100 research outputs found

    Cycles inside cycles: Spanish regional aggregation

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    This paper sets out a comprehensive framework to identify regional business cycles within Spain and analyses their stylised features and the degree of synchronization present among them and the Spanish economy. We show that the regional cycles are quite heterogeneous although they display some degree of synchronization that can be partially explained using macroeconomic variables. We also propose a dynamic factor model to cluster the regional comovements and Önd out if the country cycle is simply the aggregation of the regional ones. We Önd that the Spanish business cycle is not shared by the seventeen regions, but is the sum of the di§erent regional behaviours. The implications derived from our results are useful both for policy makers and analysts.

    Periodontal regeneration in clinical practice

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    The regeneration or restitution of lost supporting tissue has always been considered the ideal objective of periodontal therapy. However, attempts to convert this intention into solid clinical practice can become tremendously complex, the results of which are very different from the original intention. The aim of this article is to offer an up-to-date, general perspective on periodontal regeneration, orienting the clinician within the global strategy for oral treatment. To this end, we revise the healing process of periodontal injury, the different therapeutic approaches, the interpretation of the results, and finally, limiting factors in periodontal regeneration

    Business cycle patterns in European regions

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    The aim of this paper is threefold. First, we analyze the comovements of the business cycles of European regions. Second, we date these business cycles, for the first time in the literature, and identify clusters of regions with similar business cycle behavior, using Finite Mixture Markov models. Third, we develop a new index to measure within-country homogeneity. We find that comovement among regions is, on average, quite low, although it increased during the convergence process prior to the euro cash changeover and after the onset of the Great Recession. We identify five different groups of European regions. We also find heterogeneity in the size of border effects

    Candida bracarensis, an emerging yeast involved in human infections

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    Sir, Invasive candidiasis is an increasingly detected complication in hospitalized adult patients, due to an increase in patients at risk (patients admitted to intensive care units, post-surgical patients, neutropenic and immunosuppressed patients). Non- albicans Candida species have increased in multiple centers and new species are proposed. This is the case of Candida nivariensis and Candida bracarensis that are phylogenetically related with C. glabrata, although with sufficiently genotypically different to justify their assignment as separate species..

    Treatment of Open-Angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension with Preservative-Free Tafluprost/Timolol Fixed-Dose Combination Therapy : The VISIONARY Study

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    Funding Information: Funding was provided by Santen SA for the study, medical writing services and Rapid Service Fees. All authors had full access to all of the data in this study and take complete responsibility for the integrity of the data and accuracy of the data analysis. The contribution of IRCCS Fondazione Bietti to this work was supported by the Italian Ministry of Health and by Fondazione Roma. Publisher Copyright: © 2020, The Author(s). Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Introduction: A non-interventional, multicenter, European, prospective evaluation of the effectiveness, tolerability, and safety of a topical preservative-free tafluprost (0.0015%) and timolol (0.5%) fixed-dose combination (PF tafluprost/timolol FC) in adults with open-angle glaucoma (OAG) and ocular hypertension (OHT) demonstrating insufficient response to topical beta-receptor blockers or prostaglandin analogue (PGA) monotherapy. Methods: Mean intraocular pressure (IOP) change from baseline was measured at study visits following a switch to PF tafluprost/timolol FC. Primary endpoint was absolute mean IOP change at month 6. Change from baseline concerning ocular signs and symptoms was also explored. Results: Analyses included 577 patients (59.6% female). Mean age (SD) was 67.8 (11.67) years. Mean (SD) IOP reduction from baseline was significant at all study visits; 5.4 (3.76) mmHg (23.7%) at week 4, 5.9 (3.90) mmHg (25.6%) at week 12, and 5.7 (4.11) mmHg (24.9%) at month 6 (p < 0.0001 for all visits). At month 6, 69.2%, 53.6%, 40.0%, and 25.8% were responders based on ≥ 20%, ≥ 25%, ≥ 30%, and ≥ 35% cutoff values for mean IOP, respectively. Significant reductions were observed concerning corneal fluorescein staining (p < 0.0001), dry eye symptoms, irritation, itching, and foreign body sensation (p < 0.001 for each parameter). Conjunctival hyperemia was significantly reduced at all study visits (p < 0.0001 at each visit). Overall, 69 treatment-related adverse events (AEs) were reported, one of which was serious (status asthmaticus). Most AEs were mild to moderate in severity, and the majority had resolved or were resolving at the end of the study period. Conclusion: In clinical practice, PF tafluprost/timolol FC provided statistically and clinically significant IOP reductions in patients with OAG and OHT insufficiently controlled on or intolerant to PGA or beta-receptor blocker monotherapy. The full IOP reduction appeared at week 4 and was maintained over the 6-month study period. Key symptoms of ocular surface health improved. Trial Registration: European Union electronic Register of Post-Authorisation Studies (EU PAS) register number, EUPAS22204.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Ascorbate Biosynthesis during Early Fruit Development Is the Main Reason for Its Accumulation in Kiwi

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    Background: Ascorbic acid (AsA) is a unique antioxidant as well as an enzyme cofactor. Although it has multiple roles in plants, it is unclear how its accumulation is controlled at the expression level, especially in sink tissues. Kiwifruit (Actinidia) is well-known for its high ascorbate content. Our objective was to determine whether AsA accumulates in the fruits primarily through biosynthesis or because it is imported from the foliage. Methodology/Principal Findings: We systematically investigated AsA levels, biosynthetic capacity, and mRNA expression of genes involved in AsA biosynthesis in kiwi (A. deliciosa cv. Qinmei). Recycling and AsA localization were also monitored during fruit development and among different tissue types. Over time, the amount of AsA, with its capacity for higher biosynthesis and lower recycling, peaked at 30 days after anthesis (DAA), and then decreased markedly up to 60 DAA before declining more slowly. Expression of key genes showed similar patterns of change, except for L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase and L-galactose-1-phosphate phosphatase (GPP). However, GPP had good correlation with the rate of AsA accumulation. The expression of these genes could be detected in phloem of stem as well as petiole of leaf and fruit. Additionally, fruit petioles had greater ascorbate amounts, although that was the site of lowest expression by most genes. Fruit microtubule tissues also had higher AsA. However, exogenous applications of AsA to those petioles did not lead to its transport into fruits, and distribution of ascorbate was cell-specific in the fruits, with more accumulation occurring in large