61 research outputs found

    Nanoplasmonic Renormalization and Enhancement of Coulomb Interactions

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    Nanostructured plasmonic metal systems are known to enhance greatly variety of radiative and nonradiative optical processes, both linear and nonlinear, which are due to the interaction of an electron in a molecule or semiconductor with the enhanced local optical field of the surface plasmons. Principally different are numerous many-body phenomena that are due to the Coulomb interaction between charged particles: carriers (electrons and holes) and ions. These include carrier-carrier or carrier-ion scattering, energy and momentum transfer (including the drag effect), thermal equilibration, exciton formation, impact ionization, Auger effects, etc. It is not widely recognized that these and other many-body effects can also be modified and enhanced by the surface-plasmon local fields. A special but extremely important class of such many-body phenomena is constituted by chemical reactions at metal surfaces, including catalytic reactions. Here, we propose a general and powerful theory of the plasmonic enhancement of the many-body phenomena resulting in a closed expression for the surface plasmon-dressed Coulomb interaction. We illustrate this theory by computing this dressed interaction explicitly for an important example of metal-dielectric nanoshells, which exhibits a reach resonant behavior in both the magnitude and phase. This interaction is used to describe the nanoplasmonic-enhanced Foerster energy transfer between nanocrystal quantum dots in the proximity of a plasmonic nanoshell. Catalysis at nanostructured metal surfaces, nonlocal carrier scattering and surface-enhanced Raman scattering are discussed among other effects and applications where the nanoplasmonic renormalization of the Coulomb interaction may be of principal importance

    Energy transfer between a biological labelling dye and gold nanorods

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    We have demonstrated energy transfer between a biological labelling dye (Alexa Fluor 405) and gold nanorods experimentally and theoretically. The fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and density matrix method are used to study a hybrid system of dye and nanorods under one- and two-photon excitations. Energy transfer between dye and nanorods via the dipole–dipole interaction is found to cause a decrease in the fluorescence lifetime change. Enhanced energy transfer from dye to nanorods is measured in the presence of an increased density of nanorods. This study has potential applications in fluorescence lifetime-based intra-cellular sensing of bio-analytes as well as nuclear targeting cancer therap

    Controlling light-with-light without nonlinearity

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    According to Huygens' superposition principle, light beams traveling in a linear medium will pass though one another without mutual disturbance. Indeed, it is widely held that controlling light signals with light requires intense laser fields to facilitate beam interactions in nonlinear media, where the superposition principle can be broken. We demonstrate here that two coherent beams of light of arbitrarily low intensity can interact on a metamaterial layer of nanoscale thickness in such a way that one beam modulates the intensity of the other. We show that the interference of beams can eliminate the plasmonic Joule losses of light energy in the metamaterial or, in contrast, can lead to almost total absorbtion of light. Applications of this phenomenon may lie in ultrafast all-optical pulse-recovery devices, coherence filters and THz-bandwidth light-by-light modulators

    Ultrafast nano-focusing with full optical waveform control

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    The spatial confinement and temporal control of an optical excitation on nanometer length scales and femtosecond time scales has been a long-standing challenge in optics. It would provide spectroscopic access to the elementary optical excitations in matter on their natural length and time scales and enable applications from ultrafast nano-opto-electronics to single molecule quantum coherent control. Previous approaches have largely focused on using surface plasmon polariton (SPP) resonant nanostructures or SPP waveguides to generate nanometer localized excitations. However, these implementations generally suffer from mode mismatch between the far-field propagating light and the near-field confinement. In addition, the spatial localization in itself may depend on the spectral phase and amplitude of the driving laser pulse thus limiting the degrees of freedom available to independently control the nano-optical waveform. Here we utilize femtosecond broadband SPP coupling, by laterally chirped fan gratings, onto the shaft of a monolithic noble metal tip, leading to adiabatic SPP compression and localization at the tip apex. In combination with spectral pulse shaping with feedback on the intrinsic nonlinear response of the tip apex, we demonstrate the continuous micro- to nano-scale self-similar mode matched transformation of the propagating femtosecond SPP field into a 20 nm spatially and 16 fs temporally confined light pulse at the tip apex. Furthermore, with the essentially wavelength and phase independent 3D focusing mechanism we show the generation of arbitrary optical waveforms nanofocused at the tip. This unique femtosecond nano-torch with high nano-scale power delivery in free space and full spectral and temporal control opens the door for the extension of the powerful nonlinear and ultrafast vibrational and electronic spectroscopies to the nanoscale.Comment: Contains manuscript with 4 figures as well as supplementary material with 2 figure

    Value-Chain Wide Food Waste Management: A Systematic Literature Review

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    © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The agriculture value chain, from farm to fork, has received enormous attention because of its key role in achieving United Nations Global Challenges Goals. Food waste occurs in many different forms and at all stages of the food value chain, it has become a worldwide issue that requires urgent actions. However, the management of food waste has been traditionally segmented and in an isolated manner. This paper reviews existing work that has been done on food waste management in literature by taking a holistic approach, in order to identify the causes of food waste, food waste prevention strategies, and elicit recommendations for future work. A five step systematic literature review has been adopted for a thorough examination of the existing research on the topic and new insights have been obtained. The findings suggest that the main sources of food waste include food overproduction and surplus, food waste caused by processing, logistical inconsistencies, and households. Main food waste prevention strategies have been revealed in this paper include policy solutions, packaging solutions, date-labelling solutions, logistics solutions, changing consumers’ behaviours, and reuse and redistribution solutions. Future research directions such as using value chain models to reduce food waste and forecasting food waste have been identified in this paper. This study makes a contribution to the extant literature in the field of food waste management by discovering main causes of food waste in the value chain and eliciting prevention strategies that can be used to reduce/eliminate relevant food waste

    The future of resilient supply chains

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    While supply chain resilience has been touched upon frequently, research remains (with the exception of often repeated anecdotal examples) relatively disparate on what disruptions actually are. This research aims to advance theoretical and managerial understandings around the management of supply chain disruptions. A two-stage research process is used which focuses first on polling academic experts. This stage is followed by the extraction of insights from practitioners in the automotive, electronics and food industries. Our findings coalesce around: (1) the types of disruptions that respondents are most concerned about; (2) the associated strategies suggested to cope with disruptions; and, (3) how resilience can be measured. It is apparent that there are some areas where academics and practitioners agree and others where they agree to a lesser extent. Both sets of actors tend to agree on how resilience can be quantified, with recovery time the preferred indicator. However, there is a discrepancy around how resilience is achieved within the supply chain. Academics emphasise the importance of redundancy while practitioners refer more to flexibility. Also, they disagree around what constitutes “key disruptions”: academics suggested high-profile events, while practitioners are more concerned with day-to-day problems
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