221 research outputs found


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    This article considers organizational and legal issues of performing document survey during of iatrogenic crime investigation. Proposed ways to resolve these problems. Attention is drawn to the fact that investigative survey of documents is preceded by one of the measures to ensure criminal proceedings. Such a measure is temporary access to belongings and documents containing certain information. This information can be used as evidence of the fact or circumstances of the crime. Except familiarization with belongings and documents, this measure allows to make copies, and in the case of a certain decision made by investigating magistrate or court to seize them. The rules and mechanism of this measure application are considered. Attention is drawn to the expediency of medical record seizure, since medical personnel can make changes to documents. They do this in order to avoid responsibility or to hide a crime. A list of documents that are subject to survey during the investigation of crimes committed during medical care provision is defined. Such documents include: patient medical records; autopsy report; medical record of the patient who left the hospital; outpatient medical record; record about surgical treatments at hospital, records about admission to the hospital, refusal of hospitalization, etc. It was noted that information contained in the medical records and can be obtained by investigator during their survey is classified as medical secrecy. Medical secrecy is information about: the disease, medical survey and its results, fact of medical help handling, diagnosis, prescribed treatment, prognosis of the disease, intimate and family side of life, and any medical actions that were taken regarding the patient.В статье рассмотрены организационные и правовые проблемы проведения осмотра документов при расследовании ятрогенных преступлений. Предложены пути разрешения этих проблем. Обращено внимание на то, что следственному осмотру документов предшествует проведение такой меры обеспечения уголовного производства как временный доступ к вещам и документам, содержащих определенные сведения. Эти сведения могут быть использованы как доказательства фактов или обстоятельств преступления. Кроме ознакомления с вещами и документами, эта мера предоставляет возможность сделать копии, а в случае принятия определенного решения следственным судьей, судом, изъять их. Рассмотрены правила и механизм применения этой меры. Обращено внимание на целесообразность изъятия медицинской документации, поскольку медицинские работники могут вносить изменения в документы. Они делают это для того, чтобы избежать ответственности или скрыть преступление. Определен перечень документов, которые подлежат осмотру при расследовании преступлений, совершаемых в сфере предоставления медицинской помощи. К таким документам относятся: медицинская карта больного; протокол патолого-анатомического исследования; карта пациента, который выбыл из стационара; медицинская карта амбулаторного больного; журнал записей оперативных вмешательств в стационере, учета приема больных в стационар и отказа от госпитализации и другие. Отмечено, что сведения, которые содержатся в медицинских документах и могут быть получены следователем при их осмотре, относятся к врачебной тайне. Врачебной тайной является информация: о заболевании, медицинском осмотре и его результатах, о факте обращения за медицинской помощью, диагнозе, назначенном лечении, прогнозе заболевания, интимной и семейной стороне жизни и любые медицинские действия, которые были проведены относительно пациента.Висвітлено організаційно-правові проблеми здійснення огляду документів при розслідуванні злочинів, учинених у сфері надання медичної допомоги, і запропоновано шляхи їх вирішення. Акцентовано увагу на тому, що слідчому огляду документів передує здійснення такого заходу забезпечення кримінального провадження як тимчасовий доступ до речей і документів. Розглянуто правила та механізм застосування цього заходу. Окреслено перелік документів, що підлягають огляду при розслідуванні злочинів, учинених у сфері надання медичної допомоги. Визначено обставини, які слідчий може встановити при проведенні огляду цих документів. Зазначено, що відомості, котрі містяться в медичних документах і можуть бути отримані слідчим у ході їх огляду, належать до лікарської таємниці. Розглянуто відомості, які становлять лікарську таємницю

    Left ventricular global function index: diagnostic and prognostic value in cardiovascular diseases

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    Left ventricular global function index (LVGFI) is a novel indicator for assessing LV function, considering the main components of cardiac remodeling, obtained using magnetic resonance imaging and echocardiography. Works with the assessment of normal LVGFI values were analyzed. The review provides data on the diagnostic and prognostic efficacy of LVGFI in various cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure, myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy, and amyloidosis. Examples of LVGFI calculation in healthy patients and in those with listed pathologies are also presented


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    Известно, что брендовые товары используются не только для удовлетворения функциональных потребностей. Человек также выражает себя через приобретаемые им товары. Поэтому в современном обществе потребления бренд стал механизмом формирования идентичности. В данной статье анализируется взаимосвязь идентичности потребителя и индивидуальности предпочитаемого им бренда.It is known that branded products are used not only to meet functional needs. A person expresses himself through the goods he purchases. Therefore, in the modern consumer society, the brand has become a mechanism for the formation of identity. This article analyzes the relationship between the identity of the consumer and the individuality of their preferred brand

    Power spectrum features of the near-Earth atmospheric electric field in Kamchatka

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    Power spectrum of the diurnal variations of the quasi-electrostatic field Ez in the near-Earth atmosphere have been presented for the first time. The Ez power spectrum variations in the period of fine weather have been shown to exhibit two bands of the periods of natural atmospheric oscillations with T = 1-5 and 6-24 h. These oscillations are the modes of the internal gravity and tidal waves in the lower atmosphere. On the days under atmospheric precipitation, the spectral power of Ez increases by an order of magnitude. During the pre-earthquake period, when the diurnal Ez variation had an anomaly, the intensity of harmonics with T = 1.8, 2.2, and 3.8 h increased by an order of magnitude or more in comparison with the Ez spectra in fine weather. Two additional spectral bands with T = 0.6 and 1 h have appeared simultaneously

    Modeling capping protein FRAP and CALI experiments reveals in vivo regulation of actin dynamics

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    To gain insights on cellular mechanisms regulating actin polymerization, we used the Virtual Cell to model FRAP and chromophore assisted laser inactivation (CALI) experiments on EGFP-capping protein (EGFP-CP). Modeling the FRAP kinetics demonstrated that the in vivo rate for the dissociation of CP from actin filaments is much faster (~0.1 s−1) than that measured in vitro (0.01–0.0004 s−1). The CALI simulation revealed that in order to induce sustainable changes in cell morphology after CP inactivation, the cells should exhibit anti-capping ability. We included the VASP protein as the anti-capping agent in the modeling scheme. The model predicts that VASP affinity for barbed ends has a cooperative dependence on the concentration of VASP-barbed end complexes. This dependence produces a positive feedback that stabilizes the complexes and allows sustained growth at clustered filament tips. We analyzed the range of laser intensities that are sufficient to induce changes in cell morphology. This analysis demonstrates that FRAP experiments with EGFP-CP can be performed safely without changes in cell morphology, because, the intensity of the photobleaching beam is not high enough to produce the critical concentration of free barbed ends that will induce filament growth before diffusional replacement of EGFP-CP occurs

    Motivation of Employees for Creativity as a Form of Support to Manage Innovation Processes in Transportation-Logistics Companies

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    The paper´s objective is to analyse a certain influence of using creative potential of employees on the innovation processes management in the transportation-logistics companies. An important part is the presentation of partial results of a survey (conducted between 2013 and 2016) regarding particular development of orientation towards the level of motivation and support of employee creativity in Slovak companies with over 50 employees. These results revealed significant deficiencies in the employees’ motivation to be creative and in the extent of their involvement in innovations. In the process of creating an appropriate environment, a particular point evaluation is then provided recognizing the actual level of the organizations’ orientation towards the discussed issue. In order to identify certain barriers to improve the innovation processes, a case study was also used to classify the current state of the three selected transportation-logistics companies operating in the Slovak Republic

    Green strategies for the sustainable growth of food security

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    Modern society today is reconsidering its development strategy in the light of changing environmental conditions. The global climatic changes observed over the last 30-40 years require not just a careful attitude toward nature and resources, but a comprehensive review of the technologies of production and processing of raw materials and resources. The consumer strategy that has dominated society for the past 2-3 centuries must be completely transformed into a new philosophy of sustainable development of economic systems and growth of food supply for the growing world population. Deteriorating production conditions and resource depletion will not allow a growing humanity to develop at the same speed without a sustainable food base. Therefore, the task of increasing food security becomes a priority in the strategy for the development of the national economy. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2023

    Modeling the Excess Cell Surface Stored in a Complex Morphology of Bleb-Like Protrusions

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    Cells transition from spread to rounded morphologies in diverse physiological contexts including mitosis and mesenchymal-to-amoeboid transitions. When these drastic shape changes occur rapidly, cell volume and surface area are approximately conserved. Consequently, the rounded cells are suddenly presented with a several-fold excess of cell surface whose area far exceeds that of a smooth sphere enclosing the cell volume. This excess is stored in a population of bleb-like protrusions (BLiPs), whose size distribution is shown by electron micrographs to be skewed. We introduce three complementary models of rounded cell morphologies with a prescribed excess surface area. A 2D Hamiltonian model provides a mechanistic description of how discrete attachment points between the cell surface and cortex together with surface bending energy can generate a morphology that satisfies a prescribed excess area and BLiP number density. A 3D random seed-and-growth model simulates efficient packing of BLiPs over a primary rounded shape, demonstrating a pathway for skewed BLiP size distributions that recapitulate 3D morphologies. Finally, a phase field model (2D and 3D) posits energy-based constitutive laws for the cell membrane, nematic F-actin cortex, interior cytosol, and external aqueous medium. The cell surface is equipped with a spontaneous curvature function, a proxy for the cell surface-cortex couple, that is a priori unknown, which the model “learns” from the thin section transmission electron micrograph image (2D) or the “seed and growth” model image (3D). Converged phase field simulations predict self-consistent amplitudes and spatial localization of pressure and stress throughout the cell for any posited stationary morphology target and cell compartment constitutive properties. The models form a general framework for future studies of cell morphological dynamics in a variety of biological contexts

    Effect of the Surface on the Electron Quantum Size Levels and Electron g-Factor in Spherical Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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    The structure of the electron quantum size levels in spherical nanocrystals is studied in the framework of an eight--band effective mass model at zero and weak magnetic fields. The effect of the nanocrystal surface is modeled through the boundary condition imposed on the envelope wave function at the surface. We show that the spin--orbit splitting of the valence band leads to the surface--induced spin--orbit splitting of the excited conduction band states and to the additional surface--induced magnetic moment for electrons in bare nanocrystals. This additional magnetic moment manifests itself in a nonzero surface contribution to the linear Zeeman splitting of all quantum size energy levels including the ground 1S electron state. The fitting of the size dependence of the ground state electron g factor in CdSe nanocrystals has allowed us to determine the appropriate surface parameter of the boundary conditions. The structure of the excited electron states is considered in the limits of weak and strong magnetic fields.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    From experimental biomodeling to personalized medicine

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    This article presents the results of experimental studies of adverse effects of environmental and occupational exposures on the morphofunctional state of the central nervous system in offspring rats. The results of this study show that newborn offspring of rats exposed to vinyl chloride and mercuric chloride lagged behind the controls in sensory-motor development. There was violated the whole structure of behavior in adult offspring characterized by reduces motor and exploratory activity, increased anxiety in rats. There was abnormal impulse conduction in the neuromuscular apparatus of the hind legs of albino rats and morphological changes in the structure of nervous tissue. Developmental disorders in the offspring may be associated with the processes of accumulation, influence on the genetic apparatus of cells or mediated by epigenetic mechanisms of CNS disorders. A comparative study of the behavioral and cognitive effects of toluene, cerebral bioelectrical activity in rats with a normal embryogenesis and background prenatal hypoxia has been found that toluene neurotoxicity are more pronounced in adult rats exposed to chronic prenatal hypoxia. The results suggest a possible decrease in the sensitivity of neurons to the action of neurotoxicants because of prenatal hypoxic damage. The significance of experimental modeling is to develop approaches to personalized medicine, because knowledge of the previous prenatal pathology or neurointoxication of parents allow study of individual measures of prevention, treatment, and decisions about employment of the younger generation