21 research outputs found

    Effect of phenological stages on yield, chemical composition and biological properties of essential oil from Thymus maroccanus Ball.

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    The effects of phenological stages on the composition, antioxidant, insecticidal and allelopathic properties of essential oils (EOs) obtained from the aerial parts of Thymus maroccanus Ball. were evaluated. The GC-MS analysis identified that analyzed EOs were dominated by carvacrol (63.70 - 68.19 %) followed by p-cymene (6.09 - 9.67 %) and γ-terpinene (3.67 - 8.49 %). When carvacrol and p-cymene gradually increased from the lowest values (63.70% and 6.09%) at the pre-flowering stage to reach the highest ones (68.19% and 9.67%) at post-flowering stage, γ-terpinene gradually decreased from the highest proportion (8.49%) to the lowest (3.67%). EO from post-flowering aerial parts showed higher scavenging ability on DPPH radicals (% inhibition: 25.19 - 95.75 %; IC50 = 0.26 mg/mL), in contrast, the essential oil from pre-flowering stage exhibited the highest Fe3+ reducing power ability (Absorbance:  0.329 - 0.812; IC50 = 0.14 mg/mL). Insecticidal properties showed no substantial difference between T. maroccanus EO extracted at different growth stages. The LD50 and LD90 values were ranged from 0.15 to 0.17 µL/cm2, and from 0.37 to 0.47 µL/cm2, respectively in contact assays, as well as from 318.93 to 362.84 µL/L air, and from 725.08 to 739.12 µL/L air, respectively in fumigant assays. The results indicated that allelopathic activity of Eos is not greatly affected by growth developmental stages.

    La auditoría social en el centro del cambio tecnológico y organizativo

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    Con el auge de las nuevas tecnologías y los proyectos informáticos, ha surgido una nueva era en el mundo empresarial actual, conocida comúnmente como transformación digital. Ésta responde a las nuevas necesidades de las empresas en cuanto a la dirección de los resultados financieros de sus actividades en un entorno volátil. Así, el éxito de cualquier transformación requiere un cambio profundo en los procesos de la empresa e incluso en su cultura. Este artículo tiene un doble objetivo: por un lado, pretende presentar el impacto de la transformación digital en los resultados financieros a partir de los trabajos teóricos y los modelos desarrollados sobre el tema. Por otro lado, también pretende destacar la importancia del componente de RRHH en cualquier proyecto de transformación digital, análisis que se realizará apoyándose en la auditoría social de las organizaciones, cuya importancia sigue creciendo en el contexto de la digitalización. De hecho, se presentará como una palanca para el éxito del diálogo social en el contexto actual, y un federador que garantiza la adhesión de los recursos humanos al cambio digital.  En consonancia con las teorías del uso y la construcción social de las soluciones tecnológicas, el cambio digital participa en la estrategia digital de las organizaciones desempeñando un papel estructurador, y garantizará la consecución del objetivo último de la transformación digital, que es el rendimiento financiero de la empresa

    Qualité microbiologique du lait cru ovin collecte dans la steppe centrale de l’Algérie

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    L’objectif de l’étude consiste à évaluer la qualité microbiologique du lait cru ovin collecté localement, en milieu steppique Algérien dans la région de Djelfa situé à 300 km au sud d’Alger. Au total 51 échantillons de lait ont été prélevés pour des fins analytiques. La contamination moyenne est de 2,3.107 cfu/mL pour la flore totale contre 1,1.105 pour les coliformes totaux et 1,5.104 pour les coliformes fécaux. Pour la flore fongique, les laits sont plus contaminés en levures qu’en moisissures (2,4.105 vs 3,4.103 germes/mL respectivement). Les Streptocoques fécaux sont détectés chez 43,14% des échantillons par contre E.coli n’est décelée que chez 17,65% des laits. Par ailleurs, 28% des prélèvements sont positifs vis-à-vis de Clostridium contre 9,8% pour Staphylococcus aureus. En revanche, tous les laits sont exempts de Salmonella. Pour ce qui est de la recherche des anticorps brucelliques, 13,73% des laits analysés sont positifs au Ring-test. La mauvaise qualité du lait reflète bien les conditions déplorables de production et la non-observance des bonnes pratiques hygiéniques lors de la traiteMots-clés : brebis, lait cru, qualité hygiénique, microorganismes pathogènes, Algérie.Microbiological quality of raw ewe’s milk in Algerian middle steppeThe objective of this study was to assess the microbiological quality of raw milk sheep collected in Algerian steppe. A total of 51 samples of bulk milk were examined. The results obtained show the unsatisfactory quality of milk analyzed. The average contamination is 2,3.107 cfu/ml for the total flora against 1,1.105 for total coliforms and 1,5.104 for fecal coliforms. For the fungal flora, milk is more contamined with yeast than fungi (2,4.105 vs 3,4.103 germes/ml respectively). Fecal streptococci were detected in 43,14% of the samples were E.coli is detected in 17,65% of the milk. In addition, 28% of samples are positive for Clostridium against 9,8% for Staphylococcus aureus. All milk are free from Salmonella. In terms of Brucella antibody, 13,73% of milk are ring test positive. The poor quality of milk reflects the deplorable conditions of production and non-observance of good hygiene practices during milking.Keywords : Ewe, Raw milk, Hygienic quality, Pathogens, Algeria

    Effect of salinity and resistance induction using methyl jasmonate on growth and phytochemical properties of sea fennel

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    [SPA] El hinojo marino (Crithmum maritimum L.) es una halófita herbácea, aromática y comestible, que se produce naturalmente en las zonas costeras de la cuenca mediterránea. En este estudio, se ha evaluado el efecto de la salinidad y la inducción de resistencia mediante metiljasmonato (MeJa) en el crecimiento y las propiedades fitoquímicas (fenoles y flavonoides totales, capacidad antioxidante) del hinojo marino. Las plantas tratadas con MeJa mostraron valores similares de compuestos fenólicos que las plantas control, mientras que el tratamiento salino disminuyó significativamente su contenido en hojas. Respecto a los flavonoides, la salinidad y el MeJa aumentaron significativamente los valores respecto a los controles. La capacidad antioxidante no se vio afectada por ningún tratamiento. Los resultados muestran que el tratamiento con MeJa alivió los efectos negativos de la salinidad sobre el crecimiento sin afectar a la composición fitoquímica de la planta bajo estrés salino. [ENG] Sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) is an herbaceous aromatic and edible halophyte, naturally occurring in coastal areas of the Mediterranean basin. In this study, the effect of salinity and resistance induction using methyl jasmonate (MeJa) on the growth and phytochemical properties (phenols, total flavonoids and antioxidant capacity) of sea fennel was evaluated. The plants treated by MeJa showed similar values of phenolic compounds than the control plants, while the saline treatment significantly decreased its leaf content. Regarding flavonoids, salinity and MeJa significantly increased the values compared to the controls. The antioxidant capacity was not affected by any treatment. The results show that the treatment with MeJa alleviated the negative effects of salinity on growth without affecting the phytochemical composition of the plant under conditions of saline stress

    Composition and Nitrogen Distribution of Ouled-Djellal and Rumbi Algerian Ewe's Milk

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    Abstract: The chemical composition and nitrogen distribution of milk from two ewe's breed (Ouled-Djellal and Rumbi) (n = 20 each) reared in Algerian area steppe, were studied. The ewes were balanced for age and weight. All were in middle period of lactation. Individual milk samples were taken from each ewe third time from lactating period during spring season. Rumbi ewe's milk gave the highest values (p≤0.01) for lactose (4.89±0.61%), solid non-fat (11.19±0.87%) and density (1037.57±3.78) than Ouled-Djellal ewes (4.38±0.45%, 10.24±0.77% 1033.82±2.59, respectively) and lowest values (p≤0.01) for freezing point (-0.57±0.05°C vs -0.53±0.02°C). No significant difference was observed between the two breeds on fat, protein, total solids. The mean percentages were 6.26±1.38%, 5.54±0.76 and 16.51±1.44%, respectively for Ouled-Djellal ewes, while those of Rumbi's were 5.66±3.52%, 5.91±1.10% and 16.85±3.32%, respectively. No statistical differences related to the breed were found in the milk for all nitrogen fractions. Rumbi ewe's milk contains about 1.01% nitrogen however Ouled-Djellal's hold about 0.96%. Total nitrogen content is distributed between non-protein nitrogen (0.09% in all breeds) and protein nitrogen (0.93 vs 0.87% for Rumbi and Ouled -Djellal ewes respectively). The protein nitrogen includes casein nitrogen (0.76 vs 0.71) and whey protein nitrogen (0.20 vs 0.19%) from Rumbi and Ouled-Djellal ewes, respectively. Algerian sheep breeds were not actually selected for their milk production; selection program should be implemented to improve milk production and increase fat and protein contents. Thus further studies should carry out on milk ability and milk yield of these breeds

    Profils en acides gras libres, cholestérol et indices lipidiques du lait cru ovin issu de deux races algériennes (Ouled-Djellal et Rumbi) collecté en milieu steppique

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    Free fatty acid profiles and cholesterol and lipid indexes of raw ewe's milk from two Algerian breeds (Ouled-Djellal and Rumbi), collected in the steppe area. Description of the subject. This article aims to characterize the fat content of raw ewe's milk, collected locally in the Algerian central steppe, an area highly appreciated for its production of smen (traditional butter). Objectives. The objective of this study was to investigate the free fatty acid profile and the cholesterol and lipid indexes of raw ewe's milk from two Algerian local breeds (Ouled-Djellal and Rumbi). Method. Milk was collected from 20 ewes of each breed three times during the middle stage of lactation. The milk fat was extracted using the Rose-Gottlieb method. Fatty acids were analyzed by gas chromatography. Results. Palmitic (24.4% ± 3.3), oleic (24.2% ± 4.6), stearic (10.8% ± 3.5), myristic (10.4% ± 1.9) and capric (8.3% ± 3.5) acids dominated and accounted for 78.1% of the total fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids predominated compared to unsaturated fatty acids (69.6% ± 5.3 vs 30.8% ± 5.1), and monounsaturated fatty acids outweighed the polyunsaturated (26.3% ± 4.7 vs 4.5% ± 1.1). The Ouled-Djellal milk had a higher short-chain fatty acid content than the Rumbi milk (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the Rumbi milk was richer in medium chain fatty acids. The two types of milk differed significantly regarding their palmitic and palmitoleic acid content (p < 0.05). Within the long chain of fatty acids, only the stearic acid (10.88% ± 2.83 vs 12.34% ± 2.75; p < 0.01) and the arachidic acid (0.26% ± 0.18 vs 0.35% ± 0.09; p < 0.05) were influenced by the breed. Conclusions. Results showed that milk from the Rumbi ewe was richer in fatty acids than the milk from the Ouled-Djellal and that Rumbi ewe's milk may be of value in dairy technology due to the socio-economic impact that it can generate