741 research outputs found

    Lyman alpha initiated winds in late-type stars

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    The IUE survey of late-type stars revealed a sharp division in the HR diagram between stars with solar type spectra (chromosphere and transition region lines) and those with non-solar type spectra (only chromosphere lines). Models of both hot coronae and cool wind flows were calculated using stellar model chromospheres as starting points for stellar wind calculations in order to investigate the possibility of having a supersonic transition locus in the HR diagram dividing hot coronae from cool winds. From these models, it is concluded that the Lyman alpha flux may play an important role in determining the location of a stellar wind critical point. The interaction of Lyman alpha radiation pressure with Alfven waves in producing strong, low temperature stellar winds in the star Arcturus is examined

    Doppler imaging of AR Lacertae at three epochs

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    Observations from IUE were used to study the structure of the lower chromosphere of AR Lacertae in the light of Mg II k. Sequences of LWR/P-HI images distributed around the binary period at three epochs were obtained. Discrete plage-like regions of enhanced Mg II surface flux in this system are identified. There are temporal variations in the Mg II flux on timescales of hours as well as substantial changes in chromospheric morphology on timescales of years. Even with the limited S/N attainable with the IUE, one can map the gross structures of active stellar atmospheres. With such information, one can begin to study the true 3-D structure of the atmospheres of late-type stars

    The Origins of Fluorescent H_2 Emission From T Tauri Stars

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    We survey fluorescent H_2 emission in HST STIS spectra of the classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs) TW Hya, DF Tau, RU Lupi, T Tau, and DG Tau, and the weak-lined T Tauri star (WTTS) V836 Tau. From each of those sources we detect between 41 and 209 narrow H_2 emission lines, most of which are pumped by strong Lyα emission. H_2 emission is not detected from the WTTS V410 Tau. The fluorescent H_2 emission appears to be common to circumstellar environments around all CTTSs, but high spectral and spatial resolution STIS observations reveal diverse phenomenon. Blueshifted H_2 emission detected from RU Lupi, T Tau, and DG Tau is consistent with an origin in an outflow. The H_2 emission from TW Hya, DF Tau, and V836 Tau is centered at the radial velocity of the star and is consistent with an origin in a warm disk surface. The H_2 lines from RU Lupi, DF Tau, and T Tau also have excess blueshifted H_2 emission that extends to as much as -100 km s^(-1). The strength of this blueshifted component from DF Tau and T Tau depends on the upper level of the transition. In all cases, the small aperture and attenuation of H_2 emission by stellar winds restricts the H_2 emission to be formed close to the star. In the observation of RU Lupi, the Lyα emission and the H_2 emission that is blueshifted by 15 km s^(-1) are extended to the SW by ~0".07, although the faster H_2 gas that extends to ~100 km s^(-1) is not spatially extended. We also find a small reservoir of H_2 emission from TW Hya and DF Tau consistent with an excitation temperature of ~2.5 × 10^4 K

    Ultraviolet and X-ray detection of the 56 Peg system (KO 2p + WD)

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    Both IUE short and long wavelength exposures of the 56 Peg system are discussed. This mild barium star has an X-ray luminosity of 3 x 10 to the 31st power ergs/1, comparable to the rapidly rotating RS CVn binary systems, yet lies in a region of the HR diagram where stellar X-rays are generally not observed. This cool, bright giant is not a rapid rotator and the key to understanding its emission lies in the recent discovery of its white dwarf companion. Accretion onto the white dwarf of approximately 0.1% of the stellar wind of the primary is sufficient to power an X-ray source of the observed luminosity. Reprocessing of the X-rays in the cool dense stellar wind explains the origin of the UV emission line spectrum, and may explain the time varying asymmetry of the Mg 2 kappa line profile that is observed. Graphs which show observed fluxes and wavelengths are discussed

    The Mg 2 h and k lines in a sample of dMe and dM stars

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    Both Mg II h and k line fluxes are presented for a sample of 4 dMe and 3 dM stars obtained with the IUE satellite in the long wavelength, low dispersion mode. The observed fluxes are converted to stellar surface flux units and the importance of chromospheric non radiative heating in this sample of M dwarf stars is intercompared. In addition, the net chromospheric radiative losses due to the Ca II H and K lines in those stars in the sample for which calibrated Ca II H and K line data exist are compared. Active region filling factors which likely give rise to the observed optical and ultraviolet chromospheric emission are estimated. The implications of the results for homogeneous, single component stellar model chromospheres analyses are discussed

    The FUV spectrum of TW Hya. I. Observations of H2_2 Fluorescence

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    We observed the classical T Tauri star TW Hya with \textit{HST}/STIS using the E140M grating, from 1150--1700 \AA, with the E230M grating, from 2200--2900 \AA, and with \FUSE from 900--1180 \AA. Emission in 143 Lyman-band H2_2 lines representing 19 progressions dominates the spectral region from 1250--1650 \AA. The total H2_2 emission line flux is 1.94×10121.94 \times 10^{-12} erg cm2^{-2} s1^{-1}, which corresponds to 1.90×1041.90\times10^{-4} LL_\odot at TW Hya's distance of 56 pc. A broad stellar \Lya line photoexcites the H2_2 from excited rovibrational levels of the ground electronic state to excited electronic states. The \ion{C}{2} 1335 \AA doublet, \ion{C}{3} 1175 \AA\ multiplet, and \ion{C}{4} 1550 \AA doublet also electronically excite H2_2. The velocity shift of the H2_2 lines is consistent with the photospheric radial velocity of TW Hya, and the emission is not spatially extended beyond the 0\farcs05 resolution of \textit{HST}. The H2_2 lines have an intrinsic FWHM of 11.91±0.1611.91\pm0.16 \kms. One H2_2 line is significantly weaker than predicted by this model because of \ion{C}{2} wind absorption. We also do not observe any H2_2 absorption against the stellar \Lya profile. From these results, we conclude that the H2_2 emission is more consistent with an origin in a disk rather than in an outflow or circumstellar shell. We also analyze the hot accretion-region lines (e.g., \ion{C}{4}, \ion{Si}{4}, \ion{O}{6}) of TW Hya, which are formed at the accretion shock, and discuss some reasons why Si lines appear significantly weaker than other TR region lines.Comment: accepted by ApJ, 42 pages -- 20 text, 11 figure


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    Using new and archival spectra from the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph, we have searched for evidence of chromospheric and transition region emission in six stars of mid- to late-A spectral type. Two of the stars, alpha Aql (A7 IV-V) and alpha Cep (A7 IV-V), show emission in the C~II 1335 A doublet, confirming the presence of hot plasma with temperatures comparable to that of the solar transition region. Using radiative equilibrium photospheric models, we estimate the net surface fluxes in the C II emission line to be 9.4 X 10^4 erg/cm/cm/s for alpha Aql and 6.5 X 10^4 erg/cm/cm/s for alpha Cep. These are comparable to fluxes observed in early to mid-F-type dwarfs, indicating that significant upper atmospheric heating is present in at least some stars as hot as ~8000 K (B-V=0.22). We find no evidence for the blue-shifted emission reported by Simon et al (1994). We estimate the basal flux level to be about 30% of that seen in early~F stars, and that the bulk of the emission is not basal in origin. We conclude that the basal flux level drops rapidly for B-V < 0.3, but that magnetic activity may persist to B-V as small as 0.22.Comment: uuencoded, compressed, tarred postscript. 8 figures included. Latex file astars.tex (AAS/WGAS macros version 3.0) or postscript file (astars.ps) and individual postscript figures (astars_fig_*.ps) are available by at ftp://sbast3.ess.sunysb.edu/pub/fred/ . Astrophysical Journal, in press (1 July 1995)

    Deuterium Toward WD1634-573: Results from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) Mission

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    We use Far Ultraviolet Spectrocopic Explorer (FUSE) observations to study interstellar absorption along the line of sight to the white dwarf WD1634-573 (d=37.1+/-2.6 pc). Combining our measurement of D I with a measurement of H I from Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer data, we find a D/H ratio toward WD1634-573 of D/H=(1.6+/-0.5)e-5. In contrast, multiplying our measurements of D I/O I=0.035+/-0.006 and D I/N I=0.27+/-0.05 with published mean Galactic ISM gas phase O/H and N/H ratios yields D/H(O)=(1.2+/-0.2)e-5 and D/H(N)=(2.0+/-0.4)e-5, respectively. Note that all uncertainties quoted above are 2 sigma. The inconsistency between D/H(O) and D/H(N) suggests that either the O I/H I and/or the N I/H I ratio toward WD1634-573 must be different from the previously measured average ISM O/H and N/H values. The computation of D/H(N) from D I/N I is more suspect, since the relative N and H ionization states could conceivably vary within the LISM, while the O and H ionization states will be more tightly coupled by charge exchange.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures; AASTEX v5.0 plus EPSF extensions in mkfig.sty; accepted by ApJ Supplemen

    A spatially resolved limb flare on Algol B observed with XMM-Newton

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    We report XMM-Newton observations of the eclipsing binary Algol A (B8V) and B (K2III). The XMM-Newton data cover the phase interval 0.35 - 0.58, i.e., specifically the time of optical secondary minimum, when the X-ray dark B-type star occults a major fraction of the X-ray bright K-type star. During the eclipse a flare was observed with complete light curve coverage. The decay part of the flare can be well described with an exponential decay law allowing a rectification of the light curve and a reconstruction of the flaring plasma region. The flare occurred near the limb of Algol B at a height of about 0.1R with plasma densities of a few times 10^11 cm^-3 consistent with spectroscopic density estimates. No eclipse of the quiescent X-ray emission is observed leading us to the conclusion that the overall coronal filling factor of Algol B is small.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&