24,312 research outputs found

    Some aspects of analytical chemistry as applied to water quality assurance techniques for reclaimed water: The potential use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for automated on-line fast real-time simultaneous multi-component analysis of inorganic pollutants in reclaimed water

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    The potential use of isotopically excited energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry for automated on line fast real time (5 to 15 minutes) simultaneous multicomponent (up to 20) trace (1 to 10 parts per billion) analysis of inorganic pollutants in reclaimed water was examined. Three anionic elements (chromium 6, arsenic and selenium) were studied. The inherent lack of sensitivity of XRF spectrometry for these elements mandates use of a preconcentration technique and various methods were examined, including: several direct and indirect evaporation methods; ion exchange membranes; selective and nonselective precipitation; and complexation processes. It is shown tha XRF spectrometry itself is well suited for automated on line quality assurance, and can provide a nondestructive (and thus sample storage and repeat analysis capabilities) and particularly convenient analytical method. Further, the use of an isotopically excited energy dispersive unit (50 mCi Cd-109 source) coupled with a suitable preconcentration process can provide sufficient sensitivity to achieve the current mandated minimum levels of detection without the need for high power X-ray generating tubes

    Beyond the brotherhood: Skoal Bandits' role in the evolution of marketing moist smokeless tobacco pouches.

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    Background:Since 2006, "snus" smokeless tobacco has been sold in the U.S.. However, U.S. Smokeless Tobacco (USST) and Swedish Match developed and marketed pouched moist snuff tobacco (MST) since 1973. Methods:Analysis of previously secret tobacco documents, advertisements and trade press. Results:USST partnered with Swedish Match, forming United Scandia International to develop pouch products as part of the "Lotus Project." Pouched MST was not commonly used, either in Sweden or the U.S. prior to the Lotus Project's innovation in 1973. The project aimed to transform smokeless tobacco from being perceived as an "unsightly habit of old men" into a relevant, socially acceptable urban activity, targeting 15-35 year-old men. While USST's initial pouched product "Good Luck," never gained mainstream traction, Skoal Bandits captured significant market share after its 1983 introduction. Internal market research found that smokers generally used Skoal Bandits in smokefree environments, yet continued to smoke cigarettes in other contexts. Over time, pouch products increasingly featured increased flavor, size, nicotine strength and user imagery variation. Conclusions:Marlboro and Camel Snus advertising mirrors historical advertising for Skoal Bandits, designed to recruit new users and smokers subjected to smokefree places. Despite serious efforts, pouched MST marketing has been unable to dispel its association with traditional smokeless tobacco stereotypes as macho and rural. Public education efforts to discourage new users and dual use of MST and cigarettes should emphasize that "new" pouch products are simply repackaging "old" smokeless tobacco

    ï»żAn Answer Explanation Model for Probabilistic Database Queries

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    Following the availability of huge amounts of uncertain data, coming from diverse ranges of applications such as sensors, machine learning or mining approaches, information extraction and integration, etc. in recent years, we have seen a revival of interests in probabilistic databases. Queries over these databases result in probabilistic answers. As the process of arriving at these answers is based on the underlying stored uncertain data, we argue that from the standpoint of an end user, it is helpful for such a system to give an explanation on how it arrives at an answer and on which uncertainty assumptions the derived answer is based. In this way, the user with his/her own knowledge can decide how much confidence to place in this probabilistic answer. \ud The aim of this paper is to design such an answer explanation model for probabilistic database queries. We report our design principles and show the methods to compute the answer explanations. One of the main contributions of our model is that it fills the gap between giving only the answer probability, and giving the full derivation. Furthermore, we show how to balance verifiability and influence of explanation components through the concept of verifiable views. The behavior of the model and its computational efficiency are demonstrated through an extensive performance study

    Worldliness: how do we live with others? Universality-as-multiplicity

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    The ifa conference "Cultures of We" held on 13 September 2017 in Berlin cut to the core of world politics today. It asked: How can we stay true to the principle of equality, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), when "othering" has resurged in identity and politics validated by a newly-vocal narrative of "us versus them?" Populist movements formalized by Brexit in the United Kingdom in June 2016 and the election of Donald J. Trump to the US presidency five months later march in lock-step with other racist-nationalist regimes in the Philippines, Turkey, Austria, and so on. Many pockets of Scandinavia, previously models of liberal tolerance, also exhibit similar sympathies. Renewed commitment to the UDHR will not suffice, I’m afraid. Its insistence on singularity to convey universality sinks the proposition

    Mode Repulsion and Mode Coupling in Random Lasers

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    We studied experimentally and theoretically the interaction of lasing modes in random media. In a homogeneously broadened gain medium, cross gain saturation leads to spatial repulsion of lasing modes. In an inhomogeneously broadened gain medium, mode repulsion occurs in the spectral domain. Some lasing modes are coupled through photon hopping or electron absorption and reemission. Under pulsed pumping, weak coupling of two modes leads to synchronization of their lasing action. Strong coupling of two lasing modes results in anti-phased oscillations of their intensities.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Bounces/Dyons in the Plane Wave Matrix Model and SU(N) Yang-Mills Theory

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    We consider SU(N) Yang-Mills theory on the space R^1\times S^3 with Minkowski signature (-+++). The condition of SO(4)-invariance imposed on gauge fields yields a bosonic matrix model which is a consistent truncation of the plane wave matrix model. For matrices parametrized by a scalar \phi, the Yang-Mills equations are reduced to the equation of a particle moving in the double-well potential. The classical solution is a bounce, i.e. a particle which begins at the saddle point \phi=0 of the potential, bounces off the potential wall and returns to \phi=0. The gauge field tensor components parametrized by \phi are smooth and for finite time both electric and magnetic fields are nonvanishing. The energy density of this non-Abelian dyon configuration does not depend on coordinates of R^1\times S^3 and the total energy is proportional to the inverse radius of S^3. We also describe similar bounce dyon solutions in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory on the space R^1\times S^2 with signature (-++). Their energy is proportional to the square of the inverse radius of S^2. From the viewpoint of Yang-Mills theory on R^{1,1}\times S^2 these solutions describe non-Abelian (dyonic) flux tubes extended along the x^3-axis.Comment: 11 pages; v2: one formula added, some coefficients correcte

    Influence of Micro-Cantilever Geometry and Gap on Pull-in Voltage

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    In this paper, we study the behaviour of a microcantilever beam under electrostatic actuation using finite difference method. This problem has a lot of applications in MEMS based devices like accelerometers, switches and others. In this paper, we formulated the problem of a cantilever beam with proof mass at its end and carried out the finite difference solution. we studied the effects of length, width, and the gap size on the pull-in voltage using data that are available in the literature. Also, the stability limit is compared with the single degree of freedom commonly used in the earlier literature as an approximation to calculate the pull-in voltage.Comment: Submitted on behalf of TIMA Editions (http://irevues.inist.fr/tima-editions

    Striped Magnetic Ground State of the Kagome Lattice in Fe4Si2Sn7O16

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    We have experimentally identified a new magnetic ground state for the kagome lattice, in the perfectly hexagonal Fe2+ (3d6, S = 2) compound Fe4Si2Sn7O16. Representational symmetry analysis of neutron diffraction data shows that below T_N = 3.5 K, the spins on 2/3 of the magnetic ions order into canted antiferromagnetic chains, separated by the remaining 1/3 which are geometrically frustrated and show no long-range order down to at least T = 0.1 K. Moessbauer spectroscopy confirms that there is no static order on the latter 1/3 of the magnetic ions - i.e., they are in a liquid-like rather than a frozen state - down to at least 1.65 K. A heavily Mn-doped sample Fe1.45Mn2.55Si2Sn7O16 has the same magnetic structure. Although the propagation vector q = (0, 1/2 , 1/2 ) breaks hexagonal symmetry, we see no evidence for magnetostriction in the form of a lattice distortion within the resolution of our data. We discuss the relationship to partially frustrated magnetic order on the pyrochlore lattice of Gd2Ti2O7, and to theoretical models that predict symmetry breaking ground states for perfect kagome lattices.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
