192 research outputs found

    Islamic Currency Swap: Can Be the Best Way to Hedge Indonesia Hajj Fund?

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    The operational costs of Hajj in foreign currencies will always face the risk of changes in exchange rates. Hajj operational costs will continue to grow in line with the increasing number of pilgrims. But at present, the government (BPKH) does not have a currency hedging policy to reduce the risk of fluctuating currency values. Hajj operational costs are saved in rupiah, dollar and riyal currencies. As a result, deposits of pilgrims will continue to be overshadowed by the reduction in value due to the depreciation of the rupiah against the dollar and riyals. Hedging policy is a necessity in the management of Hajj funds. This study will use an Islamic currency swap simulation analysis. According to the MUI DSN No 96 in 2015, a swap is a contract that starts a spot transaction followed by a forward agreement by setting a forward exchange rate. Then it is settled by spot transactions using the agreed forward exchange rate. The results of the study show that the dollar and riyal in 2018 are in a state of high volatility, so hedging is needed to reduce cash outflows. Based on analysis, Islamic currency swap can be the best hedging to the operational costs of Hajj in USD is with tenors 30 days, 180 days, 360 days. while the operational costs of Hajj are in Saudi Arabia Riyal currency, efficient in overnight tenors, 30 days, 90 days and 180 days

    Manajemen Koordinasi Hubungan Organisatoris Antara Lembaga Penyelenggara Dan Pengelola Pendidikan (Studi Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Swasta Di Jember-Jawa Timur)

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    Pokok permasalahan yang diteliti berkenaan dengan: (1) hubungan organisatoris antara lembaga penyelenggara (yayasan) dan lembaga pengelola satuan pendidikan sekolah swasta di Jember-Jawa Timur; (2) kebijakan organisasi penyelenggaraan dan pengelolaan pendidikan swasta; (3) model hubungan antara organisasi penyelenggara dan pengelola pendidikan sekolah swasta; (4) isu-isu strategik pendukung dan penghambat terseleng­garanya pendidikan; dan (5) pendekatan strategik hubungan antara organisasi penyelenggara dan pengelola pendidikan sekolah swasta. Berdasarkan temuan hasil penelitian bahwa hubungan antara penyelenggara dan pengelola pendidikan sekolah swasta di Jawa Timur ternyata masih perlu ditingkatkan khususnya dalam bidang pengelolaan dan penyelenggaraan, kebijakan penyelenggaraan dan pengelolaan pendidikan swasta, antara penyelenggara dan pengelola masih jalan sendiri-sendiri, model hubungan yang paling dominan adalah model kiai-santri dan bapak-anak, hubungan antara penyelenggara dan pengelola pendidikan sekolah swasta ternyata yang diperlukan untuk mengikat kedua lembaga tersebut, yaitu adanya akta penyelenggaraan pendidikan. Dari hasil temuan tersebut, maka direkomendasikan bahwa hubungan antara penyelenggara dan pengelola pendidikan sekolah swasta adanya suatu akta penyelenggaraan yang dirumuskan bersama antara penyelenggara dan pengelola pendidikan agar masing-masing pihak memahami dan menjalankan tugas, tanggung jawab, dan hak kewenangannya secara berimbang.The issues are examined with respect to: (1) organizational relationship between the organizer institution (foundation) and the management institution of private school education in Jember, East Java, (2) managing the organization's policy of private education, (3) the relationship model's between provider organizations and manager of private school education, (4) strategic issues supporting and inhibiting of implementing in education, and (5) strategic approach to the relationship between the organizer and manager of the organization of private school education. Based on research findings that the relationship between the organizer and manager of private school education in East Java, it still needs to be improved, especially in the fields of management and administration, policy implementation and management of private education, the organizers and managers still own ways, the most dominant model of the relationship is model of kiai-students and the father-child relationship between the organizer and manager of private school education was necessary to bind the two institutions, namely the act of education. From these findings, it is recommended that the relationship between the organizer and manager of private school education there is a deed formulated joint operation between the organizers and managers of education so that each party to understand and perform tasks, responsibilities, authority and rights equally


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang begitu pesat sehingga menghasilkan era baru yang menyebabkan sebuah pergerakan global dalam kehidupan sehingga munculah keterampilan tertentu yang harus dimiliki oleh pelajar untuk dapat bersaing di masa yang akan dating. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi dan analisis bagaimana keterampilan berpikir kritis dan keterampilan berpikir kreatif sebagai salah satu keterampilan yang harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lingkup departemen administrasi pendidikan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; (1) keterampilan berpikir kritis yang dimiliki mahasiswa Administrasi Pendidikan UPI cukup baik dalam tiga indikator yaitu elementary clarification, basic support dan inference. Akan tetapi keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa Administrasi Pendidikan masih lemah dalam indikator advance clarification dan strategies and tactics yaitu mahasiswa belum mampu dalam mendefinisikan istilah, mengidentifikasi suatu tindakan serta merumuskan suatu tindakan. (2) keterampilan berpikir kreatif yang dimiliki mahasiswa Administrasi Pendidikan cukup baik terutama dalam indikator fluency dan flexibility. Akan tetapi terdapat kelemahan yang ditunjukan dalam indikator novelty atau kebaruan. Dalam hal ini mahasiswa kurang mampu dalam membuat suatu jawaban orisinil yang benar-benar berbeda dari jawaban mahasiswa lainnya kemudian dari sepuluh orang partisipan yang berpartisipasi hanya terdapat dua partisipan yang mampu membuat jawaban orisinil yang benar benar beda dari jawaban lainnya. Kata Kunci: Creativity Thinking, Critical Thinking, keterampilan abad ke-21. ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the rapid development of science and technology which causes a global movement in life so that certain skills must be possessed by students to be able to compete in the future. This study aims to identify and analyze the causes of critical thinking skills and creative thinking skills as two skills that must be possessed by students. This research was conducted within the scope of the education administration department using a qualitative approach. The research data were obtained from interviews and questionnaires. The results showed: (1) Critical thinking skills of Education Administration students of UPI are quite good in three indicators i.e. elementary clarification, basic support and inference. However, the students' skill is still lacking in the indicators of advance clarification and strategies and tactics because they have not been able to define terms, identify an action, and formulate an action. (2) On the hand, the creative thinking skills possessed by Educational Administration students are quite good, especially in the fluency and flexibility indicators. However, there are weaknesses that are shown in the novelty indicator. In this case, students are less able to make an original answer that is completely different from the answers of other students since there are only two of ten participants who were able to make an original answer that was completely different from the other answers. Keywords: 21st century skills, Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking


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    Fokus masalah pada penelitian ini adalah mendekripsikan tentang menemukan suatu teori dakwah dalam Sinetron religi dengan judul Para Pencari Tuhan jilid 7 episode 01 tayang pada 10 Juli 2013 di SCTV. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah tersebut, dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode analisis framing Gamson Modigliani. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dokumentasi. Selama proses penelitian berlangsung, peneliti di sini melihat dan memahami dari Sinetron religi Para Pencari Tuhan jilid 7 episode 01 tayang pada 10 Juli 2013 di SCTV, kemudian peneliti juga berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk mengumpulkan dan menyalin data data yang ada kaitannya dalam penelitian ini, seperti buku buku yang berkaitan dengan (dakwah, dan televisi), situs situs di internet sehingga nantinya peneliti dapat merangkum hal hal yang terpenting dari semua data yang berhasil didapatkan. Setelah itu, peneliti menganalisis untuk membedah serta mengetahui bagaimana teori dakwah dalam Sinetron religi dengan judul Para Pencari Tuhan jilid 7 episode 01 tayang pada 10 Juli 2013 di SCTV. Dalam sinetron para pencari tuhan yang disiarkan oleh SCTV terdapat cerita antagonis dengan perilaku serakah yang di perankan oleh dua pencuri dan udin, adapun perilaku yang ingin mendapatkan ridho Allah yang di perankan oleh Asrul, Pak Ustadz, Azam, Bang Jek. Hasil penelitian penulis, tentang Sinetron Para Pencari Tuhan jilid 7 episode 01 tayang 10 juli 2013 di SCTV, menemukan teori bahwa terdapat cerita antagonis dalam sinetron itu

    Analisis Efektivitas Mesin Tette 3200 Line 1 Guna Meminimalisir Waktu Downtime Dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness di PT. BI

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    Overall Equipment Effectiviness (OEE) is one of the way to determine the level of effectiveness of utilization of equipment. OEE is known as an application program from Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM). This study measured OEE is a performance value that is 52.84%. The study found that speed losses is one of the real issues, namely the value of idle and minor STOPPAGE i.e. 42.01% and this loss occurs due to several reasons such as waiting for the materials in the process and not the operator, so the recommended action is to strengthen supervision of employees, mainly machine operators. After doing research, calculating and analyzing the value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness of engine performance fette 3200 line 1, the factors that cause OEE values below the standard affected the performance score is 52.84%, the value of availability is 79.48%, the value of quality that is 97.89% for roots cause of the low value of OEE that occurred in PT. Bayer Indonesia in 3200 fette production line machine line 1 in the period January-September 2015 caused availability value, value performance, quality and value are still below standard OEE is 85%. Difference OEE values obtained under the standard is 41.04%. Propose strategies with the engine Fette 3200 to increase the value of OEE in order to suppress the downtime by pursuing a strategy of monitoring the machine operator so that the operator can do the job effectively, create standard ways of cleaning and setup time machine that not a lot of time discarded, do make to stock to part critical components so that no downtime high value

    Analisis Efektivitas Mesin Tette 3200 Line 1 Guna Meminimalisir Waktu Downtime Dengan Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness di PT. BI

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    Overall Equipment Effectiviness (OEE) is one of the way to determine the level of effectiveness of utilization of equipment. OEE is known as an application program from Total Preventive Maintenance (TPM). This study measured OEE is a performance value that is 52.84%. The study found that speed losses is one of the real issues, namely the value of idle and minor STOPPAGE i.e. 42.01% and this loss occurs due to several reasons such as waiting for the materials in the process and not the operator, so the recommended action is to strengthen supervision of employees, mainly machine operators. After doing research, calculating and analyzing the value of Overall Equipment Effectiveness of engine performance fette 3200 line 1, the factors that cause OEE values below the standard affected the performance score is 52.84%, the value of availability is 79.48%, the value of quality that is 97.89% for roots cause of the low value of OEE that occurred in PT. Bayer Indonesia in 3200 fette production line machine line 1 in the period January-September 2015 caused availability value, value performance, quality and value are still below standard OEE is 85%. Difference OEE values obtained under the standard is 41.04%. Propose strategies with the engine Fette 3200 to increase the value of OEE in order to suppress the downtime by pursuing a strategy of monitoring the machine operator so that the operator can do the job effectively, create standard ways of cleaning and setup time machine that not a lot of time discarded, do make to stock to part critical components so that no downtime high value

    Usulan Rancangan Ukuran pada Meja dan Kursi Lipat Belajar yang Ergonomis untuk Rumah Petak di Jakarta

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    Identify the learning facilities used today, whether they meet the health standards in terms of ergonomic.Based on preliminary research conducted on the respondents more than 70% of studying at home didnot use the study desk facilities, this data was obtained from January 2017 until May 2017, found manylearning facilities that are used improperly, do not even have a desk or study chair, so that children wholearn every day do homework or study at home with inadequate facilities, for reasons of expensive andunreachable prices, the results of Nurdic Body Map questionnaire, obtained the results of severalcomplaints, musculoskeletal disorders in students This study is from the concept of thinking, how to make atenement house that amounts to even millions of millions of plots can have facilities such as tables and chairsthat meet the health and ergonomic concept, but at an affordable price This research study is expected tosuggest ergonomic chair and desk sizes, in a minimalist, and inexpensive, room, but at the same timeaccommodating the health of the users. Data collected from five areas of Jakarta, East Jakarta, SouthJakarta, North Jakarta, Central Jakarta and West Jakarta, the data obtained were based on age groupingsranging from 12‐13, 14‐15‐16‐17, then after the data processing grouped by class with the division age 12with are 7th, 8th, 9th, or Junior High School, while the age between 15 to 18 is a class X, XI, XII, or HighSchool or equivalent, this is due to limited study time and costs available. The result of body measurementdimension with anthropometric measurement is processed and analyzed according to stages, statistical dataprocessing, then this data will be used as a proposed design and size of tables and chairs, and prototypesof folding tables and chairs for junior high and high school children who meet health standards for users