24 research outputs found

    Digital quantum simulation of scalar Yukawa coupling: Dynamics following an interaction quench on IBM Q

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    Motivated by the dearth of studies pertaining to the digital quantum simulation of coupled fermion-boson systems and the revitalized interest in simulating models from medium- and high-energy physics, we investigate the nonequilibrium dynamics following a Yukawa-interaction quench on IBM Q. After adopting -- due to current quantum-hardware limitations -- a single-site (zero-dimensional) version of the scalar Yukawa-coupling model as our point of departure, we design low-depth quantum circuits that emulate its dynamics with up to three bosons. In particular, using advanced circuit-optimization techniques, in the one-boson case we demonstrate circuit compression, i.e. design a shallow (constant-depth) circuit that contains only two CNOT gates, regardless of the total simulation time. In the three-boson case -- where such a compression is not possible -- we design a circuit in which one Trotter step entails 8 CNOTs, this number being far below the maximal CNOT-cost of a generic three-qubit gate. Using an analogy with the travelling salesman problem, we also provide a CNOT-cost estimate for quantum circuits emulating the system dynamics for higher boson-number truncations. Finally, based on the proposed circuits for one- and three-boson cases, we quantify the system dynamics for several different initial states by evaluating the expected fermion- and boson numbers at an arbitrary time after the quench. We validate our results by finding their good agreement with the exact ones obtained through classical benchmarking.Comment: 19 pages, 21 figure

    Dogs Discriminate Identical Twins

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    Earlier studies have shown variation among experimental attempts to establish whether human monozygotic twins that are genetically identical also have identical individual scents. In none of the cases were the dogs able to distinguish all the individual scents of monozygotic twins living in the same environment if the scents were presented to them separately. Ten specially trained police German Shepherd dogs of three Czech Republic Police Regional Headquarters were used for scent identification in our study. The dogs were supposed to match scents of two monozygotic pairs (5 and 7 years old) and two dizygotic twin pairs (8 and 13 years old). Scents were collected on cotton squares stored in glass jars. Dog handlers were blind to the experiment details. In each trial (line-up), one scent was used as a starting scent and the dog was then sent to determine if any of the 7 presented glass jars contained a matching scent. Scents of children of similar ages were used as distractors. In the matching procedure, the dogs matched correctly the scent of one twin with the other, as well as two scents collected from every single identical and non-identical twin to prove their efficacy and likewise, the presence of the matching twin scent in any given glass jar. All dogs in all trials distinguished correctly the scents of identical as well as non-identical twins. All dogs similarly matched positively two scents collected from the same individuals. Our findings indicated that specially trained German Shepherd dogs are able to distinguish individual scents of identical twins despite the fact that they live in the same environment, eat the same food and even if the scents are not presented to them simultaneously

    International Consensus Statement on Rhinology and Allergy: Rhinosinusitis

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    Background: The 5 years since the publication of the first International Consensus Statement on Allergy and Rhinology: Rhinosinusitis (ICAR‐RS) has witnessed foundational progress in our understanding and treatment of rhinologic disease. These advances are reflected within the more than 40 new topics covered within the ICAR‐RS‐2021 as well as updates to the original 140 topics. This executive summary consolidates the evidence‐based findings of the document. Methods: ICAR‐RS presents over 180 topics in the forms of evidence‐based reviews with recommendations (EBRRs), evidence‐based reviews, and literature reviews. The highest grade structured recommendations of the EBRR sections are summarized in this executive summary. Results: ICAR‐RS‐2021 covers 22 topics regarding the medical management of RS, which are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Additionally, 4 topics regarding the surgical management of RS are grade A/B and are presented in the executive summary. Finally, a comprehensive evidence‐based management algorithm is provided. Conclusion: This ICAR‐RS‐2021 executive summary provides a compilation of the evidence‐based recommendations for medical and surgical treatment of the most common forms of RS

    Kognitive Prozesse bei der initialen Diagnosefindung und Therapieplanung in der KieferorthopÀdie [Cognitive processes in inital diagnosis and treatment planning in orthodontics]

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    [english] Introduction: The investigation of diagnostic processes in dentistry and particularly in orthodontics is an often neglected subject of research. This study investigates cognitive processes at initial diagnosis and during treatment planning in orthodontics. We differentiated between various levels of experience: dentists without special training, assistants and specialist dentists. The aim was to identify cognitive processes and use this information for the improvement of education. Methods: A case vignette (complete, evaluated diagnostic record of a patient with patient’s history, clinical findings, study model, cephalogram, panoramic x-ray, photographs) was presented to 17 test persons (5 dentists, 5 assistants and 7 specialist dentists). With the help of think-aloud protocols, statements were systematised and quantified to enable statistical analysis. Results: The cognitive process is a complex and variable interaction of different processes. Reduction to a single known cognitive model was not possible. At a high cognitive load, there were no significant differences between groups for processing, but significant differences were found in the order in which the diagnostic records were considered. With increasing experience, less information (15%) was considered. The study model takes up a substantial proportion of diagnosis and treatment planning in terms of time (&gt;30%) and content. Discussion: The initial orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning is a highly individual process. An integrated model of analytical and non-analytical approaches can be adopted for orthodontics. Target for the improvement of education should be stricter systematics and reduction of the cognitive load. To build individual strategies it may also be helpful to incorporate more case-based exercises. <br>[german] EinfĂŒhrung: Die Untersuchung diagnostischer Prozesse nach kognitiven Gesichtspunkten ist speziell in der Zahnmedizin und KieferorthopĂ€die bisher wenig betrachtet worden. In dieser Studie werden die kognitiven Prozesse bei der initialen Diagnostik und Therapieplanung in der KieferorthopĂ€die untersucht. Es wurden verschiedene Erfahrungslevel von ZahnĂ€rzten ohne spezielle Ausbildung, Weiterbildungsassistenten und FachzahnĂ€rzten differenziert. Ziel war es, die gedanklichen Prozesse zu erkennen und Konsequenzen fĂŒr eine Verbesserung der Ausbildung abzuleiten. Methode: Eine Fallvignette (komplette, ausgewertete diagnostische Unterlagen eines Patienten mit Anamnese, klinischem Befund, Studienmodell, Fernröntgenseitbild, Orthopantomogramm, Fotos) wurde 17 Probanden (5 ZahnĂ€rzte, 5 Weiterbildungsassistenten und 7 FachzahnĂ€rzte) vorgelegt. Anhand von Think-aloud-Protokollen der Bearbeitung der Fallvignette wurden die Aussagen systematisiert und quantifiziert und damit einer statistischen Betrachtung zugĂ€nglich gemacht. Ergebnis: Der kognitive Prozess ist ein komplexes und variables Zusammenwirken verschiedener AblĂ€ufe. Eine Reduktion auf ein bekanntes kognitives Modell war nicht möglich. Bei einer hohen Cognitive Load zeigten sich in der Zeit fĂŒr die Bearbeitung keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen, wohl aber erhebliche Differenzen in der Reihenfolge der Betrachtung der Befunde. Mit steigender Berufserfahrung werden weniger Informationen (15%) abgerufen. Sowohl zeitlich (&gt;30%) als auch inhaltlich hat das Studienmodell wesentlichen Anteil an der Diagnostik und Therapieplanung. Diskussion: Die initiale kieferorthopĂ€dische Diagnostik und Therapieplanung ist ein hochindividueller Prozess. Es kann ein integriertes Modell aus analytischem und nichtanalytischem Vorgehen fĂŒr die KieferorthopĂ€die angenommen werden. Verbesserungen in der Wissensvermittlung sollten eine strengere Systematisierung und Reduktion der kognitiven Belastung zum Ziel haben. Zum Aufbau individueller Strategien könnte auch der vermehrte Einsatz fallbasierter Übungen beitragen