144 research outputs found

    The Juniperus flaccida-J. poblana complex revisited: insights from molecular and oil analysis

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    Analysis of nrDNA, petN-psbM, trnS-trnG, trnD-trnT, and trnF-trnL revealed that J. flaccida is diverse, but quite separated from J. poblana and J. aff. poblana from Nayarit by at least 10 Mutational events (MEs, SNPs + indels), and is actually a bit closer to J. standleyi (8 MEs). A divergent J. poblana from Oaxaca is merely 2 MEs distant from the Nayarit trees. The J. poblana samples from the type locality (Amozoc, Pue.) vary by only 1 ME among samples. Leaf oils, on the other hand, show to the Nayarit juniper quite differentiated from other J. poblana. In addition, the habit (large trees with a strong central axis with branchlets long, pendulous and very planate) and habitat of the Nayarit trees support the recognition of it as a different taxon closely related to J. poblana. However, additional evidence is needed in order to resolve its taxonomic status

    Delimitación taxonómica de Arbutus mollis y A. occidentalis (Ericaceae)

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    Arbutus mollis Kunth in H.B.K. treated since long ago as a synonym of A. xalapensis Kunth in H.B.K. is the correct name for the plants formerly treated as A. occidentalis var. villosaMcVaugh & Rosatti. A revision of the complex of A. occidentalis McVaugh & Rosatti reveals that the two varieties originally described for that species differ in characters of foliage, indument and inflorescence, which suggests an origin from different lineages and justify their separation to the species level, and therefore A. mollis is recognized here as an independent species. The shrubby habit shared by A. mollis and A. occidentalis is probably a case of convergent evolution. The taxonomic reinstatement of A. mollis is made and amended descriptions for A. mollis and A. occidentalis and a key to distinguish them are given. Apparent intermediates are either morphs, hybrids, stump sprouts of tree species after fire or cutting, or rarely shrubby forms of other species. The following hybrids are documented: Arbutus mollis x A. tessellata(Guanajuato and Michoacán), Arbutus mollis x A. xalapensis (Querétaro), Arbutus occidentalis x A. arizonica (Durango, Aguascalientes, and Jalisco), Arbutus occidentalis x A. tessellata (Jalisco), Arbutus occidentalis x Arbutus bicolor (Chihuahua and Durango), andArbutus occidentalis x Arbutus aff. xalapensis (Durango and Jalisco).Arbutus mollis Kunth in H.B.K., tradicionalmente considerado como un sinónimo de A. xalapensis Kunth in H.B.K., es el nombre más antiguo para las plantas conocidas como A. occidentalis var. villosa McVaugh & Rosatti. La revisión de los madroños de porte arbustivo que han sido incluidos bajo el nombre de A. occidentalis McVaugh & Rosatti revela que las dos variedades descritas para esa especie, posteriormente reducidas a sinonimia, difieren en varios caracteres morfológicos que sugieren un origen a partir de diferentes linajes, lo que justifica su separación a nivel de especie, por lo que A. mollis es reconocida como taxon independiente. El hábito arbustivo compartido por A. mollis y A. occidentalis probablemente representa un caso de evolución convergente. Con base en la nueva delimitación de A. mollis y de A. occidentalis se presentan descripciones enmendadas de ambas, así como una clave para separarlas. Los aparentes intermedios representan ya sea variantes morfológicas, híbridos, retoños de tocones de árboles después del corte o del fuego, o rara vez formas arbustivas de otras especies. Se comentan algunas de las variantes morfológicas y se documentan los siguientes híbridos: Arbutus mollis x A. tessellata (Guanajuato y Michoacán), Arbutus mollis xA. xalapensis (Querétaro), Arbutus occidentalis x A. arizonica (Durango, Aguascalientes y Jalisco), Arbutus occidentalis x A. tessellata (Jalisco), Arbutus occidentalis x Arbutus bicolor (Chihuahua y Durango) y Arbutus occidentalis x Arbutus aff. xalapensis (Durango y Jalisco)

    Comarostaphylis arbutoides (Ericaceae) en el centro y occidente de México

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    Comarostaphylis arbutoides, previously known from Guerrero, Oaxaca, and Chiapas in Mexico, as well as from Central America, is additionally recorded from Jalisco, Querétaro, and Hidalgo, extending its known distribution area by almost 500 km northwards. The description of the species is broadened to include the morphological variation found in the newly registered populations, and differences fromComarostaphylis lanata and C. sharpii are clarified.Comarostaphylis arbutoides, previamente conocida en México de los estados de Guerrero, Oaxaca y Chiapas, así como de Centroamérica, se registra adicionalmente para Jalisco, Querétaro e Hidalgo, lo que extiende en casi 500 km hacia el norte su distribución conocida. Se amplía la descripción de la especie incluyendo la variación encontrada en las nuevas poblaciones y se clarifican sus diferencias de Comarostaphylis lanata y C. sharpii

    Quantum behavior of FRW radiation-filled universes

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    We study the quantum vacuum fluctuations around closed Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) radiation-filled universes with a nonvanishing cosmological constant. These vacuum fluctuations are represented by a conformally coupled massive scalar field and are treated in the lowest order of perturbation theory. In the semiclassical approximation, the perturbations are governed by differential equations which, properly linearized, become generalized Lame equations. The wave function thus obtained must satisfy appropriate regularity conditions which ensure its finiteness for every field configuration. We apply these results to asymptotically anti-de Sitter Euclidean wormhole spacetimes and show that there is no catastrophic particle creation in the Euclidean region, which would lead to divergences of the wave function

    Comparative Pathogenicity of Lomentospora prolificans (Scedosporium prolificans) Isolates from Mexican Patients

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    We identified 11 Lomentospora prolificans isolates recovered from Mexican patients using phenotypic and molecular characteristics. The identification of isolates was assessed by internal transcribed spacer (ITS rDNA) sequencing. In vitro susceptibility to amphotericin B, fluconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, caspofungin, anidulafungin and micafungin was determined according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) procedures. Three isolates (07-2239, 11-2242 and 04-2673) were used to induce systemic infection in immunocompetent ICR mice. Survival and tissue burden studies were used as markers of pathogenicity. All of the strains were resistant to every antifungal tested with MIC’s for AmB (8–[8 lg/ml), VRC (16–[16 lg/ml), PSC (16– [16 lg/ml), FLC (64–[64 lg/ml) and echinocandins with MICs C8 lg/ml. One hundred, ninety and sixty percent of the infected mice with the strains 07-2239, 11-2242 and 04-2673 died during the study, respectively. Regarding tissue burden, the highest fungal load of the infected mice was detected in brain followed by spleen and kidney, regardless of the strain

    Vegetación de la Sierra Madre Occidental, México: una síntesis

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    The Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) is the largest mountain range in Mexico, extending along more than 1200 km from northeastern Sonora (30°35' N) ca at the US-Mexico border to northern Jalisco (21°00' N) on western Mexico. It includes part of the states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, as well as small areas of Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, and Aguascalientes. Of major ecological and economical importance, with a high biological and cultural diversity, this cordilleran complex is not yet well known. For this area, information about the different vegetation types, their elevational ranges, and the climates influencing them, is presented, as is a map showing the geographical distribution of the vegetation types. The area encompasses a confluence of Madrean, Xerophytic Madrean, and Tropical ecosystems. The Madrean region, with temperate and semi-cold climates, includes five vegetation types: pine forest, mixed-conifer forest, pine-oak forest, oak forest and temperate mesophytic forest, as well as communities of primary and secondary chaparral and montane meadow vegetation. The Xerophytic Madrean region, at foothills and eastern branches of the cordillera, has temperate or semi-cold dry climates and a vegetation of oak or pine-oak woodland and evergreen Juniperscrub, with transitions toward the grassland and xerophytic scrub areas of the Mexican high plateau or even to the subtropical scrub at the southern area of the Madrean Archipelago subregion. The Tropical region, entering the SMO through the deep canyons on the western flanks, has warm, semi-warm, and dry-warm climates and a prevalence of tropical deciduous forest and subtropical scrub, with small areas of tropical semideciduous forest. The high species richness of this range can be exemplified with the three physiognomically dominant genera: 24 species of Pinus (46% of the Mexican total), 54 species of Quercus (34%), and 7 species ofArbutus (100%).La Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) es el complejo montañoso más grande de México, extendiéndose por casi 1200 km desde el noreste de Sonora (30°35' N) hasta el norte de Jalisco (21°00' N). A pesar de su gran importancia ambiental y económica, es todavía deficientemente conocida. Se presenta una sinopsis de los tipos de vegetación, con datos sobre la superficie que ocupan las comunidades reconocidas, intervalos de elevación y climas donde se localizan, así como un mapa. En la zona confluyen tres regiones, albergando ecosistemas templados y semifríos (región Madrense), semiáridos (Madrense-Xerófila) y cálido-secos (Tropical), respectivamente. La región Madrense, en el macizo de la sierra, incluye bosque de pino, bosque mixto de coníferas, bosque de pino-encino, bosque de encino y manchones de bosque mesófilo de montaña, además de comunidades como chaparral (primario y secundario) y vegetación de claros de bosque. La región Madrense-Xerófila, en el piedemonte norte y oriental y estribaciones al oriente de la sierra, presenta bosque bajo abierto (de encino o de pino-encino), matorral perennifolio y zonas de ecotonía hacia pastizal y matorral xerófilo, además de ecotonías con matorral subtropical hacia el sur del Archipiélago Madrense. En la región Tropical, a lo largo de la base occidental de la sierra e ingresando a esta a través de las barrancas y quebradas, predomina bosque tropical caducifolio y matorral subtropical, con pequeñas áreas de bosque tropical subcaducifolio. La alta diversidad de la SMO se ejemplifica con los tres géneros dominantes fisonómicamente en la vegetación: 24 especies de Pinus (46% del total nacional), 54 de Quercus (34%) y 7 de Arbutus (100%)

    El complejo Agave victoriae-reginae (Agavaceae)

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    The name Agave victoriae-reginae has been applied to a group of plants endemic to northern Mexico which are easily distinguished from other species of Agave by having leaves with corneous, entire margins, white lines on both faces and flowers with short, funnelform tubes. A taxonomic revision reveals that A. victoriae-reginae represents a complex of three species, one of them with two subspecies: 1a) Agave victoriae-reginae subsp. victoriae-reginae (western Nuevo León and eastern extreme of Coahuila; 1b) A. victoriae-reginae subsp. swobodae (southern Coahuila and northeastern Durango); 2) Agave nickelsiae (microendemic to southeastern Coahuila); and 3) Agave pintilla (the most westernly distributed species in the group, restricted to southeastern Durango). Agave pintilla is here described as new, the name of A. nickelsiae is reinstated, and A. victoriae-reginae is circumscribed. A key to the taxa as well as ammended descriptions for A. victoriae-reginae subsp. victoriae-reginae, A. victoriae-reginae subsp. swobodae and A. nickelsiae are provided. No natural hybrids were found among the taxa of the Agave victoriae-reginae complex but three natural hybrids with other species are recorded: Agave nickelsiae x A. asperrima, A. nickelsiae x A. lechuguilla, and A. pintilla x A. salmiana subsp. crassispina.El nombre de Agave victoriae-reginae se ha aplicado a un grupo de plantas endémicas al norte de México fácilmente distinguibles de otras especies de Agave por tener hojas con márgenes córneos sin dientes, bandas blancas sobre ambas caras y flores con tubos cortos en forma de embudo. Su revisión taxonómica revela que lo que se conoce como A. victoriae-reginae es un complejo que incluye tres especies, una de ellas con dos subespecies: 1a) A. victoriae-reginae subsp. victoriae-reginae (del occidente de Nuevo León y extremo oriental de Coahuila; 1b) A. victoriae-reginae subsp. swobodae (sur de Coahuila y noreste de Durango); 2) Agave nickelsiae (microendémica al sureste de Coahuila); y 3) Agave pintilla (la de distribución más occidental del grupo, sureste de Durango). En este trabajo se describe Agave pintilla como entidad nueva, se reinstala A. nickelsiae como nombre correcto de una de las especies y se presentan descripciones enmendadas de A. victoriae-reginae subsp. victoriae-reginae, A. victoriae-reginae subsp. swobodae y A. nickelsiae, así como claves para distinguir entre taxa. No se encontraron híbridos naturales entre los miembros del complejo A. victoriae-reginae pero se registran tres con otras especies: Agave nickelsiae x A. asperrima, A. nickelsiae x A. lechuguilla, y A. pintilla x A. salmiana subsp. crassispina

    Eleocharis reznicekii (cyperaceae), a new species from the mexican high plateau

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    Eleocharis reznicekii (Cyperaceae, subg. Eleocharis, series Eleocharis), is described and illustrated. It is morphologically intermediate between E. densa and two species of Eleocharis subseries Eleocharis (E. macrostachya and E. palustris). The new species differs in a combination of characters including conspicuously compressed culms (3 to over 5 times wider than thick) and stylopodium sessile on a thin annular base. Eleocharis reznicekii differs additionally from E. densa by having relatively lax spikelets, mostly bifid styles, and achenes almost smooth at 30x. From E. macrostachya and E. palustris it is distinguished in its oblong to linear-oblong spikelets, the proximal floral scale clasping only 1/3 to slightly more than 1/2 of the culm, and the proximal plus 1-2(3) subproximal scales without a flower. Eleocharis reznicekii is known only from the state of Durango, in the Mexican high plateau and piedmont of the Sierra Madre Occidental.Se describe e ilustra Eleocharis reznicekii (Cyperaceae, subg. Eleocharis, serie Eleocharis), especie con características morfológicas intermedias entre las de Eleocharis densa y las de dos especies de la subserie Eleocharis (E. macrostachya y E. palustris). Se distingue por tener tallos conspicuamente comprimidos (3-5 veces más anchos que gruesos en fresco) y estilopodio sésil sobre una base anular fina. De E. densa se distingue además por tener espiguillas menos densas, estilos en su mayoría bífidos y aquenio casi liso a 30x, más redondeado hacia el ápice. De E. macrostachya y E. palustris lo hace por su hábito más robusto, espiguillas oblongas a linear-oblongas, gluma proximal envolviendo únicamente 1/3 a poco más de 1/2 de la base de la espiga, y por tener la gluma proximal y 1 a 2(3) glumas subproximales sin flor. Hasta ahora, E. reznicekii se conoce solamente del estado de Durango, en el Altiplano Mexicano y piedemonte de la Sierra Madre Occidental

    Diagnóstico del conocimiento taxonómico y florístico de las plantas vasculares del norte de México

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    Resumen Antecedentes: El conocimiento taxonómico y florístico de las plantas vasculares del norte de México presenta avances relevantes, aunque disgregados. Por lo anterior, es crítico hacer un diagnóstico para definir estrategias que los unifiquen y complementen. Preguntas: ¿cuál es la riqueza y endemismo de las plantas vasculares en el norte de México?, ¿en cuáles de sus áreas deben concentrarse los esfuerzos de exploración? Sitio de estudio: norte de México (Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango y Nuevo León). Métodos: Se desarrolló una base de datos de plantas vasculares del norte de México a partir de la del Herbario CIIDIR, complementada con registros provenientes de la Universidad de Chihuahua, Universidad Antonio Narro y Universidad de Nuevo León, así como de revisión de trabajos taxonómicos y de los herbarios ANSM, CFNL, CIIDIR y FZ-UACH. Se calculó la riqueza y endemismo por estado y por ecorregión; se definieron los grupos y áreas geográficas mejor conocidos y los huecos en conocimiento; y se elaboró una relación de los herbarios, programas en botánica y botánicos en la región. Resultados: Se registran 8,503 especies, 1,599 géneros y 210 familias de plantas vasculares; 15 géneros son endémicos estrictos de la región. La mayor riqueza se registra para Durango (4,954 especies, 58 % del total). La Sierra Madre Occidental (en su porción para la zona estudiada) es la ecorregión con más especies (3,565), seguida por la Sierra Madre Oriental (2,862) y el Desierto Chihuahuense (2,602). Chihuahua y la Sierra Madre Occidental son el estado y la ecorregión menos explorados, mientras que la ecorregión mejor explorada es el Desierto Chihuahuense. Conclusiones: Las cifras de riqueza y endemismo presentadas reflejan el estado del conocimiento actual, sin embargo, se requiere incrementar los inventarios florísticos, las revisiones taxonómicas y los estudios ecológicos para contar con información más precisa y exacta del panorama real. Palabras clave: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, flora, Nuevo León. A diagnosis of the taxonomic and floristic knowledge on vascular plants from northern Mexico Abstract Background: The taxonomic and floristic knowledge of vascular plants in northern Mexico presents relevant, though disaggregated advances. Therefore, it is crucial to make a diagnostic in order to define strategies to unify and complement the knowledge generated. Questions: how many species of vascular plants are there in northern Mexico? How many of these are restricted to this region? Which are the areas where main exploration efforts should be concentrated? Study site: northern Mexico (states of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango and Nuevo Léon). Methods: A database of vascular plants from northern Mexico was developed from the database of the CIIDIR Herbarium adding records gattered at the Universities of Chihuahua, Antonio Narro, and Nuevo Leon, as well as with data from taxonomic reviews and from herbaria (ANSM, CFNL, CIIDIR, FZ-UACH). From the report generated, richness and endemism per state and ecoregion were calculated. The best known groups and geographic areas were identified, as well as knowledge gaps; a list of the herbaria, programmes in botany and botanists in the region was compiled. Results: 8,503 species, 1,599 genera and 210 families of vascular plants were retrieved by the revision. 15 genera are strict endemics to the region. Durango is the richest state (4,954 species, 58 % of the total). Sierra Madre Occidental is the ecoregion with the higher richness (3,565 species, considering only its portion in the studied states), followed by Sierra Madre Oriental (2,862) and Chihuahuan Desert (2,602). The better known state and ecoregion are Chihuahua and Sierra Madre Occidental. Chihuahuan Desert is the region better explored. Conclusions: the magnitude of the richness and endemism presented here reflects the current knowledge, nonetheless, it is necessary to increase floristic inventaries, taxonomic revision and ecological studies to acquire more precise and exact information of the real scene. Key words: Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango, flora, Nuevo Leó

    Vascular plants of the Médanos de Samalayuca natural protected area, Chihuahua, Mexico

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    Background: Inland sand dunes are expanding and increasing mobility. Knowledge on the plants growing on them is keystone for their management. One of the largest inland dune systems in Mexico is the Médanos de Samalayuca area. Questions: How many and which species of vascular plants are in Samalayuca? Which is the distribution pattern of that flora? Are there endemisms? Are there species of conservation concern? Studied species: Vascular plants. Study site and dates: Médanos de Samalayuca protected area, northern Chihuahua, Mexico; 2017-2022. Methods: A database was generated based on literature, electronic sources, herbarium specimens, photographing, and collection and identification of materials. Distribution, endemism level and conservation status were recorded. Results: The updated checklist of vascular plants for Samalayuca includes 400 species of 246 genera and 65 families. Most species grow in Mixed desert scrub and in Sand dune vegetation. Almost a half are restricted to the Megamexico 1 region, followed by the North American element. One species is Threatened according to the Mexican Official Norm NOM-059, while two are Vulnerable and one is Almost threatened according to the IUCN. Ribes fontinale appears to be extinct. Conclusions: Considering the arid, extreme climate and the low stability of the psammophilous vegetation, the flora of Samalayuca is richer than expected. The area is home to regional and local endemics. The data and information generated here is baseline for further management programs and action planning to protect these fragile ecosystems and the adjacent communities