558 research outputs found

    Study of Eclipsing Binary and Multiple Systems in OB Associations: I. Ori OB1a - IM Mon

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    All available photometric and spectroscopic observations were collected and used as the basis of a detailed analysis of the close binary IM Mon. The orbital period of the binary was refined to 1.19024249(0.00000014) days. The Roche equipotentials, fractional luminosities (in (B, V) and H_p bands) and fractional radii for the component stars in addition to mass ratio q, inclination i of the orbit and the effective temperature T_eff of the secondary cooler less massive component were obtained by the analysis of light curves. IM Mon is classified to be a detached binary system in contrast to the contact configuration estimations in the literature. The absolute parameters of IM Mon were derived by the simultaneous solutions of light and radial velocity curves as M_1,2=5.50(0.24)M_o and 3.32(0.16)M_o, R1,2=3.15(0.04)R_o and 2.36(0.03)R_o, T_eff1,2=17500(350) K and 14500(550) K implying spectral types of B4 and B6.5 ZAMS stars for the primary and secondary components respectively. The modelling of the high resolution spectrum revealed the rotational velocities of the component stars as V_rot1=147(15) km/s and V_rot2=90(25) km/s. The photometric distance of 353(59) pc was found more precise and reliable than Hipparcos distance of 341(85) pc. An evolutionary age of 11.5(1.5) Myr was obtained for IM Mon. Kinematical and dynamical analysis support the membership of the young thin-disk population system IM Mon to the Ori OB1a association dynamically. Finally, we derived the distance, age and metallicity information of Ori OB1a sub-group using the information of IM Mon parameters.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures and 6 tables, accepted for publication in Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japa

    Generation of unipolar half-cycle pulse via unusual reflection of a single-cycle pulse from an optically thin metallic or dielectric layer

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    We present a significantly different reflection process from an optically thin flat metallic or dielectric layer and propose a strikingly simple method to form approximately unipolar half-cycle optical pulses via reflection of a single-cycle optical pulse. Unipolar pulses in reflection arise due to specifics of effectively one-dimensional pulse propagation. Namely, we show that in considered system the field emitted by a flat medium layer is proportional to the velocity of oscillating medium charges instead of their acceleration as it is usually the case. When the single-cycle pulse interacts with linear optical medium, the oscillation velocity of medium charges can be then forced to keep constant sign throughout the pulse duration. Our results essentially differ from the direct mirror reflection and suggest a possibility of unusual transformations of the few-cycle light pulses in linear optical systems

    Study of Eclipsing Binary and Multiple Systems in OB Associations II. The Cygnus OB Region: V443 Cyg, V456 Cyg and V2107 Cyg

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    Three presumably young eclipsing binary systems in the direction of the Cygnus OB1, OB3 and OB9 associations are studied. Component spectra are reconstructed and their orbits are determined using light curves and spectra disentangling techniques. V443 Cyg and V456 Cyg have circular orbits, while the light curve of V2107\,Cyg imposes a slightly eccentric orbit (e=0.045±0.03)e=0.045\pm0.03). V443 Cyg harbours F-type stars, and not young early-A stars as previously suggested in the literature based on photometry solely. It appears to be situated in the foreground (distance 0.6±0.20.6\pm0.2 kpc) of the young stellar populations in Cygnus. V456 Cyg, at a distance of 0.50±0.030.50\pm0.03 kpc consists of a slightly metal-weak A--type and an early--F star. The age of both systems, on or very near to the main sequence, remains uncertain by an order of magnitude. V2107 Cyg is a more massive system (8.9±28.9\pm2 and 4.5±1.2M4.5\pm1.2 M_\odot) at 1.5±0.51.5\pm0.5 kpc and, also kinematically, a strong candidate-member of Cyg OB1. The more massive component is slightly evolved and appears to undergo non-radial βCep\beta Cep-type pulsations. The Doppler signal of the secondary is barely detectable. A more extensive study is important to fix masses more precisely, and an asteroseismological study would then become appropriate. Nevertheless, the position of the primary in the HR-diagram confines the age already reasonably well to 20±520\pm5 Myr, indicating for Cyg OB1 a similar extent of star formation history as established for Cyg OB2.Comment: 27 pages, including 9 figures and 6 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    The Spectroscopic Orbits of Three Double-lined Eclipsing Binaries: I. BG Ind, IM Mon, RS Sgr

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    We present the spectroscopic orbit solutions of three double-lines eclipsing binaries, BG Ind, IM Mon and RS Sgr. The first precise radial velocities (RVs) of the components were determined using high resolution echelle spectra obtained at Mt. John University Observatory in New Zealand. The RVs of the components of BG Ind and RS Sgr were measured using Gaussian fittings to the selected spectral lines, whereas two-dimensional cross-correlation technique was preferred to determine the RVs of IM Mon since it has relatively short orbital period among the other targets and so blending of the lines is more effective. For all systems, the Keplerian orbital solution was used during the analysis and also circular orbit was adopted because the eccentricities for all targets were found to be negligible. The first precise orbit analysis of these systems gives the mass ratios of the systems as 0.894, 0.606 and 0.325, respectively for BG Ind, IM Mon and RS Sgr. Comparison of the mass ratio values, orbital sizes and minimum masses of the components of the systems indicates that all systems should have different physical, dynamical and probable evolutionary status.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures and 4 tables, accepted for publication in New Astronom

    All-optical attoclock: accessing exahertz dynamics of optical tunnelling through terahertz emission

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    The debate regarding attosecond dynamics of optical tunneling has so far been focused on time delays associated with electron motion through the potential barrier created by intense ionizing laser fields and the atomic core. Compelling theoretical and experimental arguments have been put forward to advocate the polar opposite views, confirming or refuting the presence of tunnelling time delays. Yet, such delay, whether present or ot, is but a single quantity characterizing the tunnelling wavepacket; the underlying dynamics are richer. Here we propose to complement photo-electron detection with detecting light, focusing on the so-called Brunel adiation -- the near-instantaneous nonlinear optical response triggered by the tunnelling event. Using the combination of single-color and two-color driving fields, we determine not only the ionization delays, but also the re-shaping of the tunnelling wavepacket as it emerges from the classically forbidden region. Our work introduces a new type of attoclock for optical tunnelling, one that is based on measuring light rather than photo-electrons. All-optical detection paves the way to time-resolving multiphoton transitions across bandgaps in solids, on the attosecond time-scale

    Antecedents of Expatriate Spouse Adjustment: An Analysis of Japanese Spouses in the United States

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    This is one of the first studies investigating factors related to the adjustment of expatriate spouses. The study extends, both conceptually and methodologically, the limited research on spouse adjustment by testing the effects of language profciency and educational level on adjustment. Furthermore, it is the first study to survey non US respondents in their native language. In the end, we found that time since arrival, educational level, language proficiency, and willingness to communicate are directly related to spouse adjustment