895 research outputs found

    Faxen relations in solids - a generalized approach to particle motion in elasticity and viscoelasticity

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    A movable inclusion in an elastic material oscillates as a rigid body with six degrees of freedom. Displacement/rotation and force/moment tensors which express the motion of the inclusion in terms of the displacement and force at arbitrary exterior points are introduced. Using reciprocity arguments two general identities are derived relating these tensors. Applications of the identities to spherical particles provide several new results, including simple expressions for the force and moment on the particle due to plane wave excitation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Unbound states of 32Cl and the 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate

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    The 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction is expected to provide the dominant break-out path from the SiP cycle in novae and is important for understanding enrichments of sulfur observed in some nova ejecta. We studied the 32S(3He,t)32Cl charge-exchange reaction to determine properties of proton-unbound levels in 32Cl that have previously contributed significant uncertainties to the 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate. Measured triton magnetic rigidities were used to determine excitation energies in 32Cl. Proton-branching ratios were obtained by detecting decay protons from unbound 32Cl states in coincidence with tritons. An improved 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate was calculated including robust statistical and systematic uncertainties

    Attractiveness of periodic orbits in parametrically forced systemswith time-increasing friction

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    We consider dissipative one-dimensional systems subject to a periodic force and study numerically how a time-varying friction affects the dynamics. As a model system, particularly suited for numerical analysis, we investigate the driven cubic oscillator in the presence of friction. We find that, if the damping coefficient increases in time up to a final constant value, then the basins of attraction of the leading resonances are larger than they would have been if the coefficient had been fixed at that value since the beginning. From a quantitative point of view, the scenario depends both on the final value and the growth rate of the damping coefficient. The relevance of the results for the spin-orbit model are discussed in some detail.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    The intrinsically disordered Tarp protein from chlamydia binds actin with a partially preformed helix

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    Tarp (translocated actin recruiting phosphoprotein) is an effector protein common to all chlamydial species that functions to remodel the host-actin cytoskeleton during the initial stage of infection. In C. trachomatis, direct binding to actin monomers has been broadly mapped to a 100-residue region (726-825) which is predicted to be predominantly disordered, with the exception of a ~10-residue α helical patch homologous to other WH2 actin-binding motifs. Biophysical investigations demonstrate that a Tarp726-825 construct behaves as a typical intrinsically disordered protein; within it, NMR relaxation measurements and chemical shift analysis identify the ten residue WH2-homologous region to exhibit partial α-helix formation. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments on the same construct in the presence of monomeric G-actin show a well defined binding event with a 1:1 stoichiometry and Kd of 102 nM, whilst synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy suggests the binding is concomitant with an increase in helical secondary structure. Furthermore, NMR experiments in the presence of G-actin indicate this interaction affects the proposed WH2-like α-helical region, supporting results from in silico docking calculations which suggest that, when folded, this α helix binds within the actin hydrophobic cleft as seen for other actin-associated proteins

    Guiding neutral atoms around curves with lithographically patterned current-carrying wires

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    Laser-cooled neutral atoms from a low-velocity atomic source are guided via a magnetic field generated between two parallel wires on a glass substrate. The atoms bend around three curves, each with a 15-cm radius of curvature, while traveling along a 10-cm-long track. A maximum flux of 2*10^6 atoms/sec is achieved with a current density of 3*10^4 A/cm^2 in the 100x100-micrometer-cross-section wires. The kinetic energy of the guided atoms in one transverse dimension is measured to be 42 microKelvin.Comment: 9 page

    Time to go global: a consultation on global health competencies for postgraduate doctors

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    BACKGROUND: Globalisation is having profound impacts on health and healthcare. We solicited the views of a wide range of stakeholders in order to develop core global health competencies for postgraduate doctors. METHODS: Published literature and existing curricula informed writing of seven global health competencies for consultation. A modified policy Delphi involved an online survey and face-to-face and telephone interviews over three rounds. RESULTS: Over 250 stakeholders participated, including doctors, other health professionals, policymakers and members of the public from all continents of the world. Participants indicated that global health competence is essential for postgraduate doctors and other health professionals. Concerns were expressed about overburdening curricula and identifying what is 'essential' for whom. Conflicting perspectives emerged about the importance and relevance of different global health topics. Five core competencies were developed: (1) diversity, human rights and ethics; (2) environmental, social and economic determinants of health; (3) global epidemiology; (4) global health governance; and (5) health systems and health professionals. CONCLUSIONS: Global health can bring important perspectives to postgraduate curricula, enhancing the ability of doctors to provide quality care. These global health competencies require tailoring to meet different trainees' needs and facilitate their incorporation into curricula. Healthcare and global health are ever-changing; therefore, the competencies will need to be regularly reviewed and updated

    Elemental energy spectra of cosmic rays measured by CREAM-II

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    We present new measurements of the energy spectra of cosmic-ray (CR) nuclei from the second flight of the balloon-borne experiment CREAM (Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass). The instrument (CREAM-II) was comprised of detectors based on different techniques (Cherenkov light, specific ionization in scintillators and silicon sensors) to provide a redundant charge identification and a thin ionization calorimeter capable of measuring the energy of cosmic rays up to several hundreds of TeV. The data analysis is described and the individual energy spectra of C, O, Ne, Mg, Si and Fe are reported up to ~ 10^14 eV. The spectral shape looks nearly the same for all the primary elements and can be expressed as a power law in energy E^{-2.66+/-0.04}. The nitrogen absolute intensity in the energy range 100-800 GeV/n is also measured.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, presented at ICRC 2009, Lodz, Polan

    RNAi suppression of xylan synthase genes in wheat starchy endosperm

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    The xylan backbone of arabinoxylan (AX), the major cell wall polysaccharide in the wheat starchy endosperm, is synthesised by xylan synthase which is a complex of three subunits encoded by the GT43_1, GT43_2 and GT47_2 genes. RNAi knock-down of either GT43_1 or all three genes (triple lines) resulted in decreased AX measured by digestion with endoxylanase (to 33 and 34.9% of the controls) and by monosaccharide analysis (to 45.9% and 47.4% of the controls) with greater effects on the amount of water-extractable AX (to 20.6 and 19.9% of the controls). Both sets of RNAi lines also had greater decreases in the amounts of substituted oligosaccharides released by digestion of AX with endoxylanase than in fragments derived only from the xylan backbone. Although the GT43_1 and triple lines had similar effects on AX they did differ in their contents of soluble sugars (increased in triple only) and on grain size (decreased in triple only). Both sets of transgenic lines had decreased grain hardness, indicating effects on cell wall mechanics. These results, and previously published studies of RNAi suppression of GT43_2 and GT47_2 and of a triple mutant of GT43_2, are consistent with the model of xylan synthase comprising three subunits one of which (GT47_2) is responsible for catalysis with the other two subunits being required for correct functioning but indicate that separate xylan synthase complexes may be responsible for the synthesis of populations of AX which differ in their structure and solubility