660 research outputs found

    Il rilievo fotogrammetrico del Castello di Maredolce a Palermo

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    Le tecniche di rilievo fotogrammetrico stanno trovando un sempre più largo impiego nel campo dei BB.CC. Esse, infatti, consentono una rappresentazione dei manufatti con un'elevata cura del dettaglio geometrico mediante la restituzione vettoriale ed una elevata definizione degli aspetti materici degli oggetti attraverso la realizzazione dei fotopiani, che forniscono informazioni sia metriche che qualitative dell'oggetto. Tali tecniche, pertanto, costituiscono un fondamentale strumento di supporto alle attività di diagnostica e restauro dei monumenti antichi. Il presente articolo illustra la metodologia, le fasi operative e gli strumenti impiegati per il rilievo fotogrammetrico di un edificio complesso: il Castello di Maredolce a Palermo. Nel caso in esame la geometria dell'edificio, i dislivelli del suolo e la presenza di elementi fisici generanti ombre sull'edificio hanno sensibilmente condizionato le operazioni di rilievo, consentendo di affrontare e risolvere una vasta compagine di problematiche che il rilievo di un edificio storico, sito in un contesto oggi urbanizzato, comporta. Lo scritto, in particolare, descrive il workflow seguito e le procedure impiegate sino alla modellazione 3D image-based. Quest'ultima è stata implementata a partire dal blocco fotogrammetrico georiferito ottenuto dall'orientamento dei fotogrammi. I fotopiani del castello prodotti sono stati utilizzati come texture fotorealistica del modello fotogrammetrico tridimensionale.The techniques related to the photogrammetric survey are even more widely used in the field of Cultural Heritage In fact, they allow a representation of artifacts with a high attention to the geometric detail by a vector restitution and a high definition of the textural aspects of objects: they based on the creation of photo-plans, which provide information both metrics and qualitative about the object. These techniques, therefore, are an essential tool supporting diagnostics and restoration of ancient monuments. This article discusses the methodology, the operational phases and the instruments used for the photogrammetric survey of a building complex: the Castle of Maredolce in Palermo. In this case the geometry of the building, the uneven ground and the pres ence of physical elements creating shadows on the building have significantly affected the operations of relief: they have allowed to address and solve a wide range of issues deriving from the survey of historic buildings that are located in a urban context today. This paper, in particular, describes the workflow and the procedures used until the 3D image-based modeling. The latter was implemented from the georeferenced photogrammetric block obtained by the orientation of the frames. The photo-plans of the castle have been used as photo-realistic texture of the photogrammetric three-dimensional model

    Large-Scale Distribution of the European Seahorses (Hippocampus Rafinesque, 1810): A Systematic Review

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    Human pressures on marine ecosystems have caused extensive degradation of marine habitats and several local extinctions. Overexploitation and destructive fishing practices are responsible for biodiversity loss in many coastal ecosystems. The definition of conservation programs in marine fish requires comprehensive knowledge on large-scale geographical distribution, while considering distribution/abundance patterns in relation to key environmental variables. Due to their life-cycle traits, the two European seahorses (Hippocampus guttulatus and H. hippocampus), as with other congeneric species, are particularly sensitive to the effects of anthropogenic activities and habitat changes. However, information on the ecological distribution of these two species is scattered, patchy, and mainly focused on small-scale studies. In this paper, we followed an international standard protocol for systematic reviews (the PRISMA protocol) to provide a detailed assessment of the two species’ geographical distribution in relation to the environmental characteristics. According to the 134 analyzed studies, Hippocampus guttulatus is more common in confined areas, while H. hippocampus is found in marine shelf waters. With several interspecific differences, seagrasses were the most used holdfasts of both species. The EUNIS codes (European nature information system) referring to a specific and unique habitat were discussed as a potential tool for defining the ecological distribution of the two species. The obtained results and their future implementation could help plan conservation actions

    Long-term Cropping Systems and Tillage Management Effects on Soil Organic Carbon Stock and Steady State Level of C Sequestration Rates in a Semiarid Environment

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    A calcareous and clayey xeric Chromic Haploxerepts of a long-term (19 years) experimental site in Sicily (Italy) with different land use management and cropping systems were sampled (0-15 cm depth) to study their effect on soil aggregate stability and associated organic carbon (SOC). The experimental site had three tillage managements (no till [NT], dual-layer [DL] and conventional tillage [CT]) and two cropping systems (durum wheat mono-cropping [W] and durum wheat/faba bean rotation [WB]). The whole site covered an area of 4440 m2 with individual plots having 370 m2. The soil was ploughed during the experiment. Samples (2 – 4 kg each) were taken before and after the experiment. The annually sequestered SOC with W was 2.75 times higher than with WB and higher SOC concentrations were measured. The NT management system was the most effective in SOC sequestration whereas with DL no C was sequestered. The differences in SOC concentrations between NT and CT were surprisingly small. Cumulative C input of all cropping and tillage systems and the annually sequestered SOC indicated that a steady state occurred at a sequestration rate of 7.4 Mg C ha-1 yr-1. Independent of the cropping systems, most of the SOC was stored in the silt and clay fraction. This fraction had a high N content which is typical for organic matter interacting strongly with minerals. Macro-aggregates (> 250µm) were influenced by the treatments whereas the finest fractions were not. DL reduced the SOC in macro-aggregates while NT and CT gave rise to much higher SOC contents

    Aspetti dell'alimentazione di alcune specie di selaci del Canale di Sicilia

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    I Selaci occupano gli ultimi livelli delle reti trofiche marine: si tratta infatti di carnivori che, spesso, predano risorse utili anche all'uomo. Numerose specie demersali (squali, razze e torpedini) si alimentano, infatti, con organismi di interesse commerciale come Aristeidi, Peneidi, Cefalopodi e Pesci ossei. Le abitudini alimentari dei Selaci demersali del Canale di Sicilia sono quasi completamente sc onosciute; esistono in letteratura i lavori di Capapé relativi alle acque tunisine, che si limitano ad una descrizione puramente qualitativa delle diete ma che hanno tuttavia evidenziato preferenze verso Crostacei Decapodi, Cefalopodi e Teleostei. Lo studio dei contenuti stomacali dei Selaci può fornire dunque elementi utili alla comprensione delle reti trofiche demersali, all'indagine sull'esistenza di competizione tra le diverse specie e allo studio dell'interferenza con prede di valore commerciale

    Recent and new taxonomic acquisitions in some native genera of Asteraceae from southern Italy and Sicily

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    After a brief review of the recent acquisition in some native genera of family Asteraceae from southern Italy and Sicily, a new endemic species of Anthemis (sect. Hiorthia) is described from Sicily and named Anthemis parlatoreana. The locus classicus of the new taxon, falling in the NW Tyrrhenian coast of the island (Castellammare del Golfo, Trapani), coincides with that of Ptilostemon greuteri, another endemic very rare species of the Sicilian flora. Data on the morphology, distribution, ecology and conservation status of the new species are provided. The taxonomic relationships with the other Sicilian taxa of the same section, in particular A. cupaniana, are also analyzed. The simultaneous presence in the same site of other endemic plants enriches the area of the limestone reliefs of Castellammare del Golfo and all of north-western Sicily with biogeographic significance and biogenetic importance

    Trees and shrubs in the city of Bari (Italy)

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    The authors recorded in the city of Bari 221 specific and infraspecific taxa, used as onramentals, belonging to 126 genera of 64 families with a prevalence of exotic species over native ones. The study is preparatory to the redevelopment of urban green areas concerning the recent Municipal Regulation on green spaces in the city. The flora investigated is rich in elements native to Italy. Anyway, the most common species are commonly used as ornamental also in the other regions of Italy. Argania spinosa, Ceiba speciosa, Cyperus papyrus, Euphorbia ingens, Ficus rubiginosa, and Jacaranda mimosifolia are species less commonly used and noteworthy, because at their climatic limit

    Plasma Modification of PCL Porous Scaffolds Fabricated by Solvent Casting/Particulate Leaching for Tissue Engineering

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    This study points out how the plasma modification of PCL porous scaffolds, produced by Solvent Casting/Particulate Leaching, may enhance their biocompatibility. A C2H4/N2 plasma deposition followed by a H2 plasma treatment was used to increase the hydrophilicity of the whole scaffold to support osteoblast cell proliferation, both outside and inside the scaffold. A better cell growth was obtained on plasma modified scaffolds.JRC.I.4-Nanobioscience

    Typification of names published by Vincenzo Tineo from Sicily

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    The nomenclature of 13 European taxa described by Vincenzo Tineo from Sicily is discussed. Alyssum nebrodense is neotypified on a specimen collected by Tineo and housed in PAL. Bromus tenuis (basionym of Vulpiella tenuis), Carex intricata (Carex nigra subsp. intricata), Ophrys sicula, Orchis markusii (Dactylorhiza markusii), Scilla sicula (Oncostema sicula), and Viola parvula are lectotypified using specimens deposited in PAL; Iris pseudopumila is lectotypified by a specimen preserved in K, Mespilus insegnae (Crataegus insegnae), Scilla ughii (Oncostema ughii), and Statice tenuicula (Limonium tenuiculum) are lectotypified by specimens housed in NAP; Rothia tenuifolia (Andryala tenuifolia) is neotypified by a specimen by Michele Lojacono-Pojero housed in P; Statice parviflora (Limonium parvifolium) is lectotypified on a specimen housed in FI. For each taxon both the currently accepted name and synonymies are provided. The type indication is followed by nomenclatural and taxonomic notes in which the original material found is commented and the reasons for the choice of the types are discussed
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