264 research outputs found

    Risk Factors for Non-communicable Diseases Among Adults of 25-65 Years at Kakamega County General Hospital, Kenya

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    In Kenya the growing number of premature deaths with half of all hospital admissions and 33% of all deaths are associated with Non-communicable diseases. The study determined the physical measurements and lipid parameters of adults 25-65 years at Kakamega County General Hospital. Data was collected using the WHO STEPs Instrument: Physical measurements assessed were Mid Upper Arm Circumference, Waist Hip measurements, Body mass Index and blood pressure. The study significance level was 0.05. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Descriptive statistics was used. χ2 test of independence was used to find out the relationship between anthropometric measurements and lipid parameters. Data was presented in form of tables, figures and texts. There was a significant relationship between BMI and Triglycerideχ2 (12, N=60)= 25.752 P=0.012, BMI and LDLχ2(8,N=60)=19.312 p=0.013, BMI and Total Cholesterol χ2(8, N=60)=18.694 p=0.017, MUAC and HDL χ2(4, N=60) =14.446 p=0.006, WHR and Total Cholesterol χ2(2, N=60)=17.985 p=0.000, WHR and LDL χ2(2, N=60)=15.246p=0.000. The study advocated for policies to reduce the incidences of risk factors for NCDs which will assist in achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Kenyan population are in need of screening for risks associated with NCDs

    Effect of nutrient solution concentrations on the growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties grown from apical rooted cutting in a hydroponic system

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    This study evaluated the effects of nutrient stock solution concentrations on the growth and yield of potato varieties grown from apical rooted cuttings (ARCs). A greenhouse experiment was conducted at the Climate and Water Smart Agriculture Center at Egerton University, Kenya. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot arrangement in randomized complete block design, where the main plot comprised three nutrient concentrations, i.e., 75% (N75), 100% (N100) and 125% (N125) of the ADC-Molo’ nutrient formulation. The subplots were allocated to four potato varieties (Shangi, Wanjiku, Nyota and Unica). The results showed that there were no significant (p<0.05) interaction effects of the nutrient stock solution concentrations application rates on the growth attributes of ARCs. The main effects of N125 gave the tallest plants (32.29cm) at 60 days after planting (DAP), highest normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) (0.60) at 75 DAP, plant survival rate (82.15%) at 75 DAP, and fresh weight (79.04g) and dry matter (31.26%) of aboveground biomass (AGB). Nyota variety produced taller plants (26.90cm) at 60 DAP, gave higher NDVI values (0.53) at 75 DAP, and higher fresh weight (64.87g) and dry matter (27.60%) of the AGB. Significant (p<0.05) interactions were observed in the yield parameters. The interaction between N125 and Nyota (11.33) and Wanjiku (10.67) gave the highest number of minitubers, the highest yields were obtained between the interaction of N125 and Unica (16.38t/ha). Therefore, to achieve high growth and yields of ARCs under hydroponic system, seed potato producers should use 125% of the ADC Molo nutrient formulation

    Response of germination and seedling growth to soil particle size of three herbaceous perennials on alpine zone of Mt. Fuji

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    Polygonum cuspidatum, P. weyrichii and Artemisia pedunculosa are herbaceous perennials in the alpine zone on Mt. Fuji. The effect of soil particle size on seed germination and seedling growth of these species was investigated. In the experiment three different particle size soils (large particle size LPS, medium particle size MPS, and small particle size SPS) were used. The other experiment was designed under three different watering intervals (every day, every two days, and every four days). Soil particle size had a great impact on seed germination and seedling growth. The highest percentage of seeds germinated in SPS and lowest in LPS soil, irrespective of the species. In the case of A. pedunculosa there was no significant difference of seed germination between SPS and MPS soils. However, the other two species had significantly reduced percentages of seed germination with increasing soil particle size. The maximum root length of seedlings was significantly longer in LPS and MPS compared to the SPS soil group, for all species. The number of root tips was increased with decreasing soil particle size, irrespective of the species. Further, larger aboveground biomass was found in seedlings of SPS than those of LPS and MPS. A. pedunculosa showed a slightly different pattern of seed germination and seedling growth compared to the two Polygonum species. Seed germination of A. pedunculosa was comparatively independent of soil particle size, and it may have conservative water use strategy. On the other hand, seed germination of Polygonum species was highly affected by the soil particle size, and those species may adapt to the water deficit condition by taking up water from deeper soil

    Effects of calcium nitrate levels and soaking durations in cocopeat on the growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) apical rooted cuttings

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    This study evaluated the effects of treating cocopeat with calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2) at different soaking durations on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Apical Rooted Cuttings (ARCs) growth and yield parameters. A greenhouse pot experiment was carried out at the Climate and Water Smart Agriculture Centre of Egerton University, Kenya. An air-dried cocopeat 1.5 kg per treatment, was treated using five soaking durations (12, 24, 36, 48 and 72 hours) × four levels of Ca(NO3)2 (0, 60, 100 and 150 g) soaked in 15 litres of water. Soil and the untreated cocopeat were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized design with three replicates. The results showed that there was no significant (P>0.05) interaction effect of Ca(NO3)2 × soaking duration for the number of branches and normalized difference vegetative index. The main effect of 150 g Ca(NO3)2 gave the highest average number of branches (16.13), NDVI (0.89) and plant height (73.51 cm) followed by 100 g of Ca(NO3)2. Soaking duration of 36 hours economically produced the highest growth parameters 12.75 and 61.46 cm an average number of branches and plant height, respectively. Significant (P<0.001) interaction effects were observed for the plant height and all the yield parameters. The interaction of 100 g Ca(NO3)2 and soaking for 36 hours gave the highest mini-tuber yield of 464.67 g plant-1 and an average number of tubers of 21.67 tubers plant-1. Therefore, 100 g Ca(NO3)2 and a soaking duration of 36 hours to treat 1.5 kg of air-dried cocopeat is recommended for higher ARCs yield and yield parameters

    A formative study of disposal and re-use of old mosquito nets by communities in Malindi, Kenya

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    Background: About 30 million insecticide treated mosquito nets have been distributed in Kenya since 2001 and ownership is approaching full coverage. As a consequence of this achievement, Kenya is faced with the challenge of disposing old mosquito nets that are no longer in use. The study aimed at investigating ways of disposal and re-use of old and torn nets by end users. Materials and Methods: A formative study was conducted in the former Malindi District, which is comprised of Malindi and Magarini sub-counties of Kilifi County in Coastal Kenya. A total of 6 Focus Group Discussions, 10 Key Informant Interviews and 9 transect walks/drives were undertaken. Data from the different sources were analysed separately and triangulated for similarities and differences. Results: There were variations in disposal and re-use of old nets between urban and rural or peri-urban residents. In all settings, people adopted innovative and beneficial ways of re-using old, expired nets, and those that were damaged beyond repair. Common causes of damage were fire, children, domestic animals sharing the sleeping room and friction from the bed poles while hanging or tacking it in under a sleeping mat. Re-use was most prominent in farming activities (78%) and less to for use in mosquito control, like window screening (15%). The remaining 8% was related to making ropes, swings, footballs, goal posts and fishing nets. Advantageous texture and nature of the netting material, perceived economic benefit and lack of guidelines for disposal were the main reasons cited by residents for re-using old nets. Conclusions: It is important that re-use and disposal of old mosquito nets is distinguished from misuse of newly distributed mosquito nets. Alternative uses of old nets as opposed to misuse of new nets was found to be common in our study


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    Several biochemical and metabolic changes are associated with senescence of cut gladioli, particularly in relation to quality characteristics, including dynamism of carbohydrates. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pulsing and wet cold storage on the starch and sugar biomarkers on cut Gladiolus ( Gladiolus grandiflorus L. cv. Fado) vase quality. Pulsing treatments of 600-ppm 8-hydroxyquinoline sulphate, plus 5% sucrose solution, versus distilled water, were administered prior to wet cold storage durations of 0 - 5 days, on the cut Gladiolus grown from corms. This was done in the open field at the Horticulture Research and Teaching Field, Egerton University in Kenya, during two successive seasons. There was a significant difference (P <0.01) in total soluble sugars (TSS) and total starch of spikes pulsed with 600 ppm 8 - HQS + 5% sucrose, compared with the control, during the third day in the vase life of the cut flowers. Prolonged vase life of cut spikes was associated with a decrease in total soluble sugars and increase in total starch, as influenced by pulsing and wet storage duration up to 4 days.Plusieurs changements biochimiques et m\ue9taboliques sont associ\ue9s \ue0 la s\ue9nescence des gla\uefeuls coup\ue9s, en particulier en relation avec les caract\ue9ristiques de qualit\ue9, y compris le dynamisme des glucides. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019\ue9valuer l\u2019effet du stockage au froid puls\ue9 et humide sur les biomarqueurs de l\u2019amidon et du sucre sur la qualit\ue9 des vases de gla\uefeul coup\ue9 ( Gladiolus grandiflorus L. cv. Fado). Des traitements puls\ue9s de sulfate de 8-hydroxyquinol\ue9ine \ue0 600 ppm, plus une solution de saccharose \ue0 5%, contre de l\u2019eau distill\ue9e, ont \ue9t\ue9 administr\ue9s avant des dur\ue9es de stockage au froid humide de 0 \ue0 5 jours, sur le gla\uefeul coup\ue9 \ue0 partir de bulbes. Cela a \ue9t\ue9 faite dans le champ de Horticulture Research and Teaching Field, Egerton University au Kenya, pendant deux saisons successives. Il y avait une diff\ue9rence significative (P <0,01) dans les sucres solubles totaux (TSS) et l\u2019amidon total des \ue9pis puls\ue9s avec 600 ppm 8 - HQS + 5% de saccharose, par rapport au t\ue9moin, au cours du troisi\ue8me jour de la vie en vase de la coupe fleurs. La dur\ue9e de vie prolong\ue9e en vase des \ue9pis coup\ue9s a \ue9t\ue9 associ\ue9e \ue0 une diminution du des sucres solubles totaux et \ue0 une augmentation de l\u2019amidon total, sous l\u2019influence de la dur\ue9e de stockage puls\ue9 et humide jusqu\u2019\ue0 4 jours

    Examining the determinants of mosquito-avoidance practices in two Kenyan cities

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    BACKGROUND: This study assesses the behavioural and socio-economic factors associated with avoiding mosquitoes and preventing malaria in urban environments in Kenya. METHODS: Data from two cities in Kenya were gathered using a household survey and a two-stage cluster sample design. The cities were stratified based on planning and drainage observed across the urban areas. This helped control for the strong environmental and topographical variation that we assumed influences mosquito ecology. Individual interviews given to each household included questions on socio-economic status, education, housing type, water source, rubbish disposal, mosquito-prevention practices and knowledge of mosquitoes. In multivariate regression, factors measuring wealth, education level, and the communities' level of planning and drainage were used to estimate the probability that a household engages in multiple mosquito-avoidance activities, or has all members sleeping under a bed net. RESULTS: Our analysis shows that people from wealthier, more educated households were more likely to sleep under a net, in Kisumu (OR = 6.88; 95% CI = 2.56,18.49) and Malindi (OR = 3.80; 95% CI = 1.91,7.55). Similarly, the probability that households use several mosquito-prevention activities was highest among the wealthiest, best-educated households in Kisumu (OR = 5.15; 95% CI = 2.04,12.98), while in Malindi household wealth alone is the major determinant. CONCLUSION: We demonstrate the importance of examining human-mosquito interaction in terms of how access to resources may enhance human activities. The findings illustrate that the poorest segments of society are already doing many things to protect themselves from being bitten, but they are doing less than their richer neighbours


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    Even though quality of seed is a major yield determinant in potato ( Solanum tuberosum L.) production and global food security, inadequate availability of and access to high quality (certified) seed is a major challenge to potato producers in Sub-Saharan Africa. The objective of this study was to examine farmer\u2019s adoption tendency towards decentralised clean seed potato multiplication agri-enterprise (CSPMAE) in Central Rift Valley, Kenya, which aids in implementation of stage matched entrepreneurial interventions. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a semi-structured questionnaire on 54 seed potato producers and 192 non-seed potato producers, through multistage sampling. Ordered logistic regression analysis, based on the trans-theoretical model, revealed that household head, partner knowledge, gender, land size allocated for potato production, level of education, ownership of transport and/or storage facilities, frequency of interaction with certified seed potato producers and agricultural extension officers influenced adoption tendencies of CSPMAE, positively and significantly. Seed potato value chain stakeholder platforms, development workers and donors should prioritise their support for clean seed agri-enterprises to farmers with such traits. This is likely to lead to increased supply of access to clean seed, thereby improving potato yields in Kenya.M\ueame si la qualit\ue9 des semences est le d\ue9terminant majeur du rendement dans la production de pommes de terre ( Solanum tuberosum L.) et la s\ue9curit\ue9 alimentaire mondiale, la disponibilit\ue9 et l\u2019acc\ue8s inad\ue9quats aux semences de haute qualit\ue9 (certifi\ue9es) constituent un d\ue9fi majeur pour les producteurs de pommes de terre en Afrique sub-saharienne. L\u2019objectif de cette \ue9tude \ue9tait d\u2019examiner la tendance \ue0 l\u2019adoption par les agriculteurs de l\u2019agro-entreprise d\ue9centralis\ue9e de multiplication des semences de pommes de terre propre (CSPMAE) dans la vall\ue9e centrale du Rift, au Kenya, qui facilite la mise en oeuvre d\u2019interventions entrepreneuriales assorties par \ue9tapes. Une enqu\ueate transversale a \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9e \ue0 l\u2019aide d\u2019un questionnaire semi-structur\ue9 sur 54 producteurs des semences de pommes de terre et 192qui ne sont pas producteurs des semences de pommes de terre, par \ue9chantillonnage \ue0 plusieurs degr\ue9s. Une analyse de r\ue9gression logistique ordonn\ue9e, bas\ue9e sur le mod\ue8le transth\ue9orique, a r\ue9v\ue9l\ue9 que le chef de m\ue9nage, les connaissances des partenaires, le sexe, la taille des terrains allou\ue9es \ue0 la production de pommes de terre, le niveau d\u2019\ue9ducation, la propri\ue9t\ue9 des installations de transport et / ou de stockage, la fr\ue9quence d\u2019interaction avec les semence de pomme de terre certifies, les producteurs et les agents de vulgarisation agricole ont influenc\ue9 positivement et significativement les tendances d\u2019adoption du CSPMAE. Les plateformes des parties prenantes de la cha\ueene de valeur des semences de pommes de terre, les agents de d\ue9veloppement et les bailleurs de fonds devraient accorder la priorit\ue9 \ue0 leur soutien aux agro-entreprises de semences propres aux agriculteurs ayant de tels traits. Cela devrait entra\ueener une augmentation de l\u2019acc\ue8s \ue0 des semences propres, am\ue9liorant ainsi les rendements de pommes de terre au Kenya

    Investigating molecular mechanisms of 2A-stimulated ribosomal pausing and frameshifting in Theilovirus.

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    Funder: Helmholtz AssociationFunder: Royal SocietyThe 2A protein of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) acts as a switch to stimulate programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting (PRF) during infection. Here, we present the X-ray crystal structure of TMEV 2A and define how it recognises the stimulatory RNA element. We demonstrate a critical role for bases upstream of the originally predicted stem-loop, providing evidence for a pseudoknot-like conformation and suggesting that the recognition of this pseudoknot by beta-shell proteins is a conserved feature in cardioviruses. Through examination of PRF in TMEV-infected cells by ribosome profiling, we identify a series of ribosomal pauses around the site of PRF induced by the 2A-pseudoknot complex. Careful normalisation of ribosomal profiling data with a 2A knockout virus facilitated the identification, through disome analysis, of ribosome stacking at the TMEV frameshifting signal. These experiments provide unparalleled detail of the molecular mechanisms underpinning Theilovirus protein-stimulated frameshifting