4,317 research outputs found

    Managing the Socially Marginalized: Attitudes Towards Welfare, Punishment and Race

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    Welfare and incarceration policies have converged to form a system of governance over socially marginalized groups, particularly racial minorities. In both of these policy areas, rehabilitative and social support objectives have been replaced with a more punitive and restrictive system. The authors examine the convergence in individual-level attitudes concerning welfare and criminal punishment, using national survey data. The authors\u27 analysis indicates a statistically significant relationship between punitive attitudes toward welfare and punishment. Furthermore, accounting for the respondents\u27 racial attitudes explains the bivariate relationship between welfare and punishment. Thus, racial attitudes seemingly link support for punitive approaches to opposition to welfare expenditures. The authors discuss the implications of this study for welfare and crime control policies by way of the conclusion

    Post-release reforms for short prison sentences: re-legitimising and widening the net of punishment

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    Transforming Rehabilitation (TR) promised a ‘revolution’ in the way offenders are managed, providing a renewed focus on short sentence prisoners. The TR reforms extends mandatory post-release supervision and tailored through-the-gate resettlement provisions to a group that has predominately faced a ‘history of neglect’ yet often present with the most acute needs within the criminal justice system. However, existing literature underlines that serving short sentences lack ‘utility’ and can be counter-productive to facilitating effective rehabilitation. This article explores the purposes of providing post release supervision for short sentences, firstly exploring a previous attempt to reform short sentences; (the now defunct) ‘Custody Plus’ within the 2003 Criminal Justice Act and then the Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014 within the TR reforms. This article contends that both post release reforms have sought to re-affirm and re-legitimise prison as the dominant form of punishment in society- or what Carlen refers to as ‘carceral clawback’. This article will also use Cohen’s analysis on social control to establish that post release supervision will serve to ‘widen the net’ extend the period of punishment and oversight and will only reinforce a form of enforced ‘state obligated rehabilitation’ that will undermine efforts made to resettle short sentence prisoners

    The Big Society and the Conjunction of Crises: Justifying Welfare Reform and Undermining Social Housing

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    The idea of the “Big Society” can be seen as culmination of a long-standing debate about the regulation of welfare. Situating the concept within governance theory, the article considers how the UK coalition government has justified a radical restructuring of welfare provision, and considers its implications for housing provision. Although drawing on earlier modernization processes, the article contends that the genesis for welfare reform was based on an analysis that the government was forced to respond to a unique conjunction of crises: in morality, the state, ideology and economics. The government has therefore embarked upon a programme, which has served to undermine the legitimacy of the social housing sector (most notably in England), with detrimental consequences for residents and raising significant dilemmas for those working in the housing sector

    Evaluation of changes in sleep breathing patterns after primary palatoplasty in cleft children

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    Introduction: There is a need to more clearly understand the characteristics of breathing patterns in children with cleft palate in the first year of life, as there is little data available to guide current practice. Pierre Robin patients are known to have a higher incidence, however we hypothesised sleep breathing disturbance is not confined to this sub-group of cleft patient. Methods: We conducted a prospective observational study of sleep disordered breathing patterns in a cohort of infants with oro-nasal clefts (cleft palate with or without cleft lip) to describe the spectrum of sleep breathing patterns both pre and post palate repair. Sleep breathing studies were performed pre- and post-operatively in sequential infants referred to a regional cleft lip and palate unit. Results of sleep breathing studies were analysed according to American Academy of Sleep Medicine scoring guidelines and correlated with clinical history and details of peri-operative respiratory compromise. The degree of sleep disordered breathing was characterised using desaturation indices (number of desaturations from baseline SpO2 of >=4%, per hour). Results: Thirty-nine infants were included in this study, twenty-five female and fourteen male. Twelve had isolated Cleft Palate as part of an associated syndrome. Patients were categorised into Isolated Cleft Palate, Isolated Cleft Palate in the context of Pierre Robin Sequence, and those with Cleft Lip and Palate. All groups demonstrated some degree of sleep breathing abnormality. Not unsurprisingly the eight infants with Pierre Robin Sequence had a significantly higher desaturation index before surgical intervention (p=0.043), and were more likely to require a pre-operative airway intervention (p=0.009). Palate repair in this group did not alter the relative distribution of patients in each severity category of sleep disorder breathing. Surgical repair of the secondary palate in the remaining children was associated with some improvement but by no means complete resolution of their sleep disordered breathing patterns. Conclusions: We conclude that sleep breathing disturbance is not confined to Pierre Robin patients alone and all cleft palate patients should undergo pre-operative and post-operative sleep breathing analysis

    Antiproton Production in p+Ap+A Collisions at AGS Energies

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    Inclusive and semi-inclusive measurements are presented for antiproton (pˉ\bar{p}) production in proton-nucleus collisions at the AGS. The inclusive yields per event increase strongly with increasing beam energy and decrease slightly with increasing target mass. The pˉ\bar{p} yield in 17.5 GeV/c p+Au collisions decreases with grey track multiplicity, NgN_g, for Ng>0N_g>0, consistent with annihilation within the target nucleus. The relationship between NgN_g and the number of scatterings of the proton in the nucleus is used to estimate the pˉ\bar{p} annihilation cross section in the nuclear medium. The resulting cross section is at least a factor of five smaller than the free pˉp\bar{p}-p annihilation cross section when assuming a small or negligible formation time. Only with a long formation time can the data be described with the free pˉp\bar{p}-p annihilation cross section.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    'Is your city pretty anyway?' Perspectives on graffiti and the urban landscape

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    Drawing on survey and focus group research completed in New Zealand in 2009 this article examines young peoples’ perspectives on graffiti and tagging. The results further demonstrate that graffiti writing is an activity invested with considerable cultural meaning by many of those engaged in it and that their understanding of graffiti is considerably at odds with prevailing political, media and policy discourse that sees it purely in terms of criminal damage and antisocial behaviour. While graffiti can be conceptualised as an alternative way of ‘reading’ urban space, the results of this study show that writers recognised that graffiti had damaging consequences and was inappropriate in some contexts. Graffiti was not simply nihilistic destructive behaviour but one in which perceptions of criminality were leavened by aesthetic judgements and the allure and excitement of potential local celebrity

    Legal systems, national governance and renewable energy investment : evidence from around the world

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    This paper examines renewable energy (RE) investment and the role of a country’s legal system in shaping investment decisions. Analysing data from 236 renewable energy companies between 2000 and 2017 across the world, our study establishes that those in a common law system are more responsive to growth opportunities in RE investment, while facing greater financial constraints than their counterparts in civil law systems. Our study demonstrates that the global imbalance in RE development is caused by the influence of a country’s legal system, which determines the regulatory and business ethos that impacts on the trajectory of investment, and by the varying degrees of accountability implicit in a country’s governance environment. Our research raises the implication that the opportunity costs of forgone economic gains are in direct conflict with long-term environmental goals, retarding the transition from carbon-based to sustainable sources of energy, and provides insights into how development can be stimulated by fiscal incentives, favourable regulations, societal engagement, improved access to finance and the alignment of national strategies. Our findings contribute to the economic literature of legal origin theory and establish fundamental principles for refining global RE development strategy and confronting the challenge of climate change