1,938 research outputs found

    Reducing russeting of organically grown Elstar to increase quality

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    Sales organisations indicated that opportunities for organic apples sales can increase when quality increases, in particular reducing the amount of russeting. The use of copper is probably the most important factor for russeting. Therefore a worst case scheme was compared with a scheme with reduced copper application. Furthermore, there was a particular interest in the effects on russeting of potassium bicarbonate (Armicarb) because this product might be an important element in a copper free fungicide scheme. Application of Armicarb was investigated on wet or dry canopy and effects of two different dosages were studied. All the schemes were compared with a worst case organic fungicide scheme with copper. The experiment was done on two year old Elstar trees because Elstar is the most important organically grown cultivar in the Netherlands. Effects of the schedules on russet and scab control were evaluated. At harvest no effects were found on scab. Between the different schemes with copper no differences were found in amount of russet. Only the highest dosage of Armicarb (10 kg/ha) and the schedules with Armicarb on a wet canopy gave more russet compared with the worst case scheme. Also effects on fruit rot were evaluated

    L-Band MMICs for Space-based SAR system

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    The design and performance of an L-Band GaAs chip-set is presented.The chip-set consists of a 6-bit attenuator circuit,a Low-Noise Amplifier (LNA)and a Multi Function Chip that is the combination of a 6-bit attenuator and 6-bit Phase shifter circuit.The chip-set is developed for the pre-flight engineering T/R (Transmit and Receive)modules currently in development with Astrium in a space-based SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar)system.The MMICs are realised in the 0.25 µm PHEMT (PH25)technology of UMS.Only one iteration was needed for the MMICs in order to be fully compliant with the specifications

    Evolving networks of human intelligence

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    © 2021 The Author(s)Twentieth century theory formation in human intelligence was dominated by factor theories; network theories will dominate the twenty first. Network theories answer a broad call for formal theories in psychological science, provide a strong approach to an idiographic science, and create an opportunity to study the developmental mechanisms of human's cognitive dynamics. Although the current century already delivered two formal stationary network theories of human intelligence—mutualism and wired intelligence—integrating dynamic mechanisms remains a serious challenge. This challenge translates into clear priorities: the identification of robust developmental phenomena, the study of the biological and cognitive mechanisms that drive these phenomena, the integration of these mechanisms into network theories of growth, the integration of network theories from different explanatory levels, and the empirical characterization of the structure of network theories

    Teeltaspecten bij de vruchtverruwing van Elstar

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    Vruchtverruwing bij appels is voornamelijk een kwaliteitsprobleem. Over de oorzaken van het ontstaan van verruwing bestaan verschillende theoriën. Als voornaamste factoren worden klimaatsomstandigheden en aantasten van de schil door gisten en schimmels gezien. In Nederland speelt het probleem van vruchtverruwing en waardevermindering vooral bij Elstar. In 1998 trad, verspreid over geheel Nederland, ernstige vruchtverruwing bij Elstar op. Dit was aanleiding voor het starten van onderzoek naar teeltkundige aspecten om het optreden van vruchtverruwing in Elstar te verminderen of te voorkomen. De hoofdaspecten in het onderzoek waren: tegengaan van temperatuurschokken tijdens de vruchtgroei, gebruik van GA 4+7 om verruwing te beperken, en de invloed van bladvoedermengsels (spuit mixen) op vruchtverruwing. Aanname bij het onderzoek was dat sterke schommelingen in temperatuur en relatieve luchtvochtigheid leiden tot te veel krimpen en rekken van de vruchten waardoor scheurtjes in de waslaag ontstaan. Gewaskoeling zou tot een verminderde verdamping van de bladeren moeten leiden, waardoor de vochtontrekking aan de vruchten beperkt blijft. Van gibberellinen (GA 4+7) wordt aangenomen dat ze, via hun effect op de opbouw van de buitenste cellagen van de appelschil, vruchtverruwing tegengaan ;bladvoedermengsels kunnen vruchtverruwing mogelijk verergeren. Verondersteld wordt dat de gevoelige periode voor ruchtverruwing de eerste zes weken na volle bloei beslaat
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