212 research outputs found

    ПРОСТІР ЗАНЕДБАНИХ КОСТЕЛІВ ЯК НОСІЙ ПАМ'ЯТІ ЛОКАЛЬНОЇ СПІЛЬНОТИ. (Abandoned churches as a media memory of local community.)

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    У статті представлено простір занедбаних римо-католицьких та євангелістських костелів як носія пам'яті локальних спільнот. Стаття написана на основі етнографічних досліджень, які проводилися у селах Тернопільської та Івано-Франківської областей. Простір є одним із найважливіших чинників збереження колективної пам'яті, а кожен наратив про минуле повинен бути пов'язаний із якимось місцем. Занедбані костели є встановленням колективної пам'яті локальної спільноти. Наратив про місце відображає значення пережитого часу. (The article shows the spaces of abandoned roman catholic and protestant churches as Media Memory of the local population. The article based on ethnographic research conducted with local people in the villages in Western Ukraine (Tarnopil and Ivano-Frankivsk Region). Space is one of the most importantfactors in preserving the collective memory, and each narrative of the past must be set in some place. Narrative is a vital human activity which structures experience and gives it meaning. These abandoned churches are generally defined as those locations - both topographical and metaphorical - which are assigned a collective «memory function)) by a given community.

    Mit Kresow Wschodnich ‒ pomiedzy historia a pamiecia (The Myth of the Eastern Borderlands Between History and Memory)

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    Статтю підготовлено на основі біографічних інтерв’ю пересе- ленців, які походять зі східних регіонів ІІ Речі Посполитої і нині мешкають на теренах Нижньої Сілезії. Зокрема, подано проблематику поняття «креси». Розглянуто також вплив питання переселення на ідентичність співрозмовників і на основі їхніх розповідей представле но міфотворчу роль пам’яті для формування образу східних кресів ІІ Речі Посполитої. Порівнюється образ Кресів з елементами в наративах, які демонструють відмінну реальність, заперечуючи міф східних кресів як багатоетнічної мішанки. Як приклад, подано розповіді про польсько-українські відносини. (The article based on the biographical narratives displaced persons, who were born in the eastern provinces of the Polish Second Republic and now living in Lower Silesia. In the article the author presents the problem of the concept of «Borderalnds». It also discusses the impact of resettlement on the identity and on the basis of narratives stories shows memory work and myth of eastern borderlands of the Polish Second Republic.The author juxtapose the image of the Borderlands with elements narratives that reveal a different reality denying the myth of the eastern borderlands as a multi-ethnic idyll. As examples «craks myth» given story of the PolishUkrainian relations.

    D-dimensional metrics with D-3 symmetries

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    Hidden symmetry transformations of D-dimensional vacuum metrics with D-3 commuting Killing vectors are studied. We solve directly the Einstein equations in the Maison formulation under additional assumptions. We relate the 4-dimensional Reissner-Nordstr\"om solution to a particular case of the 5-dimensional Gross-Perry metric.Comment: 8 page

    SO(n + 1) Symmetric Solutions of the Einstein Equations in Higher Dimensions

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    A method of solving the Einstein equations with a scalar field is presented. It is applied to find higher dimensional vacuum metrics invariant under the group SO(n + 1) acting on n-dimensional spheres.Comment: 11 page

    A systematic review of experiences of advanced practice nursing in general practice

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    Background: Despite efforts to achieve conceptual clarity, advanced practice nursing continues to reside in aliminal space, unable to secure ongoing recognition as a viable means of healthcare delivery. This is particularlyevident in general practice where advanced practice role development is more fluid and generally less supportedby the hierarchical structures evident in the hospital system. This review synthesises published qualitative studiesreporting experiences of advanced practice nursing in general practice. The panoramic view provided by patients,nurses and doctors within this novel context, offers a fresh perspective on why advanced practice nurses havestruggled to gain acceptance within the healthcare milieu.Methods: We conducted a systematic review of qualitative studies that explored the experiences of patients,nurses and doctors who had contact with advanced practice nurses working in general practice. Published workfrom 1990 to June 2016 was located using CINAHL and PubMed. The full text of relevant studies was retrieved afterreading the title and abstract. Critical appraisal was undertaken and the findings of included studies were analysedusing the constant comparative method. Emergent codes were collapsed into sub-themes and themes.Results: Twenty articles reporting the experiences of 486 participants were included. We identified one majortheme: legitimacy; and three sub-themes: (1) establishing and maintaining confidence in the advanced practicenurse, (2) strengthening and weakening boundaries between general practitioners and advanced practice nursesand (3) establishing and maintaining the value of advanced practice nursing.Conclusions: We set out to describe experiences of advanced practice nursing in general practice. We discovered thatgeneral practitioners and patients continue to have concerns around responsibility, trust and accountability. Additionally,advanced practice nurses struggle to negotiate and clarify scopes of practice while general practitioners have troublejustifying the costs associated with advanced practice nursing roles. Therefore, much work remains to establish andmaintain the legitimacy of advanced practice nursing in general practice

    Generalization Of The Gross-Perry Metrics

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    A class of SO(n+1) symmetric solutions of the (N+n+1)-dimensional Einstein equations is found. It contains 5-dimensional metrics of Gross and Perry and Millward.Comment: 9 page

    Diversity and health inequalities: the role of the practice nurse

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    General Practice Nurse (GPN) practice is becoming increasingly diverse, due to a changing patient base and political climate which impacts upon their role. Over the last decade there has been an increase in the number of foreign born individuals living in the UK, the number of individuals identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBQT) as well as the number of people living with a long term health condition or disability. Yet all of these groups also experience greater health inequalities, despite increasing political drives in the UK and internationally to address this. General Practice Nurses are ideally placed to address health inequalities by facilitating health access for diverse groups however in order to do this they have to recognise and respond to the cultural values of the patient they are working with

    Influence of anatomic landmarks in the virtual environment on simulated angled laparoscope navigation

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    Background - The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the presence of anatomic landmarks on the performance of angled laparoscope navigation on the SimSurgery SEP simulator. Methods - Twenty-eight experienced laparoscopic surgeons (familiar with 30º angled laparoscope, >100 basic laparoscopic procedures, >5 advanced laparoscopic procedures) and 23 novices (no laparoscopy experience) performed the Camera Navigation task in an abstract virtual environment (CN-box) and in a virtual representation of the lower abdomen (CN-abdomen). They also rated the realism and added value of the virtual environments on seven-point scales. Results - Within both groups, the CN-box task was accomplished in less time and with shorter tip trajectory than the CN-abdomen task (Wilcoxon test, p0.05). In both groups, the CN tasks were perceived as hard work and more challenging than anticipated. Conclusions - Performance of the angled laparoscope navigation task is influenced by the virtual environment surrounding the exercise. The task was performed better in an abstract environment than in a virtual environment with anatomic landmarks. More insight is required into the influence and function of different types of intrinsic and extrinsic feedback on the effectiveness of preclinical simulator training.Industrial DesignIndustrial Design Engineerin