2,665 research outputs found

    Metodolog?a Para Ense?ar El Tema De La Energ?a Y Su Funcionamiento Por Dentro Y Por Fuera Del Cuerpo Humano

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    170 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoCuando miramos a nuestro alrededor vemos que las plantas crecen, se mueven los animales y las m?quinas y herramientas que realizan las tareas m?s diversas. Todas estas actividades tienen en el supuesto com?n que requiere de energ?a, es una propiedad asociada a los objetos y sustancias y se manifiesta en las transformaciones que se producen en la naturaleza. La energ?a se manifiesta en cambios f?sicos, por ejemplo, para levantar un objeto, el transporte, deforme o calentamiento, tambi?n est? presente en los cambios qu?micos, como por la quema de una pieza de madera o de la descomposici?n por la energ?a del agua. La combinaci?n de la energ?a y la materia constituyen el universo: la materia es la sustancia, y la energ?a es el motor de las personas. La idea es f?cil de entender el material, la materia es lo que usted puede ver, oler y sentir. Se tiene masa y ocupa un lugar en el espacio. Energ?a, por su parte, es m?s abstracta. Usted no puede ver, sentir, saborear ni oler. El ?nico momento en que la energ?a es evidente, es cuando experimenta cambios. Bien, nuestro cuerpo tambi?n necesita de poseer una gran cantidad de energ?a para moverse y realizar diferentes trabajos en su vida cotidiana.ABSTRACT As we look around us we see that the plants grow, move animals and machines and tools that perform the most varied tasks. All these activities have in common course requiring energy, is a property associated with the objects and substances and is manifested in the transformations that occur in nature. Energy is manifested in physical changes , for example, to lift an object , transporting , deform or heating , is also present in the chemical changes , such as by burning a piece of wood or decomposition by water power. The combination of energy and matter constitute the universe: matter is the substance, and energy is the engine of those. The idea is easy to grasp material, matter is what you can see, smell and feel. It has mass and occupies a place in space. Energy, by hand, is more abstract. You cannot see, feel, taste or smell. The only time that energy is evident, is when you experience changes. Well our body also needs to possess a large amount of energy to move and perform different jobs in their daily livesINTRODUCCI?N??????????????????????????????20 1. ANTECEDENTES?????????????????????????.? 23 2. JUSTIFICACI?N???????????.??????????????.?. 25 3. FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA???????????...???????.27 4. PREGUNTA PROBLEMATIZADORA????????..????????..?28 5. MARCO CONTEXTUAL???????????.?????????.??? 29 6. OBJETIVOS ???????????.??????????????.??.... 38 6.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL???????????.??.???????????..38 6.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS?????????????.??????????39 6 7. MARCO TE?RICO ???????????.????????..????????40 8. DISE?O METODOL?GICO???????????.??????????...??70 8.1 UNIVERSO DE ESTUDIO???????????.?????.?????...??70 8.2 MUESTRA??????????????????.??????????...??70 8.3 TIPO DE INVESTIGACION???????????.????...??????...?70 8.4CORTE???????????.????????..??????.??????...71 8.5 CATEGORIAS???????????.????????...?????????.71 8.6 INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCION DE LA INFORMACI?N?????.???71 8.7 PROCESAMIENTO Y ANALISIS DE LA INFORMACI?N????????.?...?72 8.8 PRODUCTO O RESULTADO DEL ESTUDIO?????????????...??72 9. CRONOGRAMA DE ACTIVIDADES???????????.?????????74 10. RESULTADOS???????????.??????????...???????77 7 10.1 PRE-TEST???????????.???????.???...????????.77 10.1.1 PRE-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?A? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA LICEO JOSE MARIA VILLA DE SOPETR?N????????????????????????77 10.1.2 PRE-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?B? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA LICEO JOSE MARIA VILLA DE SOPETR?N????????????????????????90 10.1.3 PRE-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?B? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA FRANCISCO ABEL GALLEGO DE SAN JOS? DE LA MONTA?A????????.??????104 10.2 POS-TEST?????????????????????????????...119 10.2.1 POS-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?A? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA LICEO JOSE MARIA VILLA DE SOPETR?N????????????????.???????.119 10.2.2 POS-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?B? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA LICEO JOSE MARIA VILLA DE SOPETR?N???????????????.????????.131 10.2.3 POS-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?B? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA FRANCISCO ABEL GALLEGO DE SAN JOS? DE LA MONTA?A????????.??????143 11.CONCLUSIONES???????????????????...???????..158 RECOMENDACIONES???????????.??????????...?...?159 8 REFERENCIAS???????????.????????...????????...?160 ANEXOS???????????.????????...?????????.???.16

    El concepto de bienestar laboral docente en la instituci?n educativa p?blica desde la normatividad

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    136 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLa profesionalizaci?n de la labor docente ha sido una b?squeda permanente por parte de los educadores en Latinoam?rica y Colombia. El reconocimiento social del quehacer del maestro conlleva en s? mismo el acoger elementos encaminados a favorecer el Bienestar laboral Docente. En este sentido se ha planteado el prop?sito de indagar sobre el referido concepto partiendo desde el Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional y la revisi?n hist?rica de la normatividad emitida para regular la profesionalizaci?n y el ejercicio docente. La investigaci?n se centra en la revisi?n bibliogr?fica y documental de fuentes primarias, donde la interpretaci?n de la misma sirve para desglosar el Bienestar Laboral Docente en tres categor?as fundamentales: Condiciones laborales, Profesionalizaci?n y Salario. Ha sido necesario realizar un recorrido de m?s de 40 a?os con el objeto de abordar las categor?as a profundidad documentando leyes, normativas, luchas sindicales y algunas investigaciones que anteceden la presente. Como principales hallazgos se destaca la orientaci?n del Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional frente al Bienestar Laboral Docente y como este se toma como la emisi?n de est?mulos e incentivos a docentes y directivos docentes, elementos que resultan insuficientes para garantizar un ?mbito laboral adecuado y pertinente para las necesidades del maestro, protegi?ndolo integralmente, motivo por el cual se considera que las expectativas docentes difieren con los elementos brindados desde el estado. Adicionalmente se destaca el trabajo realizado por la Federaci?n Colombiana de Trabajadores de la Educaci?n en la defensa y reconocimiento del Bienestar Laboral Docente. Palabras clave: Bienestar Laboral Docente, Colombia, Ministerio de Educaci?n Nacional, FECODE, Profesionalizaci?n, Condiciones laborales, Salario.The professionalization of teaching has been a permanent search by educators in Latin America and Colombia. The social recognition of the work of the teacher entails in itself the acceptance of elements aimed at favoring the Teaching Worker Well-Being. In this sense it has been proposed the purpose of investigating the said concept starting from the Ministry of National Education and the historical review of the regulations issued to regulate professionalization and teaching. The research focuses on the bibliographic and documentary revision of primary sources, where the interpretation of the same serves to disaggregate the Worker's Teaching Well-being in three fundamental categories: Labor conditions, Professionalization and Salary. It has been necessary to make a journey of more than 40 years in order to approach the categories in depth documenting laws, regulations, union struggles and some investigations that precede the present. The main findings are the orientation of the Ministry of National Education in relation to the Worker Teaching Welfare and how this is taken as the issuance of incentives and incentives to teachers and teaching directors, elements that are insufficient to ensure a work environment appropriate and relevant to the needs Of the teacher, protecting him in full, which is why teachers' expectations are considered different from the elements provided by the state. In addition, the work carried out by the Colombian Federation of Education Workers in the defense and recognition of the Worker's Teaching Well-Being is highlighted. Keywords: Welfare Labor Teaching, Colombia, Ministry of National Education, FECODE, Professionalization, Working conditions, Salary

    Systemic Effects Induced by Hyperoxia in a Preclinical Model of Intra-abdominal Sepsis

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    Supplemental oxygen is a supportive treatment in patients with sepsis to balance tissue oxygen delivery and demand in the tissues. However, hyperoxia may induce some pathological effects. We sought to assess organ damage associated with hyperoxia and its correlation with the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in a preclinical model of intra-abdominal sepsis. For this purpose, sepsis was induced in male, Sprague-Dawley rats by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). We randomly assigned experimental animals to three groups: control (healthy animals), septic (CLP), and sham-septic (surgical intervention without CLP). At 18 h after CLP, septic (n = 39), sham-septic (n = 16), and healthy (n = 24) animals were placed within a sealed Plexiglas cage and randomly distributed into four groups for continuous treatment with 21%, 40%, 60%, or 100% oxygen for 24 h. At the end of the experimental period, we evaluated serum levels of cytokines, organ damage biomarkers, histological examination of brain and lung tissue, and ROS production in each surviving animal. We found that high oxygen concentrations increased IL-6 and biomarkers of organ damage levels in septic animals, although no relevant histopathological lung or brain damage was observed. Healthy rats had an increase in IL-6 and aspartate aminotransferase at high oxygen concentration. IL-6 levels, but not ROS levels, are correlated with markers of organ damage. In our study, the use of high oxygen concentrations in a clinically relevant model of intra-abdominal sepsis was associated with enhanced inflammation and organ damage. These findings were unrelated to ROS release into circulation. Hyperoxia could exacerbate sepsis-induced inflammation, and it could be by itself detrimental. Our study highlights the need of developing safer thresholds for oxygen therapy

    Exosomes in head and neck cancer. Updating and revisiting

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    Exosomes have gone from being considered simple containers of intracellular waste substances to be considered important carriers of cellular signals. Its broad capacity to promote tumour growth, both in situ and metastatic, has greatly intensified scientific research on them. In the same way and depending on its content, its tumour suppressive properties have opened a window of light and hope in the fight against cancer. In the present review we try to gather in a simple and understandable way the most relevant knowledge to date on the role of exosomes in oral squamous cell carcinoma, helping to understand their process of formation, release and activity on the tumour microenvironment

    Employment Expectations and Gross Flows by Type of Work Contract

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    There is growing interest in understanding firms’ temporary and permanent employment practices and how institutional changes shape them. Using data on Spanish establishments, we examine: (a) how employers adjust temporary and permanent job and worker flows to prior employment expectations, and (b) how the 1994 and 1997 labour reforms promoting permanent employment affected establishments’ employment practices. Generally, establishments’ prior employment expectations are realized through changes in all job and worker flows. However, establishments uniquely rely on temporary hires as a buffer to confront diminishing long-run employment expectations. None of the reforms significantly affected establishments’ net temporary or permanent employment flows.http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/40032/3/wp646.pd

    Effect of antiseptic gels in the microbiologic colonization of the suture threads after oral surgery

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    Three different bioadhesive gels were evaluated in a double-blind randomized clinical trial in which microbial growth in the suture thread was assessed following post-surgical application of the aforementioned gels. Also assessed in this trial were, the intensity of post-surgical pain as well as the degree of healing of the patients' surgical wounds. A total of 21 patients (with 42 wisdom teeth) participated in this trial. Chlorhexidine gel, chlorhexidine-chitosan gel, and hyaluronic acid gel were evaluated, with a neutral water-based gel serving as the control agent. The aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacterial recovery on blood agar was lower in the placebo group than in the experimental groups. The most significant difference (p = 0.04) was observed in the chlorhexidine-chitosan group. in which the growth of Blood Agar and Mitis Salivarius Agar was significantly higher than in the placebo group. The intensity of post-surgical pain was very similar among all the groups. Significantly better healing rates were observed in the patients treated with chlorhexidine-chitosan gel when compared with those who used the placebo gel (p = 0.03), and in particular when compared with those patients who used hyaluronic acid gel (p = 0.01). Through our microbiological analyses, we were able to conclude that none of the bioadhesive gels tested resulted in beneficial reductions in the bacterial/fungal populations. However, the healing rates of patients who were treated with chlorhexidine-chitosan were better than those of the patients who used either the placebo gel or the hyaluronic acid gel

    Tachyonic preheating using 2PI-1/N dynamics and the classical approximation

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    We study the process of tachyonic preheating using approximative quantum equations of motion derived from the 2PI effective action. The O(N) scalar (Higgs) field is assumed to experience a fast quench which is represented by an instantaneous flip of the sign of the mass parameter. The equations of motion are solved numerically on the lattice, and the Hartree and 1/N-NLO approximations are compared to the classical approximation. Classical dynamics is expected to be valid, since the occupation numbers can rise to large values during tachyonic preheating. We find that the classical approximation performs excellently at short and intermediate times, even for couplings in the larger region currently allowed for the SM Higgs. This is reassuring, since all previous numerical studies of tachyonic preheating and baryogenesis during tachyonic preheating have used classical dynamics. We also compare different initializations for the classical simulations.Comment: 32 pages, 21 figures. Published version: Some details added, section added, references added, conclusions unchange

    The generating function for a particular class of characters of SU(n)

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    We compute the generating function for the characters of the irreducible representations of SU(n) whose associated Young diagrams have only two rows with the same number of boxes. The result is a rational determinantal expression in which both the numerator and the denominator have a simple structure when expressed in terms of Schur polynomials.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Bioresponsive, Electroactive, and Inkjet-Printable Graphene-Based Inks

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    With the advent of flexible electronics, the old fashioned and conventional solid-state technology will be replaced by conductive inks combined with low-cost printing techniques. Graphene is an ideal candidate to produce conductive inks, due to its excellent conductivity and zero bandgap. The possibility to chemically modify graphene with active molecules opens up the field of responsive conductive inks. Herein, a bioresponsive, electroactive, and inkjet-printable graphene ink is presented. The ink is based on graphene chemically modified with selected enzymes and an electrochemical mediator, to transduce the products of the enzymatic reaction into an electron flow, proportional to the analyte concentration. A water-based formulation is engineered to be respectful with the enzymatic activity while matching the stringent requirements of inkjet printing. The efficient electrochemical performance of the ink, as well as a proof-of-concept application in biosensing, is demonstrated. The versatility of the system is demonstrated by modifying graphene with various oxidoreductases, obtaining inks with selectivity toward glucose, lactate, methanol, and ethanol

    Halide and hydroxide anion binding in water

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