916 research outputs found

    Wet atmospheric generation apparatus

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    The invention described relates to an apparatus for providing a selectively humidified gas to a camera canister containing cameras and film used in space. A source of pressurized gas (leak test gas or motive gas) is selected by a valve, regulated to a desired pressure by a regulator, and routed through an ejector (venturi device). A regulated source of water vapor in the form of steam from a heated reservoir is coupled to a low pressure region of the ejector which mixes with high velocity gas flow through the ejector. This mixture is sampled by a dew point sensor to obtain dew point thereof (ratio of water vapor to gas) and the apparatus adjusted by varying gas pressure or water vapor to provide a mixture at a connector having selected humidity content

    Filming Reconciliation: Affect and Nostalgia in The Tree of Life

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    This paper uses the affect theory of Gilles Deleuze, Raymond Williams, and Lauren Berlant, and the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty to examine how affect constellates to film Christian reconciliation in Terrence Malick’s 2011 release, The Tree of Life. As a working shorthand, we can understand affect as the fungible set of bodily processes that affirm, sear, or reshape a body’s and society’s relational structures. I contend that the film’s fluid montage—analyzed with Deleuzian film theory—generates a non-reactionary nostalgia that binds Christian theological hope to the persistent melancholy of loss through the blurring of perception, memory, dream, and fantasy. Such blurring evokes the cultural ache to escape what Lauren Berlant terms the failure of the fantasy of “the good life.” In short, I argue that the fluid tactility of Malick’s camera consciousness responds to the persistent threat of losing ‘the good life’ through the human ache for (Christian) redemption, and it does so with an active nostalgia that remains embodied and terrestrial

    The fishery for California market squid (Loligo opalescens) (Cephalopoda: Myopsida), from 1981 through 2003

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    The California market squid (Loligo opalescens) has been harvested since the 1860s and it has become the largest fishery in California in terms of tonnage and dollars since 1993. The fishery began in Monterey Bay and then shifted to southern California, where effort has increased steadily since 1983. The California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) collects information on landings of squid, including tonnage, location, and date of capture. We compared landings data gathered by CDFG with sea surface temperature (SST), upwelling index (UI), the southern oscillation index (SOI), and their respective anomalies. We found that the squid fishery in Monterey Bay expends twice the effort of that in southern California. Squid landings decreased substantially following large El Niño events in 1982−83 and 1997−98, but not following the smaller El Niño events of 1987 and 1992. Spectral analysis revealed autocorrelation at annual and 4.5-year intervals (similar to the time period between El Niño cycles). But this analysis did not reveal any fortnightly or monthly spawning peaks, thus squid spawning did not correlate with tides. A paralarvae density index (PDI) for February correlated well with catch per unit of effort (CPUE) for the following November recruitment of adults to the spawning grounds. This stock– recruitment analysis was significant for 2000−03 (CPUE=8.42+0.41PDI, adjusted coefficient of determination, r2=0.978, P=0.0074). Surveys of squid paralarvae explained 97.8% of the variance for catches of adult squid nine months later. The regression of CPUE on PDI could be used to manage the fishery. Catch limits for the fishery could be set on the basis of paralarvae abundance surveyed nine months earlier

    Continued Development of a Global Heat Transfer Measurement System at AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel 9

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    Heat transfer rates are an extremely important consideration in the design of hypersonic vehicles such as atmospheric reentry vehicles. This paper describes the development of a data reduction methodology to evaluate global heat transfer rates using surface temperature-time histories measured with the temperature sensitive paint (TSP) system at AEDC Hypervelocity Wind Tunnel 9. As a part of this development effort, a scale model of the NASA Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) was painted with TSP and multiple sequences of high resolution images were acquired during a five run test program. Heat transfer calculation from TSP data in Tunnel 9 is challenging due to relatively long run times, high Reynolds number environment and the desire to utilize typical stainless steel wind tunnel models used for force and moment testing. An approach to reduce TSP data into convective heat flux was developed, taking into consideration the conditions listed above. Surface temperatures from high quality quantitative global temperature maps acquired with the TSP system were then used as an input into the algorithm. Preliminary comparison of the heat flux calculated using the TSP surface temperature data with the value calculated using the standard thermocouple data is reported

    Feeding behavior of the ctenophore Thalassocalyce inconstans : revision of anatomy of the order Thalassocalycida

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    © 2009 The Authors. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License. The definitive version was published in Marine Biology 156 (2009): 1049-1056, doi:10.1007/s00227-009-1149-6.Behavioral observations using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) in the Gulf of California in March, 2003, provided insights into the vertical distribution, feeding and anatomy of the rare and delicate ctenophore Thalassocalyce inconstans. Additional archived ROV video records from the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute of 288 sightings of T. inconstans and 2,437 individual observations of euphausiids in the Gulf of California and Monterey Canyon between 1989 and 2005 were examined to determine ctenophore and euphausiid prey depth distributions with respect to temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration [dO]. In the Gulf of California most ctenophores (96.9%) were above 350 m, the top of the oxygen minimum layer. In Monterey Canyon the ctenophores were more widely distributed throughout the water column, including the hypoxic zone, to depths as great as 3,500 m. Computer-aided behavioral analysis of two video records of the capture of euphausiids by T. inconstans showed that the ctenophore contracted its bell almost instantly (0.5 s), transforming its flattened, hemispherical resting shape into a closed bi-lobed globe in which seawater and prey were engulfed. Euphausiids entrapped within the globe displayed a previously undescribed escape response for krill (‘probing behavior’), in which they hovered and gently probed the inner surfaces of the globe with antennae without stimulating further contraction by the ctenophore. Such rapid bell contraction could be effected only by a peripheral sphincter muscle even though the presence of circumferential ring musculature was unknown for the Phylum Ctenophora. Thereafter, several live T. inconstans were collected by hand off Barbados and microscopic observations confirmed that assumption.Supported by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and NOAA Grant #NA06OAR4600091

    Beating dark-dark solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Motivated by recent experimental results, we study beating dark-dark solitons as a prototypical coherent structure that emerges in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. We showcase their connection to dark- bright solitons via SO(2) rotation, and infer from it both their intrinsic beating frequency and their frequency of oscillation inside a parabolic trap. We identify them as exact periodic orbits in the Manakov limit of equal inter- and intra-species nonlinearity strengths with and without the trap and showcase the persistence of such states upon weak deviations from this limit. We also consider large deviations from the Manakov limit illustrating that this breathing state may be broken apart into dark-antidark soliton states. Finally, we consider the dynamics and interactions of two beating dark-dark solitons in the absence and in the presence of the trap, inferring their typically repulsive interaction.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    A method for reducing animal use whilst maintaining statistical power in electrophysiological recordings from rodent nerves

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    The stimulus evoked compound action potential, recorded from ex vivo nerve trunks such as the rodent optic and sciatic nerve, is a popular model system used to study aspects of nervous system metabolism. This includes (1) the role of glycogen in supporting axon conduction, (2) the injury mechanisms resulting from metabolic insults, and (3) to test putative benefits of clinically relevant neuroprotective strategies. We demonstrate the benefit of simultaneously recording from pairs of nerves in the same superfusion chamber compared with conventional recordings from single nerves. Experiments carried out on mouse optic and sciatic nerves demonstrate that our new recording configuration decreased the relative standard deviation from samples when compared with recordings from an equivalent number of individually recorded nerves. The new method reduces the number of animals required to produce equivalent Power compared with the existing method, where single nerves are used. Adopting this method leads to increased experimental efficiency and productivity. We demonstrate that reduced animal use and increased Power can be achieved by recording from pairs of rodent nerve trunks simultaneously

    If you could see what we see, would it bother you?

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    Objective The purpose of our study was to determine whether the anatomic threshold for pelvic organ prolapse (POP) diagnosis and surgical success remains valid when the patient sees what we see on exam. Methods Two hundred participants were assigned, by computer-generated block randomization, to see one of four videos. Each video contained the same six clips representative of various degrees of anterior vaginal wall support. Participants were asked questions immediately after each clip. They were asked: “In your opinion, does this patient have a bulge or something falling out that she can see or feel in the vaginal area?” Similarly, they were asked to give their opinion on surgical outcome on a 4-point Likert scale. Results The proportion of participants who identified the presence of a vaginal bulge increased substantially at the level of early stage 2 prolapse (1 cm above the hymen), with 67 % answering yes to the question regarding bulge. The proportion of participants who felt that surgical outcome was less desirable also increased substantially at early stage 2 prolapse (1 cm above the hymen), with 52 % describing that outcome as “not at all” or “somewhat” successful. Conclusion Early stage 2 POP (1 cm above the hymen) is the anatomic threshold at which women identify both a vaginal bulge and a less desirable surgical outcome when they see what we see on examination

    Regulation of cerebrovascular compliance compared with forearm vascular compliance in humans:a pharmacological study

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    Increasing evidence indicates that cerebrovascular compliance contributes to the dynamic regulation of cerebral blood flow but the mechanisms regulating cerebrovascular compliance in humans are unknown. This retrospective study investigated the impact of neural, endothelial, and myogenic mechanisms on the regulation of vascular compliance in the cerebral vascular bed compared with the forearm vascular bed. An index of vascular compliance (C(i)) was assessed using a Windkessel model applied to blood pressure waveforms (finger photoplethysmography) and corresponding middle cerebral artery blood velocity or brachial artery blood velocity waveforms (Doppler ultrasound). Data were analyzed during a 5-min baseline period (10 waveforms) under control conditions and during distinct sympathetic blockade (experiment 1, phentolamine; 10 adults), cholinergic blockade (experiment 2, glycopyrrolate; 9 adults), and myogenic blockade (experiment 3, nicardipine; 14 adults). In experiment 1, phentolamine increased C(i) similarly in the cerebral vascular bed (131 ± 135%) and forearm vascular bed (93 ± 75%; P = 0.45). In experiment 2, glycopyrrolate increased cerebrovascular C(i) (72 ± 61%) and forearm vascular C(i) (74 ± 64%) to a similar extent (P = 0.88). In experiment 3, nicardipine increased C(i) but to a greater extent in the cerebral vascular bed (88 ± 88%) than forearm vascular bed (20 ± 45%; P = 0.01). Therefore, adrenergic, cholinergic, and myogenic mechanisms contribute to the regulation of cerebrovascular and forearm vascular compliance. However, myogenic mechanisms appear to exert more specific control over vascular compliance in the brain relative to the forearm. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Vascular compliance represents an important determinant in the dynamics and regulation of blood flow through a vascular bed. However, the mechanisms that regulate vascular compliance remain poorly understood. This study examined the impact of neural, endothelial, and myogenic mechanisms on cerebrovascular compliance compared with forearm vascular compliance. Distinct pharmacological blockade of α-adrenergic, endothelial muscarinic, and myogenic inputs altered cerebrovascular and forearm vascular compliance. These results further our understanding of vascular control and blood flow regulation in the brain