186 research outputs found

    Studies in modal density – its effect at low frequencies

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    The ability to objectively measure the reproduction quality of a small room at low frequencies has long been desired. Over many years, there have been attempts to produce recommendations, metrics, and criteria by which to define a particular room. These have often concentrated on some aspect of the modal distribution, such as spacing or density. Other attempts have focused upon the deviation from a desired frequency response. Whilst the subjective validity of objective measures such as these has often been questioned, the notion that a transitional region between a modal and diffuse sound fields exists, dependant on the room volume and reverberation time continues to permeate much thinking. The calculation of this transitional frequency relies on the calculation of a desired modal density. In the case of the most well known definition, the Schroeder Frequency1, the transitional frequency is that point where the density becomes sufficient that three modes lie within one bandwidth. Although this idea may well be useful in some instances, such as defining points for the use of statistical sound field analysis, recent thought has cast some doubt over its relevance as a subjective frequency above which we may ignore modal issues2. This paper highlights a number of studies along with a new listening test, which help us to better understand the role of modal density upon subjective perception of modal soundfields

    Perceptual thresholds for the effects of room modes as a function of modal decay

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    Room modes cause audible artefacts in listening environments. Modal control approaches have emerged in scientific literature over the years and, often, their performance is measured by criteria that may be perceptually unfounded. Previous research has shown modal decay as a key perceptual factor in detecting modal effects. In this work, perceptual thresholds for the effects of modes as a function of modal decay have been measured in the region between 32Hz and 250Hz. A test methodology has been developed to include modal interaction and temporal masking from musical events, which are important aspects in recreating an ecologically valid test regime. This method has been deployed in addition to artificial test stimuli traditionally used in psychometric studies, which provide unmasked, absolute thresholds. For artificial stimuli, thresholds decrease monotonically from 0.9 seconds at 32 Hz to 0.17 seconds at 200 Hz, with a knee at 63 Hz. For music stimuli, thresholds decrease monotonically from 0.51 seconds at 63 Hz to 0.12 seconds at 250 Hz. Perceptual thresholds are shown to be dependent on frequency and to a much lesser extent on level. Results presented here define absolute and practical thresholds, which are useful as perceptually relevant optimization targets for modal control methods

    Um aparato experimental para estudo e desenvolvimento de circuitos de acondicionamento de sinal: uma experiĂŞncia pedagĂłgica

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    Este documento descreve um aparato experimental desenvolvido pelos autores e relata alguns aspectos da respectiva experiência pedagógica que tem constituído a sua utilização na componente laboratorial de uma disciplina da área da electrónica aplicada. O aparato contém sensores e actuadores incorporados em dois tanques de água e é direcionado para o estudo e teste dos respectivos circuitos de acondicionamento de sinal. A modelação das funções características dos sensores e o desenvolvimento de simples algoritmos de controlo é também exercitado na utilização deste sistema. No contexto académico em que tem sido utilizado, pode encarar-se este sistema como uma reprodução em pequena escala de um hipotético processo industrial, o que tipicamente contribui para uma maior motivação por parte dos alunos e facilita a concepção de enunciados de trabalhos que promovam uma atitude direccionada ao processo como um todo e menos numa soma de tarefas individuais não relacionadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perception of room modes in critical listening spaces

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    Room modes are a recognised problem in small critical listening rooms and are known to cause colouration of sound reproduced within them. Investigations on the causes and solutions for this problem have been carried out for some time. Interest in the topic has extended to loudspeaker manufacturers who have mainly concentrated in developing methods for controlling the loudspeaker-room interaction in order to ameliorate low frequency reproduction. Compared to objective work on passive and active control methods, the study of the subjective perception of room resonances has been somewhat neglected. Available publications mostly concern the effects of single resonances, which are perhaps not fully representative of conditions as experienced in real rooms. A study into the subjective perception of room modes is presented. The experimental methodology employs psychoacoustic techniques to study the perception of factors such as modal distribution, and effects of resonances on single tones. Results show that the subjective perception of room modes is strongly affected by temporal issues, and that changes exerted merely on magnitude frequency response are detectable but not likely to remove the effects of resonances for all listeners. Furthermore, it is shown that a reduction of the modal Q-factor, associated with a reduction of decay rates, has a significant effect in decreasing the detection of resonances. Q-factor difference limen were evaluated for three reference decay characteristics corresponding to reference Q-factors of 30, 10 and 1. The limen were 6±2.8, 10±4.1 and 16±5.4 respectively, meaning that detection of changes to modal decay decreases with decreasing decay time. These results may be used to define more perceptually relevant design guidelines for critical listening environments, and indicate target criteria for control techniques used in room correction. The outcomes of this investigation will have repercussions on the design of better rooms for critical listening.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Sistema electrónico de controlo de temperatura da água para aplicações domésticas

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    Este artigo descreve um sistema que permite controlar a temperatura e regular o caudal das águas sanitárias num ambiente doméstico. O sistema tem como limite sete saídas independentes de caudal, substituindo as tradicionais torneiras mecânicas e manuais. A arquitectura do sistema está dividida em dois tipos de blocos: a interface com o utilizador (IU) e o bloco de controlo e regulação (CR). A IU é composta por um mostrador e por um teclado que permitem a interacção do utilizador com o sistema. O bloco de CR é constituído por um circuito electrónico que gere os módulos da IU e o sistema electromecânico. No controlo de temperatura é usado um controlador PID digital. A regulação do caudal de cada saída é efectuada de forma independente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Registador de dados para aplicações de baixo consumo

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    Este artigo descreve uma arquitectura de um registador de dados para aplicações de baixo consumo. São apresentados resultados experimentais sobre o desempenho do oscilador, que é um dos módulos do registador. São ainda apresentadas estimativas do consumo do registador e dos respectivos módulos. A autonomia e a estabilidade são os critérios de projecto mais relevantes de um registador de dados para aplicações de baixo consumo que exijam precisão temporal, por exemplo a sismologia oceânica.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Arquitectura para um registador de dados

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    A aquisição de dados é um procedimento utilizado em várias áreas. O presente trabalho tem como objectivo desenvolver um registador que armazena dados obtidos de uma ou mais fontes. Para esse efeito propõe-se uma arquitectura baseada num computador pessoal cujas dimensões e interface de expansão obedecem à norma industrial PC/104. Foi desenvolvida uma placa de aquisição para esta interface e foi utilizado o Linux como sistema operativo. Para cumprir os requisitos de tempo real do sistema utilizou-se o Real Time Linux, que corre o Linux como uma tarefa de baixa prioridade, permitindo usufruir de todos os seus serviços e funcionalidades. A aplicação que gere o registador e a interface de configuração foi programada em linguagem Java. Esta aplicação comunica com um módulo desenvolvido no espaço do Real Time Linux para efectuar o ciclo de aquisição, em determinados intervalos temporais pré-programados. Do ponto de vista do utilizador, a arquitectura interna do sistema tem por orientação as normas industriais existentes para instrumentos programáveis. A configuração do registador é efectuada remotamente via TCP/IP. Adicionalmente, e seguindo a tendência que existe para este tipo de aplicações, foram desenvolvidos gestores de dispositivo para a utilização com o programa LabVIEW.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using scale modelling to assess the prehistoric acoustics of stonehenge

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    With social rituals usually involving sound, an archaeological understanding of a site requires the acoustics to be assessed. This paper demonstrates how this can be done with acoustic scale models. Scale modelling is an established method in architectural acoustics, but it has not previously been applied to prehistoric monuments. The Stonehenge model described here allows the acoustics in the Late Neolithic and early Bronze Age to be quantified and the effects on musical sounds and speech to be inferred. It was found that the stone reflections create an average mid-frequency reverberation time of (0.64 ± 0.03) seconds and an amplification of (4.3 ± 0.9) dB for speech. The model has a more accurate representation of the prehistoric geometry, giving a reverberation time that is significantly greater than that measured in the current ruin and a full-size concrete replica at Maryhill, USA. The amplification could have aided speech communication and the reverberation improved musical sounds. How Stonehenge was used is much debated, but these results show that sounds were improved within the circle compared to outside. Stonehenge had different configurations, especially in terms of the positions of the bluestones. However, this made inaudible changes to the acoustics, suggesting sound is unlikely to be the underlying motivation for the various arrangements

    The Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS) ? Part 1: Model description and evaluation

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    International audienceWe introduce the Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS). CATT-BRAMS is an on-line transport model fully consistent with the simulated atmospheric dynamics. Emission sources from biomass burning and urban-industrial-vehicular activities for trace gases and aerosol particles are obtained from several published datasets and remote sensing information. The tracer and aerosol mass concentration prognostic includes the effects of sub-grid scale turbulence in the planetary boundary layer, convective transport by shallow and deep moist convection, wet and dry deposition, and plume rise associated with vegetation fires in addition to the grid scale transport. The radiation parameterization takes into account the interaction between aerosol particles and short and long wave radiation. The atmospheric model BRAMS is based on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), with several improvements associated with cumulus convection representation, soil moisture initialization and surface scheme tuned for the tropics, among others. In this paper the CATT-BRAMS model is used to simulate carbon monoxide and particulate material (PM2.5) surface fluxes and atmospheric transport during the 2002 LBA field campaigns, conducted during the transition from the dry to wet season in the southwest Amazon Basin. Model evaluation is addressed with comparisons between model results and near surface, radiosonde and airborne measurements performed during the field campaign, as well as remote sensing derived products. We show the matching of emissions strengths to observed carbon monoxide in the LBA campaign. A relatively good comparison to the MOPITT data, in spite of the fact that MOPITT a priori assumptions imply several difficulties, is also obtained
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