192 research outputs found

    High frequencies of PMN-MDSCs are associated with low suppressive capacity in advanced stages of HIV-1 infection

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    Background Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cells (PMN-MDSCs) are an immature cell type that inhibits the effector functions of T lymphocytes in chronic HIV infection. A well-known immunological feature of the disease course is the development of immune exhaustion, which is correlated with excessive immune activation in late-stage disease. Here, we hypothesized that immune exhaustion would also affect PMN-MDSCs in late-stage HIV-1 infection. Methods We evaluated untreated chronically HIV-infected patients (progressors, n = 10) and control groups (controllers, patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma and healthy controls, n = 16) with regard to levels of PMN-MDSCs and their inhibitory potential. Additionally, we studied CD8 T cell effector functions (interferon-gamma, TNF alpha, IL-2 and CD107) and parameters of CD8 T cell activation (CD38 and HLA-DR) and exhaustion (PD-1 and LAG-3) by flow cytometry. Plasma inflammation markers analyzed here were IL-6, IL-8, soluble CD14, highly sensitive CRP, and cystatin C. Results Coincubation experiments with isolated PMN-MDSCs led to a significant inhibition of CD8 T cell proliferation (p < 0.0001), with a significant correlation between PMN-MDSC frequency and suppressive capacity: the higher the frequency of PMN-MDSCs was, the lower the suppressive capacity (rho = 0.51, p = 0.0082). Stratifying all study subjects into subgroups with PMN-MDSC frequencies above or below 2.5% resulted in a significantly increased suppressive capacity in patients with frequencies below 2.5% (p = 0.021). While there was no correlation with the cellular activation markers CD38 and HLA-DR, high IL-8 levels were significantly associated with high PMN-MDSC frequencies (rho = 0.52, p = 0.0074) and low suppressive capacity (rho = 0.47, p = 0.019). Conclusions In this study, we demonstrate for the first time that PMN-MDSCs show limited effector functions in advanced disease stages of HIV infection. The hyperactive immune state is associated with this loss of function. However, we show an association with the proinflammatory cytokine IL-8, which is an important factor for the migration and adhesion of polymorphonuclear cells

    Gag-protease coevolution analyses define novel structural surfaces in the HIV-1 matrix and capsid involved in resistance to Protease Inhibitors

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    Despite the major role of Gag in establishing resistance of HIV-1 to protease inhibitors (PIs), very limited data are available on the total contribution of Gag residues to resistance to PIs. To identify in detail Gag residues and structural interfaces associated with the development of HIV-1 resistance to PIs, we traced viral evolution under the pressure of PIs using Gag-protease single genome sequencing and coevolution analysis of protein sequences in 4 patients treated with PIs over a 9-year period. We identified a total of 38 Gag residues correlated with the protease, 32 of which were outside Gag cleavage sites. These residues were distributed in 23 Gag-protease groups of coevolution, with the viral matrix and the capsid represented in 87% and 52% of the groups. In addition, we uncovered the distribution of Gag correlated residues in specific protein surfaces of the inner face of the viral matrix and at the Cyclophilin A binding loop of the capsid. In summary, our findings suggest a tight interdependency between Gag structural proteins and the protease during the development of resistance of HIV-1 to PIs

    Constraints on HIV-1 evolution and immunodominance revealed in monozygotic adult twins infected with the same virus

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    The predictability of virus–host interactions and disease progression in rapidly evolving human viral infections has been difficult to assess because of host and genetic viral diversity. Here we examined adaptive HIV-specific cellular and humoral immune responses and viral evolution in adult monozygotic twins simultaneously infected with the same virus. CD4 T cell counts and viral loads followed similar trajectories over three years of follow up. The initial CD8 T cell response targeted 17 epitopes, 15 of which were identical in each twin, including two immunodominant responses. By 36 months after infection, 14 of 15 initial responses were still detectable in both, whereas all new responses were subdominant and remained so. Of four responses that declined in both twins, three demonstrated mutations at the same residue. In addition, the evolving antibody responses cross-neutralized the other twin's virus, with similar changes in the pattern of evolution in the envelope gene. These results reveal considerable concordance of adaptive cellular and humoral immune responses and HIV evolution in the same genetic environment, suggesting constraints on mutational pathways to HIV immune escape

    Particular Characterisation of an In-Vitro-DTH Test to Monitor Cellular Immunity - Applications for Patient Care and Space Flight

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    Goal:i) Characterization of the role of the main immune reactive cell types contributing to the cellular immune response in the in-vitro DTH and ii) Validation of the in-vitro DTH under different clinical and field conditions. Methods:As positive control whole blood was incubated in the in-vitro DTH, supernatants were gathered after 12, 24 and 48h. Readout parameters of this test are cytokines in the assay's supernatant. To determine the role of T-cells, monocytes and natural killer (NK), these cell populations were depleted using magnetic beads prior to in-vitro-DTH incubation. Validation of the test has occurred under clinical (HIV-patients, ICU) and field-conditions (parabolic/space-flights, confinement). Results:T-cell depletion abandoned almost any IL-2 production and reduced IFN-gamma production irrespective of the type of antigen, whereas CD56 depleted cultures tended to lower IL-2 secretion and IFN-gamma and to parallel a IL-10-increase after viral challenge. This IL-10-increase was seen also in CD14-depleted setups. DTH read-out was significantly different under acute stress (parabolic flight) or chronic stress (ISS), respectively. Preliminary data of HIV infected patients demonstrate that this test can display the contemporary immune status during an antiviral therapy. Conclusion:The in-vitro DTH mirrors adaptive and innate immune activation and may serve as tool also for longitudinal follow up of Th1/Th2 weighed immune response under adverse life conditions on earth and in space. It is planned to implement the assay in the on the ISS (MoCISS)

    Management of venous thrombosis in fibular free osseomusculocutaneous flaps used for mandibular reconstruction: clinical techniques and treatment considerations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mandibular reconstruction by means of fibula transplants is the standard therapy for severe bone loss after subtotal mandibulectomy. Venous failure still represents the most common complication in free flap surgery. We present the injection of heparine into the arterial pedicle as modification of the revising both anastomoses in these cases and illustrate the application with a clinical case example.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Methods consist of immediate revision surgery with clot removal, heparin perfusion by direct injection in the arterial vessel of the pedicle, subsequent high dose low-molecular weight heparin therapy, and leeches. After 6 hours postoperatively, images of early flap recovery show first sings of recovery by fading livid skin color.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The application of this technique in a patient with venous thrombosis resulted in the complete recovery of the flap 60 hours postoperatively. Other cases achieved similar success without additional lysis Therapy or revision of the arterial anastomosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Rescue of fibular flaps is possible even in patients with massive thrombosis if surgical revision is done quickly.</p

    Treatment intensification in HIV-infected Patients is associated With reduced Frequencies of regulatory T cells

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    In untreated HIV infection, the efficacy of T cell responses decreases over the disease course, resulting in disease progression. The reasons for this development are not completely understood. However, immunosuppressive cells are supposedly crucially involved. Treatment strategies to avoid the induction of these cells preserve immune functions and are therefore the object of intense research efforts. In this study, we assessed the effect of treatment intensification [= 5-drug antiretroviral therapy (ART)] on the development of suppressive cell subsets. The New Era (NE) study recruited patients with primary HIV infection (PHI) or chronically HIV-infected patients with conventional ART (CHI) and applied an intensified 5-drug regimen containing maraviroc and raltegravir for several years. We compared the frequencies of the immune suppressive cells, namely, the myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), regulatory B cells (Bregs), and regulatory T cells (Tregs), of the treatment intensification patients to the control groups, especially to the patients with conventional 3-drug ART, and analyzed the Gag/Nef-specific CD8 T cell responses. There were no differences between PHI and CHI in the NE population (p > 0.11) for any of the studied cell types. Polymorphonuclear myeloid-derived suppressor cell (PMN-MDSC), monocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cell (M-MDSC), and the Breg frequencies were comparable to those of patients with a 3-drug ART. However, the Treg levels were significantly lower in the NE patients than those in 3ART-treated individuals and other control groups (p = 0.0033). The Gag/Nef-specific CD8 T cell response was broader (p = 0.0134) with a higher magnitude (p = 0.026) in the NE population than that in the patients with conventional ART. However, we did not find a correlation between the frequency of the immune suppressive cells and the interferon-gamma+ CD8 T cell response. In the treatment intensification subjects, the frequencies of the immune suppressive cells were comparable or lower than those of the conventional ART-treated subjects, with surprisingly broad HIV-specific CD8 T cell responses, suggesting a preservation of immune function with the applied treatment regimen. Interestingly, these effects were seen in both treatment intensification subpopulations and were not attributed to the start of treatment in primary infection

    Human immunodeficiency virus type I-specific CD8+ T cell subset abnormalities in chronic infection persist through effective antiretroviral therapy

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    Background: Effective highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) reduces human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication, restores CD4 +T lymphocyte counts and greatly reduces the incidence of opportunistic infections. While this demonstrates improved generalized immune function, rapid rebound to pre-treatment viral replication levels following treatment interruption indicates little improvement in immune control of HIV replication. The extent to which HAART can normalize HIV-specific CD8 +T cell function over time in individuals with chronic infection remains an important unresolved issue. In this study, we evaluated the magnitude, general specificity and character of HIV specific CD8 +T cell responses at four time points across 2-9 years in 2 groups of chronically infected individuals separated on the basis of either effective antiretroviral suppression or ongoing replication of HIV.Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated with overlapping 15mer peptides spanning HIV Gag, Pol, Env and Nef proteins. Cells producing interferon-γ (IFN-γ) or interleukin-2 (IL-2) were enumerated by ELISPOT and phenotyped by flow cytometry.Results and Conclusions: The magnitude of the HIV-specific CD8 +T cell response ranged from < .01 to approximately 1.0% of PBMC and was significantly greater in the group with detectable viral replication. Stronger responses reflected higher numbers of CD8 +CD45RA -effector memory cells producing IFN-γ, but not IL-2. Magnitude, general specificity and character of the HIV-specific CD8 +T cell response changed little over the study period. While antiretroviral suppression of HIV in chronic infection reduces HIV-specific CD8 +T cell response magnitude in the short term, it had no significant effect on response character over periods up to 9 years

    Chronic Rejection Pathology after Orthotopic Lung Transplantation in Mice: The Development of a Murine BOS Model and Its Drawbacks

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    Almost all animal models for chronic rejection (CR) after lung transplantation (LTx) fail to resemble the human situation. It was our attempt to develop a representative model of CR in mice. Orthotopic LTx was performed in allografts receiving daily immunosuppression with steroids and cyclosporine. Controls included isografts and mice only undergoing thoracotomy (SHAM). Allografts were sacrificed 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 weeks after LTx. Pulmonary function was measured repeatedly in the 12w allografts, isografts and SHAM mice. Histologically, all allografts demonstrated acute rejection (AR) around the blood vessels and airways two weeks after LTx. This decreased to 50–75% up to 10 weeks and was absent after 12 weeks. Obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) lesions were observed in 25–50% of the mice from 4–12 weeks. Isografts and lungs of SHAM mice were normal after 12 weeks. Pulmonary function measurements showed a decline in FEV0.1, TLC and compliance in the allografts postoperatively (2 weeks) with a slow recovery over time. After this initial decline, lung function of allografts increased more than in isografts and SHAM mice indicating that pulmonary function measurement is not a good tool to diagnose CR in a mouse. We conclude that a true model for CR, with clear OB lesions in about one third of the animals, but without a decline in lung function, is possible. This model is an important step forward in the development of an ideal model for CR which will open new perspectives in unraveling CR pathogenesis and exploring new treatment options
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