32 research outputs found

    Distinctive features of simulating the stress-strain distinctive features of simulating the combined stress-strain behaviour of common, whole and eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete beams by FEM

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    Розглянуто результати прогнозу несучої здатності приопорних ділянок звичайних, нерозрізних та позацентрово стиснених непереармованих залізобетонних балок прямокутного перерізу за допомогою нелінійного скінчено-елементного розрахунку з використанням ПК «Ліра 9.6». Також показано методику проведення відповідних серій натурних п’ятифакторних, трихрівневих планованих експериментів із використанням плану типу На5. Виявлено характер деформування, тріщиноутворення та руйнування дослідних зразків. Експериментально обґрунтовано фізично-нелінійну модель деформування залізобетону. Розроблено алгоритми, що реалізують обрану модель залізобетону, і включають її до складу скінчено-елементного програмного комплексу «Ліра 9.6».The results obtained in the course of an experimental study of the bearing capacity of support areas of common, whole and eccentrically compressed non-overreinforced concrete beams of rectangular cross-section with the aid of a numerical non-linear finite element analysis based on the theoretical mechanics of reinforced concrete with the use of «Lira 9.6» software platform were considered and actualized. Methodology for conducting the corresponding series of full-scale 5-factor and 3-level planned experiments with the use of the Na5 plan type is described; the nature of deformation, cracks formation and destruction of the test specimens are revealed; physical and non-linear deformation model of the reinforced concrete is experimentally substantiated; the algorithms that actualize the chosen model of reinforced concrete are developed so, that the model can be included in the finite element software platform «Lira 9.6». The conducted systemic experimental and theoretical studies made it possible to reveal the relevant dependence of the reinforced element bearing capacity both on each individual analysed factor and on their interaction, which allows a reliable simulation of the physical behaviour of the loaded bar-type reinforced concrete structures. The model was tested with the aid of a software platform by comparing the obtained results with the known experimental data; the results of experimental studies were numerically simulated by using the finite element method and the proposed methodology reliability was substantiated by comparing the computed and studied data; the practical recommendations to determine the bearing capacity of the studied elements were developed. The conducted systemic experimental and theoretical studies enabled to reveal the essential dependence of the reinforced concrete elements bearing capacity both on each of the analysed factors individually and on their interaction, which makes it possible to reconstruct reliably a physical performance of loaded bar-type reinforced concrete structures. It was established, in particular that the use of quite strong transverse reinforcement (μsw=0.002...0.005) in the analysed non-overreinforced elements (μs=0.007...0.034) suppresses the «pegging effect» in the axial working reinforcement (Qs/Qu ≤ 0.06), and it can be neglected when making practical calculations. The tangential stresses in the concrete shear span, also above the inclined crack apex in particular, considerably exceed the commonly adopted value of 2,5Rbtn and equals 0.3...0.5 Rbn , their being distributed not over a parabolic curve but according to a trapezoid or a rectangle, and are oriented from top to bottom in common and eccentrically compressed elements and from bottom to top in the middle support of the whole beams

    Advances of the Cubic Symmetry Crystalline Systems to Create Complex, Bright Luminescent Ceramics

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    A method to create compositionally disordered compounds with a high number of cations in the matrices, that utilize the cubic spatial symmetry of the garnet-type crystalline systems is demonstrated. Mixtures of the garnet-type powdered materials solely doped with Ce were used to create atomic compositions of high complexity. Several mixed systems, namely Gd3Al2Ga3O12/(Gd,Y)3Al2Ga3O12, Y3Al5O12/Gd3Al2Ga3O12, and Y3Al5O12/Y3Al2Ga3O12 were annealed, compacted and sintered in air. The materials were evaluated for structural, luminescence, and scintillation properties. It was demonstrated that the properties of the resulting ceramics are a little dependent on the granularity of powders when the median particle size is below ~5 μm. © 2023 by the authors.National Research Council Canada, NRC; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-1353, 075-15-2023-370, 22.02.2023; Ural Federal University, UrFU; Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: FEUZ-2023-0013The authors at NRC “Kurchatov Institute” acknowledge support from the Russian Ministry of Science and Education, Agreement No. 075-15-2021-1353. Analytical research was conducted using equipment of the «Research Chemical and Analytical Center NRC» «Kurchatov Institute» Shared Research Facilities under project’s financial support by the Russian Federation, represented by The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Agreement No. 075-15-2023-370 dd. 22.02.2023. Authors at Ural Federal University acknowledge partial support from the Ministry of Science and Education, project No. FEUZ-2023-0013 and program of strategic academic leadership “Priority 2030”


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    The article describes the chronology of development of the system of reference materials in the nuclear industry of the Russian Federation. The basic documents used in the sphere of nuclear energy are described. The nomenclature of reference materials and feature of their application in the "Rosatom" is given. The prospects of development activities in the field of reference materials are formulated.В данной статье описана хронология развития системы стандартных образцов в атомной отрасли Российской Федерации. Описаны основные нормативные документы, применяемые в области использования атомной энергии, номенклатура стандартных образцов и особенность их применения в Госкорпорации «Росатом», проанализированы подходы к их аттестации. Сформулированы перспективы развития деятельности в области стандартных образцов

    The Saturation of the Response to an Electron Beam of Ce- and Tb-Doped GYAGG Phosphors for Indirect β-Voltaics

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    GYAGG:Tb (Ce) scintillators have been confirmed to be promising sources of light emission when excited by an intense 150 keV electron beam. The saturation of the scintillation yield under such excitation conditions has been studied. To explain the results obtained, a model that considers the Auger quenching mechanism was used. The Ce-doped material did not show saturation, whereas a moderate 30% drop of the yield was measured in the Tb-doped sample at the highest excitation beam intensity ~1 A/cm2. This put forward a way to exploit the Tb-doped scintillator for indirect β-voltaic batteries. © 2023 by the authors.National Research Council Canada, NRC; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 075-15-2021-1353, FEUZ 2023-0013The authors at NRC “Kurchatov Institute” and Moscow State University acknowledge support from the Russian Ministry of Science and Education, Agreement No. 075-15-2021-1353. Analytical studies have been carried out using the scientific equipment of NRC Kurchatov Institute IREA. The research at Ural Federal University was partially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Project FEUZ 2023-0013)

    Система телеметрии беспилотных летательных аппаратов

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    The article is devoted to the design of unmanned aerial vehicles telemetry system software based on MAVLink protocol. Telemetry systems are necessary for most of the unmanned aerial vehicle types even with small operating range to inform operator about restricted areas and battery charge. More advanced unmanned aerial vehicles must also report piloting and navigation parameters, route details and current task progress parameters. It requires unmanned aerial vehicle to use special hardware and software equipment so it is necessary to make it energy effective. This problem can be solved using package data transmission protocols.Статтю присвячено розробці програмного забезпечення телеметричних систем безпілотних літальних апаратів на основі протоколу MAVLink. Системи телеметрії необхідні для більшості типів безпілотних літальних апаратів навіть за невеликого робочого діапазону, щоб інформувати оператора про обмежені зони та заряд акумулятора. Більш просунуті безпілотні літальні апарати також повинні повідомляти про параметри пілотування та навігації, деталі маршруту та поточний прогрес виконання завдань. Для цього безпілотний літальний апарат потребує спеціального обладнання та програмного забезпечення, тому необхідно зробити його енергоефективним. Цю проблему можна вирішити за допомогою пакетних протоколів передачі даних.Статья посвящена разработке программного обеспечения телеметрической системы беспилотных летательных аппаратов на основе протокола MAVLink. Телеметрические системы необходимы для большинства типов беспилотных летательных аппаратов даже при небольшом рабочем диапазоне, чтобы информировать оператора о запрещенных зонах и зарядке аккумулятора. Более совершенные беспилотные летательные аппараты должны также сообщать параметры пилотирования и навигации, параметры маршрута и текущий прогресс выполнения задачи. Для этого беспилотный летательный аппарат требует специального оборудования и программного обеспечения, поэтому необходимо сделать его энергоэффективным. Эта проблема может быть решена с использованием пакетных протоколов передачи данных


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    The article describes the chronology of development of the system of reference materials in the nuclear industry of the Russian Federation. The basic documents used in the sphere of nuclear energy are described. The nomenclature of reference materials and feature of their application in the "Rosatom" is given. The prospects of development activities in the field of reference materials are formulated

    Modeling of the stress-deformed state and cracking inreinforced concrete structures using ANSYS Mechanical

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    The article presents the results of reinforced concrete beams modeling under short-term loading with the use of the ANSYS Mechanical software. The obtained parameters were compared with the experimental ones. The comparison showed a satisfactory concordance of the parameters. In case of the discrepancies, the authors suggest that they are due to the idealization of material properties and structural model of the finite method. The paper is divided into the following chapters: Introduction, Literature Review, Research Significance, Element Types, Real Constants, Material Properties Modeling, Geometric Modeling, Loads and Boundary Conditions, Cracking and Failure and Conclusions. Each of the five conclusions in the last chapter offers a summary of the presented experimental research


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    The results of adipose tissue autotransplantation in patients with different etiology of local facial soft tissue deficiency were estimated. The basic group (BG, n=105) was treated with vascular stromal cell fraction (VSCF) enriched fat, and control group (CG, n=98) with pure fat. The better outcomes after unitary operation (2,0±0,1 against 1,4±0,1 according to GAIS ratings;

    Extraction of Palladium from Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Solutions

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    New solvent systems for selective separation of palladium from nuclear wastes represent a prospective way to reduce the total waste volume and induce this metal’s extraction. For this purpose, the potential of modern green solvent room-temperature ionic liquid was assessed with diamide-type extractants based on N-heterocycles and S-donating thiodiglicolic acid. The N-donating heterocyclic extractants demonstrate structure-dependent high selectivity toward palladium in the presence of various impurity metals (such as Zr, Cs, Sr, Mo, Ce, Fe, and Cr) from spent nuclear fuel. Palladium is extracted into the organic phase quite selectively with a separation factor greater than a thousand for all extractants. Ionic liquid media are capable of selective palladium separation from platinum group metals and synergetically increase the selectivity of the extractants