40 research outputs found

    High diversity of picornaviruses in rats from different continents revealed by deep sequencing

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    Outbreaks of zoonotic diseases in humans and livestock are not uncommon, and an important component in containment of such emerging viral diseases is rapid and reliable diagnostics. Such methods are often PCR-based and hence require the availability of sequence data from the pathogen. Rattus norvegicus (R. norvegicus) is a known reservoir for important zoonotic pathogens. Transmission may be direct via contact with the animal, for example, through exposure to its faecal matter, or indirectly mediated by arthropod vectors. Here we investigated the viral content in rat faecal matter (n=29) collected from two continents by analyzing 2.2 billion next-generation sequencing reads derived from both DNA and RNA. Among other virus families, we found sequences from members of the Picornaviridae to be abundant in the microbiome of all the samples. Here we describe the diversity of the picornavirus-like contigs including near-full-length genomes closely related to the Boone cardiovirus and Theiler's encephalomyelitis virus. From this study, we conclude that picornaviruses within R. norvegicus are more diverse than previously recognized. The virome of R. norvegicus should be investigated further to assess the full potential for zoonotic virus transmission

    Nodeomics: Pathogen Detection in Vertebrate Lymph Nodes Using Meta-Transcriptomics

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    The ongoing emergence of human infections originating from wildlife highlights the need for better knowledge of the microbial community in wildlife species where traditional diagnostic approaches are limited. Here we evaluate the microbial biota in healthy mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) by analyses of lymph node meta-transcriptomes. cDNA libraries from five individuals and two pools of samples were prepared from retropharyngeal lymph node RNA enriched for polyadenylated RNA and sequenced using Roche-454 Life Sciences technology. Protein-coding and 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences were taxonomically profiled using protein and rRNA specific databases. Representatives of all bacterial phyla were detected in the seven libraries based on protein-coding transcripts indicating that viable microbiota were present in lymph nodes. Residents of skin and rumen, and those ubiquitous in mule deer habitat dominated classifiable bacterial species. Based on detection of both rRNA and protein-coding transcripts, we identified two new proteobacterial species; a Helicobacter closely related to Helicobacter cetorum in the Helicobacter pylori/Helicobacter acinonychis complex and an Acinetobacter related to Acinetobacter schindleri. Among viruses, a novel gamma retrovirus and other members of the Poxviridae and Retroviridae were identified. We additionally evaluated bacterial diversity by amplicon sequencing the hypervariable V6 region of 16S rRNA and demonstrate that overall taxonomic diversity is higher with the meta-transcriptomic approach. These data provide the most complete picture to date of the microbial diversity within a wildlife host. Our research advances the use of meta-transcriptomics to study microbiota in wildlife tissues, which will facilitate detection of novel organisms with pathogenic potential to human and animals

    The Fecal Viral Flora of Wild Rodents

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    The frequent interactions of rodents with humans make them a common source of zoonotic infections. To obtain an initial unbiased measure of the viral diversity in the enteric tract of wild rodents we sequenced partially purified, randomly amplified viral RNA and DNA in the feces of 105 wild rodents (mouse, vole, and rat) collected in California and Virginia. We identified in decreasing frequency sequences related to the mammalian viruses families Circoviridae, Picobirnaviridae, Picornaviridae, Astroviridae, Parvoviridae, Papillomaviridae, Adenoviridae, and Coronaviridae. Seventeen small circular DNA genomes containing one or two replicase genes distantly related to the Circoviridae representing several potentially new viral families were characterized. In the Picornaviridae family two new candidate genera as well as a close genetic relative of the human pathogen Aichi virus were characterized. Fragments of the first mouse sapelovirus and picobirnaviruses were identified and the first murine astrovirus genome was characterized. A mouse papillomavirus genome and fragments of a novel adenovirus and adenovirus-associated virus were also sequenced. The next largest fraction of the rodent fecal virome was related to insect viruses of the Densoviridae, Iridoviridae, Polydnaviridae, Dicistroviriade, Bromoviridae, and Virgaviridae families followed by plant virus-related sequences in the Nanoviridae, Geminiviridae, Phycodnaviridae, Secoviridae, Partitiviridae, Tymoviridae, Alphaflexiviridae, and Tombusviridae families reflecting the largely insect and plant rodent diet. Phylogenetic analyses of full and partial viral genomes therefore revealed many previously unreported viral species, genera, and families. The close genetic similarities noted between some rodent and human viruses might reflect past zoonoses. This study increases our understanding of the viral diversity in wild rodents and highlights the large number of still uncharacterized viruses in mammals

    Neurotropic virus infections as the cause of immediate and delayed neuropathology

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    The prognostic role of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 and their tissue inhibitor-1 and -2 in endometrial carcinoma

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    Abstract Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynegologic malignancy in developed countries. Due to early symptoms, including abnormal uterine bleeding, endometrial cancer is often diagnosed at an early stage and in that case usually has a good prognosis and high cure rates. However, the nature of the disease is heterogeneous. During the last decades, the improvement in survival rates among endometrial cancer patients has not been significant, suggesting that the traditional clinicopathological factors may be inadequate to identify patients with high-risk disease. Furthermore, aggressive adjuvant treatments can be costly and very toxic. Therefore, better prognostic markers associated with biological aggressiveness of endometrial carcinoma are needed to identify the patients with high-risk disease, and to be able to select the treatment more individually. Gelatinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) have been found to play a role in tumor progression. In the present work, the expression and prognostic value of MMP-2, MMP-9, TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 were assessed in endometrial carcinoma. The patient material consisted of a total of 266 women diagnosed with primary endometrial carcinoma. The tissue expression of immunoreactive proteins was examined in paraffin-embedded tumor sections by immunohistochemical staining using specific antibodies, and the pretreatment serum levels of the proteins were quantitatively measured by ELISA. Tissue MMP-2 expression associated with a worsened prognosis, whereas tissue TIMP-2 overexpression was an indicator of a favorable outcome. Furthermore, we observed a combination of strong MMP-2 and weak TIMP-2 tissue expression to identify a group of women at high risk of adverse outcome in endometrial carcinoma. Patients with negative MMP-2 immunostaining had the best prognosis, regardless of TIMP-2 staining result. In serum measurements, high preoperative TIMP-1 concentration was a prognostic indicator of unfavorable outcome. These results indicate that tissue MMP-2 and TIMP-2 as well as circulating TIMP-1 may be prognostic markers in endometrial carcinoma. Of these, tissue MMP-2 seems to be the most potent prognostic marker. Studies with larger patient materials are needed to further explore the value of these enzymes in clinical practice in endometrial cancer.Tiivistelmä Kohdunrungon syöpä on yleisin gynekologinen maligniteetti kehittyneissä maissa. Varhaisten oireiden, kuten poikkeavan verisen vuodon, vuoksi kohdunrungon syöpä havaitaan usein varhaisessa vaiheessa, jolloin sen ennuste on hyvä. Taudin käyttäytyminen voi kuitenkin olla moninaista. Viime vuosikymmenten aikana kohdunrungon syöpään sairastuneiden ennuste ei ole merkittävästi parantunut. Vaikuttaisi siltä, että perinteiset ennustetekijät eivät ole riittävän tarkkoja ennustamaan syövän taudinkulkua. Lisäksi liitännäishoidot voivat olla kalliita, ja niihin voi liittyä vakavia haittavaikutuksia. Uusien biologisten ennustetekijöiden löytäminen olisi tärkeää, jotta aggressiivista syöpätyyppiä sairastavat potilaat pystyttäisiin tunnistamaan entistä paremmin, ja hoito kyettäisiin räätälöimään yksilöllisemmin taudinkuvaa vastaavasti. Gelatinaasien (MMP-2 ja MMP-9) sekä niiden kudosinhibiittoreiden (TIMP-1 ja TIMP-2) on havaittu osallistuvan syövän etenemiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin MMP-2:n ja MMP-9:n sekä niiden kudosinhibiittoreiden TIMP-1:n ja TIMP-2:n ilmentymistä ja ennusteellista merkitystä kohdunrungon syövässä. Aineisto käsitti yhteensä 266 primaariseen kohdunrungon syöpään sairastunutta naista. Määritysmenetelminä käytettiin sekä immunohistokemiallista värjäystä parafiiniin valettujen kudosnäytteiden osalta että ELISA-määrityksiä ennen hoitoa otettujen seeruminäytteiden osalta. Syöpäkudoksen runsas MMP-2 -proteiinin ilmentyminen liittyi epäsuotuisaan ennusteeseen, kun taas kasvainkudoksen voimakas TIMP-2 -proteiinin ilmentyminen oli hyvän ennusteen merkki. Lisäksi kasvainkudoksen voimakkaan MMP-2- ja heikon TIMP-2 -proteiinien ilmentymisen yhdistelmän havaittiin liittyvän suurempaan syövästä johtuvaan kuolleisuuteen. MMP-2 -negatiivisten potilaiden eloonjäämisennuste oli paras, TIMP-2 -värjäystuloksesta riippumatta. Seerumin korkea TIMP-1 -pitoisuus oli merkittävä huonontuneen ennusteen merkki. Tutkimuksen tulokset viittaavat siihen, että kasvainkudoksessa esiintyvät MMP-2- ja TIMP-2 -proteiinit samoin kuin seerumin TIMP-1 -pitoisuus voivat ennustaa kohdunrungon syövän kliinistä käyttäytymistä. Kasvainkudoksessa esiintyvä MMP-2 -proteiini vaikuttaisi olevan merkittävin ennusteellinen tekijä, mutta tulosten varmistamiseksi tarvitaan lisää tutkimuksia suuremmilla potilasaineistoilla

    Absence of evidence for bornavirus infection in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder

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    In 1983, reports of antibodies in subjects with major depressive disorder (MDD) to an as-yet uncharacterized infectious agent associated with meningoencephalitis in horses and sheep led to molecular cloning of the genome of a novel, negative-stranded neurotropic virus, Borna disease virus (BDV). This advance has enabled the development of new diagnostic assays, including in situ hybridization, PCR and serology based on recombinant proteins. Since these assays were first implemented in 1990, more than 80 studies have reported an association between BDV and a wide range of human illnesses that include MDD, bipolar disorder (BD), schizophrenia (SZ), anxiety disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, dementia and glioblastoma multiforme. However, to date there has been no blinded case-control study of the epidemiology of BDV infection. Here, in a United States-based, multi-center, yoked case-control study with standardized methods for clinical assessment and blinded serological and molecular analysis, we report the absence of association of psychiatric illness with antibodies to BDV or with BDV nucleic acids in serially collected serum and white blood cell samples from 396 subjects, a study population comprised of 198 matched pairs of patients and healthy controls (52 SZ/control pairs, 66 BD/control pairs and 80 MDD/control pairs). Our results argue strongly against a role for BDV in the pathogenesis of these psychiatric disorders.M. Hornig, T. Briese, J. Licinio, R. F. Khabbaz, L. L. Altshuler, S. G. Potkin, M. Schwemmle, U. Siemetzki, J. Mintz, K. Honkavuori, H. C. Kraemer, M. F. Egan, P. C. Whybrow, W. E. Bunney and W. I. Lipki