94 research outputs found

    Análisis de los diferentes tipos de desvulcanizado en la caracterización de nuevos materiales elastoméricos formados por la mezcla de estireno butadieno-caucho natural y mezclados con neumáticos fuera de uso (GTR)

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    En este artículo se propone la creación de un nuevomaterial útil para la industria a partir de la mezcla con rodillos de dos elastómeros vírgenes al 50% (estireno-butadieno (SBR) y caucho natural (NR)) con neumáticos fuera de uso (GTR). Estos neumáticos han sido previamente desvulcanizados siguiendo diversas técnicas, las cuales serán analizadas en este artículo, para posteriormente realizarse su mezcla con el elastómero virgen SBR/NR y los aditivos correspondiente, volviéndose a vulcanizar este nuevo material con el fin de que alcance las propiedades mecánicas, térmicas y de estructura que permitan su utilización en la industria. Concretamente se han analizado tres tipos de muestras; una primera formada por el elastómero virgen (SBR/NR), una segunda añadiendo al SBR/NR, GTR en la proporción de 20 phr (parts perhundred rubber), y una tercera añadiendo al SBR/NR, GTR en la proporción de 40 phr (en los ensayos mecánicos se han utilizado más porcentajes, con el finde proporcionar mayor fiabilidad en los resultados). El GTR recibido ha sido desvulcanizado aplicando diferentes técnicas: sin desvulcanizar (dn); desvulcanizado mecánicamente (dm); desvulcanizado química y mecánicamente (dcm); y desvulcanizado mediante microondas (dmw). Todos estos compuestos han sido ensayados con diferentes pruebas; Mecánicas, de Densidad de entrecruzamiento, de Análisis Térmicogravimétrico y del Ensayo de Microscopía

    Real-time aircraft noise likeness detector

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    One of the most difficult tasks involved in the process of noise monitoring near airports is related to the automatic detection and classification of aircraft noise events. These tasks can be solved by applying pattern recognition techniques to the audio signal captured by a microphone. But now the problem is caused by the background noise, which is present in real environments. This paper proposes a real-time method for continuously tracking the similarity of the input sound and the aircraft’s sounds. Using these facilities, the monitoring unit will be able to mark aircraft events, or to make measurements only when aircraft sound is louder than background noise. A one-class approach has been applied to this detection-by-classification method. Using the default setup, 93% of the aircraft’s events which held an SNR of 6–8 dB were detected, for 30 different locations with diverse soundscapes

    Genetics and epigenetics of leukemia and lymphoma : from knowledge to applications, meeting report of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute

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    The meeting, which brought together leading scientists and clinicians in the field of leukemia and lymphoma, was held at the new headquarters of the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) in Badalona, Catalonia, Spain, September 19-20, 2019. Its purpose was to highlight the latest advances in our understanding of the molecular mechanisms driving blood cancers, and to discuss how this knowledge can be translated into an improved management of the disease. Special emphasis was placed on the role of genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity, and the exploitation of epigenetic regulation for developing biomarkers and novel treatment approaches


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    After almost 20 years using transient elastography (TE) for the non-invasive diagnosis of liver fibrosis, its use has been extended to population screening, evaluation of steatosis and complications of cirrhosis. For this reason, the "Catalan Society of Digestology" commissioned a group of experts to update the first Document carried out in 2011.The working group (8 doctors and 4 nurses) prepared a panel of questions based on the online survey "Hepatic Elastography in Catalonia 2022" following the PICO structure and the Delphi method.The answers are presented with the level of evidence, the degree of recommendation and the final consensus after being evaluated by 2 external reviewers.TE uses the simplest and most reliable elastographic method to quantify liver fibrosis, assess steatosis, and determine the risk of complications in patients with cirrhosis.Copyright © 2022 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved

    Platform trials to overcome major shortcomings of traditional clinical trials in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis? Pros and cons

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    Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; Drug development; Non-invasive biomarkersEsteatohepatitis no alcohólica; Desarrollo de fármacos; Biomarcadores no invasivosEsteatohepatitis no alcohòlica; Desenvolupament de medicaments; Biomarcadors no invasiusNon-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition that affects 25% of the population. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a progressive form of the disease that can lead to severe complications such as cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Despite its high prevalence, no drugs are currently approved for the treatment of NASH. The drug development pipeline in NASH is very active, yet most assets do not progress to phase III trials and those that do reach phase III often fail to achieve the endpoints necessary for approval by regulatory agencies. Amongst other reasons, the methodological and operational features of traditional clinical trials in NASH might impede optimal drug development. In this regard, platform trials might be an attractive complement or alternative to conventional clinical trials. Platform trials use a master protocol which enables evaluation of multiple investigational medicinal products concurrently or sequentially with a single, shared control arm. Through Bayesian interim analyses, these trials allow for early exit of drugs from the trial based on success or futility, while providing participants better chances of receiving active compounds through adaptive randomisation. Overall, platform trials represent an alternative for patients, pharmaceutical companies, and clinicians in the quest to accelerate the approval of pharmacologic treatments for NASH.EU-PEARL has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 853966-2. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA and Children’s Tumor Foundation, Global Alliance for TB Drug Development Non-profit Organisation, Springworks Therapeutics Inc

    Noninvasive Diagnosis of Portal Hypertension in Patients With Compensated Advanced Chronic Liver Disease

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    INTRODUCTION: We aimed to explore the prevalence of portal hypertension in the most common etiologies of patients with compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cACLD) and develop classification rules, based on liver stiffness measurement (LSM), that could be readily used to diagnose or exclude clinically significant portal hypertension (CSPH) in clinical practice. METHODS: This is an international cohort study including patients with paired LSM/hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG), LSM ≥10 kPa, and no previous decompensation. Portal hypertension was defined by an HVPG >5 mm Hg. A positive predictive value ≥90% was considered to validate LSM cutoffs for CSPH (HVPG ≥10 mm Hg), whereas a negative predictive value ≥90% ruled out CSPH. RESULTS: A total of 836 patients with hepatitis C (n = 358), nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH, n = 248), alcohol use (n = 203), and hepatitis B (n = 27) were evaluated. Portal hypertension prevalence was >90% in all cACLD etiologies, except for patients with NASH (60.9%), being even lower in obese patients with NASH (53.3%); these lower prevalences of portal hypertension in patients with NASH were maintained across different strata of LSM values. LSM ≥25 kPa was the best cutoff to rule in CSPH in alcoholic liver disease, chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis C, and nonobese patients with NASH, whereas in obese NASH patients, the positive predictive value was only 62.8%. A new model for patients with NASH (ANTICIPATE-NASH model) to predict CSPH considering body mass index, LSM, and platelet count was developed, and a nomogram was constructed. LSM ≤15 kPa plus platelets ≥150 × 10/L ruled out CSPH in most etiologies. DISCUSSION: Patients with cACLD of NASH etiology, especially obese patients with NASH, present lower prevalences of portal hypertension compared with other cACLD etiologies. LSM ≥25 kPa is sufficient to rule in CSPH in most etiologies, including nonobese patients with NASH, but not in obese patients with NASH

    Dendritic Cells From the Cervical Mucosa Capture and Transfer HIV-1 via Siglec-1

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    Altres ajuts: JM-P and NI-U are supported by the Spanish Secretariat of State of Research, Development and Innovation through grant SAF2016-80033-R. MG is supported by a Marie Curie Career Integration Grant (CIG) from the European Commission and by the Pla estratègic de recerca i innovació en salut (PERIS), from the Catalan government.Antigen presenting cells from the cervical mucosa are thought to amplify incoming HIV-1 and spread infection systemically without being productively infected. Yet, the molecular mechanism at the cervical mucosa underlying this viral transmission pathway remains unknown. Here we identified a subset of HLA-DR+ CD14+ CD11c+ cervical DCs at the lamina propria of the ectocervix and the endocervix that expressed the type-I interferon inducible lectin Siglec-1 (CD169), which promoted viral uptake. In the cervical biopsy of a viremic HIV-1+ patient, Siglec-1+ cells harbored HIV-1-containing compartments, demonstrating that in vivo, these cells trap viruses. Ex vivo, a type-I interferon antiviral environment enhanced viral capture and trans-infection via Siglec-1. Nonetheless, HIV-1 transfer via cervical DCs was effectively prevented with antibodies against Siglec-1. Our findings contribute to decipher how cervical DCs may boost HIV-1 replication and promote systemic viral spread from the cervical mucosa, and highlight the importance of including inhibitors against Siglec-1 in microbicidal strategies