741 research outputs found

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Konversi Minyak Tanah Ke Gas

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    : This research is intended to find out which programme execution to gas conversion kerosene in the city of Peknabaru (a case study of village of Tuah Karya) and the factors that influence the implementation of any Convention program ground to gas oil. As for the benefits that can be taken from the results of this research would include, among others, first : to develop and enhance the ability to think through the application of the theory in the can author. The second : to add to the knowledge of the author about the implementation of the programme of conversion of kerosene into a gas, as a consideration and input for relevant agencies and as reference material for those who want to do research with the same topic or problem

    Economic Sustainability of Inner City Streets: A Collaborative Sustainable Asset Management Transportation System Model

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    The research team developed and created a sustainable asset management transportation system model, focusing on inner-city road conditions related to municipal asset allocation within three St. Louis, Missouri wards. To facilitate the research objectives, the team collaborated with Missouri constituents including the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), the City of St. Louis Street Department, local government officials, universities, and stakeholders. Selection criteria for roadways included roads, traffic, location, safety, utility, and demographics. A 45-block area was divided into six sections and roads were surveyed, photographed, and evaluated using The Transportation Engineers Association of Missouri’s Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating (PASER). Necessary street repairs and costs of each repair were calculated using global mapping technology and historical cost data. Since aldermen decide street asset allocations, costs were allocated to each city ward district. These assessments, which were based on a technology-driven model, should assist in the construction of future financial models based on a need projection to dollars spent ratio per fiscal year. It is expected that this economic model will be implemented in the St. Louis Metropolitan Region and replicated by similar municipalities

    Accounting Software Selection And Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis Of Vendor And User Perceptions

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    We comparatively analyze the accounting software selection, retention, and satisfaction perceptions of 43 accounting software vendors as compared to 57 accounting software users.  We identify key areas of agreement and disagreement between the groups. With respect to major factor categories, vendors rate vendor support significantly higher than users, while users rate functionality and compatibility significantly higher than vendors.  Key differences also exist with respect to vendor and user perceptions of the most important features present within the major categories. For instance, vendors and users rate ten of the fourteen components of functionality/capability significantly different.  Similar differences are found with respect to features in vendor stability and vendor support.  Vendors and users also differ in their perceptions as to why companies change software. By highlighting some of the key areas where vendors and users differ in their perceptions of important items, we hope to help bridge the gap between vendor efforts and user desires.  By knowing their customers better and focusing increased attention on areas that users value, we believe that vendors will be able to develop software that better fits user objectives and, in turn, improves user satisfaction

    Beam diagnostics for charge and position measurements in ELI-NP GBS

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    The advanced source of Gamma-ray photons to be built in Bucharest (Romania), as part of the ELI-NP European Research Infrastructure, will generate photons by Compton back-scattering in the collision between a multi-bunch electron beam and a high intensity recirculated laser pulse. An S-Band photoinjector and the following C-band Linac at a maximum energy of 720MeV, under construction by an European consortium (EurogammaS) led by INFN, will operate at 100Hz repetition rate with trains of 32 electron bunches, separated by 16ns and a 250pC nominal charge. The different BPMs and current transformers used to measure transverse beam position and charge along the LINAC are described. Design criteria, production status and bench test results of the charge and position pickups are reported in the paper, together with the related data acquisition systems


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    This study aimed to determine the differences in financial performance before and after the COVID-19 pandemic at PT. Media Nusantara Tbk for the 2018-2021 period. This study used quantitative research with financial ratios: Current Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Asset, Debt to Total Asset Ratio, and Total Asset Turnover. The data analysis method used was paired sample t-test. This study found that the current ratio after the Covid-19 pandemic is higher, with a larger average than before the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the Return on Assets before the Covid-19 pandemic was higher with a larger average than after the Covid-19 pandemic Total Asset Turnover was higher before the Covid-19 pandemic with a smaller average than after the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, the Debt to Equity was higher before the pandemic, and the Debt to Total Asset Ratio was higher with a smaller average than during the pandemic. In conclusion, there was no significant difference between the Current Ratio, Return on Asset, and Total Asset Turnover. However, there was a significant difference between the Debt to Total Asset Ratio and the Debt-to-Equity Ratio

    Is the Mbita trap a reliable tool for evaluating the density of anopheline vectors in the highlands of Madagascar?

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    BACKGROUND: One method of collecting mosquitoes is to use human beings as bait. This is called human landing collection and is a reference method for evaluating mosquito density per person. The Mbita trap, described by Mathenge et al in the literature, consists of an entry-no return device whereby humans are used as bait but cannot be bitten. We compared the Mbita trap and human landing collection in field conditions to estimate mosquito density and malaria transmission. METHODS: Our study was carried out in the highlands of Madagascar in three traditional villages, for 28 nights distributed over six months, with a final comparison between 448 men-nights for human landing and 84 men-nights for Mbita trap, resulting in 6,881 and 85 collected mosquitoes, respectively. RESULTS: The number of mosquitoes collected was 15.4 per human-night and 1.0 per trap-night, i.e. an efficiency of 0.066 for Mbita trap vs. human landing. The number of anophelines was 10.30 per human-night and 0.55 per trap-night, i.e. an efficiency of 0.053. This efficiency was 0.10 for indoor Anopheles funestus, 0.24 for outdoor An. funestus, and 0.03 for Anopheles arabiensis. Large and unexplained variations in efficiency were observed between villages and months. CONCLUSION: In the highlands of Madagascar with its unique, highly zoophilic malaria vectors, Mbita trap collection was poor and unreliable compared to human landing collections, which remains the reference method for evaluating mosquito density and malaria transmission. This conclusion, however, should not be extrapolated directly to other areas such as tropical Africa, where malaria vectors are consistently endophilic

    The Effect of Different Woods on the Quality of Smoked Catfish (Cryptoterus Bicirchis)

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    This research was intended to evaluate the effect of different woods on the quality ofsmoked catfish (Cryptoterus bicirchis). The fish weigthing ± 40 gram/fish was taken from thefisherman in Rokan Hilir. The fish was eviscerated and hot-smoked in smoke kiln with kandiswood (Garcinia xanthochymus), simpur wood (Dillenia sulfruticosa) and laban wood (Vitexpinnata). Smoked catfish was evaluated for sensory quality, phenol, acidity and pH. The resultshowed that the of smoked catfish smoked with kandis wood was the best in quality. Phenol,acidity and Ph value for the smoked catfish smoked with kandis wood was 6,30%, 3,51% and6,27 respectively; simpur wood was 3,68%, 2,19% and 6,40 respectively; and laban wood was3,99%, 2,36% and 6,48 respectivel

    Measurements and calibration of the stripline BPM for the ELI-NP facility with the stretched wire method

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    A methodology has been developed to perform electrical characterization of the stripline BPMs for the future Gamma Beam System of ELI Nuclear Physics facility in Romania. Several prototype units are extensively benchmarked and the results are presented in this paper. The BPM sensitivity function is determined using a uniquely designed motorized test bench with a stretched wire to measure the BPM response map. Here, the BPM feedthroughs are connected to Libera Brilliance electronics and the wire is fed by continuous wave signal, while the two software-controlled motors provide horizontal and vertical motion of the BPM around the wire. The electrical offset is obtained using S-parameter measurements with a Network Analyzer (via the “Lambertson” method) and is referenced to the mechanical offse

    Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Mahasiswa Akan Konsep-konsep Kimia Dengan Penerapkan Paduan Metode Demonstrasi Dan Metode Kooperatif Lt

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    . Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang efektivitas penerapan metode demonstrasi-kooperatif LT dalam pembelajaran matakuliah Kimia Dasar pada topik stoikhiometri dan kesetimbangan kimia. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji keefektifan paduan metode demonstrasi dan pendekatan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe LT dengan pembelajaran konvensional terhadap hasil belajar Kimia Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan menggunakan kelas kontrol (pembelajaran menggunakan metode konvensional) dan kelas eksperimen (menggunakan metode demonstrasi-kooperatif LT). Dari hasil penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa penerapan metode demontrasi-kooperatif tipe learning together (demonstrasi-kooperatif LT) dapat meningkatkan aktivitas yang ditunjukkan oleh terwujudnya persiapan belajar, partisipasi antar individu, partisipasi yang berkualitas, keseriusan, bekerja sama, saling ketergantungan positif, mengutamakan interaksi tatap muka/tidak individualistis, tanggungjawab individu, kemampuan memotivasi kelompok, kemampuan mengambil kesimpulan dari berbagai pendapat dalam kelompoknya. Secara kuantitatif nilai hasil belajar mahasiswa yang diajar dengan metode demonstrasi-kooperatif LT adalah sebesar 72,67 dan metode konvensional sebesar 61,19. Dari hasil uji statistik diperoleh bahwa t-hitung > t-tabel (a =0,05), sehingga Ho ditolak. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penel;itian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan keefektifan antara metode konvensional dan metode demonstrasi-kooperatif tipe LT dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan hasil belajar Kimia Dasa
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