780 research outputs found

    Viktimisasi Berganda pada Perempuan Korban Kejahatan Kekerasan (Analisis Isi Pemberitaan Korban Pemberitaan Korban Perempuan dalam Koran Pos Kota April 2012 - Maret 2013)

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    News about crime initials are experiencing now in the mystification, the news content. The crime news exaggerate circumstances triggered the initial victim of double victimization against Women Victims. The multiple victimization is a form of defining the concept of victimization which reported From a crime That happened for the second time. The purpose of this research is a descriptive study of New Media at the time of cross-sectional dimensions. This research is using the concept of criminology newsmaking which the assessed is using content analysis method analyzes language from news reports to see proportionality funds crime. Result The Language of Pos Kota has done a study of victimization funds Victim in making Women as object preaching

    Temperature - Emissivity separation assessment in a sub-urban scenario

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    In this paper, a methodology that aims at evaluating the effectiveness of different TES strategies is presented. The methodology takes into account the specific material of interest in the monitored scenario, sensor characteristics, and errors in the atmospheric compensation step. The methodology is proposed in order to predict and analyse algorithms performances during the planning of a remote sensing mission, aimed to discover specific materials of interest in the monitored scenario. As case study, the proposed methodology is applied to a real airborne data set of a suburban scenario. In order to perform the TES problem, three state-of-the-art algorithms, and a recently proposed one, are investigated: Temperature-Emissivity Separation'98 (TES-98) algorithm, Stepwise Refining TES (SRTES) algorithm, Linear piecewise TES (LTES) algorithm, and Optimized Smoothing TES (OSTES) algorithm. At the end, the accuracy obtained with real data, and the ones predicted by means of the proposed methodology are compared and discussed

    Application of high voltage fragmentation to treat end-of-life wind blades

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    The use of composites is constantly increasing in several sectors, from wind energy to automotive, thanks to their mechanical properties, lightweight, and resistance to corrosion. Despite this, the recycling and reuse of these materials in high-added value applications is not yet performed at the industrial level. In particular, End-of-Life (EoL) products are sent to landfills (if possible), incinerated, or inserted in co-processing in cement plants. This work presents an experimental approach to treat End-of-Life wind blades based on High Voltage Fragmentation (HVF). This technology, based on the creation of electric spark channels, is able to generate localized shock waves at the interface between two different materials. The potential of its application has been shown in the literature, but an experimental campaign is needed to find the optimal parameters to obtain an output material with proper characteristics to feed specific output products, following a demand-driven approach

    Statistical analysis of hyper-spectral data: a non-Gaussian approach

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    We investigate the statistical modeling of hyper-spectral data. The accurate modeling of experimental data is critical in target detection and classification applications. In fact, having a statistical model that is capable of properly describing data variability leads to the derivation of the best decision strategies together with a reliable assessment of algorithm performance. Most existing classification and target detection algorithms are based on the multivariate Gaussian model which, in many cases, deviates from the true statistical behavior of hyper-spectral data. This motivated us to investigate the capability of non-Gaussian models to represent data variability in each background class. In particular, we refer to models based on elliptically contoured (EC) distributions. We consider multivariate EC-t distribution and two distinct mixture models based on EC distributions. We describe the methodology adopted for the statistical analysis and we propose a technique to automatically estimate the unknown parameters of statistical models. Finally, we discuss the results obtained by analyzing data gathered by the multispectral infrared and visible imaging spectrometer (MIVIS) sensor

    T cell subpopulations in the physiopathology of fibromyalgia : Evidence and perspectives

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    Fibromyalgia is one of the most important \u201crheumatic\u201d disorders, after osteoarthritis. The etiology of the disease is still not clear. At the moment, the most defined pathological mechanism is the alteration of central pain pathways, and emotional conditions can trigger or worsen symptoms. Increasing evidence supports the role of mast cells in maintaining pain conditions such as musculoskeletal pain and central sensitization. Importantly, mast cells can mediate microglia activation through the production of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1\u3b2, IL-6, and TNF\u251. In addition, levels of chemokines and proinflammatory cytokines are enhanced in serum and could contribute to inflammation at systemic level. Despite the well-characterized relationship between the nervous system and inflammation, the mechanism that links the different pathological features of fibromyalgia, including stress-related manifestations, central sensitization, and dysregulation of the innate and adaptive immune responses is largely unknown. This review aims to provide an overview of the current understanding of the role of adaptive immune cells, in particular T cells, in the physiopathology of fibromyalgia. It also aims at linking the latest advances emerging from basic science to envisage new perspectives to explain the role of T cells in interconnecting the psychological, neurological, and inflammatory symptoms of fibromyalgia

    Sistem Sapaan Bahasa Serawai Analisis Sapaan Di Kabupaten Seluma, Bengkulu = Term of Address in Serawai Term of Address Analysis in Seluma District, Bengkulu

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    ABSTRACT This research attempts to explain term of address in Serawai. Term of address is the manner of referring to someone in direct linguistic interaction. Term of address can be changed in some situation when a speaker and a hearer make conversation. Serawai is one of Malay dialects. It is used by people in two districtsSeluma and Bengkulu Selatan, Bengkulu. The use of address related to characteristics of participant and social cultural aspects. Characteristics of participant related to sex: male or femaleage: adult, teenagers, children, older, equal, or youngerkinship relationrank and someone position in that community. Social aspects related to social cultural that they believed for several years. There are found that term of address in Serawai are classified into form, semantic use, and function. Form of address are classified by phonological, morphological, and syntactic characteristic. Phonological characteristic refer to deletion on some address. Deletion is found at the first syllable only. Morphological characteristic are classified into based and derived form. Derived form are compound and reduplication word. Syntactic characteristic related to grammatical unit and position of address in the sentences. There are found that second personal pronoun phrase as term of address. Syntactic characteristic refer to grammatical unit and position of address. As grammatical unit, there are some address as second personal pronoun phrase. Related to position, there are term of address are found at the beginning and the end of sentences. Based on semantic use, there are found kin and non kin. Kinship term consists of great-great grand parents, great grand parents, grand parents, parents, son and daughter, grandson and granddaughter, great- great grandson and great-great granddaughter, parents in law, husband and wife, sister and brother in law, son and daughter in law. Non kinship term consist of government, religion, professional, and traditional job. Kin address also used for non kin person who are as old as great great grand parents, as old as/ older/younger than great grand parents, grand parents, parents, sister and brother, son and daughter, grandson and grandaughter, great great grandson and great great grand daughter. Based on function, term of address are used for asking respon, social interaction controlling, showing mad, love, education, and joke. There are two rules to choose form of address: alternation and coocurence. Alternation rule deal with several selection, such as sex, age, rank, marrital status, formal and informal situation, and kinship relation. Coocurence rule deal with syntagmatic combination of address. Keywords : Term of Address - Serawa

    Pengaruh Pengelolaan Kelas terhadap Pembelajaran Efektif di Kelas V SD Negeri 50 Banda Aceh

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    Kurang menguasai pengelolaan kelas adalah salah satu penyebab tidak tercapaianya pembelajaran yang efektif. Penelitian ini mengangkat masalah Apakah ada pengaruh antara pengelolaan kelas dengan pembelajaran efektif di kelas V SD Negeri 50 Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara pengelolaan kelas dengan pembelajaran efektif di kelas V SD Negeri 50 Banda Aceh. Hipotesis penelitian yakni terdapat pengaruh antara pengelolaan kelas dengan pembelajaran efektif di kelas V SD Negeri 50 Banda Aceh.Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian korelasi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelas V SD Negeri 50 Banda Aceh dengan populasi sebanyak 140 siswa dan sampel sebanyak 104 siswa. Populasi diambil dari 4 kelas, yaitu kelas VA, VB, VC, dan kelas VD. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket tertutup dari masing-masing variabel dengan menggunakan skala likert. Uji reliabilitas dan uji prasyarat analisis menggunakan SPSS 16.0. Pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji korelasi Product Moment dengan bantuan SPSS 16,0. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diperoleh gambaran pengelolaan kelas pada kriteria tinggi dengan rata-rata 136,99 dan frekuensi relatif 60,4% dan pembelajaran efektifberada pada kriteria tinggi dengan perolehan rata-rata 94,97 dan frekuensi relatif 58,92%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pengelolaan kelas dengan pembelajaran efektif di kelas V SD Negeri 50 Banda Aceh. Terbukti dari hasil analisis korelasi antara pengelolaan kelas dengan pembelajaran efektifdiperoleh nilai korelasi 0,714 > 0,1927 dan signifikan 0,000 < 0,005. Ini berarti bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif yang signifikan antara pengelolaan kelas dengan pembelajaran efektif

    Regenerasi Pepaya Melalui Kultur in Vitro

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    A study was conducted in the Indonesian Center forAgricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Researchand Development to optimize papaya regeneration systemsthrough in vitro culture. Four steps were done, i.e., callusinduction, callus regeneration, root formation, and acclimatization.Explant materials used were immature embryos ofpapaya cv. Burung. Immature papaya embryos were culturedon different media. The best medium for embryogeniccallus development was ½ MS + 10 mg/l 2.4-D + 60% sucrose+ 143 mg/l adenine sulphate + 50 mg/l myo inositol +400 mg/l glutamine, while that for callus embryo regenerationwas MS + 0.5 mg/l GA3 + 0.1 mg/l kinetin + Morel andWetmore Vitamin. Using this medium, the average of shootformation was three shoots per explant of embriogeniccallus, and the percentage of regenerated callus was 80%.The color of shoot derived from this treatment was green.Eighty percent of plants formed a complete root developmentusing ½ MS + 0.5 mg/l paclobutrazol media. Media hullof rice and compost was the best medium for papaya plantacclimatization. The percentage of survival on that acclimatizationstep was 65%
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