50 research outputs found

    Salt marsh fragmentation in a mesotidal estuary:Implications for medium to long-term management

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    During the last decades many salt marshes worldwide have suffered important losses in their extent and associated ecosystem services. The salt marshes of San Vicente de la Barquera estuary (N Spain) are a clear example of this, with a drastic reduction in vegetation surface over the last 60 years. This paper provides insights into the main factors controlling salt marsh functioning in sheltered estuarine areas. Regional and local factors have been disaggregated to identify the main drivers controlling the functioning of the salt marsh to develop appropriate management measures according to the evolution of the system. These factors have been studied in their spatial context through detailed maps of change in vegetation cover combined with topographic data obtained from UAV and RTK-DGPS surveys. The results demonstrate that in this estuary the salt marsh area is declining following a fragmentation process. No clear pattern of vegetation loss/gain with elevation has been identified. However, the results point to increased hydrodynamic stress in the area, with stronger currents inside the estuary. This is probably the major factor responsible for the decline of the salt marshes in the San Vicente de la Barquera estuary. Furthermore, several human interventions during the 20th century (local drivers) have also probably contributed to a lower resilience against SLR (regional driver). This work demonstrates that both natural and human drivers of change need to be considered when characterizing the evolution of salt marshes, wherever efficient management strategies need to be designed

    Elevated micro-topography boosts growth rates in <i>Salicornia procumbens</i> by amplifying a tidally driven oxygen pump:Implications for natural recruitment and restoration

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    • Background and Aims: The growth rate of pioneer species is known to be a critical component determining recruitment success of marsh seedlings on tidal flats. By accelerating growth, recruits can reach a larger size at an earlier date, which reduces the length of the disturbance-free window required for successful establishment. Therefore, the pursuit of natural mechanisms that accelerate growth rates at a local scale may lead to a better understanding of the circumstances under which new establishment occurs, and may suggest new insights with which to perform restoration. This study explores how and why changes in local sediment elevation modify the growth rate of recruiting salt marsh pioneers. • Methods: A mesocosm experiment was designed in which the annual salt marsh pioneer Salicornia procumbens was grown over a series of raised, flat and lowered sediment surfaces, under a variety of tidal inundation regimes and in vertically draining or un-draining sediment. Additional physical tests quantified the effects of these treatments on sediment water-logging and oxygen dynamics, including the use of a planar optode experiment. • Key Results: In this study, the elevation of sediment micro-topography by 2 cm was the overwhelming driver of plant growth rates. Seedlings grew on average 25 % faster on raised surfaces, which represented a significant increase when compared to other groups. Changes in growth aligned well with the amplifying effect of raised sediment beds on a tidally episodic oxygenation process wherein sediment pore spaces were refreshed by oxygen-rich water at the onset of high tide. • Conclusions: Overall, the present study suggests this tidally driven oxygen pump as an explanation for commonly observed natural patterns in salt marsh recruitment near drainage channels and atop raised sediment mounds and reveals a promising way forward to promote the establishment of pioneers in the field

    Complex interactions of HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein with oligonucleotides

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    The HIV-1 nucleocapsid (NC) protein is a small, basic protein containing two retroviral zinc fingers. It is a highly active nucleic acid chaperone; because of this activity, it plays a crucial role in virus replication as a cofactor during reverse transcription, and is probably important in other steps of the replication cycle as well. We previously reported that NC binds with high-affinity to the repeating sequence d(TG)(n). We have now analyzed the interaction between NC and d(TG)(4) in considerable detail, using surface plasmon resonance (SPR), tryptophan fluorescence quenching (TFQ), fluorescence anisotropy (FA), isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) and electrospray ionization Fourier transform mass spectrometry (ESI-FTMS). Our results show that the interactions between these two molecules are surprisngly complex: while the K(d) for binding of a single d(TG)(4) molecule to NC is only ∼5 nM in 150 mM NaCl, a single NC molecule is capable of interacting with more than one d(TG)(4) molecule, and conversely, more than one NC molecule can bind to a single d(TG)(4) molecule. The strengths of these additional binding reactions are quantitated. The implications of this multivalency for the functions of NC in virus replication are discussed

    Primary succession in an Atlantic saltmarsh: from intertidal flats to mid-marsh platform in 35 years

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    Although salt marsh is a classic example of primary succession, the underlying mechanisms and their time-scales are poorly understood. As salt marsh succession depends on sediment accretion, the amelioration of abiotic conditions associated with increasing elevation suggests potential explanatory roles for facilitation, competition and the stress-gradient hypothesis. We present a 35-year longitudinal study of salt marsh development from intertidal flat to a mid-marsh platform at Odiel Marshes in south-western Iberia. Using permanent plots, this work chronicles changes in elevation and marsh morphology, their evolving effects on sediment redox potential and salinity and the colonisation and changing patterns of dominance of halophytic species. Sporadically colonising clumps of the low-marsh species Spartina maritima trapped sediment to form raised tussocks, which increased in elevation and area. Reduced tidal inundation and locally improved drainage promoted higher redox potentials and allowed colonisation by a sequence of species less tolerant of reducing conditions: Sarcocornia perennis, its hybrid with high-marsh S. fruticosa, and Atriplex portulacoides. Unlike its centrifugally colonising predecessors, A. portulacoides invaded from the tussock edges. Transplant experiments designed to investigate its late establishment on tussocks showed that seedling survival depended on elevational differences as small as 4 cm. After increasing in elevation by c. 1 m (c. 29 mm/year), coalescence of the tussocks formed a marsh platform at a level corresponding to mean high tides. This supports a theoretical punctuated transition from ‘submergence marsh’ to ‘emergence marsh’, previously postulated for this tidal elevation. Synthesis. The unexpected rapidity of this primary succession highlights the central role of facilitation. Vertical sediment accretion, locally engineered by colonising species, progressively alleviates abiotic stress and allows colonisation by species that are less tolerant of chemically reducing conditions but are ultimately better competitors

    Restoration of biogeomorphic systems by creating windows of opportunity to support natural establishment processes

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    In degraded landscapes, recolonization by pioneer vegetation is often halted by the presence of persistent environmental stress. When natural expansion does occur, it is commonly due to the momentary alleviation of a key environmental variable previously limiting new growth. Thus, studying the circumstances in which expansion occurs can inspire new restoration techniques, wherein vegetation establishment is provoked by emulating natural events through artificial means. Using the salt-marsh pioneer zone on tidal flats as a biogeomorphic model system, we explore how locally raised sediment bed forms, which are the result of natural (bio)geomorphic processes, enhance seedling establishment in an observational study. We then conduct a manipulative experiment designed to emulate these facilitative conditions in order to enable establishment on an uncolonized tidal flat. Here, we attempt to generate raised growth-promoting sediment bed forms using porous artificial structures. Flume experiments demonstrate how these structures produce a sheltered hydrodynamic environment in which suspended sediment and seeds preferentially settle. The application of these structures in the field led to the formation of stable, raised sediment platforms and the spontaneous recruitment of salt-marsh pioneers in the following growing season. These recruits were composed primarily of the annual pioneering Salicornia genus, with densities of up to 140 individuals/m2 within the structures, a 60-fold increase over ambient densities. Lower abundances of five other perennial species were found within structures that did not appear elsewhere in the pioneer zone. Furthermore, recruits grew to be on average three times greater in mass inside of the structures than in the neighboring ambient environment. The success of this restoration design may be attributed to the combination of three factors: (1) enhanced seed retention, (2) suppressed mortality, and (3) accelerated growth rates on the elevated surfaces generated by the artificial structures. We argue that restoration approaches similar to the one shown here, wherein the conditions for natural establishment are actively mimicked to promote vegetation development, may serve as promising tools in many biogeomorphic ecosystems, ranging from coastal to arid ecosystems

    Thrombin inhibitory activity of some polyphenolic compounds

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    Thrombin, also known as an active plasma coagulation factor II, belongs to the family of serine proteases and plays a crucial role in blood coagulation process. The process of thrombin generation is the central event of the hemostatic process and regulates blood coagulant activity. For this reason, thrombin inhibition is key to successful novel antithrombotic pharmacotherapy. The aim of our present study was to examine the effects of the well-known polyphenolic compounds on the activity of thrombin, by characterization of its interaction with selected polyphenols using different biochemical methods and biosensor BIAcore analyses. Only six compounds, cyanidin, quercetin, silybin, cyanin, (+)-catechin and (−)-epicatechin, of all examined in this study polyphenols caused the inhibition of thrombin amidolytic activity. But only three of the six compounds (cyanidin, quercetin and silybin) changed thrombin proteolytic activity. BIAcore analyses demonstrated that cyanidin and quercetin caused a strong response in the interaction with immobilized thrombin, while cyanin and (−)-epicatechin induced a low response. Lineweaver–Burk curves show that used polyphenol aglycones act as competitive thrombin inhibitors. Our results suggest that polyphenolic compounds might be potential structural bases and source to find and project nature-based, safe, orally bioavailable direct thrombin inhibitors.This work was supported by Grant 545/485 and Grant 506/810 from the University of Lodz

    Chipping away at GPCR function

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