768 research outputs found

    Design and validation of a socio-emotional questionnaire for youth football players

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    Con el objetivo de detectar y controlar los factores socio-emocionales que influyen en la progresión del joven futbolista, se diseñó un cuestionario auto-cumplimentado de 40 ítems, agrupados en 3 dimensiones (entorno social, bienestar e inteligencia emocional). Se analizó la validez de contenido mediante la valoración de 14 expertos y la validez de constructo mediante análisis factorial. Se evaluó la fiabilidad del cuestionario, administrándolo a jóvenes futbolistas de élite (n=281) y analizando la consistencia interna por el método del Alfa de Cronbach y la fiabilidad test-retest mediante el coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI). El análisis factorial confirmó la existencia de 18 categorías, que en conjunto explican el 65,40% de la varianza total. El Alfa de Cronbach del cuestionario fue de 0,944 (p<0,01) y el CCI de 0,894 (p<0,01). El cuestionario reúne suficientes propiedades psicométricas como para ser considerado una herramienta válida y fiable para medir el entorno socio-emocional de jóvenes futbolistas.The objective of this study was to design a valid questionnaire to detect and manage the socio-emotional factors that influence the performance of young football players. A group of specialists designed a self-completion questionnaire of 40 items grouped into 3 dimensions. Content validity was analysed and evaluated by 14 experts and construct validity was analysed by factorial analysis. To evaluate reliability the questionnaire was administered to young elite football players, and internal consistency was analysed with Cronbach’s alpha. Test-retest reliability was assessed with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Factor analysis confirmed the existence of 18 factors, which as a whole explained 65.40% of the total variance. The Cronbach’s alpha of the questionnaire was 0.944 (p<0.01) and the ICC of the entire questionnaire was 0.894 (p<0.01). The questionnaire gathers together enough psychometric properties to be considered a valid and reliable tool for gauging the socio-emotional environment of young football players

    The psychometric properties of the Parenting Scale for Spanish mothers with children aged between 2 and 7 years

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    Purpose:This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Parenting Scale in a large sample of Spanish mothers. Design and methods: A two-stage cross-sectional study of the adaptation and cultural validation of the Parenting Scale in a Spanish-speaking environment. In Stage I, the Parenting Scale was translated and back-translated and its semantic, linguistic, and contextual equivalence was assessed. In Stage II, the Spanish-language version was validated after its application to 662 Spanish mothers with healthy children aged between 2 and 7 years. Several factor structure models of the Parenting Scale were compared by confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent validity, internal consistency and test-retest reliability were also examined. Results: The model of Irvine et al. (1999) presented the best fit to our data. This model demonstrated adequate reliability (internal consistency and stability). The total score and each factor of the Parenting Scale correlated positively with perceived stress in mothers, difficulties in mother-child bonding and child hyperactivity, and negatively with child prosocial behavior. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the Parenting Scale is a valid and reliable measure that can be used by healthcare professionals and scientists to assess dysfunctional parenting in Spanish mothers of children aged 2 to 7 years. Practice implications: This study will allow the use of the Parenting Scale in epidemiological and cross-cultural studies in a variety of applied contexts. Additionally, health professionals who work with families in Spain will have access to a valid and reliable instrument for the assessment of mothers' parenting styles

    Benestar, personalitat, i addicció a les compres: Definició dels constructes i instruments de mesura de les pràctiques de Psicometria

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    En aquest document es presenten, en primer lloc, la fonamentació teòrica i les característiques principals de les escales de mesura utilitzades en les pràctiques de l’assignatura Psicometria (curs 2017-2018), amb la bibliografia relacionada més rellevant. I en segon lloc, les instruccions i els ítems d’aquestes escales

    Satisfacció amb la vida, personalitat, salut general i insomni: Definició i instruments de mesura de les pràctiques de psicometria

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    En aquest document es presenten, en primer lloc, la fonamentació teòrica i les característiques principals de les escales de mesura utilitzades en les pràctiques de l’assignatura Psicometria, amb la bibliografia relacionada més rellevant. I en segon lloc, les instruccions i els ítems d’aquestes escales

    Parásitos intestinales en fangos de depuradora y posible riesgo asociado a su reutilización

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    La reutilización de fangos de salida de depuradora se ha convertido en un valioso recurso dado su contenido en nutrientes. Sin embargo, puede suponer un riesgo para la salud pu´blica si su higienización no es adecuada, por la variedad de potenciales pato´genos que pueden contener. La normativa vigente sobre reutilización de fangos (RD 1310/90 y AAA/1072/2013) únicamente hace referencia a la presencia de E. coli y Salmonella spp. Sin embargo, varios estudios sugieren que el uso tradicional de bacterias indicadoras de contaminacio´n fecal no predice la presencia de otros pato´genos como para´sitos y protozoos1. Giardia duodenalis, Cryptosporidium spp. o Entamoeba spp. son protozoos distribuidos mundialmente, causantes de trastornos gastrointestinales en gran número de hospedadores y transmitidos principalmente por el consumo de agua y alimentos de consumo crudo contaminados

    Identification of problems in the functioning of individuals with schizophrenia from the expert perspective: An internet-based survey

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify aspects of functioning and related environmental factors that are relevant to schizophrenia from the perspective of health professionals experienced in treating individuals with this disorder using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Method: An international pool of experts from diverse health care disciplines was surveyed to identify problems in functioning experienced by individuals with schizophrenia and the environmental factors that impact their functioning. On the basis of established rules, all answers were translated to the ICF by two independent researchers. Results: One-hundred and eighty-nine experts from all six World Health Organization regions identified 4776 meaningful concepts, of which 92% were linked to 347 different ICF categories. Of the 347 categories, 194 were second-level categories, 151 were third-level categories and 2 were fourth-level categories. Ninety-five second-level ICF categories, 43 third-level categories and 1 fourth-level category reached percentage frequency of at least 5%. The majority of the categories were attributed to body functions, activities and participation, and environmental factors. Conclusions: Health professionals identified a wide range of problems in functioning that reflect the complexity and breadth of schizophrenia, specifically activity limitations and participation restrictions that are particularly relevant for individuals with schizophrenia. Knowing these functioning problems can guide the design of patient-oriented rehabilitation programmes. Implications for rehabilitation: Schizophrenia may result in impaired functioning in multiple daily life activities. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) can help in identifying the needs and problems of these individuals. The reported list of ICF categories can facilitate a systematic application of the ICF in schizophrenia and can help to design and implement coordinated and patient oriented rehabilitation programmes with a biopsychosocial approach. According to health professionals surveyed, activity limitations and participation restrictions are broadly affected in this population and are highly influenced by neurocognitive and social cognitive deficits and environmental factors

    Spanish validation of the Parental Expectations and Perceptions of Children's Sibling Relationships Questionnaire

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    Objective: To translate and culturally adapt the Parental Expectations and Perceptions of Children’s Sibling Relationship Questionnaire (PEPC-SRQ; Kramer & Baron, 1995) into Spanish and test its psychometric properties. Background: Sibling relationships contribute significantly to child development; however, to date, no study has validated an instrument to assess the quality of children’s sibling relationships with Spanish samples. Method: We conducted two studies. In Study 1, the instrument underwent translation and back-translation along with the inspection of semantic, linguistic, and contextual equivalence. In Study 2, the validity of the instrument scores was assessed by administering the translated PEPC-SRQ to 229 mothers in Spain. Results: The Exploratory Factor Analysis revealed a twofactor structure that preserved the original 24 items. Both factors presented good internal consistency and were significantly correlated with other constructs. Conclusion: These results support the use of the PEPC-SRQ in Spain. Implications: The Spanish PEPC-SRQ may now be used as a tool for the early detection of conflictual relationships between siblings and as a tool for assessing the effectiveness of targeted strategies designed to bolster children’s sibling relationships. Additionally, this adaptation provides the opportunity to carry out cross-cultural studies

    Estrategias bioanalíticas en estudios metalómicos de fármacos de platino

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    En este artículo se muestra el potencial que presentan las modernas estrategias bioanalíticas en estudios metalómicos de fármacos de platino. La combinación de técnicas de separación multidimensionales cromatográficas y/o electroforéticas con la espectrometría de masas atómica ICP-MS y molecular ESI-MS/MS se presenta como una valiosa alternativa en este tipo de estudios