2,711 research outputs found

    Pendapatan Masyarakat dari Hutan dan Faktorfaktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Mempengaruhinya: Kasus Desa Penyangga Tnks di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan

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    Areal Taman Nasional Kerinci Seblat (TNKS) di wilayah penyangga Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan mengalami degradasi hutan tertinggi diantara daerah-daerah penyangga lainnya, yaitu mencapai 1.570 ha atau 34,23% dari luas total degradasi hutan yang terjadi di seluruh kawasan TNKS. Fakta tersebut diduga erat kaitannya dengan kegiatan illegal logging dan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat desa penyangga. Salah satu pendapatan hutan pada masyarakat desa penyangga diantaranya adalah hasil kayu dari kegiatan illegal logging. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji proporsi pendapatan dari hutan pada masyarakat desa penyangga, serta menganalisis pengaruh fakior-faktor sosial ekonomi rumah tangga terhadap pendapatan hutan. Metode penelitian yang yang digunakan adalah gabungan antara wawancara terstruktur dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Analisa data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan masyarakat dari kayu balok jauh lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pendapatan hasil hutan lainnya. Pendapatan dari hasil kayu (kayu balok) mencapai Rp 282.499,- atau 66,05% dari total pendapatan/bulan. Hasil analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahwa faktor Umur Responden dan Jumlah Anggota Rumah Tangga, memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan dan penurunan pendapatan masyarakat dari hutan

    Tourist Boat Electrification

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    As a city crossed by rivers, Surabaya has the potential for attractive water tourism. Kalimas is one of them. Kalimas is a river that divides Surabaya. Kali Mas is a tributary of the Brantas River. This main river flows from Mojokerto as its headwaters, then flows to the northeast, empties into Surabaya, and ends in the Madura Strait. Muara Kali Mas has been Surabaya's traditional port for centuries. This port became the gateway to the capital of the Majapahit Kingdom (in Trowulan), and became part of the Surabaya people's battle against the allies before November 10, 1945. In various countries, river tourism has developed. Not only for city residents, but has become part of the State's tourism. One example is in Italy, namely tracing the river canals in Venice in Italy. Everything is described so well that everyone who comes wants to try it. Experiences and interesting photo documentation make river tourism an opportunity to develop. River tourism can be a potential alternative for Surabaya residents. Become a means of recreation or further developed into a tourist vehicle of national and even international standards. An important means of water tourism is a boat. Tour boats were developed to support the success of this tour. This article discusses the electrical installation for tourist boats that will be used on the Kali Mas River. Its power source is taken from diesel engines and also from solar panels that are capable of generating electricity

    Penentuan Nilai Standar Distorsi Berminyak Pada Akuisisi Citra Sidik Jari

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    Determining the Standard Value of the Oily Distortion of Acquisition the Fingerprint Images. This research describes a novel procedure for determining the standard value of the oily distortion of acquisition the fingerprint images based on the score of clarity and ridge-valley thickness ratio. The fingerprint image is quantized into blocks size 32 x 32 pixels. Inside each block, an orientation line, which perpendicular to the ridge direction, is computed. The center of the block along the ridge direction, a two-dimension (2-D) vector  V1 (slanted square) with the pixel size 32 x 13 pixels can be extracted and transformed to a vertical 2-D vector V2. Linear regression can be applied to the one-dimension (1-D) vector V3 to find the determinant threshold (DT1). The lower regions than DT1 are the ridges, otherwise are the valleys. Tests carried out by calculating the clarity  of the image from the overlapping area of the gray-level distribution of ridge and valley that has been separated. Thickness ratio size of the ridge to valley, it is computation per block, the thickness of ridge and valley obtained from the gray-level values per block of image in the normal direction toward the ridge, the average values obtained from the overall image. The results shown that the standard value of the oily distortion of acquisition the fingerprint image is said to oily fingerprint when the images have local clarity scores (LCS) is between 0.01446 to 0.01550, global clarity scores (GCS) is between 0.01186 to 0.01230, and ridge-valley thickness ratio (RVTR) is between 6.98E-05 to 7.22E-05. &nbsp

    Penyelesaian Kredit Macet yang Terjadi pada Kredit USAha Kecil Informal pada Pt.bpr Khatulistiwa Bonjol Kantor Pusat di Kecamatan Lubuk Sikaping Kabupaten Pasaman Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Banking institutions is a financial intermediary, which means that banks can obtainfunds from the parties that have many funds are then channeled to those who need funds.Once the magnitude of the role of money in meeting the needs, ways to earn money as asource of revenue through the proposed loans to banks and other financial institutions. RuralBank business one of which is providing credit, the practice of granting credit to customersthere are problems facing the bad credit. PT.BPR Khatulistiwa Bonjol has some kind ofcredit one of them is an informal small business loans, small business loans are used byborrowers to informal working capital or investment, which is beneficial to the debtor. In theinformal small business lending to customers there are problems of bad loans made bycustomers PT.BPR Bonjol Equator and needed resolution.The purpose of this thesis How does the process of resolving the bad debt problemthat occurs in informal small business loans on the PT.BPR Khatulisitwa Bonjol snag in thedistrict headquarters Lubuk Sikaping, Are the factors that cause bad credit happens to smallbusiness loans in the informal PT.BPR Khatulisitiwa Bonjol headquarters in district LubukSikaping, What are the obstacles that occur in the process of settlement of bad loans whichoccur in informal small business loans on the PT.BPR Khatulistiwa Bonjol snag in thedistrict headquarters Lubuk SikapingFrom this research it can be concluded that the first step taken by PT.BPRKhatulisitwa Bonjol in dealing with bad loans that occurred in informal small business loansis sending warning letters, perform settlement, sells credit guarantee is the latest step takenby PT.BPR Khatulisitiwa Bonjol, factors that cause bad credit happens to small businessloans in PT.BPR Khatulisitwa Bonjol informal headquarters in the District Lubuk Sikaping isabusing Debtor informal small business loans, impaired health Debtor, Debtor less able tomanage credit in developing, the debtor's bad faith in the resolution of bad debts, barriersthat occur in the process of settlement of bad loans which occur in informal small businessloans on the Equator PT.BPR snag in the district headquarters Lubuk debtor Sikaping is badfaith, the Equator PT.BPR Bonjol must be able to draw up a mature and predictable planningcarefully for the future business prospects of the debtor, the debtor in order to have a highawareness to fulfill its obligations to the bank and the debtor perform well before bank loansto the debtor should be able to estimate whether the development effort can pay the loancredit

    The Influence of Parenting Toward Religious Behavior and Study Result

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    The aim of this article is to present the results of research concerning empirical description of the parenting and its influences on religious behavior and students\u27 study results in the subject of PAI (Pendidikan Agama Islam/Islamic Education). The research method used is qualitative and quantitative methods. The population of the research is all students and their parents in the fifth grade of elementary school in one group of Pulau Kijang, in Reteh Subdistrict, Indragiri Hilir, Riau. The sampling used the technique of cluster sampling for 80 students and 80 parents. The results of the research show that the parenting determines the height and low of students\u27 religious behavior and PAI study results. Students who have high and average religious behavior are educated by the parents having the authoritative parenting, while the students having low religious behavior are those who are educated by authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, authoritarian-authoritative combination, and authoritative-permissive combination parentings. Meanwhile, students who have the high study results are educated by the parents having the authoritative parenting, while the students whose study results are average are educated by the authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, authoritarian-authoritative combination, and authoritative-permissive combination parentings

    Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Kesehatan Masyarakat Pantai melalui Penerapan Jamban Keluarga dari Kayu Model Panggung yang Aman terhadap Air Pasang

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    The purpose of this is PKMM communities living in coastal areas in Palanro Barru to: (1) recognize that the family latrine construction secure against the tide, (2) to design, create the framework, floors, walls and roof of wooden models of family latrines and septic stage -tanks of masonry healthy and safe against the tide. The target audience of this program is people who live in coastal areas in Palanro, District Mallusetasi Barru. The method used in the delivery of education materials is a lecture, discussion and question and answer, demonstration method is used for training. The results obtained are: (1) Know the family latrine construction secure against the tide, (2) skilled designing, making framework, floors, walls and roof of wooden models of family latrines and septic-tanks stage of masonry healthy and safe against the tide

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran dan Kemampuan Awal terhadap Hasil Belajar Teknik Permesinan Frais Siswa Smk

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    This study aims to assess the empirical findings on the effect of the learning model (Project Based Learning and Training Within Industry), and the initial ability, both individually or interaction towards learning outcomes such as knowledge, skills and attitudes in Mechanical Machining Milling subjects. This quasi-experimental research using non-equivalent control group design version 2 x 2 factorial. Study subject involving 59 students of class XI Mechanical Machining. Data obtained with the test and non-test, then analyzed with a statistical technique MANOVA. In broad outline the results of this study indicate that the learning outcomes of knowledge can be improved if teachers apply PjBL to students who have high initial ability, skills can be improved if teachers apply PjBL and TWI model to students who have high initial ability, attitude can be improved if teachers apply both learning models, either PjBL or TWI to students who have high and low initial ability.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji temuan empirik tentang pengaruh model pembelajaran (Project Based Learning dan Training Within Industry), serta kemampuan awal, baik secara individu maupun secara interaksi terhadap hasil belajar pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap pada mata pelajaran Teknik Pemesinan Frais. Penelitian eksperimen semu ini menggunakan desain non-equivalent control group versi faktorial 2 x 2. Subjek penelitian melibatkan 59 siswa Kelas XI Teknik Permesinan. Data diperoleh dengan tes dan non-tes, kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik statistik MANOVA. Secara garis besar, hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar pengetahuan dapat ditingkatkan jika guru menerapkan model PjBL kepada siswa yang memiliki kemampuan awal tinggi, hasil belajar keterampilan dapat ditingkatkan jika guru menerapkan model PjBL maupun model TWI kepada siswa yang memiliki kemampuan awal tinggi, hasil belajar sikap dapat ditingkatkan jika guru menerapkan kedua model pembelajaran, baik PjBL maupun TWI kepada siswa yang memiliki kemampuan awal tinggi dan rendah
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