294 research outputs found

    Poligami dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam (Kajian Tafsir Muqaranah)

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    The controversy of the polygamy issues among scholars occurred very sharply, which is almost difficult to find an agreement. Some contemporary scholars are more likely to disagree with the practice of polygamy. The controversy among the scholars in judging the practice of polygamy in society is the author\u27s reason to examine more specifically the issue in order to get answers to the disputed problems. This research is a library research. It was done by collecting data from books that are related to the problems. This research is descriptive comparative, which studies the comparison of an object, in this case is polygamy according to the Islamic law perspective in the study of the muqaranah (comparison) interpretation. The results of the study is that the controversy of the views of the scholars in terms of polygamy is due to differences in the way of interpreting lafaz amar (marriage orders), namely in the sentence (فانكحوا). Most scholars think that lafaz amar shows to ibahah. Ahlu al-Zhahiryah mentioned that the command of marriage in the surah al-Nisa verse 3 means (obligation) to carry out the order of marriage. Al-Tabariy interpreted that the command to marry in the sentence (فانكحوا) contained in verse 3 of the surah an-Nisa does not mean an obligatory and binding (الالزام) but a teaching الارشاد and notification الاعلام. This is due to the existence of qarinah which turns away the meaning

    Pembinaan Keluarga Muslim Bahagia dan Identifikasi Isu-isu Gender dalam Skop Keluarga di Indonesia

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    The settled condition of happy family order as is taught by syariat Islam and understood by moslems in Indonesia disturbed by gender issues that brought from the West. With the jargon of struggle for woman dignity, the activists of gender question Islamic texts that trespass the principle of equivalence and justice gender they fight for. Among the gender issues in the domestic scope that they take as problems are; leadership of man in domestic live, polygamy, inheritance, permission to get out from house, getting guest, right of giving suck child, right of becoming a marriage guardian, right of divorce and performing optional fasting. This paper discusses those issues in an academic way.Keywords: Happiness, family, gender, leadership, polygamy

    The Use of Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham in Moslem Countries in the Contemporary Era

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    The dominance of the US dollar and other developed countries currencies, as well as the fact that their currencies have fallen behind, have urged groups of Moslems in some countries to call for the use of gold dinar and silver dirham as a medium of exchange. This paper aims at examining the need, application, and law on the use of gold dinar and silver dirham from the Islamic perspective. To reach the goal set at this moment, a descriptive method is employed in the writing while an analytical method is used to scrutinize the relevant problems. This study finds that in the current situation Moslems need to use gold dinar and silver dirham for their financial contracts. The use of gold dinar and silver dirham is applicable in this modern era although there are some obstacles and problems. Lastly, the use of gold dinar and silver dirham as a medium of exchange is allowed from the Islamic perspective based on some propositions

    Modal Sosial di dalam Mempertahankan Komunitas (Studi Tentang Komunitas Motor Vespa Uvorable di Pekanbaru)

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    This study describe about the maintain social capital in community vespa uvorable Pekanbaru. Maintaining social capital in the community can be seen through some of the indicators of which is the notion of social capital, social capital in a community, the elements of social capital, the norm in social capital and social networks.The study population was a member of the community joined in uvorable vespa motorcycle community in Pekanbaru. Sampling method used in this study is proportionate stratified sampling techniques and data analysis used is descriptive and qualitative analysis.Data was collected by using questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The theory used is the Social Group Theory and Theory of Social Capital. This study aims to determine the history of the formation of uvorable vespa community, to know what their purpose in forming a community of Vespa unvorable well as to determine the existence of a community of Vespa uvorable Results from this study is that the members of the community joined in Pekanbaru uvorable vespa community have one thought and one purpose the same that they vespa motor fans and they do not want the motor vespa they use now become old items no longer used because of the rapid developments in automotive technology. They want to be recognized by the community with the community joined in a Vespa, the Vespa community uvorable Pekanbaru.Keyword : Social Capital, Social Network, Vespa Community Uvorable in Pekanbar


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    Pembuatan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk membuat Sistem Informasi Berbasis Dekstop pada POLSEK Makarti Jaya Kabupaten Banyuasin. Pelaksana membangun sebuah sistem informasi manajemen berbasis dekstop menggunakan SQL server 2008 sebagai database. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan laporan ini adalah metode fast, dengan melakukan fase perencanaan,fase analisis,fase perancangan , analisis sistem yang berjalan, wawancara dan observasi serta pengumpulan data-data untuk memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan. Identifikasi masalah ditunjukkan dengan kebutuhan user digunakan menggunakan use case diagram dan glosarium use case. Metode perancangan proses dengan menggambarkan Diagram Konteks dan Diagram Alir Data sistem, pemodelan data dengan menggunakan ERD, rancangan antar muka program sebagai penghubung antara user dengan database Hasil implementasi sistem baru tersebut diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah-masalah yang ada pada sistem dokumen dan layanan masyarakat pada Polsek Makarti Jaya

    Project-Based Learning Evaluation from Students’ and Supervisors’ Perspectives: A Qualitative Research at Polytechnic Malaysia

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    The purpose of this case study was to evaluate the Project-Based Learning that was  implemented at the Mechanical Engineering Department in a polytechnic in Malaysia. One kind of constructivism, Project-Based Learning was introduced into the Malaysian polytechnics curriculum regarding to result creative and innovative human resources. This study involved a random sample of 118 students and 43 supervisors in the Mechanical Engineering Department. The study found that both the students and supervisors agreed that Project-Based Learning approach is appropriate for the final project course J5012. In addition, both groups of respondents believed that the supervisors possesed adequate technical knowledge and implemented supervisory duties effectively. Nevertheless, students perceived the module content was hard to understand. The students barely agreed that the machines and equipments at the polytechnic were appropriate for the project. Positively, Polytechnic Kota Bharu should introduce a formal course of Project-Based Learning to the polytechnic system in Malaysia


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    Mathematics is still viewed as a culture-free subject. This forms a negative perception for students on mathematics. Most students assume that mathematics and culture are not related. This may occur because mathematics taught in school is not contextual and far from the reality of everyday life. Historically, mathematics has become a part of everyday life. As a maritime nation, Indonesia has a diverse culture. But many teachers are not yet aware of the integration of the culture into mathematics learning. Barongko cake is one of the Buginese cultural heritages. Buginese people have unconsciously been practicing mathematics in making these cakes. Therefore, this research aims to explore activities in making Barongko cakes in the Buginese community that involves mathematical concepts. This research is a qualitative descriptive with an ethnographic approach. The data collection methods are carried out through observation, documentation, interview with an expert in making Barongko cake. This research found that Barongko making process involves mathematics in the concept of division, congruence, and similarity, as well as a triangular prism, and half sphere. This cake has the potential to be used as a source of contextual mathematics learning in schools