273 research outputs found

    Tuning Parameter Pid Dengan Metode Ciancone Pada Plant Heat Exchanger

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    Tuning of pid parameters is crucial in determining the success of a controller. But it is not easy to tune, some systems use a trial and error method that takes a long time to get the appropriate parameters. The purpose of this research is to provide a simple method of how to determine the pid parameters for controlling a process plant using ciancone\u27s method. This method is based on changes in plant reaction if given the input and the output response of the system is used as the basis to create a mathematical model with first-order approach. Then calculate the fraction dead time and determine the value of pid parameters based on correlation graphs ciancone. The results proved that the method is successful in controlling the temperature of the heat exchanger plant with pid parameter kc = 0.9, 1/ti = 1/28.08, and td = 2.16. With these parameters, the temperature of the plant heat exchanger can achieve the set point with rise time 21.9 seconds, settling time 101 seconds, 2.27 % overshoot and steady state error 0 . Furthermore, the system successfully follows the changes in set point and when given disturbance, the system can return to a steady state within 150 seconds. Key words : tuning , pid , ciancone method , heat exchanger

    Missed Gastric Injuries in Blunt Abdominal Trauma : Case report with review of literature

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    Hollow viscus injuries of the digestive tract are an uncommon occurrence in blunt abdominal trauma. We report a 39-year-old male who was hit by a vehicle as a pedestrian and admitted to the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, in 2015. He underwent an exploratory laparotomy which revealed injuries to the distal stomach, liver and descending colon. Postoperatively, the patient was febrile, tachycardic and hypotensive. Abdominal examination revealed distention and tenderness. The next day, a repeat laparotomy identified a gastric injury which had not been diagnosed during the initial laparotomy. Although the defect was repaired, the patient subsequently died as a result of multiorgan failure. Missed gastric injuries are rare and are associated with a grave prognosis, particularly for trauma patients. Delays in diagnosis, in addition to associated injuries, contribute to a high mortality rate

    Frequency-Modulated Orocutaneous Stimulation Promotes Non-nutritive Suck Development in Preterm Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome or Chronic Lung Disease

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    Background—For the premature infant, extrauterine life is a pathological condition which greatly amplifies the challenges to the brain in establishing functional oromotor behaviors. The extent to which suck can be entrained using a synthetically patterned orocutaneous input to promote its development in preterm infants who manifest chronic lung disease is unknown. Objective—To evaluate the effects of a frequency-modulated orocutaneous pulse train delivered through a pneumatically-charged pacifier capable of enhancing non-nutritive suck (NNS) activity in tube-fed premature infants. Methods—A randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of pneumatic orocutaneous stimulation 3x/day on NNS development and length of stay (LOS) in the NICU among 160 newborn infants distributed among 3 subpopulations, including healthy preterm infants (HI), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and chronic lung disease (CLD). Study infants received a regimen of orocutaneous pulse trains through a PULSED pressurized silicone pacifier or a SHAM control (blind pacifier) during gavage feeds for up to 10 days. Results—Mixed modeling, adjusted for the infant’s gender, gestational age, postmenstrual age, and birth weight, was used to handle interdependency among repeated measures within subjects. A significant main effect for stimulation mode (SHAM pacifier vs PULSED orosensory) was found among preterm infants for NNS Bursts/minute (p=.003), NNS events/minute (p=.033), and for Total Oral Compressions/minute [NNS+nonNNS] (p=.016). Pairwise comparison of adjusted means using Bonferroni adjustment indicated RDS and CLD infants showed the most significant gains on these NNS performance indices. CLD infants in the treatment group showed significantly shorter LOS by an average of 2.5 days

    Frequency-Modulated Orocutaneous Stimulation Promotes Non-nutritive Suck Development in Preterm Infants with Respiratory Distress Syndrome or Chronic Lung Disease

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    Background—For the premature infant, extrauterine life is a pathological condition which greatly amplifies the challenges to the brain in establishing functional oromotor behaviors. The extent to which suck can be entrained using a synthetically patterned orocutaneous input to promote its development in preterm infants who manifest chronic lung disease is unknown. Objective—To evaluate the effects of a frequency-modulated orocutaneous pulse train delivered through a pneumatically-charged pacifier capable of enhancing non-nutritive suck (NNS) activity in tube-fed premature infants. Methods—A randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy of pneumatic orocutaneous stimulation 3x/day on NNS development and length of stay (LOS) in the NICU among 160 newborn infants distributed among 3 subpopulations, including healthy preterm infants (HI), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), and chronic lung disease (CLD). Study infants received a regimen of orocutaneous pulse trains through a PULSED pressurized silicone pacifier or a SHAM control (blind pacifier) during gavage feeds for up to 10 days. Results—Mixed modeling, adjusted for the infant’s gender, gestational age, postmenstrual age, and birth weight, was used to handle interdependency among repeated measures within subjects. A significant main effect for stimulation mode (SHAM pacifier vs PULSED orosensory) was found among preterm infants for NNS Bursts/minute (p=.003), NNS events/minute (p=.033), and for Total Oral Compressions/minute [NNS+nonNNS] (p=.016). Pairwise comparison of adjusted means using Bonferroni adjustment indicated RDS and CLD infants showed the most significant gains on these NNS performance indices. CLD infants in the treatment group showed significantly shorter LOS by an average of 2.5 days

    Habitat fragmentation and its lasting impact on Earth’s ecosystems

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    We conducted an analysis of global forest cover to reveal that 70% of remaining forest is within 1 km of the forest’s edge, subject to the degrading effects of fragmentation. A synthesis of fragmentation experiments spanning multiple biomes and scales, five continents, and 35 years demonstrates that habitat fragmentation reduces biodiversity by 13 to 75% and impairs key ecosystem functions by decreasing biomass and altering nutrient cycles. Effects are greatest in the smallest and most isolated fragments, and they magnify with the passage of time. These findings indicate an urgent need for conservation and restoration measures to improve landscape connectivity, which will reduce extinction rates and help maintain ecosystem services


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    Pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi Mendeley ditujukan bagi Mahasiswa Akhir di Kota Jayapura. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan mengenai aplikasi Mendeley serta kemudahan yang diberikan dalam penyusunan tugas akhir skripsi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan ini memanfaatkan metode Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), metode ini terbagi dalam 3 (tiga) tahapan kegiatan, masing-masing; tahapan persiapan, pelaksanaan, serta tahap refleksi dan diskusi. Hasil akhir dari kegiatan ini; pertama, sebagian peserta sebelumnya tidak sama sekali memiliki pengetahuan tentang aplikasi Mendeley, akan tetapi setelah mengikuti pelatihan mereka telah mendapatkan gambaran serta pengetahuan mengenai kemudahan yang diberikan dalam menunjang penulisan karya ilmiah. Kedua, sebagian peserta telah mengenal aplikasi Mendeley akan tetapi belum memiliki kemampuan dalam mengoperasikannya, maka setelah mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan mereka telah mampu menjalankannya. Adapun minat dan antusias para peserta sangat tinggi dalam mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan tersebut, hal ini dapat terlihat melalui partisipasi yang berkembang dalam tahapan diskusi, serta praktek menjalankan aplikasi Mendeley. Sebagai rekomendasi, pertama pelatihan serupa penting untuk dilakukan secara rutin bagi mahasiswa, kedua peserta kegiatan diharapkan tidak hanya mahasiswa yang sedang atau hendak menyusun skripsi, ketiga ketika peserta terlalu banyak sebaiknya dibuat ke dalam beberapa sesi agar kegiatan pelatihan dapat berjalan efektif
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