1,870 research outputs found

    Spectral studies of some hydroxy-derivatives of anthraquinones

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    The u.v., visible, and i.r. spectra of several hydroxy-anthraquinones are discussed and the bands are assigned. These bands are compared with those of anthracene and anthraquinone. The band at 207 nm. is assigned to a n-sigma* transition; the bands at 252, 272, and 326 nm. are assigned by measuring spectra in solvents of various polarities. The stability constant for the 12-dihydroxyanthraquinone-ethanol complex is obtained

    Protective effect of zinc against cadmium toxicity on pregnant rats and their fetuses at morphological, physiological and molecular level

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    Cadmium is a potent teratogen in laboratory animals, causing exencephaly when administered at early stages of development. Due to its heterogenicity with respect to molecular targets, the mechanisms behind cadmium toxicity are not well understood. In the present study, 40 pregnant rats (Sprague-Dawley) were divided into four groups (10 each); first group served as the control (G1), the second group (G2) received 61.3 mg/kg cadmium chloride daily from 7th to 16th day of gestation (organogenesis period) by oral tube. Group 3 (G3) was administrated a solution of 25 mg/kg zinc chloride orally from the 1st day to 20th day of pregnancy. Group 4 were administrated a solution of cadmium chloride (61.3 mg/kg) and zinc chloride (25 mg /kg) daily from the 7th to16th day of gestation. Maternal body weights were measured on gestational day 0, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 20. At the 20th day of gestation, blood samples were collected from the eye, using orbital sinus technique. Serum aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) were determined calorimetrically and serum, urea and creatinine were determined. All of the pregnant rats were sacrificed by ether anaesthesia at the 20th day of gestation and foetuses were removed from the uterus. The implantation sites, corpora lutea, living, dead and reabsorbed foetuses were counted and recorded. Liver of pregnant rats and their fetuses were used to isolate a total RNA for quantification of Msx1, Cx43, Bcl2 and Bax genes. The results show the toxic effect of Cd on the pregnant rats and their fetuses, at morphological, physiological and molecular level but, zinc has a very effective protection against cadmium-induced developmental toxicity.Keywords: Cadmium, zinc, rat, organogenesis, gene expressionAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(16), pp. 2110-211

    Investigating the Use of Effective Microorganisms for the Restoration of Benghazi Lake

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    Surface water quality monitoring is an important tool for enhancing water quality. Benghazi Lake is suffering water quality degradation due to the various levels of pollutants generated from different contaminated sources. The use of effective microorganisms (EM) for treatment of Benghazi Lake was applied in this study to decrease the level of organic pollutant in the lake. Six points were selected for the study area; laboratory analyses were conducted to determine the values and concentrations of organic pollutants (DO, COD, TSS, TN, TP) before and after adding EM with different concentrations (1gm/l, 5gm/l, 10gm/l, 15gm/l and 20g/l) to the collected wastewater samples from the lake. The tested parameters were measured at intervals of 1, 3, 5 and, 7 days from adding EM to the sample. The concentrations of DO decreased significantly, as the added EM increased whereas all the pollutant levels increased

    Investigation of Inhibition Effect of Acrylic acid on C-Steel Corrosion in Sulfuric Acid Solutions

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    Acrylic acid was tested as a corrosion inhibitor for C-steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 using gasometry, weight loss, and galvanostatic polarization techniques. Polymeric film is built up by cyclic voltammetry technique. The potentiodynamic polarization is used to examine the inhibition effect with the coated polymeric film. The data obtained from the different techniques coincide in that acrylic acid is a good mixed-type inhibitor. The inhibition process is based on the adsorption of acrylic acid on the surface of C-steel according to Temkin’s adsorption isotherm. The inhibition efficiency increases with inhibitor concentration and decreases with temperature. The thermodynamic parameters ΔE, ΔH*, ΔS*, and ΔG*ads were calculated to elaborate the mechanism of corrosion inhibition

    Innovative Method for enhancing Key generation and management in the AES-algorithm

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    With the extraordinary maturity of data exchange in network environments and increasing the attackers capabilities, information security has become the most important process for data storage and communication. In order to provide such information security the confidentiality, data integrity, and data origin authentication must be verified based on cryptographic encryption algorithms. This paper presents a development of the advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm, which is considered as the most eminent symmetric encryption algorithm. The development focuses on the generation of the integration between the developed AES based S-Boxes, and the specific selected secret key generated from the quantum key distribution.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1503.0479

    Performance comparison of selection nanoparticles for insulation of three core belted power cables

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    This paper presents an investigation on the enhancement of electrical insulations of power cables materials using a new multi-nanoparticles technique. It has been studied the effect of adding specified types and concentrations of nanoparticles to polymeric materials such as PVC for controlling on electric and dielectric performance. Prediction of effective dielectric constant has been done for the new nanocomposites based on Interphase Power Law (IPL) model. The multi-nanoparticles technique has been succeeded for enhancing electric and dielectric performance of power cables insulation compared with adding individual nanoparticles. Finally, it has been investigated on electric field distribution in the new proposed modern insulations for three-phase core belted power cables. This research has focused on studying development of PVC nanocomposite materials performance with electric field distribution superior to the unfilled matrix, and has stressed particularly the effect of filler volume fraction on the electric field distribution

    Effects of Cannabis sativa extract on haloperidol-induced catalepsy and oxidative stress in the mice

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    Haloperidol is a classic antipsychotic drug known for its propensity to cause extrapyramidal symptoms due to blockade of dopamine D2 receptors in the striatum. Interest in medicinal uses of cannabis is growing. Cannabis sativa has been suggested as a possible adjunctive in treatment of Parkinson's disease. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of repeated administration of an extract of Cannabis sativa on catalepsy and brain oxidative stress induced by haloperidol administration in mice. Cannabis extract was given by subcutaneous route at 5, 10 or 20 mg/kg (expressed as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol) once daily for 18 days and the effect on haloperidol (1 mg/kg, i.p.)-induced catalepsy was examined at selected time intervals using the bar test. Mice were euthanized 18 days after starting cannabis injection when biochemical assays were carried out. Malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione (GSH) and nitric oxide (the concentrations of nitrite/nitrate) were determined in brain and liver. In saline-treated mice, no catalepsy was observed at doses of cannabis up to 20 mg/kg. Mice treated with haloperidol at the dose of 1 mg/kg, exhibited significant cataleptic response. Mice treated with cannabis and haloperidol showed significant decrease in catalepsy duration, compared with the haloperidol only treated group. This decrease in catalepsy duration was evident on days 1-12 after starting cannabis injection. Later the effect of cannabis was not ap-parent. The administration of only cannabis (10 or 20 mg/kg) decreased brain MDA by 17.5 and 21.8 %, respectively. The level of nitric oxide decreased by 18 % after cannabis at 20 mg/kg. Glucose in brain decreased by 20.1 % after 20 mg/kg of cannabis extract. The administration of only haloperidol increased MDA (22.2 %), decreased GSH (25.7 %) and increased brain nitric oxide by 44.1 %. The administration of cannabis (10 or 20 mg/kg) to haloperidol-treated mice resulted in a significant decrease in brain MDA and nitric oxide as well as a significant increase in GSH and glucose compared with the haloperidol-control group. Cannabis had no significant effects on liver MDA, GSH, nitric oxide in saline or haloperidol-treated mice. It is concluded that cannabis improves catalepsy induced by haloperidol though the effect is not maintained on repeated cannabis administration. Cannabis alters the oxidative status of the brain in favor of reducing lipid peroxidation, but reduces brain glucose, which would impair brain energetics

    Extensions of Weak PS-Rings

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    In this paper, we prove that, under mild conditions, if R is a right weak PS-ring, then so does the skew inverse power series ring R[[x−1;α,δ]], the skew generalized power series ring R[[S,ω]], and the differential inverse power series ring R[[x−1;δ]]