149 research outputs found

    The Effect of Consumer Confusion Proneness on Word of Mouth, Trust, and Customer Satisfaction

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    High-tech products (such as smartphones, notebooks, and tablets) have been characterized as beingincreasingly similar between brands, having too many slightly different choices, and providing complexinformation. In buying these products, many consumers fi nd it diffi cult to differentiate between brands, evaluateover alternatives, and make a good purchase decision. Such situation is known as consumer confusionphenomenon. Previous studies have revealed that consumer confusion is becoming a problem for bothconsumers and marketers. However, the topic still needs further examination, especially in the context of adeveloping country.The present study aims to examine consumers’ general tendency to become confused and its effect onword of mouth, trust and consumer satisfaction. The product context is smartphones, while the sample consistsof 150 university students who had experiences in using or buying smartphones. Nine research hypotheseswere tested using multiple regression analyses. The results indicate that only two of the three consumerconfusion dimensions (i.e. similarity confusion and overload confusion) have signifi cant negative impacts onword of mouth, trust and consumer satisfaction. The other dimension (i.e. ambiguity confusion) was found tohave insignifi cant impacts on the three dependent variables

    Modernity's Victims The dilemma of Palestine

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    Instead of focusing on the details of the current crisis in Palestine, it is important to think broadly about the global implications of this problem. The main observation made in the following is that the Palestinian crisis exposes the deficiencies of the modern international order and the limits of modernity at large. The implications of such an observation reach far beyond Palestine to include almost all the communities that do not neatly meet modernity's requisites

    An Analysis of Delusion on Jake in I’m Thinking of Ending Things Film

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    This research discusses the delusion of the character Jake, as seen in the film I'm Thinking of Ending Things. This study aims to identify the types of delusions and the causes of delusions by Jaimie Leeser and William O'Donohue. The theory of delusions is used to identify the types of delusions experienced by Jake and the causes of delusion in the film. This study also uses the theory of character and characterization by Dennis W. Petrie and Joseph M. Boggs to describe how the types and causes of delusions are depicted in the character Jake, who suffers delusions. This study uses qualitative methods as research methods. This study shows that there are three types of delusions experienced Jake’s character in the film. The delusions depicted in the film are erotomania where Jake believes he has a relationship; persecutory delusions when Jake feels someone is watching them make him harmed and angry, and grandiose delusions that he believed he had a unique ability and found something new in his world until he gets the Nobel medallion and everyone recognizes and appreciates him. The causes of delusions are also depicted in the film which is environmental causes such that Jake is portrayed as a lonely person and always bullied at school and genetic causes from Jake's father who has a history of Dementia which was passed down to Jake. Delusions in the film have an important role in the plot of the story to distinguish delusion and reality to make the audience understand what happened in this film.Key words: delusion, character, causes of delusion


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    Prediksi kinerja siswa banyak diteliti oleh peneliti-peneliti dunia khususnya di bidang pendidikandan data mining. Prediksi kinerja siswa pada beberapa penelitian pasti tidak lepas dari metode datamining khususnya metode klasifikasi. Maraknya penelitian tentang kinerja siswa karena dataset yangdigunakan yaitu dataset pendidikan yang mana pasti memiliki kapasitas yang besar dan terdapat beberapayang belum terolah dengan baik. Dari penelitian prediksi kinerja siswa, terdapat beberapa permasalahanyaitu belum teridentifikasinya secara baik tren penelitian, metode, dataset, dan atribut dalam prediksikelulusan siswa. Tren penelitian tentang prediksi kinerja siswa yang ada masih belum cukup untukmengetahui tingkat popularitas dari penelitian prediksi kinerja siswa dan masih lemahnya identifikasimengenai metode, dataset dan atribut yang sering digunakan dan terbaik. Kurangnya analisis tersebutmenjadikan systematics literature review ini jawaban untuk mengetahui tren penelitian prediksi kinerjasiswa serta metode, dataset, dan atribut apa saja yang digunakan dalam prediksi kinerja siswa. Darisystematics literature review ini didapatkan hasil analisis berupa tren penelitian yaitu tren tahun penelitiandan tren negara penelitian serta hasil analisis berupa metode, dataset, dan atribut yang sering digunakandan terbaik dalam prediksi kinerja siswa.Kata Kunci: Systematic Literature Review, Kinerja Siswa, Data Mining, Dataset Pendidikan, TrenPenelitia

    Pengaruh Aktivitas Guru Dalam Mgmp Dan Profesionalisme Guru Terhadap Gaya Mengajar (Guru Ekonomi SMA) Di Banjarnegara Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah : (1) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh aktivitas guru dalm MGMP terhadap gaya mengajar ekonomi SMA di Banjarnegara. (2) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh profesionalisme guru terhadap gaya mengajar guru ekonomi SMA di Banjarnegara. (3) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh aktivitas guru dalam MGMP dan Profesionalisme guru Terhadap gaya mengajar guru ekonomi SMA di Banjarnegara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran ekonomi pada Gugus VIII Banjarnegara yang berjumlah 35 orang. Teknik pengumpiulan data menggunakan metode dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil analisis regresi bergan dan memperoleh persamaan Y= 8,756 + 0,4791X1 + 0,326X2. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini adalah : (1) Aktivitas guru dalam MGMP berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Gaya mengajar guru ekonomi SMA dengan nilai thitung>ttabel = 4,250>2.037 pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. (2) Profesionalisme guru berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Gaya mengajar guru ekonomi SMA dengan nilai thitung>ttabel = 2,506>2.037 pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. (3) Aktivitas guru dalam MGMP dan Profesionalisme guru berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap Gaya mengajar guru ekonomi SMA dengan nilai Fhitung>Ftabel = 16,053>3.295 pada taraf signifikansi 0,05. Hasil perhitungan R² sebesar 50,1% sedangkan 49,9% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. Variabel Aktivitas guru adalah MGMP memberikan sumbangan Efektif 34,9% dan sumbangan Relatif 69,7% terhadap gaya mengajar guru ekonomi SMA. Profesionalsme guru memberikan sumbangan Efektif 15,2% dan sumbangan relatif 30,3% terhadap gaya mengajar guru ekonomi SMA


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    DENSITY POPULATION ESTIMATION OF BEAR CUSCUS (Ailurops ursinus) In TANGKOKO BATUANGUS NATURE RESERVE BITUNG CITY. The purpose of this study to determine the number of Bear cuscus density estimation (A.ursinus) in Tangkoko Nature Reserve in wildlife conservation programe. This study conducted in Tangkoko Nature Reserve Batuangus for 3 months from 1st August  through 31st October 2015. The variable of this study are about: density population, estimation of density population, and vegetation, by using observation methods and Line Transect Animal Sampling Technique (NRC, 1981). This study use four transects, that consist of : A = 1736m, B = 1724m, C = 1620m, D = 1620m and the spread of observation area in each lines is about 100m. The results showed, there has been increase the density population of Bear cuscus in Tangkoko about 213.85% compared with the results of previous studies which totaled 53.13/km2 became 166.75/km2. Bear cuscus population estimation (A. ursinus) in Tangkoko Nature Reserve is increased to 213.85% or forecasts twice a few years earlier. Increasing population density Bear cuscus in Tangkoko Nature Reserve is because the carrying capacity of the habitat has improved and stabel and because of the socialization of management konservation (habitat, wild animal/fauna endemik) has been done in some likes research, training, dissemination to the public and the outreach community by WCS, field courses, WWF, Macacanigra Project, etc. and Local organizations in the field of conservation (nature lovers, your community, etc.). Keywords: Density, Population, Bear Cuscus (A. ursinus
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