83,489 research outputs found

    Supersolid and charge density-wave states from anisotropic interaction in an optical lattice

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    We show anisotropy of the dipole interaction between magnetic atoms or polar molecules can stabilize new quantum phases in an optical lattice. Using a well controlled numerical method based on the tensor network algorithm, we calculate phase diagram of the resultant effective Hamiltonian in a two-dimensional square lattice - an anisotropic Hubbard model of hard-core bosons with attractive interaction in one direction and repulsive interaction in the other direction. Besides the conventional superfluid and the Mott insulator states, we find the striped and the checkerboard charge density wave states and the supersolid phase that interconnect the superfluid and the striped solid states. The transition to the supersolid phase has a mechanism different from the case of the soft-core Bose Hubbard model.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures

    Effect of aluminium sheet surface conditions on feasibility and quality of resistance spot welding

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    A study investigating the effect of sheet surface condition on resistance spot welding (RSW) of aluminium has been carried out. This concentrates on two automotive aluminium alloys; AA5754 and AA6111, used for structural and closure applications respectively. The results show the marked effect that surface condition can have on the RSW process. For AA5754 sheet incomplete removal of a ‘disrupted surface layer’ prior to surface pretreatment is shown to have a detrimental effect on the RSW process. The solid wax lubricant used to assist metal forming leads to unpredictable changes in contact resistance, and consequently affects the process stability. For AA6111 closures the final surface topography can influence the RSW process. Standard ‘mill’ and electro-discharge textured (EDT) finish sheet surfaces were examined and preliminary results suggest that both are suitable for welding. The successful application of RSW of aluminium sheet requires careful consideration of the sheet surface condition. This requires close collaboration between material suppliers and automotive manufacturers

    Boundary conditions in the Dirac approach to graphene devices

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    We study a family of local boundary conditions for the Dirac problem corresponding to the continuum limit of graphene, both for nanoribbons and nanodots. We show that, among the members of such family, MIT bag boundary conditions are the ones which are in closest agreement with available experiments. For nanotubes of arbitrary chirality satisfying these last boundary conditions, we evaluate the Casimir energy via zeta function regularization, in such a way that the limit of nanoribbons is clearly determined.Comment: 10 pages, no figure. Section on Casimir energy adde

    Commuting Simplicity and Closure Constraints for 4D Spin Foam Models

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    Spin Foam Models are supposed to be discretised path integrals for quantum gravity constructed from the Plebanski-Holst action. The reason for there being several models currently under consideration is that no consensus has been reached for how to implement the simplicity constraints. Indeed, none of these models strictly follows from the original path integral with commuting B fields, rather, by some non standard manipulations one always ends up with non commuting B fields and the simplicity constraints become in fact anomalous which is the source for there being several inequivalent strategies to circumvent the associated problems. In this article, we construct a new Euclidian Spin Foam Model which is constructed by standard methods from the Plebanski-Holst path integral with commuting B fields discretised on a 4D simplicial complex. The resulting model differs from the current ones in several aspects, one of them being that the closure constraint needs special care. Only when dropping the closure constraint by hand and only in the large spin limit can the vertex amplitudes of this model be related to those of the FK Model but even then the face and edge amplitude differ. Curiously, an ad hoc non-commutative deformation of the BIJB^{IJ} variables leads from our new model to the Barrett-Crane Model in the case of Barbero-Immirzi parameter goes to infinity.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure

    On the origin of the Fermi arc phenomena in the underdoped cuprates: signature of KT-type superconducting transition

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    We study the effect of thermal phase fluctuation on the electron spectral function A(k,ω)A(k,\omega) in a d-wave superconductor with Monte Carlo simulation. The phase degree of freedom is modeled by a XY-type model with build-in d-wave character. We find a ridge-like structure emerges abruptly on the underlying Fermi surface in A(k,ω=0)A(k,\omega=0) above the KT-transition temperature of the XY model. Such a ridge-like structure, which shares the same characters with the Fermi arc observed in the pseudogap phase of the underdoped cuprates, is found to be caused by the vortex-like phase fluctuation of the XY model.Comment: 5 page

    A scheme for demonstration of fractional statistics of anyons in an exactly solvable model

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    We propose a scheme to demonstrate fractional statistics of anyons in an exactly solvable lattice model proposed by Kitaev that involves four-body interactions. The required many-body ground state, as well as the anyon excitations and their braiding operations, can be conveniently realized through \textit{dynamic}laser manipulation of cold atoms in an optical lattice. Due to the perfect localization of anyons in this model, we show that a quantum circuit with only six qubits is enough for demonstration of the basic braiding statistics of anyons. This opens up the immediate possibility of proof-of-principle experiments with trapped ions, photons, or nuclear magnetic resonance systems.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Population synthesis of accreting white dwarfs: II. X-ray and UV emission

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    Accreting white dwarfs (WDs) with non-degenerate companions are expected to emit in soft X-rays and the UV, if accreted H-rich material burns stably. They are an important component of the unresolved emission of elliptical galaxies, and their combined ionizing luminosity may significantly influence the optical line emission from warm ISM. In an earlier paper we modeled populations of accreting WDs, first generating WD with main-sequence, Hertzsprung gap and red giant companions with the population synthesis code \textsc{BSE}, and then following their evolution with a grid of evolutionary tracks computed with \textsc{MESA}. Now we use these results to estimate the soft X-ray (0.3-0.7keV), H- and He II-ionizing luminosities of nuclear burning WDs and the number of super-soft X-ray sources for galaxies with different star formation histories. For the starburst case, these quantities peak at ∌1\sim 1 Gyr and decline by ∌1−3\sim 1-3 orders of magnitude by the age of 10 Gyr. For stellar ages of ∌\sim~10 Gyr, predictions of our model are consistent with soft X-ray luminosities observed by Chandra in nearby elliptical galaxies and He II 4686A˚/HÎČ\AA/\rm{H}{\beta} line ratio measured in stacked SDSS spectra of retired galaxies, the latter characterising the strength and hardness of the UV radiation field. However, the soft X-ray luminosity and He~II~4686A˚/HÎČ\AA/\rm{H}{\beta} ratio are significantly overpredicted for stellar ages of â‰Č4−8\lesssim 4-8 Gyr. We discuss various possibilities to resolve this discrepancy and tentatively conclude that it may be resolved by a modification of the typically used criteria of dynamically unstable mass loss for giant stars.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Next generation population synthesis of accreting white dwarfs: I. Hybrid calculations using BSE + MESA

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    Accreting, nuclear-burning white dwarfs have been deemed to be candidate progenitors of type Ia supernovae, and to account for supersoft X-ray sources, novae, etc. depending on their accretion rates. We have carried out a binary population synthesis study of their populations using two algorithms. In the first, we use the binary population synthesis code \textsf{BSE} as a baseline for the "rapid" approach commonly used in such studies. In the second, we employ a "hybrid" approach, in which we use \textsf{BSE} to generate a population of white dwarfs (WD) with non-degenerate companions on the verge of filling their Roche lobes. We then follow their mass transfer phase using the detailed stellar evolution code \textsf{MESA}. We investigate the evolution of the number of rapidly accreting white dwarfs (RAWDs) and stably nuclear-burning white dwarfs (SNBWDs), and estimate the type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) rate produced by "single-degenerate" systems (SD). We find significant differences between the two algorithms in the predicted numbers of SNBWDs at early times, and also in the delay time distribution (DTD) of SD SNe Ia. Such differences in the treatment of mass transfer may partially account for differences in the SNe Ia rate and DTD found by different groups. Adopting 100\% efficiency for helium burning, the rate of SNe Ia produced by the SD-channel in a Milky-way-like galaxy in our calculations is 2.0×10−4yr−12.0\times10^{-4}\rm{yr}^{-1}, more than an order of magnitude below the observationally inferred value. In agreement with previous studies, our calculated SD DTD is inconsistent with observations.Comment: 13 pages,11 figures, accepted by MNRA
