25 research outputs found

    The barite ore deposits of Bou Ouzzal (Moroccan Hercynian Massif-Central)

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    The deposit of Bou Ouzzal’s barite is located in the eastern extreme of the Moroccan Hercynian Massif- Central, to approximately 7 km to the south of Khénifra. The mineralization occurs in the paleozoic schists and late Visean limestones. The barite appears in the shape of veins and karst associated with oxides and iron hydroxides. This deposit is distinguished by his great heterogeneity and the variability of his composition. In spite of the fact that the region has been an object of numbers mining works from 1922, date in which the deposit was discovered, the analytical studies are scarce and half-close to the mineralization. The aim of the present note is concentrated on the detailed description of the different generations of barite, his distribution and relation with the iron’s minerals. The samples have been studied by polarizing microscopy, SEM, XRD, XRF and EPMA. This work is the preliminary result of the collaboration established between the University Mohammed VAgdal and the University Complutense of Madrid within the framework of the Spanish-Moroccan Intervarsity Cooperation’s program of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation «AECI

    Cartografía de riesgo de inundaciones por ríos caudalosos mediante modelos hidráulicos y SIG: caso de Oued El Harrach (Norte de Argelia)

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    Revista oficial de la Asociación Española de Teledetección[EN] The aim of the present study is the management of flood risk through the use of cartography of flood hazards by overflowing rivers. This cartography is developed using modern simulation tools namely the hydraulic model (HECRAS) as well as the Geographic Information System (ArcGis). The study concerns Oued El Harrach (North of Algeria) surrounding area which has been subject to several floods causing significant human and material damage. This loss is a consequence of the use flood zones as habitats for people. This can be avoided in the future by use the mapping of the spatial extent of the flood hazard on the land of the Oued El Harrach. Hence the importance of the cartography developed in this study as an essential tool for decision makers in prevention, protection and management of flood risks.[ES] El objeto de este estudio es la gestión del riesgo de inundaciones mediante el uso de cartografía de riesgo de inundaciones por ríos caudalosos. La cartografía se obtiene mediante aplicaciones de simulación modernas, como el modelo hidráulico (HEC- RAS) y la aplicación informática de Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) ArcGis. El estudio se aplica en los alrededores de Oued El Harrach (norte de Argelia), objeto de varias inundaciones que han generado pérdidas humanas y materiales considerables. Estas pérdidas son consecuencia del uso de zonas inundables como zonas residenciales, pudiendo evitarse en el futuro en la zona de Oued El Harrach con la ayuda de cartografía del alcance espacial de los riesgos de inundación. Por ello la importancia de la cartografía desarrollada en este estudio como herramienta esencial para los gestores en prevención y protección en materia de riesgos de inundacionesAstite, SW.; Medjerab, A.; Belabid, N.; El Mahmouhi, N.; El Wartiti, M.; Kemmou, S. (2015). Cartography of flood hazard by overflowing rivers using hydraulic modeling and geographic information system: Oued El Harrach case (North of Algeria). Revista de Teledetección. (44):67-79. doi:10.4995/raet.2015.3985.SWORD677944Bailly, A., Ferras, R., Pumain, D. 1995. Encyclopédie de Géographie. Paris:Economica.Bordet, J. 2007. L'eau dans son environnement rural. Assainissement des agglomérations. Paris: Johanet.Bravard, J.P., Petit, F. 1997. Les cours d'eau. Dynamique du système fluvial. Paris: Armand Colin.Dauphine, A. 2005. Risques et catastrophes: observer, spatialiser, comprendre et gérer. Paris: Armand Colin.Lamarrad, D. 2005. Les risques climatiques. Paris: Berlin

    Los yacimientos de baritina de Bou Ouzzal (Macizo Central HercĂ­nico, Marruecos)

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    The deposit of Bou Ouzzal’s barite is located in the eastern extreme of the Moroccan Hercynian Massif- Central, to approximately 7 km to the south of Khénifra. The mineralization occurs in the paleozoic schists and late Visean limestones. The barite appears in the shape of veins and karst associated with oxides and iron hydroxides. This deposit is distinguished by his great heterogeneity and the variability of his composition. In spite of the fact that the region has been an object of numbers mining works from 1922, date in which the deposit was discovered, the analytical studies are scarce and half-close to the mineralization. The aim of the present note is concentrated on the detailed description of the different generations of barite, his distribution and relation with the iron’s minerals. The samples have been studied by polarizing microscopy, SEM, XRD, XRF and EPMA. This work is the preliminary result of the collaboration established between the University Mohammed VAgdal and the University Complutense of Madrid within the framework of the Spanish-Moroccan Intervarsity Cooperation’s program of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation «AECI»

    Landscape Units, Geomorphosites and Geodiversity of the Ifrane-Azrou regione (Middle Atlas, Morocco

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    The concept of geomorphosites is relatively recent (PANIZZA, 2001), finding application in many European nations, but in Africa much research on geomorphological heritage has still to be done. The research group has started studying landscape units, geomorphology, geomorphosites and geological heritage in different North-African regions, with the aim of drawing thematic geomorphological maps. The choice of these arguments as main objectives of this research is determined by the absolute lack of specific researches on these topics in Morocco. Furthermore, the very interesting landscapes, very rich in geological and geomorphological sites, deserve to be better known, safeguarded and valorised. This research has allowed to realise the first example of Landscape and Geomorphosites Map in Morocco, compiled for the area of Ifrane and Azrou in the Middle Atlas (Central Morocco). This region is already inserted in the classical tourist routes that connect Fes and Meknès with the South of Morocco and this fact, together with its geological and geomorphological variety, has suggested its selection for this type of applied research. The research carried out by means of the analysis of airborne- and satellite images and direct field observations have brought to the recognition of 14 landscape units in which 42 geomorphosites have been selected. These geomorphosites comprise springs, karst landforms (polje, dolines, caves, sinkholes, stone forests, cryptokarstic dolines), carbonate depositional landforms (travertines and waterfalls), fluvial landforms (meanders, canyons, palaeo-valleys, etc.), structural landforms (triangular facets, hogbacks, cuestas, residual outcrops, etc.), volcanic landforms (volcanoes, caldeira, pyroclastic cones, lava tube) and two geo-botanical sites. The results of this research have been summarised in a geomorphological map, representing the various landscape units and the geomorphosites, and comprises a proposal for the valorisation of the geomorphological heritage by means of six itineraries. The Map, constructed upon a Landsat ETM+ image, is completed with some geological sketch maps and sections and several photographs of the geomorphosites with their scientific explanation

    Carta dei geomorfositi e della geodiversita\u2019 nella regione d\u2019Ifrane-Azrou (Medio Atlante, Marocco)

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    Questo lavoro ha consentito di realizzare una Carta dei Geomorfositi dell\u2019area di Azrou-Ifrane nel Medio Atlante, elaborata su un\u2019immagine Landsat ETM+. La Carta riassume le conoscenze sulle valenze geomorfologiche di questo interessante e suggestivo territorio classificate con criteri scientifici ma allo stesso tempo in maniera semplice e chiara, e pu\uf2 fungere da base per ulteriori ricerche in quest\u2019ambito in altre aree marocchine