587 research outputs found

    Action des NĂ©matodes EntomopathogĂšnes du genre Heterorhabditis sur les oeufs de criquet, Locusta migratoria (L.) (Orthoptera : acrididae)

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    Les nĂ©matodes entomopathogĂšnes (EPN) ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©celĂ©s pour la premiĂšre fois sur les oeufs de criquets. Quelques populations d’Heterorhabditis isolĂ©es sur les oeufs de Schistocera gregaria ForsskĂ„l, de Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera : Acrididae) et sur les chenilles de Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) ont Ă©tĂ© isolĂ©es. La pathogĂ©nie des populations du nĂ©matode isolĂ©es sur les oeufs est plus importante que celle sur les chenilles. A l’inverse la pathogĂ©nie des EPN isolĂ©e sur les chenilles est plus importante sur les chenilles de l’insecte modĂšle. Les potentialitĂ©s biochimiques des nĂ©matodes entomopathogĂšnes et de leurs bactĂ©ries symbiontes en rapport avec l’activitĂ© protĂ©olytique et chitinase ont étĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es. Les bactĂ©ries mutualistes des nĂ©matodes isolĂ©es sur les oeufs de criquet montrent une importante activitĂ© protĂ©olytique.Mots ClĂ©s: Heterorhabditis, nĂ©matode entomopathogĂšne, oeuf, criquet, Locusta migratoriaEnglish Title:  Effect of entomopathogenic nematode, heterorhabditis on eggs, Locusta migratoria (L.)English AbstractEffect of entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis on eggs locust, Locusta migratoria (L.) First report of entomopathogenic nematodes have been detected in locusts eggs. Some Heterorhabditis populations isolated on eggs of Schistocera gregaria ForsskĂ„l, of Locusta migratoria L. (Orthoptera : Acrididae) and caterpillars of Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) were isolated. Nematode populations isolated from insect eggs aremore aggressive on locust eggs than those obtained by greater wax moth traps. Pathogenesis on nematodes isolated on carterpillar larvae bait, is greater on Galleria mellonella, insect model of EPN, than those bait by locust eggs. Biochemical potential of EPN and their symbiotic bacteria is related on proteolytic and kinetics activity. Mutualistic bacteria of nematode isolated on locust eggs show a significant proteolytic activity.Keywords: Heterorhabditis, entomopathogenetic nematode, Egg, locust, Locusta migratori

    Use of Multi-Watermarking Schema to Maintain Awareness in a Teleneurology Diagnosis Platform

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    International audienceFollowing the tremendous evolution of transferring images through the Internet, it isnecessary to ensure security during this act and mainly for medical images.The application of multiple watermarking technique represents a solution to preserve the security of this data, on the one hand, and the traceability of medical diagnoses made by doctors, on the other hand. This falls under remote collaborative work.This technique is applied in the TeNeCi (Collaborative tele-neurology) platform. Thisproject allows practitioners to distribute the analyses of the medical image. In fact, we used the multiple watermarking technique in a wavelet field. The theory underlying this technique is to hide information in the medical image and to ensure at the same time its imperceptibility. The diagnosis made by the practitioner is the inserted data in theimage. The fundamental challenge of this paper is how to hide the total diagnoses of each practitioner in the image ensuring a good quality of the imageat the same time

    Security of the Medical Media Using an Hybrid and Multiple Watermark Technique

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a new approach of multiple and hybrid watermark using two linked fields of insertion. This approach associates two different series of marks: one is sturdy guaranteeing the supervision of diffused media though the network and testifying to the identity of the owner of the medical image; the other series of marks, which is frail, insuring the integrity, the trace and the archives of medical diagnoses. In fact, this approach allows to benefit from the advantages of different insertion spaces (spatial and frequency field) and kind of two different fields of watermark. In the spatial field, the diagnosis of the doctor (frail marks) is inserted guaranteeing its records and its trace. In the frequency, the sturdy mark is inserted allowing to ensure the automatic control of the media through the network and testifying to the proprietor of the medical image

    Synovialosarcome cervical: a propos d’un cas

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    Introduction : Le synovialosarcome est une tumeur maligne agressive. Les localisations cervico-faciales sont trĂšs rares. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas de synovialosarcome dans la rĂ©gion antĂ©ro-latĂ©rale du cou.Observation : Il s’agit d’un patient ĂągĂ© de 37 ans, qui a consultĂ© pour une volumineuse tumĂ©faction latĂ©ro-cervicale Ă©voluant depuis 8 mois. La TDM a montrĂ© une masse tissulaire bien limitĂ©e de la rĂ©gion antĂ©rolatĂ©rale gauche du cou qui se rehausse faiblement aprĂšs injection de produit de contraste. Le patient a eu une exĂ©rĂšse tumorale complĂšte. L’examen anatomopathologique a conclu à un synovialosarcome. L’évolution Ă©tait marquĂ©e par la rĂ©cidive locale rapide, aprĂšs 15 jours, pour laquelle il a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©opĂ©rĂ© avec une radio-chimiothĂ©rapie post opĂ©ratoire. Cependant le patient a prĂ©sentĂ© une mĂ©tastase pulmonaire avec une poursuite Ă©volutive.Conclusion : Le synovialosarcome cervical ne prĂ©sente pas de spĂ©cificitĂ© clinique et radiologique. Le traitement de choix est la chirurgie.La valeur du traitement adjuvant n’est pas encore bien dĂ©finie. Le pronostic est mauvais.Mots clĂ©s : synovialosarcome, rĂ©gion cervicale, chirurgie, radiothĂ©rapie, rĂ©cidiveIntroduction : The synovial sarcoma is a malignant and aggressive tumor. The cervicofacial locations are rares. We report a new case of synovial sarcoma in the anterolateral region of the neck.Observation : He is a 37 years old patient, with a large latero-cervical tumefaction evolving for 8 months. CT showed well circumscribed tissue mass of the left anterolateral area neck which enhances low after contrast injection. The patient had a complete tumor resection. Histological examination concluded a synovial sarcoma. The evolution was marked by rapid local recurrence, after 15 days, for which he was reoperated with postoperative chemoradiotherapy. However, the patient had a pulmonary metastasis with continued progression.Conclusion : The cervical synovial sarcoma has no specific clinical and radiological character. The treatment of choice is surgery. The value of adjuvant therapy is not well defined. The prognosis is poor.Keywords : synovial sarcoma, neck, surgery, radiotherapy, recurrenc

    Structural characterization of Si(m)Ge(n) strained layer superlattices

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    SimGen strained layer superlattice (SLS) structures were grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GexSi1-x buffer layers on Si substrates to determine the effects of buffer layer composition, SLS thickness ratio, and superlattice periodicity, on the overall quality of these structures. X-ray diffraction methods were used to determine how closely actual periodicities and compositions met targeted values, and to evaluate the quality of these samples. In most instances the as-grown structures matched the targeted values to within 10%, though in some instances deviations of 20-25% in either the period or composition were observed. The quality of the SLS structures was greatly dependent on the composition of the buffer layer on which it was grown. SimGen SLS structures grown on Si- and Ge-rich buffer layers were of much higher quality than SimGem SLSs grown on Ge0.50Si0.50 layers, but the x-ray rocking curves of the SimGen samples indicated that they were far from perfect and contained moderate levels of defects. These results were confirmed by cross sectional transmission electron microscopy, which showed that the SimGem structures contained significant numbers of dislocations and that the layers were nonuniform in thickness and wavy in appearance. SimGen structures, however, displayed fewer defects but some dislocations and nonparallelism of layers were still observed

    Metastase de la voûte crùnienne Revelant un carcinome differencie De la thyroïde

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    Les mĂ©tastases des carcinomes thyroĂŻdiens au niveau de la voĂ»te crĂąnienne sont extrĂȘmement rares. Bien que ces mĂ©tastases soient de mauvais pronostic, la dĂ©tection prĂ©coce et l’administration d’un traitement appropriĂ© peuvent amĂ©liorer la survie et la qualitĂ© de vie. Nous rapportons deux cas de carcinomes diffĂ©renciĂ©s thyroĂŻdiens rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s par une mĂ©tastase de la voĂ»te crĂąnienne.Mots clĂ©s: mĂ©tastase, voĂ»te crĂąnienne, cancer de la thyroĂŻdeThyroid carcinoma with metastasis to the cranial vault is extremely rare. Although these metastasis had poor prognosis, early detection and administration of appropriate therapy using radioactive iodine seems likely to improve the survival rate and quality of life. We report two cases of differentiated thyroid carcinoma revealed by vault metastasis.Keywords: metastasis, cranial vault, thyroid carcinom

    Complications orbitaires de la polypose nasosinusienne de l’enfant

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    La polypose nasosinusienne (PNS) est une pathologie rare chez l’enfant. La symptomatologie clinique est habituellement celle de l’adulte. Exceptionnellement, une complication locorĂ©gionale lui est rĂ©vĂ©latrice. A travers deux observations de PNS diagnostiquĂ©es suite Ă  une complication orbitaire, on discute les particularitĂ©s cliniques de cette entitĂ© ainsi que ses implications thĂ©rapeutiques. Il s’agissait de deux enfants ĂągĂ©s de 13 ans ayant Ă©tĂ© hospitalisĂ©s pour une exophtalmie unilatĂ©rale d’apparition aiguĂ«. L’examen clinique a dĂ©couvert une PNS surinfectĂ©e Ă©voquant alors le diagnostic de complication orbitaire d’origine infectieuse, confirmĂ© par l’imagerie. Le traitement a associĂ© un drainage chirurgical d’urgence de l’abcĂšs orbitaire par voie externe paracanthale interne, suivi par une corticothĂ©rapie locale. L’ethmoĂŻdectomie a Ă©tĂ© nĂ©cessaire dans un cas. L’évolution Ă©tait favorable dans les deux cas avec une stabilisation de la PNS et une absence de signes de rĂ©cidive de l’infection orbitaire

    Riemann Surfaces of genus g with an automorphism of order p prime and p>g

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    The present work completes the classification of the compact Riemann surfaces of genus g with an analytic automorphism of order p (prime number) and p > g. More precisely, we construct a parameteriza- tion space for them, we compute their groups of uniformization and we compute their full automorphism groups. Also, we give affine equations for special cases and some implications on the components of the singular locus of the moduli space of smooth curves of genus g.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure

    Nano-Fe<sup>0</sup> immobilized onto functionalized biochar gaining excellent stability during sorption and reduction of chloramphenicol via transforming to reusable magnetic composite

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. The widely used nanosized zero-valent iron (nZVI or nFe0) particles and their composite material lose reductive nature during application, and the stability of transformed composite material for repeatable application is not addressed to date. To shed light on this, nZVI was synthesized from scrap material and immobilized on functionalized biochar (fBC) to prepare nZVI-fBC composite. Comparative study between nZVI and nZVI-fBC composite on the removal of chlorinated antibiotic chloramphenicol from different water types was conducted. The results suggested that nZVI was solely responsible for reduction of chloramphenicol. Whereas nZVI-fBC could be applied once, within a few hours, for the reduction of chloramphenico (29–32.5%) and subsequently sorption (67.5–70.5%) by transforming to a fully magnetic composite (nFe3O4-fBC) gaining stability with synergistic sorption performance. In both cases, two reduction by-products were identified namely 2-chloro-N-[1,3-dihydroxy-1-(4-aminophenyl)propan-2-yl]acetamide (m/z 257) and dechlorinated N-[1,3-dihydroxy-1-(4-aminophenyl)propan-2-yl]acetamide (m/z 223). The complete removal of 3.1 ”M L−1 of chloramphenicol in different water was faster by nZVI-fBC (∌12–15 h) than by stable nFe3O4-fBC composite (∌18 h). Both nZVI-fBC and nFe3O4-fBC composites removed chloramphenicol in the order: deionized water > lake water > synthetic wastewater. nFe3O4-fBC showed excellent reusability after regeneration, with the regenerated nFe3O4-fBC composite (after 6 cycles of application) showing significant performance for methylene blue removal (∌287 mg g−1). Therefore, the transformed nFe3O4-fBC composite is a promising and reusable sorbent for the efficient removal of organic contaminants

    Le mal de pott sous occipital rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© par un abcĂšs rĂ©tro pharyngien a propos d’un cas

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    Introduction : Pott's disease is the most frequent localisation of osteo-articular tuberculosis. The suboccipital localisation remains rare. Case report : A 12-years old boy, admitted for cervicalgy and dysphagia. His clinical exam revealed a swelling of posterior pharyngeal wall associated with a basicervical tumefaction fistulased to the skin. Cervical spine MRI and cervico-thoracic tomodensitometry show a retro-pharyngeal collection associated with necrosed mediastinal adenopathies and apical pulmonar retractile lesion. The patient underwent, in emergency, an incision of the retro-pharyngeal abscess. The biological assessment revealed an inflommatory syndrom. A tuberculine intra dermo-reaction was negative whereas the BK research were positive. The diagnosis of suboccipital Pott's disease associated with pulmonar tuberculosis was done. The anti-tuberculosis drug was mentained for 11 months with a good recovery. The follow-up was 6 years. Discussion : The sub occipital pain Pott localisation was rare. The cervicalgy was the important clinical sign of consultation. Whearas, the dysphagia and retro-pharyngeal abscess could be revealing. The MRI was necessary for an early diagnosis. The diagnosis confirmation was made by the presence of Mycobacterium Koch in the pottic lesion. The treatment was based on the anti-tuberculosis drugs for a period of 11 months completed with an orthopedic or surgical stabilisation of cervical occipital jonction.Keywords : Pott’s disease, tuberculosis, cervical spine, MRI, Mycobacterium Koch
