8,230 research outputs found

    Rhodium/phospholane-phosphite catalysts give unusually high regioselectivity in the enantioselective hydroformylation of vinyl arenes

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    Using the phospholane-phosphite ligand, BOBPHOS, almost perfect regioselectivities and high enantioselectivities (up to 92% ee) are observed in Rh catalysed enantioselective hydroformylation of vinyl arenes. This can be achieved under solvent-free conditions.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Report of the Asilomar 3 LDR Workshop

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    The conclusions and recommendations of the workshop held to study technology development issues critical to the Large Deployable Reflector (LDR) are summarized. LDR is to be a dedicated, orbiting, astronomical observatory, operating at wavelengths from 30 to 1000 microns, a spectral region where the Earth's atmosphere is almost completely opaque. Because it will have a large, segmented, passively cooled aperture, LDR addresses a wide range of technology areas. These include lightweight, low cost, structural composite reflector panels, primary support structures, wavefront sensing and adaptive optics, thermal background management, and integrated vibration and pointing control systems. The science objectives for LDR present instrument development challenges for coherent and direct arrayed detectors which can operate effectively at far infrared and submillimeter wavelengths, and for sub-Kelvin cryogenic systems

    Inversion of stellar statistics equation for the Galactic Bulge

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    A method based on Lucy (1974, AJ 79, 745) iterative algorithm is developed to invert the equation of stellar statistics for the Galactic bulge and is then applied to the K-band star counts from the Two-Micron Galactic Survey in a number of off-plane regions (10 deg.>|b|>2 deg., |l|<15 deg.). The top end of the K-band luminosity function is derived and the morphology of the stellar density function is fitted to triaxial ellipsoids, assuming a non-variable luminosity function within the bulge. The results, which have already been outlined by Lopez-Corredoira et al.(1997, MNRAS 292, L15), are shown in this paper with a full explanation of the steps of the inversion: the luminosity function shows a sharp decrease brighter than M_K=-8.0 mag when compared with the disc population; the bulge fits triaxial ellipsoids with the major axis in the Galactic plane at an angle with the line of sight to the Galactic centre of 12 deg. in the first quadrant; the axial ratios are 1:0.54:0.33, and the distance of the Sun from the centre of the triaxial ellipsoid is 7860 pc. The major-minor axial ratio of the ellipsoids is found not to be constant. However, the interpretation of this is controversial. An eccentricity of the true density-ellipsoid gradient and a population gradient are two possible explanations. The best fit for the stellar density, for 1300 pc<t<3000 pc, are calculated for both cases, assuming an ellipsoidal distribution with constant axial ratios, and when K_z is allowed to vary. From these, the total number of bulge stars is ~ 3 10^{10} or ~ 4 10^{10}, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 23 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Influence of coal thermoplastic properties on coking pressure generation: Part 2 – A study of binary coal blends and specific additives

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    A number of coal blends and pitch/coal blends were evaluated using rheometry, thermogravimetric analysis and microscopy to confirm and further elucidate the coking pressure mechanism previously proposed by Duffy et al. (2007) [1]. We confirm that blending a low rank, high fluidity, low coking pressure coal, with a high rank, low fluidity, high coking pressure coal can significantly reduce the coking pressure associated with the latter. Interestingly, blending does not necessarily result in a fluidity that is midway between that of the two coals; sometimes the fluidity of the blend is less than that of the low fluidity coal, especially when the coals are significantly different in rank. This occurs because the increase in complex viscosity (η*) through resolidification of the low rank, high fluidity coal counteracts the reduction in η* resulting from softening of the high rank, low fluidity coal. It has also been confirmed that the η* of the resultant blend can be estimated from the η* of each component coal using a logarithmic additivity rule commonly employed for polymer blends. Polarised light microscopy has indicated that the degree of mixing between coals of different rank is minimal, with fusion restricted to the particle surface. It is therefore inappropriate to think of such a coal blend in the same way as a single coal, since each component coal behaves relatively independently. This limited fusion is important for understanding the coking pressure mechanism for blends. It is proposed here that the lower rank coal, which softens at lower temperature, is able to expand into the interparticle voids between the high rank coal that is yet to soften, and these voids can create channels for volatiles to traverse. Then, and importantly, when the high rank coal begins to expand, the pore structure developed in the resolidified structures of the low rank coal can facilitate removal of volatiles, while the resolidified material may also act as a suitable sorbent for volatile matter. This is considered to be the primary mechanism by which coal blending is able to alleviate coking pressure, and applies to addition of inert material also. Addition of a coal tar pitch was found to increase fluidity but also to extend the thermoplastic range to lower temperatures. This caused an increase in the swelling range, which was accompanied by a long plateau in η*, a feature which has previously been observed for certain high fluidity, high pressure coals. Elasticity and η* at the onset of expansion were also higher for both the pitch impregnated coals and the high pressure blends, which supports previous findings for singly charged high pressure coals, and confirms the potential use of such criteria for identifying potentially dangerous coals/blends. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Polarimetric Multispectral Imaging Technology

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    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory is developing a remote sensing technology on which a new generation of compact, lightweight, high-resolution, low-power, reliable, versatile, programmable scientific polarimetric multispectral imaging instruments can be built to meet the challenge of future planetary exploration missions. The instrument is based on the fast programmable acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) of tellurium dioxide (TeO2) that operates in the wavelength range of 0.4-5 microns. Basically, the AOTF multispectral imaging instrument measures incoming light intensity as a function of spatial coordinates, wavelength, and polarization. Its operation can be in either sequential, random access, or multiwavelength mode as required. This provides observation flexibility, allowing real-time alternation among desired observations, collecting needed data only, minimizing data transmission, and permitting implementation of new experiments. These will result in optimization of the mission performance with minimal resources. Recently we completed a polarimetric multispectral imaging prototype instrument and performed outdoor field experiments for evaluating application potentials of the technology. We also investigated potential improvements on AOTF performance to strengthen technology readiness for applications. This paper will give a status report on the technology and a prospect toward future planetary exploration

    Invariant manifolds and the geometry of front propagation in fluid flows

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    Recent theoretical and experimental work has demonstrated the existence of one-sided, invariant barriers to the propagation of reaction-diffusion fronts in quasi-two-dimensional periodically-driven fluid flows. These barriers were called burning invariant manifolds (BIMs). We provide a detailed theoretical analysis of BIMs, providing criteria for their existence, a classification of their stability, a formalization of their barrier property, and mechanisms by which the barriers can be circumvented. This analysis assumes the sharp front limit and negligible feedback of the front on the fluid velocity. A low-dimensional dynamical systems analysis provides the core of our results.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. To appear in Chaos Focus Issue: Chemo-Hydrodynamic Patterns and Instabilities (2012

    Low frequency VLBI in space using GAS-Can satellites: Report on the May 1987 JPL Workshop

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    Summarized are the results of a workshop held at JPL on May 28 and 29, 1987, to study the feasibility of using small, very inexpensive spacecraft for a low-frequency radio interferometer array. Many technical aspects of a mission to produce high angular resolution images of the entire sky at frequencies from 2 to 20 MHz were discussed. The workshop conclusion was that such a mission was scientifically valuable and technically practical. A useful array could be based on six or more satellites no larger than those launched from Get-Away-Special canisters. The cost of each satellite could be $1-2M, and the mass less than 90 kg. Many details require further study, but as this report shows, there is good reason to proceed. No fundamental problems have been discovered involving the use of untraditional, very inexpensive spacecraft for this type of mission