65 research outputs found

    Probiotics in carp fish nutrition

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    Uncontrolled use of antibiotics in aquaculture caused the appearance and spreading of pathogens resistance to antibiotics, what consequently drove up to the necesity of finding new technologies for protecting aquatic organisms from pathogens. Probiotics are aimed to reduce antibiotics application, and furthermore they have an important role not only in disease prevention but also in efficiency of food utilization and improvement of production parameters. Carp fish species are economically most significant in Republic of Serbia, therefore this work summarizes the results of previous studies of antibiotics application in this kind in particular. There is also pointed out to numerous harmful side effects of antibiotics use in aquaculture, and described the previous results of investigations on mechanism of probiotics effects and specificity of their use in this field as well. Beside this, there are summarized the results that show positive influence of probiotics in cyprinides nutrition on production performance, haematological parameters, course of experimental infection, activity of digestive enzymes. Special attention is paid to criteria for proper selection of probiotics in cyprinides production. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TP 31011: Uticaj kvaliteta komponenata u ishrani ciprinida na kvalitet mesa, gubitke i ekonomičnost proizvodnje

    Educational effects of vocational sport subjects in physical education teaching

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    Циљ рада је био да се се испитају, односно утврде, ефекти изборног наставног предмета (фудбал, кошарка, рукомет, одбојка) на развој моторичких способности, утврди мотивација за активно учествовање на часовима физичког васпитања и изборног предмета Спорт за спортисте и ставови ученика према изборном предмету, као и на раст и развој морфолошких карактеристика ученика завршног разреда у деветогодишњој основној школи. Основна хипотеза (Хг) од које се пошло у истраживање: Хг - Неће бити статистички значајне разлике умоторичким способностима, у мотивацији,као и у антропометријским карактеристикама као посљедица различитих експерименталних третмана, између експериментом обухваћених група ученица и ученика. Истраживање је лонгитудинално експерименталног карактера, у коме се као основни користио експериментални метод, а статистички метод као помоћни. Истраживање је реализовано у двијема основним школама у Даниловграду, Основна школа „Вуко Јововић“ и Основна школа „Његош“ Спуж, у трајању од једне школске године. Истраживањем је обухваћен узорак од 218 испитаника (105 дјевојчица и 113 дјечака), узраста 14 година, подијељених у 5 група (четири експерименталне и једна контролна група). Експерименталне групе су чинили ученици и ученице који су, осим физичког васпитања, похађали и предмет Спорт за спортисте, и то одређени спорт за изборни предмет (кошарка, фудбал, рукомет, одбојка) који су сами одабрали. Контролну групу су чинили ученици и ученице који су похађали наставу физичког васпитања, а као изборни предмет нијесу бирали спорт, већ неки други предмет. Ефекти контролног и експерименталног третмана процијењени су помоћу варијабли и то: пет варијабли за мјерење антропометријских карактеристика, осам за процјену моторичких способности, као и варијабли за процјену мотивационог простора ученика и ставова ученика према физичком васпитању и спорту за спортисте (испитиване само једном у току истраживања)...The aim of this study was to examine and determine the effects of vocational subjects (football, basketball, handball, volleyball) on the development of motor skills, to determine motivation for active participation in physical education classes and in the vocational subject “Sports for Athletes”, as well as pupils’ attitudes toward the previously named vocational subject. Furthermore, this study examines the growth and development of morphological characteristics of pupils in final grade of nine-year elementary school. The basic hypothesis (Hg) that served as the baseline for research is as follows: Hg - There will not be statistically important differences in motor skills, motivation, and in anthropometric characteristics as a result of different experimental treatments, among the groups of pupils (both girls and boys) encompassed by the experiment. The study was of a longitudinally experimental nature, where the experimental method was used as the basic one, and the statistical method was used as an auxiliary one. Research was conducted in two elementary schools in Danilovgrad: elementary school "Vuko Jovović” and elementary school "Njegos" in Spuž, for a period of one academic year. The study sample consisted of 218 pupils (105 girls and 113 boys), aged 14 years, divided into five groups (four experimental and one control group). Experimental groups consisted of pupils who have attended, apart from the regular physical education classes, classes of vocational subject “Sports for Athletes”, i.e. a particular sport as a vocational subject (basketball, football, handball, volleyball) chosen by themselves. The control group consisted of pupils who have attended regular physical education classes but they have not chosen sports as vocational subject but another one. The effects of the control and experimental treatment were assessed using the following variables: five variables to measure anthropometric characteristics, eight variables to assess motor skills, as well as variables for assessing the motivation of students and their attitudes towards physical education classes and sport for sportsmen (examined only once during the study)..

    Cave bear (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller & Heinroth) males' den from Velika Pećina in Duboka Near Kučevo, Eastern Serbia

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    More a 100 years after the first research in the cave Velika pećina in Duboka near Kučevo cave bear remains were discovered in a small chamber cut off from the passable channels by a 7 m high slope. A whole skull, bones of a forearm in articulation, and other skeleton parts were laying on the cave floor encrusted in travertine cover and in some places overgrown by stalagmites. Bones belonged to adult males, which found there the shelter to hibernate, in a short epizode that ended by closing the channels that once linked this part of the cave to a surface

    Health Risks associated with residual pesticide levels in fish reared in purified wastewater from slaughterhouse

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe main objective of the present research was to determine the concentrations of the selected pesticides in muscle, liver and skin of common carp. Fish were sampled in two different seasons from fish pond which received previously treated slaughterhouse wastewater. Pesticides including etridiazole, chloroneb, trifluralin, propachlor, chlorothalonil, hexa-chlorocyclopentadiene, atrazine, simazine, alachlor, metribuzin, metolachlor, DCPA, cyanazine, chlorobenzilate, endrin aldehyde, cis permethrin and trans permethrin were determined by using a GS-MS method. Many of pesticides were not determined or determined in low concentrations. Propachlor was found in muscle, skin and liver. The recommended acceptable daily intake was higher in comparison with the estimated daily intake for examined pesticides via fish reared in treated slaughterhouse wastewater. It is very important to maintain the safety of the fresh fish produced in wastewater in order to ensure food safety and avoid health problems in humans

    Health Risks associated with residual pesticide levels in fish reared in purified wastewater from slaughterhouse

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    The main objective of the present research was to determine the concentrations of the selected pesticides in muscle, liver and skin of common carp. Fish were sampled in two different seasons from fish pond which received previously treated slaughterhouse wastewater. Pesticides including etridiazole, chloroneb, trifluralin, propachlor, chlorothalonil, hexa-chlorocyclopentadiene, atrazine, simazine, alachlor, metribuzin, metolachlor, DCPA, cyanazine, chlorobenzilate, endrin aldehyde, cis permethrin and trans permethrin were determined by using a GS-MS method. Many of pesticides were not determined or determined in low concentrations. Propachlor was found in muscle, skin and liver. The recommended acceptable daily intake was higher in comparison with the estimated daily intake for examined pesticides via fish reared in treated slaughterhouse wastewater. It is very important to maintain the safety of the fresh fish produced in wastewater in order to ensure food safety and avoid health problems in humans

    Dietary medicinal plants enhance the chemical composition and quality of broiler chicken meat

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe use of nutritional strategies to improve the quality of meat is a relatively new approach that has emerged at the interface of animal science and food science. The effects of dietary medicinal plants (Allium sativum L., Piper nigrum L., and Capsicum annuum L.) addition to chicken nutrition on quality characteristics of breast and thigh with drumstick meat, as well as caloric value of chicken meat were investigated. Quality measurements included meat sensory (colour, smell, taste, softness, chewiness, juiciness and overall impression), physical (pH, colour-CIE L*a*b* and drip-loss) and chemical (moisture, protein, fat and ash content) characteristics. Herbs showed significant (P < 0.05) influence in altering most examined quality parameters of chicken meat, especially when adding red hot pepper. Caloric value of chicken meat was improved which makes garlic, black pepper and hot red pepper valuable natural feed additives in improvement of meat quality as well as a natural growth promoter. In conclusion, herbs had positive influence on chicken meat quality, however the knowledge of their mode of action is still limited and thus requires further investigation