27 research outputs found

    Resveratrol Suppresses Constitutive Activation of AKT via Generation of ROS and Induces Apoptosis in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma Cell Lines

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    BACKGROUND: We have recently shown that deregulation PI3-kinase/AKT survival pathway plays an important role in pathogenesis of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL). In an attempt to identify newer therapeutic agents, we investigated the role of Resveratrol (trans-3,4', 5-trihydroxystilbene), a naturally occurring polyphenolic compound on a panel of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) cells in causing inhibition of cell viability and inducing apoptosis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated the action of Resveratrol on DLBCL cells and found that Resveratrol inhibited cell viability and induced apoptosis by inhibition of constitutively activated AKT and its downstream targets via generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Simultaneously, Resveratrol treatment of DLBCL cell lines also caused ROS dependent upregulation of DR5; and interestingly, co-treatment of DLBCL with sub-toxic doses of TRAIL and Resveratrol synergistically induced apoptosis via utilizing DR5, on the other hand, gene silencing of DR5 abolished this effect. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Altogether, these data suggest that Resveratrol acts as a suppressor of AKT/PKB pathway leading to apoptosis via generation of ROS and at the same time primes DLBCL cells via up-regulation of DR5 to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis. These data raise the possibility that Resveratrol may have a future therapeutic role in DLBCL and possibly other malignancies with constitutive activation of the AKT/PKB pathway

    Functional connectivity underlying hedonic response to food in female adolescents with atypical AN: the role of somatosensory and salience networks.

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    Atypical anorexia nervosa (AN) usually occurs during adolescence. Patients are often in the normal-weight range at diagnosis; however, they often present with signs of medical complications and severe restraint over eating, body dissatisfaction, and low self-esteem. We investigated functional circuitry underlying the hedonic response in 28 female adolescent patients diagnosed with atypical AN and 33 healthy controls. Participants were shown images of food with high (HC) or low (LC) caloric content in alternating blocks during functional MRI. The HC > LC contrast was calculated. Based on the previous literature on full-threshold AN, we hypothesized that patients would exhibit increased connectivity in areas involved in sensory processing and bottom-up responses, coupled to increased connectivity from areas related to top-down inhibitory control, compared with controls. Patients showed increased connectivity in pathways related to multimodal somatosensory processing and memory retrieval. The connectivity was on the other hand decreased in patients in salience and attentional networks, and in a wide cerebello-occipital network. Our study was the first investigation of food-related neural response in atypical AN. Our findings support higher somatosensory processing in patients in response to HC food images compared with controls, however HC food was less efficient than LC food in engaging patients' bottom-up salient responses, and was not associated with connectivity increases in inhibitory control regions. These findings suggest that the psychopathological mechanisms underlying food restriction in atypical AN differ from full-threshold AN. Elucidating the mechanisms underlying the development and maintenance of eating behavior in atypical AN might help designing specific treatment strategies

    Erfolgreiche Pembrolizumab-Therapie bei metastasiertem adenosquamösem Karzinom des Kolons

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    Adenosquamous carcinoma (ASqC) is an exceedingly rare subtype of colorectal cancer without any known special guidelines for treatment. The biological behaviour and molecular background are widely unknown, although a few case studies report a worse prognosis compared to ordinary colorectal adenocarcinoma. We herein report for the first time the successful immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in a 40-year-old patient suffering from metastasized right-sided colonic ASqC with unique molecular features, after having previously progressed under standard chemotherapy

    Analytik und Mutagenität von verkehrsbedingtem Feinstaub: PAK und Mitro-PAK

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    Das gesundheitsgefährdende Potential von Feinstaub in der Außenluft wurde in zahlreichen epidemiologischen Studien konsistent belegt. Ein Hauptverursacher der Belastung der Bevölkerung ist der Straßenverkehr und damit Ursache erhöhter Morbidität und Mortalität. Eine besondere Gefährdung besteht bei Menschen mit Vorerkrankungen auf pulmonalem und kardiovaskulärem Gebiet. Jedoch wird die Frage einer mutagenen (erbgutverändernden) und kanzerogenen (krebserzeu-genden) Wirkung bislang unzureichend berücksichtigt. Neben PAK (Polyzyklische Aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe) wurde bereits von 2 Jahrzehnten die Bedeutung der z.T. hochpotenten Nitroderivate (Nitro-PAK) herausgestellt (Mücke et al.). Diese entstehen bei Verbrennungsprozessen, aber auch sekundär durch photochemische Reaktionen der emittierten PAK mit Stickstoffoxiden. Vorgestellt werden nun detaillierte Untersuchungen an extrem verkehrsnahen Standorten modellhaft in München zur Erfassbarkeit, Analytik und Mutagenität von luftgetragenem Staub der Größe PM10 (Particulate Matter, 10 µm) und PM1 (1 µm) durch eluierbare PAK und Nitro-PAK. Messorte waren ein verkehrsbelasteter, lichtexponierter Platz und ein nahegelegener Tunnel im Sommer und im Winter. Begleitend wurden lufthygienische Parameter erfasst. Die Konzentration der Teilchengrößen, Schadstoffgehalte und mutagener Potentiale ergaben ein sehr differenziertes Bild mit überraschenden Unterschieden nach Standort und Sammelphase. Die Ergebnisse zeigen in summa, dass kleinen Partikelgrößen die überwiegende Wirksamkeit zukommt. Nicht unerheblich ist der Beitrag von mutagenen Substanzen in der Gasphase. Zur toxikologischen Charakterisierung der Partikelphase ergäbe die Bestimmung lediglich von Benzo(a)pyren ein unzureichendes Bild. Die Toxizität von Stäuben und der Gasphase in puncto Mutagenität durch PAK und Nitro-PAK ist komplex: Neben differenzierter chemischer Analytik legt sie die Anwendung toxikologischer Parameter nahe