dapat menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan karakter siswa dibutuhkan suatu model pembelajaran yang dapat memunculkan indikator pembentukan karakter dalam proses pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran yang dapat memunculkan indikator pengembangan karakter adalah model pembelajaran Think - Pairs – Share (TPS). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran TPS dan kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa yang tidak menggunakan model pembelajaran TPS, 2) karakter jujur, tanggung jawab, dan disiplin siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran  TPS dan karakter jujur, tanggung jawab dan disiplin siswa yang tidak menggunakan model pembelajaran TPS. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa: 1) kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran TPS lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa yang tidak menggunakan model pembelajaran TPS, 2) karakter jujur, tanggung jawab, dan disiplin siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran  TPS TPS lebih baik dibandingkan dengan karakter jujur, tanggung jawab dan disiplin siswa yang tidak menggunakan model pembelajaran TPS

    Microbial ecology and bio-monitoring of total petroleum contaminated soil environments

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    The contamination of environmental media by total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) is a concern in many parts of the world; particularly as most petroleum components like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are either toxic or carcinogens. In South Africa, the sale of major petroleum products by the South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA) reveals that about 21 billion litres of petroleum products are sold per year. These products include bitumen, diesel, fuel oil, illum paraffin, jet fuel and petrol. In addition, 19.5 million tonnes of crude oil are brought into South Africa annually to feed the country’s four refineries. The production of oily sludges at refineries, transportation, storage, and handling of petroleum products by end users, results in environmental contamination. The soil environment is particularly vulnerable to hydrocarbon contamination as most of the accidental spillages by trucks, rail locomotives and pipelines have a direct impact on the soil medium. As most of the petroleum compounds are either toxic or carcinogenic, their removal from the soil is necessary. The literature reveals that biological treatment of hydrocarbons is cost effective compared to other treatment options. However, in order to improve the efficiency of biological treatments, there is a need to understand the microbial diversity of TPH stressed environments and how simple biomonitoring ‘instruments’ can be used to evaluate the removal of hydrocarbons from the soil. The message from the literature indicates some potential solutions to the existing problems associated with soil microbial diversity and biotreatment of hydrocarbon contaminated soil, which must be investigated. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the microbial diversity of the different soil environments disturbed by Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) and the potential use of plants and microorganisms in monitoring and removing hydrocarbons from the soil. In addition, the potential of the culture-independent methods in complementing, the culture-dependent methods when evaluating soil microbial diversity were also evaluated. The polyphasic approach was successfully used in evaluating microbial diversity in both hydrocarbon-contaminated and uncontaminated soils. The approach involved the use of community level physiological profiles (CLPP) and polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) to evaluate the effects of hydrocarbons on the soil microbial communities of both the contaminated and non-contaminated soil layers at a diesel contaminated site. Because of the ability of the molecular methods (PCR-DGGE) to complement the CLPP, the polyphasic approach is recommended when evaluating soil microbial diversity and the effect of pollutants on microbial community structure as the approach appears to compensate for the limitations of each of the methods of evaluating microbial diversity. However, further work is needed to improve the recovery of bacteria from the soil, particularly where the interest is to evaluate the availability of the indigenous microbial populations for bioremediation. The substrate utilisation pattern and 16S DNA fragments of the soil microbial communites in different soil layers at a diesel contaminated site were different. The substrate utilisation pattern of the topsoil was different from the substrate utilisation pattern of the soil layers below 1m. In addition, the substrate utilisation pattern of the contaminated and uncontaminated soil layers were different. 16S DNA fragments of the different soil layers were also different. While the metabolic activities of different samples as reflected by CLPP does not necessarily imply the difference in community structure of the samples, PCR-DGGE revealed differences in 16S DNA fragments and this complemented the results of the culture based methods. The results suggest that the use of functional and genetic approaches (in combination) have a better chance of revealing a ‘clearer’ picture of soil microbial diversity. The distribution of hydrocarbon-utilising bacteria and the efficiency of biodegradation of hydrocarbons vary with soil depth. The biodegradation rate of hydrocarbon was highest in the topsoil compared to other soil layers and this was supported by the high number of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the topsoil compared to soil layers at and below 1m. The results suggest that the biological removal of hydrocarbons varies in different soil layers and that microbial diversity as measured by CLPP and PCR-DGGE varies with depth in hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. The information about metabolic activities of different soil layers is important when assessing the footprints of degradation processes during monitored natural attenuation (MNA). However, further studies are required to understand the effect of (not only) other pollutants, but the influence of soil components (pore volume, level of adsorbents and other environmental factors) on the microbial diversity of different soil layers in both ‘shallow’ and deep aquifers. The microbial diversity of different environments contaminated by hydrocarbons has different community level physiological profiles. At diesel depots where similar hydrocarbons are used for maintenance of locomotives, the number of bacteria (both total culturable heterotrophic bacteria and hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria) was proportional to the level of hydrocarbon contamination. However, there was no significant difference in the level of total culturable heterotrophs (TCHs) and the hydrocarbon degrading bacteria. In addition, the biological activities as evaluated by CO2 production were higher in nutrient amended treatments in which high numbers of TCHs were present. Microbial diversity of polluted surfaces needs to be studied further to investigate the concentration or the thickness of the hydrocarbons layer on the rock surfaces that encourages the attachment or colonization of the TCHs and the hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria. The hydrocarbons rather than the geographical origin of the soil sample appear to be more important in determining functional or species diversity within the bacterial communities. The samples from different locations were as different as samples from the same location but from contaminated versus uncontaminated soil. The results of the soils from different locations artificially contaminated by different hydrocarbons also reached the same conclusion. However, further work is required to investigate the importance of soil heterogeneity in community studies of soil environments contaminated by similar hydrocarbons. The removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in multi-planted soil microcosm was higher compared to PAHs removal in monoculture soil microcosms. In addition, the PAH removal was higher in the vegetated soil microcosms compared to the non-vegetated microcosms. There was however, no significant difference in the PAH removal in the soil microcosms planted with Branchiaria serrata and the microcosm with Eulisine corocana. The Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Cluster analysis used to analyse the functional diversity of the different treatments revealed differences in the metabolic fingerprints of the PAH contaminated and non-contaminated soils. However the differences in metabolic diversity between the multi-planted and mono-planted treatments were not clearly revealed. The results suggest that multi-plant rhizoremediation using tolerant plant species rather than monoculture rhizoremediation have the potential to enhance pollutant removal in moderately contaminated soils. Lepidium sativum, a plant with short germination period, was successfully used to monitor, the removal of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the soil. The sensitivity of L. sativum eased with increasing concentration of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the artificially contaminated soil while no germination occurred in the historically polluted soil. When used during phytoremediation of PAH, the germination level of L. sativum was inhibited during the first weeks, after which germination increased, possibly due to PAH dissipation from the soil. The methodology based on the sensitivity of L. sativum to PAH can be used as a monitoring tool in bioremediation of soil contaminated with PAH. However, the methodology should be developed further to gain more knowledge on aspects of bioavailability of PAH in both the aged as well as the freshly spiked soil. Also critical is the sensitivity of the seeds to other pollutants (e.g. heavy metals), which are most likely to occur in the presence of the PAHs. Although the biological activities have the potential to monitor the removal of hydrocarbons from the soil, the methodologies have not been developed sufficiently to cater for the heterogeneity of the soil and to differentiate toxicity by the parent compound and the metabolites. At present, it is best that they be used to complement existing conventional monitoring instruments. Finally, the biological removal of hydrocarbons is cost-effective compared to other treatments. However, inherent physical, chemical and biological limitation hampers the efficient utilisation of the bioremediation technologies. Biostimulation approaches involving the stimulation of indigenous pollutant-degrading bacteria should be preferred ahead of bioaugumentation. The latter approach should be considered when the contaminated site does not have the indigenous pollutant-degrading bacteria. Even in this case, the aim should be to ‘seed’ the biodegradation knowledge to the indigenous microbial populations due to poor survival of the added strains.Thesis (PhD (Biotechnology))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Microbiology and Plant Pathologyunrestricte

    Interpretasi Pola Aliran Fluida Panas Bumi dengan Metode Spontaneous-potential (SP) dan Suhu Permukaan Dangkal di Lereng Utara Gunung Telomoyo Kabupaten Semarang

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    The model heat flow at Telomoyo Mountain Semarang District has measured and identified using spontaneous potensial and shallow temperature surface methods.Field data has proceed using Microsoft Excel which the result entered to Surfer11 with the result map contour of SP and temperature distribution. The result showed that range anomaly SP about -40mV-70mV and distribution of temperature which has temperature range 23,5º-31ºC. The direction of heat flow direct from South to North-East

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Snowball Drilling untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Struktur Atom dan Sistem Periodik Unsur di Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir

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    The research aims to increase student learning achievement on the subject structure of atoms and the periodic system of elements in class X SMAN 2 Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir. This research was of experiment research with pretest-posttest design. The research was conducted in SMAN 2 Tanah Putih Rokan Hilir. The samples of this research were the students of class X5 as the experimental class and students of class X4 as the control class. In experimental class was applied cooperative learning type Snowball Drilling model, while the control class was not. Data analysis technique used is the t-test. Based on analysis of data obtained tcount>ttable is 4,98 > 1,67, means that the application of model cooperative learning type Snowball Drilling can improve student achievement on the subject structure of atoms and the periodic system of elements in class X SMAN 2 Tanah Putih increase learning achievement category in the experimental class is based on the normalized gain score (N-Gain) relatively high at 0,84

    Le immagini nei libri di storia per la scuola primaria

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    Il presente saggio, a partire dall\u2019analisi di un corpus di libri di storia per la scuola primaria, vuole comprendere come e quanto le immagini possano essere portatrici di sapere e quanto invece possano ingenerare stereotipi e misconoscenze negli alunni. Le pagine dei manuali sono sempre pi\uf9 ricche di elementi iconografici, probabilmente per rispondere alla modalit\ue0 di apprendimento simultanee e proprie dei ragazzi dell\u2019era digitale. Tuttavia questi elementi non sono autopoietici rispetto al sapere storico, ma richiedono una didattica specializzata per la loro decodifica ed interpretazione. Le immagini, infatti, possono essere utilizzate come fonti, secondo metodologie di ricerca laboratoriale, oppure possono essere mediatori di saperi storici, ovvero strumenti portatori di operazioni significative finalizzate allo sviluppo di competenze. Spesso per\uf2 negli usi editoriali sono poco significative sul piano cognitivo, non utili al docente per una trasposizione didattica che metta gli alunni nella condizione di pensare storicamente

    Sensorimotor performance in euthymic bipolar disorder: the MPraxis (PennCNP) analysis

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    Sensorimotor deficits are an important phenomenological facet observed in patients with bipolar disorder (BD). However, there is little research on this topic. We hypothesize that the MPraxis test can be used to screen for motor impairments in BD aiming movements. The MPraxis, which is a quick and easy-to-apply computerized test, measures sensorimotor control. During the test, the participant must move the computer mouse cursor over an ever-shrinking green box and click on it once. We predict that the MPraxis test is capable of detecting differences in sensorimotor performance between patients with BD and controls. We assessed 21 euthymic type I BD patients, without DSM-IV-TR Axis I comorbidity, and 21 healthy controls. Compared to the controls, the patients with BD presented a lower response time in their movements in all conditions. Our results showed sensorimotor deficits in BD and suggested that the MPraxis test can be used to screen for motor impairments in patients with euthymic BD

    Personality Type and Persuasive Strategies in Writing of Junior High School Students

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    Workplace demands professionals with desirable personalities and influential persuasive ability. This research determined the personality type and persuasive strategies employed by Grade 9 students of San Pedro National High School, Philippines. It aimed to find its implication to the teaching of K to 12 English and persuasive writing. Using descriptive method and utilizing questionnaire as the principal tool for gathering data, the results revealed that majority of the respondents are female, had an Approaching Proficiency General Weighted Average GWA and are in the middle income. Also, both traits of extroversion and introversion are dominant among the respondents with extroversion as the more dominant. It was also revealed that significant difference exists between the persuasive strategies of the respondents when grouped according to their personality type. The study recommends a Personality Inventory Test to be distributed at the beginning of school year. Also, the research calls for inclusion of persuasive writing in K to 12 English instruction and providing students with real-based and consistent activities which can enhance their persuasive skills. Informative colloquiums dealing with personality and persuasive strategies awareness are also encouraged to hone not just personality-oriented students but also persuasive individuals required in the competitive real-life arena

    Pioglitazone and cause-specific risk of mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes: extended analysis from a European multidatabase cohort study.

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    OBJECTIVES: Describe and compare the risk of cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality in patients whose antidiabetic therapy is modified to include pioglitazone compared with an alternative antidiabetic medication at the same stage of disease progression. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: This exploratory linked database cohort analysis used pooled health and mortality data from three European countries: Finland, Sweden and the UK. Propensity score together with exact matching was used to match 31 133 patients with type 2 diabetes first prescribed pioglitazone from 2000 to 2011, to 31 133 patients never prescribed pioglitazone. Exact matching variables were treatment stage, history of diabetes, diabetes complications and cardiovascular disease, and year of cohort entry. Mean follow-up time was 2.60 (SD 2.00) and 2.69 (SD 2.31) years in the pioglitazone and non-pioglitazone-exposed groups, respectively. Crude cause-specific mortality rates were ascertained. Association with pioglitazone use was estimated using Cox proportional hazards models adjusted a priori for country, age, sex, the propensity score quintile and time-dependent variables representing use of antidiabetic drugs. Stepwise testing identified no additional confounders to include in adjusted models. RESULTS: The crude mortality rate was lower in the pioglitazone-exposed group than the non-exposed group for both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality. Adjusted HRs comparing pioglitazone to alternative antidiabetic exposure were 0.58 (95% CI 0.52 to 0.63) and 0.63 (95% CI 0.58 to 0.68) for cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality, respectively. A protective effect associated with pioglitazone was also found for all specific cardiovascular causes. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis suggests that pioglitazone is associated with a decrease in both cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality. Results should be interpreted with caution due to the potential for residual confounding in this exploratory analysis. Further studies, specifically designed to test the association between pioglitazone use and patient-focused outcomes, are suggested. STUDY REGISTRATION NUMBER: European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP; EUPAS3626)
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