250 research outputs found

    Determination of the Thermal Neutron Flux by Measuring Gamma Radiations with High and Low Resolution Detectors

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    Thermal neutron flux (Фth) of Americium-Beryllium (Am-Be) neutron source has been measured by adopting the foil activation method. The neutrons emitted from Am-Be source are used to activate the indium-115 (115In) foil. The gamma radiations emitted from the activated isomer 116m1In are measured with NaI(Tl) and HPGe detectors. The thermal neutron flux is measured by adopting the cadmium (Cd) foil difference technique in which the Cd foil placed in front of the source to prevent the thermal neutrons from entering into the indium foil. The neutron flux is determined by measuring the gamma radiation emitted from indium foil using a low and high energy resolution NaI(Tl) and HPGe detectors respectively. The measured thermal neutron flux obtained from both detectors has been compared and found that the Фth does not depend on the resolution and type of the detectors used in the present investigations

    On certain topological indices of the derived graphs of subdivision graphs

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    The derived graph [G]† of a graph G is the graph having the same vertex set as G, with two vertices of [G]† being adjacent if and only if their distance in G is two. Topological indices are valuable in the study of QSAR/QSPR. There are numerous applications of graph theory in the field of structural chemistry. In this paper, we compute generalized Randi´c, general Zagreb, general sum-connectivity, ABC, GA, ABC4, and GA5 indices of the derived graphs of subdivision graphs.Publisher's Versio

    “ Thioureidopeptide”: Novel Synthon for the Synthesis of N, N′, N″-Trisubstituted Guanidinopeptide Mimics

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    The synthesis of N α-protected N,N′,N″-trisubstituted guanidinopeptide mimic molecules suitably decorated in peptide backbone has been delineated in one pot employing HgCl2 as a desulphurizing agent. Chiral N α -protected thioureidopeptide esters were employed as synthons for the synthesis of title molecules. The protocol is simple and the reaction conditions employed were mild, amenable to the amino acid chemistry

    Specific identification, biology and symptoms of whitefly species infesting sunflower in South India

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    Whitefly species related to sunflower was identified as Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Further the identified whitefly species was confirmed to be indigenous B. tabaci on molecular basis by using B-biotype specific SCARs and biological silver leaf assay on sensitive pumpkin (cv Big variety). None of the whitefly samples could positive for the presence of B biotype. The results of the study on the pest life cycle under the laboratory conditions showed that, B. tabaci passed through four nymphal instars before the adult stage. The mean duration values of these stages were 5.6, 4.2, 4.4 and 5.6 days respectively. The total duration of the life cycle of B. tabaci ranged from 23- 42 days at the temperature of 29±2°C with a mean of 34.5. The damage to sunflower crop caused by the whitefly species is discussed with a special emphasis on its ability to transmit leaf curl viral disease

    Built in refuge for the management of Pink Bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders (Gelichidae: Lepidoptera) in Bt cotton

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    Field experiment was conducted at the Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur during 2012-13 to identify and evaluate the suitable refuge strategy systems for pink bollworm resistance management in Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivation. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with nine refuge systems : 0 % N-Bt (BIR), 5 % N-Bt (BIR), 10 % N-Bt (BIR), 15 % N-Bt (BIR), 20% N-Bt perimeter refuge, 100% Non Bt, 50% Non Bt, 10% structured refuge and 20% structured refuge as treatments with three replications in replacement series. Significantly lowest incidence (3.55 larvae/plant) and number of bolls with exit holes (11.22) due to pink bollworm was recorded in 0% BIR (41.25 q/ha) followed by 5 % N-Bt (BIR) with yield of 38.74 q/ha and this was on par with 10 % N-Bt (BIR) with yield of 37.79 is next best refuge systems with Bt cotton for higher production and greater economic benefits

    Application of electrodialytic pilot plant for fluoride removal

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    Removal of fluorine from water was investigated by electrodialysis method. In order to check the efficacy of ED unit, parameters like applied potential, pH; initial fluoride concentrations and flow rates were varied. Significant results were obtained with concentrations of less than 10 ppm. Results were satisfactory in meeting the maximum contaminate level (MCL) of 0.01 ppm for fluoride. Effect of working parameters on energy consumption was investigated using ion-exchange membranes. Results of this study are useful for designing and operating different capacities of ED plants for recovering different ions. The ED plant was found to be satisfactory to produce a good quality drinking water from the simulated mixture by removing the unwanted ions.Исследовано удаление фтора из воды методом электродиализа. Для проверки эффективности электродиализной установки варьировали приложенную разность потенциалов, начальную концентрацию фторида и скорость потока. Важные результаты были получены при начальной концентрации фторида <10 мг/дм3. С использованием ионообменных мембран исследовано влияние рабочих параметров на энергопотребление. Результаты данной работы будут полезны для разработки и планирования производительности электродиализной установки при выделении различных ионов. Электродиализная установка оказалась эффективной для получения питьевой воды хорошего качества из модельных растворов путем удаления нежелательных ионов.Досліджено видалення фтору з води методом електродіалізу. Для перевірки ефективності електродіалізної установки варіювали прикладену різницю потенціалів, початкову концентра цію фторидута швидкість потоку. Важливі результати були отримані при початковій концентрації фториду <10 мг/дм3. З використанням іонообмінних мембран досліджено вплив робочих параметрів на енергоспоживання. Результати цієї роботи будуть корисні длярозробки та планування продуктивності електродіалізної установки при виділенні різних іонів.Електродіалізна установка виявилася ефективною для отримання питної води хорошої якості з модельних розчинів шляхом видалення - небажаних іоні