106 research outputs found

    A Biometric Model for Mineralization of Type-I Collagen Fibrils

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    The bone and dentin mainly consist of type-I collagen fibrils mineralized by hydroxyapatite (HAP) nanocrystals. In vitro biomimetic models based on self-assembled collagen fibrils have been widely used in studying the mineralization mechanism of type-I collagen. In this chapter, the protocol we used to build a biomimetic model for the mechanistic study of type-I collagen mineralization is described. Type-I collagen extracted from rat tail tendon or horse tendon is self-assembled into fibrils and mineralized by HAP in vitro. The mineralization process is monitored by cryoTEM in combination with two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM), which enables in situ and high-resolution visualization of the process

    Remineralization of demineralized dentin using a dual analog system.

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    ObjectiveImproved methods are needed to remineralize dentin caries in order to promote conservation of dentin tissue and minimize the surgical interventions that are currently required for clinical treatment. Here, we test the hypothesis that bulk substrates can be effectively mineralized via a dual analog system proposed by others, using a tripolyphosphate (TPP) "templating analog" and a poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) or poly(aspartic acid) (pAsp) "sequestration analog," the latter of which generates the polymer-induced liquid-precursor (PILP) mineralization process studied in our laboratory.Material & methodsDemineralized human dentin slices were remineralized with and without pre-treatment with TPP, using either PAA or pAsp as the PILP process-directing agent. A control experiment with no polymer present was used for comparison.ResultsNo mineralization was observed in any of the PAA groups. In both the pAsp and no polymer groups, TPP inhibited mineralization on the surfaces of the specimens but promoted mineralization within the interiors. Pre-treatment with TPP enhanced overall mineralization of the pAsp group. However, when analysed via TEM, regions with little mineral were still present.ConclusionPoly(acrylic acid) was unable to remineralize demineralized dentin slices under the conditions employed, even when pre-treated with TPP. However, pre-treatment with TPP enhanced overall mineralization of specimens that were PILP-remineralized using pAsp

    Analytical Plan for Roman Glasses

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    Roman glasses that have been in the sea or underground for about 1800 years can serve as the independent “experiment” that is needed for validation of codes and models that are used in performance assessment. Two sets of Roman-era glasses have been obtained for this purpose. One set comes from the sunken vessel the Iulia Felix; the second from recently excavated glasses from a Roman villa in Aquileia, Italy. The specimens contain glass artifacts and attached sediment or soil. In the case of the Iulia Felix glasses quite a lot of analytical work has been completed at the University of Padova, but from an archaeological perspective. The glasses from Aquileia have not been so carefully analyzed, but they are similar to other Roman glasses. Both glass and sediment or soil need to be analyzed and are the subject of this analytical plan. The glasses need to be analyzed with the goal of validating the model used to describe glass dissolution. The sediment and soil need to be analyzed to determine the profile of elements released from the glass. This latter need represents a significant analytical challenge because of the trace quantities that need to be analyzed. Both pieces of information will yield important information useful in the validation of the glass dissolution model and the chemical transport code(s) used to determine the migration of elements once released from the glass. In this plan, we outline the analytical techniques that should be useful in obtaining the needed information and suggest a useful starting point for this analytical effort

    Thermal stability of MnBi magnetic materials

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    MnBi has attracted much attention in recent years due to its potential as a rare-earth-free permanent magnet material. It is unique because its coercivity increases with increasing temperature, which makes it a good hard phase material for exchange coupling nanocomposite magnets. MnBi phase is difficult to obtain, partly because the reaction between Mn and Bi is peritectic, and partly because Mn reacts readily with oxygen. MnO formation is irreversible and harmful to magnet performance. In this paper, we report our efforts toward developing MnBi permanent magnets. To date, high purity MnBi (>90%) can be routinely produced in large quantities. The produced powder exhibits 74.6?emu?g?1 saturation magnetization at room temperature with 9?T applied field. After proper alignment, the maximum energy product (BH)max of the powder reached 11.9?MGOe, and that of the sintered bulk magnet reached 7.8?MGOe at room temperature. A comprehensive study of thermal stability shows that MnBi powder is stable up to 473?K in air.This article is from Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 26 (2014): 064212, doi:10.1088/0953-8984/26/6/064212.</p

    Functional Remineralization of Dentin Lesions Using Polymer-Induced Liquid-Precursor Process

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    It was hypothesized that applying the polymer-induced liquid-precursor (PILP) system to artificial lesions would result in time-dependent functional remineralization of carious dentin lesions that restores the mechanical properties of demineralized dentin matrix. 140 ”m deep artificial caries lesions were remineralized via the PILP process for 7–28 days at 37°C to determine temporal remineralization characteristics. Poly-L-aspartic acid (27 KDa) was used as the polymeric process-directing agent and was added to the remineralization solution at a calcium-to-phosphate ratio of 2.14 (mol/mol). Nanomechanical properties of hydrated artificial lesions had a low reduced elastic modulus (ER = 0.2 GPa) region extending about 70 ÎŒm into the lesion, with a sloped region to about 140 ÎŒm where values reached normal dentin (18–20 GPa). After 7 days specimens recovered mechanical properties in the sloped region by 51% compared to the artificial lesion. Between 7–14 days, recovery of the outer portion of the lesion continued to a level of about 10 GPa with 74% improvement. 28 days of PILP mineralization resulted in 91% improvement of ER compared to the artificial lesion. These differences were statistically significant as determined from change-point diagrams. Mineral profiles determined by micro x-ray computed tomography were shallower than those determined by nanoindentation, and showed similar changes over time, but full mineral recovery occurred after 14 days in both the outer and sloped portions of the lesion. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray analysis showed similar morphologies that were distinct from normal dentin with a clear line of demarcation between the outer and sloped portions of the lesion. Transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction showed that the starting lesions contained some residual mineral in the outer portions, which exhibited poor crystallinity. During remineralization, intrafibrillar mineral increased and crystallinity improved with intrafibrillar mineral exhibiting the orientation found in normal dentin or bone

    Catalyst composition and impurity-dependent kinetics of nanowire heteroepitaxy.

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    The mechanisms and kinetics of axial Ge-Si nanowire heteroepitaxial growth based on the tailoring of the Au catalyst composition via Ga alloying are studied by environmental transmission electron microscopy combined with systematic ex situ CVD calibrations. The morphology of the Ge-Si heterojunction, in particular, the extent of a local, asymmetric increase in nanowire diameter, is found to depend on the Ga composition of the catalyst, on the TMGa precursor exposure temperature, and on the presence of dopants. To rationalize the findings, a general nucleation-based model for nanowire heteroepitaxy is established which is anticipated to be relevant to a wide range of material systems and device-enabling heterostructures.S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC grant InsituNANO (No. 279342). A.D.G. acknowledges funding from the Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission and the National Science Foundation. C.D. acknowledges funding from the Royal Society. A portion of the research was also performed using EMSL, a national scientific user facility sponsored by the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Biological and Environmental Research and located at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). PNNL is operated by Battelle for the U.S. DOE under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830. We gratefully acknowledge the use of facilities within the LeRoy Eyring Center for Solid State Science at Arizona State University. This work was performed in part at CINT, a U.S. DOE, Office of Science User Facility. The research was funded in part by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program at LANL, an affirmative action equal opportunity employer operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC, for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S. DOE under Contract DE-AC52-06NA25396.This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Nano, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn402208p. Gamalski AD, Perea DE, Yoo J, Li N, Olszta MJ, Colby R, Schreiber DK, Ducati C, Picraux ST, Hofmann S, ACS Nano 2013, 7 (9), 7689–7697, doi:10.1021/nn402208

    Biomagnetic of Apatite-Coated Cobalt Ferrite: A Core–Shell Particle for Protein Adsorption and pH-Controlled Release

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    Magnetic nanoparticle composite with a cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4, (CF)) core and an apatite (Ap) coating was synthesized using a biomineralization process in which a modified simulated body fluid (1.5SBF) solution is the source of the calcium phosphate for the apatite formation. The core–shell structure formed after the citric acid–stabilized cobalt ferrite (CFCA) particles were incubated in the 1.5 SBF solution for 1 week. The mean particle size of CFCA-Ap is about 750 nm. A saturation magnetization of 15.56 emug-1 and a coercivity of 1808.5 Oe were observed for the CFCA-Ap obtained. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used as the model protein to study the adsorption and release of the proteins by the CFCA-Ap particles. The protein adsorption by the CFCA-Ap particles followed a more typical Freundlich than Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The BSA release as a function of time became less rapid as the CFCA-Ap particles were immersed in higher pH solution, thus indicating that the BSA release is dependent on the local pH

    Intermolecular channels direct crystal orientation in mineralized collagen

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    The mineralized collagen fibril is the basic building block of bone, and is commonly pictured as a parallel array of ultrathin carbonated hydroxyapatite (HAp) platelets distributed throughout the collagen. This orientation is often attributed to an epitaxial relationship between the HAp and collagen molecules inside 2D voids within the fibril. Although recent studies have questioned this model, the structural relationship between the collagen matrix and HAp, and the mechanisms by which collagen directs mineralization remain unclear. Here, we use XRD to reveal that the voids in the collagen are in fact cylindrical pores with diameters of ~2 nm, while electron microscopy shows that the HAp crystals in bone are only uniaxially oriented with respect to the collagen. From in vitro mineralization studies with HAp, CaCO3 and γ-FeOOH we conclude that confinement within these pores, together with the anisotropic growth of HAp, dictates the orientation of HAp crystals within the collagen fibril

    Microscopic structure of the polymer-induced liquid precursor for calcium carbonate

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    Many biomineral crystals form complex non-equilibrium shapes, often via transient amorphous precursors. Also in vitro crystals can be grown with non-equilibrium morphologies, such as thin films or nanorods. In many cases this involves charged polymeric additives that form a polymer-induced liquid precursor (PILP). Here, we investigate the CaCO3 based PILP process with a variety of techniques including cryoTEM and NMR. The initial products are 30–50 nm amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) nanoparticles with ~2 nm nanoparticulate texture. We show the polymers strongly interact with ACC in the early stages, and become excluded during crystallization, with no liquid–liquid phase separation detected during the process. Our results suggest that “PILP” is actually a polymer-driven assembly of ACC clusters, and that its liquid-like behavior at the macroscopic level is due to the small size and surface properties of the assemblies. We propose that a similar biopolymer-stabilized nanogranular phase may be active in biomineralization
