165 research outputs found

    Theory of photon coincidence statistics in photon-correlated beams

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    The statistics of photon coincidence counting in photon-correlated beams is thoroughly investigated considering the effect of the finite coincidence resolving time. The correlated beams are assumed to be generated using parametric downconversion, and the photon streams in the correlated beams are modeled by two partially correlated Poisson point processes. An exact expression for the mean rate of coincidence registration is developed using techniques from renewal theory. It is shown that the use of the traditional approximate rate, in certain situations, leads to the overestimation of the actual rate. The error between the exact and approximate coincidence rates increases as the coincidence-noise parameter, defined as the mean number of uncorrelated photons detected per coincidence resolving time, increases. The use of the exact statistics of the coincidence becomes crucial when the background noise is high or in cases when high precision measurement of coincidence is required. Such cases arise whenever the coincidence-noise parameter is even slightly in excess of zero. It is also shown that the probability distribution function of the time between consecutive coincidence registration can be well approximated by an exponential distribution function. The well-known and experimentally verified Poissonian model of the coincidence registration process is therefore theoretically justified. The theory is applied to an on-off keying communication system proposed by Mandel which has been shown to perform well in extremely noisy conditions. It is shown that the bit-error rate (BER) predicted by the approximate coincidence-rate theory can be significantly lower than the actual BER obtained using the exact theory

    "Modes of the universe" study of two-photon deterministic, passive quantum logical gates

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    We use the "modes of the universe" approach to study a cavity-mediated two-photon logical gate recently proposed by Koshino, Ishizaka and Nakamura. We clarify the relationship between the more commonly used input-output formalism, and that of Koshino et al., and show that some elements of this gate had been anticipated by other authors. We conclude that their proposed gate can work both in the good and bad cavity limits, provided only that the pulses are long enough. Our formalism allows us to estimate analytically the size of the various error terms, and to follow the spectral evolution of the field + cavity system in the course of the interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Photon Statistics of a Single Atom Laser

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    We consider a laser model consisting of a single four-level or three-level atom, an optical cavity, and an incoherent pump. Results for photon statistics for varying pump levels are obtained using a quantum trajectory algorithm. In particular, we calculate the mean photon number, Fano factor (which is the variance over the mean). We examine that the behavior of the single-atom device as β, the fraction of spontaneous emission into the lasing mode, is varied. Typical values considered for β are 0.01\u3cβ\u3c1.0. We find that for large enough β, lasing action, with properties similar to those predicted by semiclassical theories that factorize atom-field correlations and use a small-noise approximation, can occur. Squeezing can occur as β is increased. There is no evidence of a sharp phase transition from weakly excited thermal light to coherent light at a particular pump power. This is consistent with work on many-atom lasers with β values in the range considered here. As β is increased, the output goes from quasithermal light to coherent and finally to squeezed light, progressing into a fully quantum-mechanical regime. We also consider the effects of cavity damping and spontaneous emission rates on these results

    Using crowdsourced geospatial data to aid in nuclear proliferation monitoring

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    In 2014, a Defense Science Board Task Force was convened in order to assess and explore new technologies that would aid in nuclear proliferation monitoring. One of their recommendations was for the director of National Intelligence to explore ways that crowdsourced geospatial imagery technologies could aid existing governmental efforts. Our research builds directly on this recommendation and provides feedback on some of the most successful examples of crowdsourced geospatial data (CGD). As of 2016, Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has assumed the new role of becoming the primary U.S. agency responsible for counter-proliferation. Historically, this institution has always been reliant upon other organizations for the execution of its myriad of mission sets. SOCOM's unique ability to build relationships makes it particularly suited to the task of harnessing CGD technologies and employing them in the capacity that our research recommends. Furthermore, CGD is a low cost, high impact tool that is already being employed by commercial companies and non-profit groups around the world. By employing CGD, a wider whole-of-government effort can be created that provides a long term, cohesive engagement plan for facilitating a multi-faceted nuclear proliferation monitoring process.http://archive.org/details/usingcrowdsource1094551570Major, United States ArmyMajor, United States ArmyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited


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    1. Introduction. Menopause is the medical term which designs the date of the last menstruation. It comes part of the natural ageing process due to the production of less ovaric hormones. The changes which lead to the ceasing of the menstrual function and to the metabolic readjustment take several years, the so-called climatery period. It has been the aim of myths and false beliefs and also a victim of fears and misunderstandings for a long time. symptomatology is not a similar universal experience, but conditioned by sociocultural factors, which are also presented as determinant for perceiving and answering the above mentioned symptomatology. 2. Aim. Try to design the stereotype (perception, attitude and knowledge) about menopause and climatery in women from 40 to 60 in rural areas. 3. Material and methods. With the qualitative method of focal groups the study was carried out in July, August and September for three consecutive years (2003, 2004 and 2005). The population analysed belongs to different villages from the province of Cáceres, and they were women from 40 to 60 who were long termed residents of the village and housewives. With the intervention of a moderator per group, a list of general topics of the health and specific for menopause was used, being this latter the issue of discussion. The information recorded and later transcripted was then analysed. 4. Outcomes. There were eight focal groups from which we can outline some interesting data such as the ignorance of the majority of the term menarquia (first menstruation). They assert having experimented without warning and it was rarely a subject to comment with their mothers. Concerning menopause, it means for them the ceasing of fertility, not perceived as an illness, but as a natural process. Those in this situation, do not refuse talking about their symptoms and they do not relate it as a step towards the old age, it is also considered as a freedom towards the possibility of getting pregnant. They visit the doctor in case they feel any symptom, it does not affect their sexual lives, their information sources are frequently their friends, television and the papers and their more frequent worries are neoplasias and osteoporosis. 5. Conclusions. We deal with women who know what menopause is, who go regularly to health services for regular checking when appearing any symptom or they are persistent. Although there is a general awareness of health, and they are conscious of the life-stage they are at, they do not visit their doctor or specialist to solve any doubts and worries and the least of all to the nurse. There is an excessive support of family and friends (with the risk of an increasing intranquility). We conclude remarking a need of information, dis mythification and the lost of false beliefs, a need which must be spread to the near relatives. In this task, the nursing staff is a qualified professional due to its near place to society and to their own academic preparation.1. INTRODUCCIÓN: La menopausia es el término médico que designa la fecha de la última menstruación. Es una parte natural del proceso de envejecimiento debido a la menor producción de hormonas ováricas. Los cambios que conducen al cese de la función menstrual y al reajuste metabólico duran varios años que es el periodo que se denomina Climaterio. Ha sido objeto de mitos y creencias, y víctima de temores y malentendidos durante mucho tiempo. La sintomatología no es una experiencia similar universal, sino condicionada a factores socioculturales, los cuales también se presentan como determinantes a la hora de la percepción y respuesta a dicha sintomatología. 2. OBJETIVO: Intentar construir el estereotipo (percepción, actitud y conocimientos) sobre la menopausia y climaterio en mujeres de 40 a 60 años de poblaciones rurales. 3. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Con el método cualitativo de grupos focales se llevó a cabo el estudio en los meses de julio, agosto y septiembre durante tres años consecutivos (2003, 2004 y 2005). La población objeto de estudio pertenece a diferentes pueblos de la provincia de Cáceres, y eran mujeres entre 40 y 60 años, residentes todo el año en el pueblo y amas de casa. Con la intervención de un moderador por grupo se utilizó una lista de tópicos generales de la salud y específicos sobre la menopausia, que servía de guía de discusión. La información grabada y después transcrita fue analizada posteriormente. 4. RESULTADOS: Se realizaron ocho grupos focales, en los cuales, como datos de interés, destacan por ejemplo: desconocimiento por la mayoría del término menarquia, de ésta dicen haberla experimentado con sorpresa, y que rara vez fue objeto de conversación con la madre; en cuanto a la menopausia para ellas significa el cese de la fertilidad, no es percibida como enfermedad, sino como algo natural, las que ya se encuentran en esta fase, no muestran objeción a hablar sobre sus síntomas, y no la identifican como paso a la tercera edad, consideran la ventaja de liberación de la posibilidad de embarazo. Acuden al médico en caso de tener síntomas, no afecta para nada en su vida sexual, sus fuentes de información son sobre todo amistades, televisión y prensa, y sus mayores preocupaciones son neoplasias y osteoporosis. 5. CONCLUSIONES: Nos encontramos con mujeres que saben qué es la menopausia, que frecuentan los servicios de salud, para revisiones periódicas, y ante la aparición en incidencia e intensidad de síntomas. Se observa que aunque hay preocupación por la salud, y que son conscientes de la etapa de la vida en la que se encuentran, no acuden a consultar dudas y preocupaciones a su médico de familia, especialista y para nada al enfermero/a. Hay excesivo apoyo en familiares y amigas (con el riesgo de aumento de inquietud). Se concluye con necesidad de información, de desmitificación, de desterrar falsas creencias, necesidad que es preciso extender a familiares cercanos. En esta tarea el personal de enfermería se presenta como profesional capacitado, por su cercanía a la población y por su propia formación académica


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    Respiratory diseases in horses are common, and with the increase in the population of this species, they pose a serious challenge to practicing veterinarians. In the case of respiratory diseases, a primary factor in determining the correct diagnosis is the skillful combination of data collected from the patient history, a detailed clinical examination and the results of additional tests. Auscultation of the lungs in horses is performed routinely, if respiratory diseases are suspected, but still an underestimated source of information is the percussion of the chest. With the development of diagnostic techniques applicable in human medicine, new opportunities have also emerged to examine the respiratory tract in horses. Increasingly, standard diagnostics performed in these animals include endoscopy, radiology, ultrasound, blood gas testing and collecting material to microbial culture. Some diseases can be diagnosed only during endoscopy while the animal is moving. For this purpose, a treadmill with a variable speed is used. Currently, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), tracheal wash (TW) and centesis of the thorax are applied more often. An examination of high diagnostic value is lung scintigraphy, but due to the price of the equipment and isotope storage problems it is not available in most developing countries. These tests are aimed at both a correct diagnosis and monitoring the course of treatment.Захворювання органів дихання у коней широко розповсюджені, що пов’язано зі збільшенням популяції цього виду тварин. Хвороби органів дихання являють собою серйозну проблему для практикуючих лікарів ветеринарної медицини. У випадку появи захворювань дихальних шляхів, головним фактором при постановці правильного діагнозу є вміле поєднання даних, зібраних з історії хвороби тварини, повне клінічне дослідження і результати застосування додаткових методів.При підозрінні на захворювання органів дихання проводиться аускультація легень, проте на сьогодні недооцінюється інформативна цінність перкусії грудної клітки в коней.З розвитком методів візуальної діагностики, що застосовуються в гуманній медицині, вони стали також широко впроваджуватися у ветеринарну медицину, зокрема і для дослідження дихальних шляхів у коней. Все частіше базові дослідження у цього виду тварин включають ендоскопічне, рентгенологічне та ультразвукове дослідження, визначення кислотно-основного балансу крові, мікробіологічне дослідження. Окремі захворювання можуть діагностуватися тільки за допомогою ендоскопії під час руху тварини. З цією метою використовується бігова доріжка зі змінною швидкістю.В даний час з діагносчтичною метою все частіше застосовується бронхоальвеолярний лаваж (БАЛ), аспірація трахеї (tracheal wash, TW) і центез грудної клітки. Високоінформативним методом дослідження є сцинтиграфія легень, однак через високу вартість обладнання і зберігання ізотопів цей метод недоступний в більшості ветеринарних клінік.Застосування візуальних методів дослідження коней спрямовані на постановку правильного діагнозу та контролю за ефективністю лікування


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    La vía subcutánea es la alternativa de elección al fallo de la oral en el enfermo terminal. Por su eficacia y simplicidad está cada vez más extendida y utilizada por los Equipos de Cuidados Paliativos (domiciliarios y hospitalarios), servicios de Oncología, y Unidades de Hospitalización Domiciliaria y Atención Primaria. En el presente trabajo además de describir la realización de la técnica realizamos un repaso a los fundamentos farmacológicos, fármacos utilizados, características, indicaciones, contraindicaciones, etc., descripciones todas ellas que ayudarán a mejorar el cuidado y control del dolor en el enfermo terminal