594 research outputs found

    You Can\u27t Have Your Trust and Defeat It Too: Why Mandatory Arbitration Provisions in Trusts Are Enforceable, and Why State Courts Are Getting It Wrong

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    This note addresses a recent decision by the Texas State Court of Appeals concerning the enforceability of mandatory arbitration provisions found in testamentary instruments, and specifically, inter vivos trusts. After analyzing the legal background of arbitration, the use of contract principles to analyze both arbitration and trust agreements, and statutory enactments making trust arbitration provisions enforceable, this note will discuss the nuanced relationship between contract principles of construction, arbitration agreements, and trust instruments, and specifically the relationship between trust agreements and contracts. In analyzing these relationships, this note will also address the differences between the statute at issue in Rachal v. Reitz and the Arizona arbitration statute at issue in Schoneberger v. Delze, the landmark case addressing the enforceability of trust arbitration provisions. Additionally, the relationship between contract law, trust instruments, and the role of settlors\u27 intent will be briefly discussed. Finally, this note will argue that mandatory arbitration provisions found in valid trust instruments should be enforced when they would effectuate the settlor\u27s unambiguous intent

    You Can\u27t Have Your Trust and Defeat It Too: Why Mandatory Arbitration Provisions in Trusts Are Enforceable, and Why State Courts Are Getting It Wrong

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    This note addresses a recent decision by the Texas State Court of Appeals concerning the enforceability of mandatory arbitration provisions found in testamentary instruments, and specifically, inter vivos trusts. After analyzing the legal background of arbitration, the use of contract principles to analyze both arbitration and trust agreements, and statutory enactments making trust arbitration provisions enforceable, this note will discuss the nuanced relationship between contract principles of construction, arbitration agreements, and trust instruments, and specifically the relationship between trust agreements and contracts. In analyzing these relationships, this note will also address the differences between the statute at issue in Rachal v. Reitz and the Arizona arbitration statute at issue in Schoneberger v. Delze, the landmark case addressing the enforceability of trust arbitration provisions. Additionally, the relationship between contract law, trust instruments, and the role of settlors\u27 intent will be briefly discussed. Finally, this note will argue that mandatory arbitration provisions found in valid trust instruments should be enforced when they would effectuate the settlor\u27s unambiguous intent

    Quadratic Scaling Bosonic Path Integral Molecular Dynamics

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    We present an algorithm for bosonic path integral molecular dynamics simulations, which reduces the computational complexity with the number of particles from cubic to quadratic. Path integral molecular dynamics simulations of large bosonic systems are challenging, since a straightforward implementation scales exponentially with the number of particles. We recently developed a recursive algorithm that reduced the computational complexity from exponential to cubic. It allowed performing the first path integral molecular dynamics simulations of ~100 bosons, but the cubic scaling hindered applications to much larger systems. Here, we report an improved algorithm that scales only quadratically with system size. Simulations with our new method are orders of magnitude faster, with a speedup that scales as PNPN, where PP and NN are the number of beads (imaginary time slices) and particles, respectively. In practice, this eliminates most of the cost of including bosonic exchange effects in path integral molecular dynamics simulations. We use the algorithm to simulate thousands of interacting bosons using path integral molecular dynamics for the first time, spending days of computation on simulations that would have otherwise taken decades to complete

    Rokhlin Dimension for Flows

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    This research was supported by GIF Grant 1137/2011, SFB 878 Groups, Geometry and Actions and ERC Grant No. 267079. Part of the research was conducted at the Fields institute during the 2014 thematic program on abstract harmonic analysis, Banach and operator algebras, and at the Mittag–Leffler institute during the 2016 program on Classification of Operator Algebras: Complexity, Rigidity, and Dynamics.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The Index of (White) Noises and their Product Systems

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    (See detailed abstract in the article.) We single out the correct class of spatial product systems (and the spatial endomorphism semigroups with which the product systems are associated) that allows the most far reaching analogy in their classifiaction when compared with Arveson systems. The main differences are that mere existence of a unit is not it sufficient: The unit must be CENTRAL. And the tensor product under which the index is additive is not available for product systems of Hilbert modules. It must be replaced by a new product that even for Arveson systems need not coincide with the tensor product

    Lung adenocarcinoma presenting as a solitary gingival metastasis: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Gingival metastases are very rare and generally occur in disseminated tumors. We report a case of solitary gingival metastasis of lung cancer.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 74-year-old asymptomatic Caucasian woman affected by a rapidly growing, painless gingival swelling. Histopathologic examination of the excisional biopsy showed metastasis of poorly differentiated thyroid transcription factor 1-positive adenocarcinoma. A total-body computed tomographic scan revealed a tumor of the right lung lower lobe with ipsilateral, mediastinal lymph node swelling. Moreover, bone scintigraphy revealed no bone metastases. No other metastases were found, so we planned a multi-modal therapeutic approach with a curative intent. However, the tumor proved to be intrinsically resistant and highly aggressive.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The presentation of solitary gingival metastasis is exceptional. In view of its rapid clinical evolution, our case confirms that gingival metastasis is an important prognostic factor. This behavior raises the question whether the poor prognosis for patients with tumors with oral metastases depends on its diffuse spread or on its highly malignant nature.</p

    Association of left ventricular longitudinal strain with central venous oxygen saturation and serum lactate in patients with early severe sepsis and septic shock

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    Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra pedagogers syn på föräldrasamverkan i förskolan. Vi har även intresserat oss på samverkan mellan pedagogerna och föräldrar med annat modersmål än svenska. Vår studie grundar sig på observationer kring bemötande av föräldrar på förskolan. Vi undersökte hur pedagogerna såg på föräldrasamverkan och hur de arbetar kring samverkan med föräldrar, för att kunna få en bredare syn i vår studie om hur samverkan fungerar på de aktuella förskolorna. Som metod använde vi kvalitativ intervju då detta lämpade sig väl för oss för att vi skulle kunna få en bredare syn om hur samverkan fungerar på de aktuella förskolorna. Intervjuer ger mer exakta svar och det underlättar för oss som intervjuar att ställa följdfrågor. Resultatet visar att samverkan med föräldrar har ökat i förskolan och blivit en stor del av verksamheten. Pedagogerna försöker engagera sig mycket i arbetet med föräldrasamverkan och letar efter möjligheter för att skapa en bra kommunikation med föräldrar som har annat modersmål än svenska. Resultaten visar även att pedagogerna menar att oavsett om föräldrarna behärskar det svenska språket eller inte så anstränger de sig för att visa föräldrarna att de är viktiga i verksamheten