173 research outputs found

    Distribution spatio-temporelle des poissons Mugilidae dans la lagune de Grand-lahou (Cîte d’ivoire)

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    Ce travail Ă©tudie la distribution des Mugilidae dans la lagune de Grand-lahou. Des Ă©chantillons, provenant de tous les secteurs lagunaires ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s de septembre 2009 Ă  aoĂ»t 2010. Six espĂšces de Mugilidae ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es. Mugil curema (40,75%) y domine, suivie de Liza falcipinnis (28,96%) et de Mugil cephalus (14,96%). Liza dumerili (7,42%), Mugil bananensis (5,61%) et Liza grandisquamis (2,30%) sont peu reprĂ©sentĂ©es. Mugil curema et Mugil bananensis sont plus abondants au niveau de la passe et secondairement autour de ce site. Cette distribution est inversĂ©e chez Liza dumerili et Liza grandisquamis. Mugil cephalus et Liza falcipinnis ont plutĂŽt une rĂ©partition quasi-uniforme. Les spĂ©cimens sexuellement indiffĂ©renciĂ©s sont plus distribuĂ©s dans les zones proches de la passe, exceptĂ© ceux de Mugil cephalus, largement distribuĂ©s dans la partie ocĂ©anique. Les individus de grandes tailles restent plutĂŽt distribuĂ©s dans tous les secteurs lagunaires. De mi-juillet Ă  fin septembre, les eaux de la lagune sont dessalĂ©es, Ă  l’exception de celles de la partie ocĂ©anique et de la passe, frĂ©quentĂ©es par les Mugilidae pendant cette pĂ©riode. Cette pĂ©riode coĂŻncide avec la saison de la reproduction. La sex-ratio globale est en faveur des mĂąles chez Liza dumerili, Mugil cephalus et Liza grandisquamis. Chez Mugil bananensis, Liza falcipinnis et Mugil curema, elle est en faveur des femelles. Les tailles moyennes varient entre les espĂšces. Les femelles sont significativement plus grandes que les mĂąles, exceptĂ©s chez Liza grandisquamis. Pour un mĂȘme sexe, elles sont plus ou moins variables sur diffĂ©rents sites au sein de la lagune

    La peche continentale au lac de Songori (region du Gontougo; Nord-Est de la Cote D'Ivoire): Facteurs de production et niveau d'exploitation halieutique

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    RESUMEL’étude de l’activitĂ© de pĂȘche au lac de Songori (environ 1,5 kmÂČ) dans la rĂ©gion du Gontougo (Nord- Est de la CĂŽte d’Ivoire) s’est dĂ©roulĂ©e de janvier 2013 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2014. Elle montre que la pĂȘche est essentiellement pratiquĂ©e par des ivoiriens (100 %) avec une absence de pĂȘcheurs professionnels. Ces acteurs sont majoritairement des pĂȘcheurs-agriculteurs (80 %) et considĂšrent la pĂȘche comme une activitĂ© secondaire. Ils utilisent gĂ©nĂ©ralement les filets maillants (89,66 %) comme engins de pĂȘche. Des pirogues monoxyles (83,33 %) constituent les embarcations les plus couramment utilisĂ©es. L’effort de pĂȘche est autour de 2,7 pĂȘcheurs/kmÂČ. Les captures comprennent des espĂšces Ă©conomiquement importantes avec une prĂ©dominance de Oreochromis niloticus (68,10 % Ă  78,89 % de la biomasse annuelle). La production annuelle est comprise entre 13,33 et 13,51 t soit entre 88,9 et 90,1 kg/ha/an. Elle reste infĂ©rieure aux captures potentielles (entre 100 et 750 kg/ha/an) indiquĂ©es par la FAO pour ces plans d’eau ; ce qui montre qu’il peut exister une marge pour augmenter la biomasse exploitĂ©e. Toutefois, le manque de professionnalisme des pĂȘcheurs, la vĂ©tustĂ© des engins de pĂȘche et l’occupation du tiers (environ) du volume d’eau exploitable par des plantes aquatiques constituent une entrave majeure au dĂ©veloppement de cette activitĂ©. ABSTRACTINLAND FISHING AT LAKE SONGORI (GONTOUGO REGION; NORTH-EAST OF THE IVORY COAST): FACTORS OF PRODUCTION AND LEVEL OF FISHING EXPLOITATIONThe study of fishing activity on Lake Songori (about 1.5 kmÂČ) in the area of Gontougo (north-east of Ivory Coast) took place from January 2013 to December 2014. It shows that fishing is mainly practiced by Ivorians (100%) with no professional fishermen. These actors are mainly fishermen-farmers (91.67%) and consider fishing as a secondary activity. They generally use gillnets (89.66%) as fishing gear. Monoxyls canoes (83.33%) are the most commonly used boats. The fishing effort is around 2.7 fishermen / kmÂČ. Catches include economically important species with a predominance of Oreochromis niloticus (68.10% to 78.89% of the annual biomass). The annual production is between 13,33 and 13,51 t or between 88.9 and 90.1 kg / ha / year. It remains lower the potential catches (between 100 and 750 kg / ha / year) reported by FAO for these water bodies; which shows that there may be a margin to increase the exploited biomass. However, the lack of professionalism of fishermen, the obsolescence of fishing gear and the occupation of about one-third of the volume of water exploitable by aquatic plants constitute a major obstacle to the development of this activity

    Effects of High Soil Temperature and Water Stresses on Malian Pearl Millet and Sorghum during Seedling Stage

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    Pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum [L.] Leeke) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) can suffer from poor stand establishment under conditions of high soil temperature and water stresses. A line source sprinkler irrigation system and a charcoal pit technique were used to evaluate stand establishment and high correlations existed between the two methods. It may be possible to use the charcoal pit technique as a predictive tool in drought resistance breeding programs

    Ecologie des poissons capitaines: Polydactylus quadrifilis (Cuvier, 1829), Galeoides decadactylus (Bloch, 1795) et Pentanemus quinquarius (LinnĂ©, 1758) de la pĂȘcherie artisanale maritime de Grand-Lahou (CĂŽte d'Ivoire)

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    The Ecology of Polynemids: Poydactylus quadrifilis (Cuvier, 1829), Galeoides decadactylus (Bloch, 1795) and Pentanemus quinquarius (Linné, 1758) of the Artisanal Marine Fisheries of Grand Lahou (Ivory Coast). The ecology of Polynemids (Poydactylus quadrifilis, Galeoides decadactylus and Pentanemus quinquarius has been studied starting from the unloads of the artisanal marine fisheries of Grand Lahou (Ivory Coast). The temperature of the littoral is high during June and May with an average of 27,55±0,8 °C such as between November and December (29,30±0,1 °C). It is low between July and September (24,5±1,5 °C). On the other hand, salinity has its higher average values (35±0,8 g/l) during the cold periods (July at September) and lowest during the hot period, from October to January (33,9±0,3 g/l). The physiological needs of Polynemids cause seasonal migrations of the juveniles and adults. Hence the crossing of the estuary of the lagoon during the cold period, from June to August by the juveniles of Polydactylus quadrifilis and Galeoides decadactylus. For Polydactylus quadrifilis the annual recruitment of young specimens is identical to that of the adults, which is contrary to that of Galeoides decadactylus and Pentanemus quinquarius

    Experimental and DFT Studies on the Behavior of Caffeine as Effective Corrosion Inhibitor of Copper in 1M HNO3

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    Caffeine was tested as copper corrosion inhibitor in 1M HNO3 using mass loss technique at 308-328K and theoretical studies based on quantum chemistry. The inhibition efficiency is concentration and temperature dependent: Caffeine showed an inhibition efficiency of 78% at 5mM for T =328K. The thermodynamic adsorption parameters ( were determined and analyzed. They revealed a spontaneous adsorption process and a strong interaction between Caffeine and the metal surface. Adsorption isotherms including Langmuir, Temkin and El-Awady were tested. It was found that Caffeine adsorbs on copper according to the modified Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The Dubinin Raduskevitch model was used to distinguish between chemisorption and physisorption. Activation parameters ( were also determined and discussed. Furthermore, the quantum chemical properties/descriptors most relevant to the potential action of the molecule as corrosion inhibitor such as highest occupied molecular energy (EHOMO), lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy (ELUMO), energy gap(∆E), dipole moment ( and charges on heteroatoms were calculated using DFT at B3LYP level with 6-31+G (d) and LanL2DZ basis sets. Fukui indices were also determined and discussed. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental data reported. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v8i2.80

    Croissance et Ăąge des poissons capitaines: Polydactylus quadrifilis (Cuvier, 1829), Galeoides decadactylus (Bloch, 1795) et Pentanemus quinquarius (LinnĂ©, 1758) de la pĂȘcherie artisanale maritime de Grand-Lahou (CĂŽte d’Ivoire)

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    Cette étude a porté sur les capitaines Polydactylus quadrifilis, Galeoides decadactylus et Pentanemus quinquarius capturés à la pêche artisanale maritime de Grand-Lahou (Côte d’Ivoire) en vue de déterminer leur croissance et âge à partir des pesées et les prises de tailles. Les coefficients d’allométrie indiquent que la forme du corps de Polydactylus quadrifilis (b=3,23) et de Galeoides decadactylus (b=3,08) ne varie pas au cours de leur croissance. Par contre, la croissance pondérale est moins rapide que celle en taille chez les mâles de Galeoides decadactylus (b=2,8). Les spécimens de Pentanemus quinquarius (b=3,5), croissent plus rapidement en poids qu’en taille. Les taux de croissance K déterminés indiquent que Pentanemus quinquarius a le plus fort taux (K=0,808) tandis que Polydactylus quadrifilis en a le plus faible (K=0,406). Au niveau des indices de performance de croissance en taille (Ø’) et en poids (Ø), Polydactylus quadrifilis a les indices les plus élevés (Ø’=3,91; Ø=2,237); Pentanemus quinquarius en a les plus faibles (Ø’=2,65; Ø=1,409). Les capitaines croissent plus vite à un âge inférieur à 1 an. L’espèce Polydactylus quadrifilis (tmax=8,5 3) vit plus longtemps que Galeoides decadactylus (tmax=6,57), qui a une espérance de vie plus longue que Pentanemus quinquarius (tmax=4,289).Mots clés: Polynemidés, allométrie, indice de croissance, âge relati

    Assessing the Climate-Smartness of the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Programme (WAAPP): What can we learn from Benin, Guinea, Niger, Togo and Chad projects?

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    Agriculture is the most important sector of the national economies in West Africa. However, the agricultural sector is faced with numerous challenges (declining soil fertility and land degradation, adverse climate change manifestations, demographic pressure, market instability and incidence of crop pests and diseases, etc.), compromising its ability to be a driving engine out of food insecurity and poverty. With the growing challenge of climate change and variability in West Africa, the agricultural production and food systems must undergo significant transformations to meet the interlinked challenges of achieving sustainability, increasing food security and responding to climate change. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) is proposed as a solution to transform and reorient agricultural systems to support food security under the new realities of climate change

    CaracterĂ­sticas fĂ­sico-quĂ­micas y antioxidantes del aceite de semillas de Neocarya macrophylla

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    This study examined the physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activities of oils extracted from gingerbread plum kernels grown in two different areas (Niger and Guinea). The oil contents were found to be significantly different (P ≀ 0.05); 56% and 60% for gingerbread plum kernels originated from Niger (GPKN) and guinea (GPKG), respectively. GPKG showed the highest levels for physical parameters such as iodine, saponification, free fatty acid, acid and peroxide values when compared with GPKN. The major monounsaturated fatty acid in both GPKN and GPKG was oleic acid (42.46 and 41.43%, respectively) while the polyunsaturated fatty acids consisted of linoleic and arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid was at higher levels (17.67 and 21.72% in GPKN and GPKG, respectively) than those in common vegetable oils. Results from antioxidant activity essays showed that GPKG is more active than GPKN in DPPH radical scavenging, ÎČ-carotene and phenolic contents while GPKN showed the highest values for reducing power and flavonoid. Of the 11 sterol compounds found in this study, 24-hydroxy-24-methyl cholesterol, clerosterol and sitosterol accounted for 68.5% and 66.33% in GPKN and GPKG, respectively. Finally, all tocopherol vitamers (except Îł-tocopherol) were present in GPKN and GPKG with α-tocopherol being the main element in both samples.En este estudio se examinaron las caracterĂ­sticas fĂ­sico-quĂ­micas y actividad antioxidante de los aceites de semilla de Neocarya macrophylla procedentes de dos regiones distintas, NĂ­ger y Guinea. Los contenidos grasos de las dos semillas resultaron ser significativamente (P ≀ 0.05) diferentes: 56% para las semillas procedentes de NĂ­ger (GPKN) y 60% para las de Guinea (GPKG). El aceite de semillas de Guinea mostraba valores de parĂĄmetros quĂ­micos tales como Ă­ndices de iodo, saponificaciĂłn, perĂłxidos, y acidez, mĂĄs elevados que el aceite de semillas de NĂ­ger. El ĂĄcido oleico resultĂł ser el ĂĄcido graso mono-insaturado mĂĄs abundante en ambos casos (42.26% para el aceite de NĂ­ger y 41.42% para el de Guinea), mientras que los ĂĄcidos grasos poli-insaturados predominantes resultaron ser los ĂĄcidos linoleico y araquidĂłdico. Los niveles de ĂĄcido araquidĂłnico (17.68% para GPKN y 21.72% para GPKG) resultaron mĂĄs elevados que los encontrados en otros aceites vegetales comunes. El aceite de GPKG demostrĂł mayor capacidad de eliminaciĂłn de radicales (ensayo de la difenil picrilhidrazina), asĂ­ como mayores contenidos de ÎČ-caroteno y fenoles, mientras que el de GPKN mostrĂł mayor poder reductor y contenido de flavonoides. De los 11 esteroles detectados, 24-hidroxi-24-metil colesterol, colesterol y sitosterol representaban el 68.5% y el 66.33% para los aceites de GPKN y GPKG respectivamente. Por Ășltimo, todos los tocoferoles (excepto Îł-tocoferol) estaban presentes en los dos aceites, siendo α-tocoferol el mĂĄs abundante
