36 research outputs found

    The first study of 54 new eccentric eclipsing binaries in our Galaxy

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    We present an analysis of the apsidal motion and light curve parameters of 54 galactic Algol-type binaries never before studied. This is the first analysis of such a large sample of eccentric eclipsing binaries in our Galaxy, and has enabled us to identify several systems that are worthy of further study. Bringing together data from various databases and surveys, supplemented with new observations, we have been able to trace the long-term evolution of the eccentric orbit over durations extending back up to several decades. Our present study explores a rather different sample of stars to those presented in the previously published catalogue of eccentric eclipsing binaries by Bulut & Demircan (2007), sampling to fainter magnitudes, covering later spectral types, sensitive to different orbital periods with more than 50% of our systems having periods longer than 6 days. The typical apsidal motion in the sample is rather slow (mostly of order of centuries long), although in some cases this is less than 50 years. All of the systems, except one, have eccentricities less than 0.5, with an average value of 0.23. Several of the stars also show evidence for additional period variability. In particular we can identify three systems in the sample, HD 44093, V611 Pup, and HD 313631, which likely represent relativistic apsidal rotators


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    The monograph generalises vast data characterising the diversity of the biota in Russian Karelia. The data pool includes both materials of long-term studies, and new data collected in 1997–2000 within the Russian-Finnish project “Inventory and studies of biological diversity in Republic of Karelia”. The volume is composed of four interrelated chapters. Chapter one provides a detailed account of the climatic, geological, geomorphological, hydrological and soil conditions in which the regional biota has been forming. Chapter two describes and evaluates the diversity of forest, mire and meadow communities, and the third chapter details the terrestrial biota at the species level (vascular plants, mosses, aphyllophoroid fungi, lichens, mammals, birds, insects). A special section is devoted to the flora and fauna of aquatic ecosystems (algae, zooplankton, periphyton, macrozoobenthos, fishes). Wide use is made of various zoning approaches based on biodiversity-related criteria. Current status of the regional biota, including its diversity in protected areas, is analysed with elements of the human impact assessment. A concise glossary of the terms used is annexed. This is an unprecedentally multi-faceted review, at least for the taiga zone of European Russia. The volume offers extensive reference materials for researchers in a widest range of ecological and biological fields, including graduate and post-graduate students. The monograph is also available in Russian


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    Наведено екологічну оцінку джерел централізованого і децентралізованого питного водопостачання Лугинського району Житомирської області на жорсткість та вміст іонів заліза. Підкреслено можливі органолептичні зміни якості води від підвищених доз цих компонентів та наслідки для здоров’я людини. Проаналізовано питну воду на вміст іонів заліза та жорсткість у тих населених пунктах району, де наявні і водогін, і колодязі, зокрема в смт Лугини, с. Миролюбів, с. Великий Дивлин, с. Липники, с. Червона Волока. Дослідження проводились у всі пори року, однак чіткої тенденції щодо збільшення концентрації досліджуваних сполук залежно котрогось із сезонів не виявлено. З’ясувано, що у воді з водогонів значно вища концентрація іонів заліза ніж у колодязній. По жорсткості спостерігали зворотну тенденцію. В динаміці 2014-2016 років встановлені перевищення ДСанПіН, в окремих зразках питної води за вмістом заліза протягом всіх трьох досліджуваних років

    Clasts of variscan high-grade rocks within Upper Visean conglomerates : constraints on exhumation history from petrology and U-Pb chronology

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    In this paper, U-Pb zircon, monazite and rutile data for crystalline rocks deposited as clasts in the Upper Viséan conglomerates at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif are reported. U-Pb data of spherical zircon from three different granulite clasts yielded a mean age of 339.0 ± 0.7 Ma (±2σ), while oval and spherical grains of another granulite pebble define a slightly younger date of 337.1 ± 1.1 Ma. These ages are interpreted as dating granulite facies metamorphism. Thermochronology and the derived pressure-temperature (P-T) path of the granulite pebbles reflect two-stage exhumation of the granulites. Near-to-isothermal decompression from at least 44 km to mid-crustal depths of around 22 km was followed by a near-isobaric cooling stage based on reaction textures and geothermobarometry. Minimum average exhumation rate corresponds to 2.8-4.3 mm year-1. The extensive medium-pressure/high-temperature overprint on granulite assemblages is dated by U-Pb in monazite at c. 333 Ma. This thermal event probably has a close link to generation and emplacement of voluminous Moldanubian granites, including the cordierite granite present in clasts. This granite was emplaced at mid-crustal levels at 331 ± 3 Ma (U-Pb monazite), whereas the U-Pb zircon ages record only a previous magmatic event at c. 378 Ma. Eclogites and garnet peridotites normally associated with high-pressure granulites are absent in the clasts but exotic subvolcanic and volcanic members of the ultrapotassic igneous rock series (durbachites) of the Bohemian Massif have been found in the clasts. It is therefore assumed that the clasts deposited in the Upper Viséan conglomerates sampled a structurally higher tectonic unit than the one that corresponds to the present denudation level of the Moldanubicum of the Bohemian Massif. The strong medium-temperature overprint on granulites dated at c. 333 Ma is attributed to the relatively small size of the entirely eroded bodies compared with the presently exposed granulites

    Особливості проведення експертизи сортів головатню круглоголового (ECHINOPS SPHAEROCEPHALUS L.) на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність

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    В статті приводиться повний аналіз щодо проведення експертизи сортів головатню круглоголового (Echinops sphaerocephalus L.) на відмінність, однорідність і стабільність, що є складовою занесення сортів даної культури до Державного реєстру сортів рослин придатних до поширення в Україні. Важливим складовим елементом занесення сорту до Реєстру є його правова охорона, а саме – надання гарантій власнику на виключне право поширення сорту на території України

    Еколого-біологічні особливості формування кореневої маси валеріани лікарської в умовах Полісся України

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    В статті приведені результати досліджень по вивченню кореневої продуктивності Valeriana officinalis L. в умовах ботанічного розсадника Житомирського національного агроекологічного університету

    New national and regional bryophyte records, 63

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    Erkul, Karaman ( Aksaray, Yazar )Bucklandiella subsecunda (Harv.) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra Contributor. R. Ochyra Madagascar. Diana Region, Tsaratanana Massif, 14° 01′ S, 48°56′ W, 1200–2400 m a.s.l., April 1924, leg. Perrier de la Bathe s.n. (H-Brotherus, JE-Herzog, PCP.de la Varde 0707821, PC-Thériot 0708099). Racomitrium Brid., in its traditional circumscription is poorly represented in the moss flora of Madagascar and hitherto only one specimen of this genus has been discovered on this fourth largest island in the world. It was collected in 1924 by Perrier de la Bathie on the Tsaratanana Massif, and Thériot (1926) reported it as an unnamed form of Racomitrium lepervanchei Besch., a species endemic to Réunion Island. As Racomitrium proved to be heterogeneous, it was split into six segregates (Ochyra, Żarnowiec et al. 2003; Bednarek-Ochyra, Ochyra, Sawicki et al. 2014; Bednarek-Ochyra, Sawicki, Ochyra, et al. 2015; Sawicki et al. 2015), R. lepervanchei was placed in the genus Bucklandiella Roiv. Nevertheless, the voucher specimen was not studied by De Sloover (1977) in his survey of African Racomitrium and this material was assigned either to R. crispulum (Hook.f. & Wilson) Wilson (Crosby et al. 1983) or Bucklandiella membranacea (Mitt.) Bedn.-Ochyra & Ochyra (Marline et al. 2012), as R. lepervanchei was considered to be conspecific with these species (Clifford 1955; Lawton 1973). The specimen from the Tsaratanana Massif has distinct auricles and broad, flattened costa with 6–8 enlarged ventral guide cells, which are typical of Bucklandiella subsecunda. This is a pantropical oreophyte, widespread in tropical and subtropical Asia (Frisvoll 1988), subSaharan Africa (Bednarek-Ochyra and Ochyra 2012a, 2013; Ochyra and van Rooy 2013), Central and South America (Bednarek-Ochyra et al. 1999; Bednarek-Ochyra and Ochyra 2012b; Ellis, Bakalin et al. 2013) and the maritime Antarctic (Ochyra, Lewis Smith et al. 2008)