266 research outputs found

    Controlling Exchange Pathways in Dynamic Supramolecular Polymers by Controlling Defects

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    Supramolecular fibers composed of monomers that self-assemble directionally via noncovalent interactions are ubiquitous in nature, and of great interest in chemistry. In these structures, the constitutive monomers continuously exchange in-and-out the assembly according to a well-defined supramolecular equilibrium. However, unraveling the exchange pathways and their molecular determinants constitutes a nontrivial challenge. Here, we combine coarse-grained modeling, enhanced sampling, and machine learning to investigate the key factors controlling the monomer exchange pathways in synthetic supramolecular polymers having an intrinsic dynamic behavior. We demonstrate how the competition of directional vs. nondirectional interactions between the monomers controls the creation/annihilation of defects in the supramolecular polymers, from where monomers exchange proceeds. This competition determines the exchange pathway, dictating whether a fiber statistically swaps monomers from the tips or from all along its length. Finally, thanks to their generality, our models allow the investigation of molecular approaches to control the exchange pathways in these dynamic assemblies

    Spéciation du cadmium, du chrome, du cuivre et du plomb dans les sédiments des déchets de phosphate de Kpémé (Sud-Togo)

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    L’exploitation du minerai de phosphate au sud-est du Togo engendre des déchets miniers qui sont déversés dans la mer sans traitement. Cette étude a pour but l’estimation de la biodisponibilité du cadmium, du chrome, du cuivre et du plomb par leur spéciation. La caractérisation physicochimique des sédiments des déchets de phosphates a été réalisée suivie d’une extraction séquentielle des éléments traces métalliques et enfin, par une évaluation de la mobilité du cadmium. Les teneurs des éléments traces métalliques (Cd, Cr, Cu et Pb) ont été déterminées dans les différentes fractions des sédiments des déchets de phosphates de Kpémé. Le traitement des données a été fait avec le logiciel XLStat. Ainsi, les concentrations totales moyennes en éléments traces métalliques des sites de prélèvement par rapport au poids sec des déchets étaient de 17,46 μgCd/g ; 19,61 μgPb/g ; 36,04 μgCr/g et 32,00 μgCu/g pour le Site S1 ; de 21,44 μgCd/g ; 12,47 μgPb/g ; 96,04 μgCr/g et 73,35 μgCu/g pour le Site S2 et enfin de 14,26 μgCd/g ; 7,71 μgPb/g ; 36,04 μgCr/g et 25,27 μgCu/g pour le Site S3. Les résultats ont montré un risque environnemental de l’ordre de 50,63% pour le cadmium et de 29,64% pour le plomb dans les fractions potentiellement remobilisables.Mots clés: Eléments traces métalliques, Extraction séquentielle, déchets de phosphate, mobilité, biodisponibilit&#233

    Swarm-CG: Automatic Parametrization of Bonded Terms in MARTINI-Based Coarse-Grained Models of Simple to Complex Molecules via Fuzzy Self-Tuning Particle Swarm Optimization

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    We present Swarm-CG, a versatile software for the automatic iterative parametrization of bonded parameters in coarse-grained (CG) models, ideal in combination with popular CG force fields such as MARTINI. By coupling fuzzy self-tuning particle swarm optimization to Boltzmann inversion, Swarm-CG performs accurate bottom-up parametrization of bonded terms in CG models composed of up to 200 pseudo atoms within 4-24 h on standard desktop machines, using default settings. The software benefits from a user-friendly interface and two different usage modes (default and advanced). We particularly expect Swarm-CG to support and facilitate the development of new CG models for the study of complex molecular systems interesting for bio- and nanotechnology. Excellent performances are demonstrated using a benchmark of 9 molecules of diverse nature, structural complexity, and size. Swarm-CG is available with all its dependencies via the Python Package Index (PIP package: swarm-cg). Demonstration data are available at: www.github.com/GMPavanLab/SwarmCG

    Production of the soluble pattern recognition receptor PTX3 by myeloid, but not plasmacytoid, dendritic cells

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    PTX3 is a prototypic of long pentraxin consisting of an N-terminal portion coupled to a C-terminal pentraxin domain, the latter related to short pentraxins (C-reactive protein and serum amyloid P component). PTX3 is a soluble pattern recognition receptor, which plays a non-redundant role in resistance against selected pathogens and in female fertility. The present study was designed to analyze the production of PTX3 by human dendritic cells (DC) and to define the role of different innate immunity receptors in its induction. Human monocyte-derived DC produced copious amounts of PTX3 in response to microbial ligands engaging different members of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family (TLR1 through TLR6), whereas engagement of the mannose receptor had no substantial effect. DC were better producers of PTX3 than monocytes and macrophages. Freshly isolated peripheral blood myeloid DC produced PTX3 in response to diverse microbial stimuli. In contrast, plasmacytoid DC exposed to influenza virus or to CpG oligodeoxynucleotides engaging TLR9, did not produce PTX3. PTX3-expressing DC were present in inflammatory lymph nodes from HIV-infected patients. These results suggest that DC of myelomonocytic origin are a major source of PTX3, a molecule which facilitates pathogen recognition and subsequent activation of innate and adaptive immunity

    Overturning established chemoselectivities : selective reduction of arenes over malonates and cyanoacetates by photoactivated organic electron donors

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    The prevalence of metal-based reducing reagents, including metals, metal complexes, and metal salts, has produced an empirical order of reactivity that governs our approach to chemical synthesis. However, this reactivity may be influenced by stabilization of transition states, intermediates, and products through substrate-metal bonding. This article reports that in the absence of such stabilizing interactions, established chemoselectivities can be overthrown. Thus, photoactivation of the recently developed neutral organic superelectron donor 5 selectively reduces alkyl-substituted benzene rings in the presence of activated esters and nitriles, in direct contrast to metal-based reductions, opening a new perspective on reactivity. The altered outcomes arising from the organic electron donors are attributed to selective interactions between the neutral organic donors and the arene rings of the substrates

    Macrophage ferroportin is essential for stromal cell proliferation in wound healing

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    Iron recycling by macrophages is essential for erythropoiesis, but may be also relevant for iron redistribution to neighbouring cells at the local tissue level. Using mice with iron retention in macrophages due to targeted inactivation of the iron exporter ferroportin, we investigated the role of macrophage iron release in hair follicle cycling and wound healing, a complex process leading to major clinical problems, if impaired. Genetic deletion of ferroportin in macrophages resulted in iron deficiency and decreased proliferation in epithelial cells, which consequently impaired hair follicle growth and caused transient alopecia. Hair loss was not related to systemic iron deficiency or anemia, thus indicating the necessity of local iron release from macrophages. Inactivation of macrophage ferroportin also led to delayed skin wound healing with defective granulation tissue formation and diminished fibroplasia. Iron retention in macrophages had no impact on the inflammatory processes accompanying wound healing, but affected stromal cells proliferation, blood and lymphatic vessels formation, and fibrogenesis. Our findings reveal that iron/ferroportin plays a largely underestimated role in the macrophage trophic function in skin homeostasis and repair

    Heme catabolism by tumor-associated macrophages controls metastasis formation

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    Although the pathological significance of tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) heterogeneity is still poorly understood, TAM reprogramming is viewed as a promising anticancer therapy. Here we show that a distinct subset of TAMs (F4/80hiCD115hiC3aRhiCD88hi), endowed with high rates of heme catabolism by the stress-responsive enzyme heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), plays a critical role in shaping a prometastatic tumor microenvironment favoring immunosuppression, angiogenesis and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. This population originates from F4/80+HO-1+ bone marrow (BM) precursors, accumulates in the blood of tumor bearers and preferentially localizes at the invasive margin through a mechanism dependent on the activation of Nrf2 and coordinated by the NF-κB1–CSF1R–C3aR axis. Inhibition of F4/80+HO-1+ TAM recruitment or myeloid-specific deletion of HO-1 blocks metastasis formation and improves anticancer immunotherapy. Relative expression of HO-1 in peripheral monocyte subsets, as well as in tumor lesions, discriminates survival among metastatic melanoma patients. Overall, these results identify a distinct cancer-induced HO-1+ myeloid subgroup as a new antimetastatic target and prognostic blood marker

    The macrophage tetraspan MS4A4A enhances dectin-1-dependent NK cell-mediated resistance to metastasis

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    Fondazione Cariplo (grant no. 2015–0564 to A.M.)Cluster Alisei (grant no. MEDINTECH CTN01_00177_962865 to A.M.)European Research Council (grant no. 669415-PHII to A.M.)Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC IG-2016 grant no. 19014 to A.M.; AIRC 5 × 1000 grant no. 21147 to A.M.; AIRC IG-2016 grant no. 19213 to M.L.)Medical Research Council (Pathobiology of Early Arthritis Cohort grant no. 36661 to C.P.)Arthritis Research UK Experimental Treatment Centre (grant no. 20022 to C.P.

    Optimization rules for SARS-CoV-2 M\u3csup\u3epro\u3c/sup\u3e antivirals: Ensemble docking and exploration of the coronavirus protease active site

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    © 2020 by the authors. Coronaviruses are viral infections that have a significant ability to impact human health. Coronaviruses have produced two pandemics and one epidemic in the last two decades. The current pandemic has created a worldwide catastrophe threatening the lives of over 15 million as of July 2020. Current research efforts have been focused on producing a vaccine or repurposing current drug compounds to develop a therapeutic. There is, however, a need to study the active site preferences of relevant targets, such as the SARS-CoV-2 main protease (SARS-CoV-2 Mpro), to determine ways to optimize these drug compounds. The ensemble docking and characterization work described in this article demonstrates the multifaceted features of the SARS-CoV-2 Mpro active site, molecular guidelines to improving binding affinity, and ultimately the optimization of drug candidates. A total of 220 compounds were docked into both the 5R7Z and 6LU7 SARS-CoV-2 Mpro crystal structures. Several key preferences for strong binding to the four subsites (S1, S1\u27, S2, and S4) were identified, such as accessing hydrogen binding hotspots, hydrophobic patches, and utilization of primarily aliphatic instead of aromatic substituents. After optimization efforts using the design guidelines developed from the molecular docking studies, the average docking score of the parent compounds was improved by 6.59 -log10(Kd) in binding affinity which represents an increase of greater than six orders of magnitude. Using the optimization guidelines, the SARS-CoV-2 Mpro inhibitor cinanserin was optimized resulting in an increase in binding affinity of 4.59 -log10(Kd) and increased protease inhibitor bioactivity. The results of molecular dynamic (MD) simulation of cinanserin-optimized compounds CM02, CM06, and CM07 revealed that CM02 and CM06 fit well into the active site of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro [Protein Data Bank (PDB) accession number 6LU7] and formed strong and stable interactions with the key residues, Ser-144, His-163, and Glu-166. The enhanced binding affinity produced demonstrates the utility of the design guidelines described. The work described herein will assist scientists in developing potent COVID-19 antivirals
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