599 research outputs found

    A classification of emerging and traditional grid systems

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    The grid has evolved in numerous distinct phases. It started in the early ’90s as a model of metacomputing in which supercomputers share resources; subsequently, researchers added the ability to share data. This is usually referred to as the first-generation grid. By the late ’90s, researchers had outlined the framework for second-generation grids, characterized by their use of grid middleware systems to “glue” different grid technologies together. Third-generation grids originated in the early millennium when Web technology was combined with second-generation grids. As a result, the invisible grid, in which grid complexity is fully hidden through resource virtualization, started receiving attention. Subsequently, grid researchers identified the requirement for semantically rich knowledge grids, in which middleware technologies are more intelligent and autonomic. Recently, the necessity for grids to support and extend the ambient intelligence vision has emerged. In AmI, humans are surrounded by computing technologies that are unobtrusively embedded in their surroundings. However, third-generation grids’ current architecture doesn’t meet the requirements of next-generation grids (NGG) and service-oriented knowledge utility (SOKU).4 A few years ago, a group of independent experts, arranged by the European Commission, identified these shortcomings as a way to identify potential European grid research priorities for 2010 and beyond. The experts envision grid systems’ information, knowledge, and processing capabilities as a set of utility services.3 Consequently, new grid systems are emerging to materialize these visions. Here, we review emerging grids and classify them to motivate further research and help establish a solid foundation in this rapidly evolving area

    Text Complexity Classification Based on Linguistic Information: Application to Intelligent Tutoring of ESL

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    The goal of this work is to build a classifier that can identify text complexity within the context of teaching reading to English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. To present language learners with texts that are suitable to their level of English, a set of features that can describe the phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic, discursive, and psychological complexity of a given text were identified. Using a corpus of 6171 texts, which had already been classified into three different levels of difficulty by ESL experts, different experiments were conducted with five machine learning algorithms. The results showed that the adopted linguistic features provide a good overall classification performance (F-Score = 0.97). A scalability evaluation was conducted to test if such a classifier could be used within real applications, where it can be, for example, plugged into a search engine or a web-scraping module. In this evaluation, the texts in the test set are not only different from those from the training set but also of different types (ESL texts vs. children reading texts). Although the overall performance of the classifier decreased significantly (F-Score = 0.65), the confusion matrix shows that most of the classification errors are between the classes two and three (the middle-level classes) and that the system has a robust performance in categorizing texts of class one and four. This behavior can be explained by the difference in classification criteria between the two corpora. Hence, the observed results confirm the usability of such a classifier within a real-world application.Comment: This is an unpublished pre-print, the JDMDH journal requires submission to arxiv.org before the submission to the journal (see the link: https://jdmdh.episciences.org/page/submissions#

    Attitudes towards mental illness and psychological help seeking in Syria: an exploratory study

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    The overall aim of this thesis was to understand how mental health and seeking help for mental health problems were understood in Syria. The initial investigation began by examining whether or not Western mental health concepts and measures were applicable to the Syrian Arab culture. Some earlier research had highlighted the important role of culture in conducting psychological research and identified the tension between taking an etic (universal approach) and an emic (indigenous) approach. In this thesis the initial approach is etic with Western measures, presumably universal, used to examine Syrian opinions on psychological help seeking and attitudes towards mental illness. In the light of the quantitative analysis an emic approach was adopted as the limitations of the etic concepts and measures became apparent. A further qualitative investigation was conducted to supplement the understanding of psychological help seeking in the Syrian context. The thesis has three main aims. The first aim was to investigate the use of some of the most commonly used and validated scales related to psychological help seeking and investigate their applicability in a Syrian Arab context. Confirmatory Factor Analysis was used to investigate their validity. The second aim was to develop path analysis models to investigate the relationships between seeking psychological help, attitudes towards mental illness, coping styles, social support and mental well-being. The third ensuing aim was to qualitatively investigate real-life issues on mental health help seeking, attitudes towards mental illness and alternative sources of help. To begin a cross-sectional survey design was employed with a stratified cluster sample of participants aged 15-29 years (N = 683) in Syria in 2011. Three scales developed in the USA and widely used in international research were used: Opinions on Seeking Psychological Help, Community Attitudes towards Mental Illness and Coping Style. CFA was used to assess the validity of these scales. Eight models were then constructed in order to investigate the relationship between variables of attitudes towards mental illness, psychological help seeking, coping styles, social support and mental well-being to the outcome variable recognition to seek psychological help using path analysis modelling. A final model was constructed to assess model fit when only significant pathways were included in the analysis. The CFA findings showed that the adopted scales were of limited use in the Syrian context. Arguably the best option might have been to abandon these measures and design new measures from first principles. However, the Syrian war made further data collection impossible and the data set is relatively large and the measures have been used repeatedly in the literature so the decision was made to amend the measures for use in later analyses. None of the hypothesized path analysis models were a good fit to the Syrian data. However, some variables of the models were found to significantly predict the outcome recognition of the need to seek psychological help. The main factors influencing cognitive psychological help seeking were: moral obligation to help those in need, community mental health ideology, fear of mental illness, the need for community help in order to cope, religious coping and mental health wellbeing. There were gender differences on tolerance to mental illness and on interpersonal openness to emotional problems. The quantitative findings were used in the design of a qualitative investigation of mental health professionals understanding of psychological help seeking by Syrians during the time of war. This study used an online interviewing technique and provided an overview of experiences of mental health professionals working in the field. The relationship between the qualitative and quantitative research findings were further examined with the qualitative investigation showed that the quantitative findings of the thesis were still relevant to the current plight of Syrians seeking help today. These issues need further research and exploration in order to provide optimal mental health treatment and support to Syrians

    Pengaruh Brand Positioning Dan Preferensi Merek Terhadap Niat Pembelian Produk Iphone Di Kota Sumenep

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    The objective of this study is to analyse the influence of brand positioning and brand preference on the decision to purchase the iPhone in the city of Sumenep. One of the key players in the technology industry, particularly in the smartphone sector, is Apple. Renowned as one of the largest smartphone manufacturers globally, Apple is dedicated to enhancing customer satisfaction, particularly with its flagship product, the iPhone. The city of Sumenep was selected as the research context to examine consumer behaviour in the context of iPhone purchasing within a distinctive and competitive market environment. The research methodology employed was quantitative, with a descriptive statistical approach. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistical techniques and regression analysis in order to identify the relationship between brand positioning and consumer preferences with regard to purchasing decisions. The findings of the study indicate that brand positioning has a significant influence on consumer purchasing decisions in the city of Sumenep. Factors such as product differentiation, brand image and associated brand values play an important role in influencing consumer purchasing decisions. Consumer preferences exert a positive influence on purchasing decisions. Consumers with a strong brand preference are more likely to have a positive intention to purchase an iPhone. This study offers valuable insights into the interplay between brand positioning and brand preference in the context of iPhone product purchases in Sumenep. The implications of this research include the importance of maintaining a robust brand positioning and developing marketing strategies that focus on enhancing brand preference to achieve optimal purchase intentions

    Acinetobacterlwoffii Induced Cellulitis with Allergy-like Symptoms

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    Few reports document the misdiagnosis of Acinetobacterlwoffii skin infections for allergic reactions. In addition, A. lwoffii is frequently misidentified when applying conventional diagnostic methods. The bacterium has been reported to cause a multitude of diseases including skin and wound infections. The application of the newly established method “The Universal Method” allowed definite identification of the bacterium isolated from a leg and foot cellulitis case (Isolate QUBC mk1) that was misdiagnosed as an allergic reaction and was treated with intramuscular injections of diclofeneac sodium, anonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug.The isolate was identified as A. lwoffii, it failed to grow on MacConkey agar, and it was sensitive to ciprofloxacin but resistant to cefazolin. The 51-year old male patient was successfully treated with intravenous administration of ciprofloxacin, doxacillin, and cefazolin. He was released in good health after ten days.This work emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between skin infections and allergies. It also stresses the importance of prompt and accurate identification of A. Lwoffii and its possible relationship to allergic reactions. Misdiagnosis isdiscussed in the context of “The Hygiene Hypothesis”

    Karak syndrome: a novel degenerative disorder of the basal ganglia and cerebellum

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    Two brothers are reported with early onset progressive cerebellar ataxia, dystonia, spasticity, and intellectual decline. • Neuroradiology showed cerebellar atrophy and features compatible with iron deposition in the putamen (including the “eye of the tiger sign”) and substantia nigra. • Diagnosis was compatible with pantothenate kinase associated neuropathy resulting from pantothenate kinase 2 mutation (PKAN due to PANK2) but linkage to PNAK2 was eliminated suggesting Karak syndrome to be a novel disorder. • The “eye of the tiger” sign has previously only been reported to occur in PKAN due to PKAN

    Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja dengan Metode Balanced Scorecard di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    Pengukuran kinerja adalah penentuan secara periodik efektifitas operasional suatu organisasi, bagan organisasi, dan karyawannya berdasarkan sasaran standar dan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya. Salah satu metode pengukuran kinerja yang mengaitkan strategi didalam penerapannya adalah metode Balanced Scorecard. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kinerja RSUD Kabupaten Ogan Ilir ditinjau berdasarkan empat perspektif dalam metode Balanced Scorecard yaitu perspektif keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, serta pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan, serta mengaplikasikan metode Balanced Scorecard pada penyusunan strategi peningkatan kinerja di RSUD Kabupaten Ogan Ilir. Jenis penelitian ini berupa penelitian deskriptif dengan pengkombinasian dua metode (kualitatif dan kuantitatif) dalam satu penelitian. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 46 orang pegawai dan 110 orang pasien sebagai responden penyebaran kuesioner. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kinerja perspektif pelanggan dengan nilai 41,6% termasuk dalam kondisi kurang baik, perspektif keuangan dengan nilai 50% kondisi kurang baik, perspektif proses internal dengan nilai 32,3% kondisi kurang baik, dan perspektif pembelajaran & pertumbuhan dengan nilai 41,6% kondisi kurang baik. Kinerja RSUD Kabupaten Ogan Ilir dengan nilai Total Skor 41,44% termasuk dalam kondisi kurang baik. RSUD Ogan Ilir perlu meningkatkan kinerja dengan sasaran strategis perspektif pelanggan yaitu meningkatkan kepuasan pasien, loyalitas pasien, dan meningkatkan kunjungan pasien. Sasaran strategis perspektif proses bisnis internal; inovasi layanan, meningkatkan mutu proses layanan, meningkatkan kinerja operasional. Sasaran strategis pespektif keuangan; pertumbuhan pendapatan, dan minimalisir biaya. Sasaran strategis perspektif pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan; meningkatkan kepuasan karyawan, komitmen, motivasi dan kapabilitas karyawan

    The differences in Papuan elite athletes in the anxiety perspective

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    Anxiety is believed to be an important psychological dimension in determining the outcome of sport matches. However, studies examining this aspect of Papuan elite athletes have never been conducted. Therefor, this study aims to reveal the differences in the anxiety amidst the Papuan elite athletes in terms of sport and gender. Furthermore, the comparative research method used involves six sports with different characteristics, namely game, martial arts, and accuracy. Subsequently, a total of 100 athletes in the PON XX preparation training camp are involved, with about 39 in the game (M= 19, F= 20), 32 in martial arts (M= 18, F= 14), and 31 in the accuracy sport (L = 14 P = 17). Furthermore, the Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2) is used as an instrument for data collection on athlete's anxiety. Research data collection is carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that the distribution of research instruments is carried out online using the google form. The research data are analyzed using descriptive and ANOVA techniques using the IBM SPSS program version 26. The results show that (1) there is no difference in anxiety between athletes in the sport of games, martial arts, and accuracy, (2) there is no difference in anxiety between male and female athletes. Although there is no difference, the anxiety that existed in athletes, especially at low and high levels, they need attention from the coach

    Massive pulmonary embolism in patients with extreme bleeding risk: a case series on the successful use of ultrasound-assisted, catheter directed thrombolysis in a district general hospital

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Massive pulmonary embolism (PE), characterised by profound arterial hypotension, is a life-threatening emergency with a 90-day mortality of over 50%. Systemic thrombolysis can signifcantly reduce the risk of death or cardiovascular collapse in these patients, by around 50%, but these benefts are ofset by a fvefold increased risk of intracranial haemorrhage and major bleeding, which may limit its use in patients at high risk of catastrophic haemorrhage. We describe a case series of 3 patients presenting with massive PE, each with extreme risk of bleeding and contra-indication to systemic thrombolysis, treated successfully with ultrasound-assisted, catheter directed thrombolysis (U-ACDT). Our experience of this novel technique using the EkoSonic Endovascular System (Ekos, BTG, London, UK) on carefully selected patients has demonstrated the potential to improve clinical status in shocked patients, with minimal bleed risk. There have been several clinical studies evaluating the Ekos system. Both the ULTIMA and SEATTLE II studies have shown signifcant reductions in RV/LV ratio by CT scanning when compared to standard anticoagulation in patients with intermediate-risk PE, with minimal bleeding complications. However, there is a pressing need for a randomised trial demonstrating improvement in robust clinical outcomes when comparing U-ACDT to simple anticoagulation. We believe that this case series adds new insight and highlights the potential of catheter directed thrombolysis in this high-risk patient cohort and consideration should be made to its use in cases where systemic thrombolysis is felt to be too high ris
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